HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-11-14, Page 4ovenvvvoworovowcworoemovviromirol orovorowirovo
14_ il••_#!!!!rdlfil dbash Ow•y ilivm9kenT, td with us before making
yr envers Thouh our eeilen-wele eeeneeiieve. w• have the fecilities
142L,,, ow. kern place of (both se the ORA kw fit
716.!, May I nit teatiGe
. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home
DASHWOOD . 'Telephone 70W
191N2 Chev. Hardtcsp, R-tono, Cnstom, •
hee reale, this ear is like new.
10n57 Meteor 300 Smies 4 -door
°Guesting of 5 good used cars, on PPrifin tri -tone color, white walls.-
(!estor,. radio, like new.
he premises, Main St., in the
1055 Cher., 4 -door Sedan. two-tone.
whitlls, -Custom. Radio, wind-
shield washers and other extras.
These cars will b•e sold under full
Tuarantee . Inspection invited.
Fflvo Desiardine, Pronrietor.
At the same time and nlare a 1951
Plymouth 4 -door Sedan, color green,
actual mileage 22.000 in all around
guare,nteed condition. This is a good
.At Desjardine's Garage
tha undersigned Auctioneer is
rueted to sell by public Auction on
at 2 p.m. sharp.
:1051 Pontiac 2 -door Sedan complet-
01 overhauled with 3,000 Actual
telleage, in A-1 condition
Z It I Co• 11 HERALD'
clean ear, sial and its ,weave. Home asidign- in the . U. 13. Church basement. All
Joe Miller, Hulbert a‘liller, melt to ptuvhase pattern and mater- ladies of the community are invited,
• Next meeting; All call will be answ.
lered ,by donating money to the
Executors for the Estate of the
late Walter
No Reserve, Terans—Cash,
Alvin Walper, Auctioneer.
W. 1, Meet—
The regular meeting of the niA,th-
wood WomensInstitute was held
:au Tuesday evening last with the
C entrant ty Activities and Pub lie
Relations" group in charge and Mrs
Harry Roffman as convener: Mrs.
•Eni1 Beeker was chairlady and also
discussed the motto. "When aood
Idea comes into your head, put it to
The family of the late Mrs. work and not to ,bed." Rloll Call waq
Henry Becker -Wish to express their "Good Was to Advertise OTir Meet -
sincere thanks to the neighbours and ings." • Mrs. Letta Taylor introduced
friends for the kindness and amp- the guest speaker. Prof, James
athy extended during their recent •Scott of U.W.O. and Seaforth, who
bem•avement, with special thanks to spoke on Public Relations, and Coin -
the Heywood 'Nursing Home, the mtmity Achievenents. He stated '
Hoffman Funeral Home and to Rev. that he always remembered a place
K. Zorn. by name association and wneneverl
he heard Dashwood he remembered
The Dashwood Merry it/lards, as Dashwood Band ad the ball team, I
they decided to name themselves, Bonnie ilVicCrae and Sohn Canieron
held their second meeting Irriday sang a duet "Dear Hearts, ana Cantle ,
evening with nine girls and Mrs. S. People." Mrs, Carl Oestreicher gave I
Baker present. 'a reading ``Haven't got time" Mrs.
Lynda Tiernan was appointed (Gen !Cameron conducted a contest;
president and Carol Becker press Mrs. A. Kuntz presided or :the bus -
reporter, as those previously appoin-Mess. A letter of thanks. was read,
ted had resigned from the Club. 'from M. Herod (Wolper, for mak-
Discussion of choice of materral ing the favours for the area cony- !
eluding weave and style -,2f pattern. 'ention. The Extension Course will
Roll 'Call is to name one wool mat- be held Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 3rd
Card of Thanks
Thursday, NovelMber 14V 191fir
Childrens'• Aid., at 'Go dorie 114 Thfao.
.along (with the. Layette will be sent_
for Christrnas.- Lunch and OA queen •
-closed he meeting, •
Sohn Clark ishost and Roberta Mawsell is hostess on "Sunio-i: Magi
the popular children's show wnieb is seen on the CBC -TV connected le&
work every week. Clark is startig his third- season with the g_U007*
while Miss Maxwell, who was the. fifirst aWrentice at t?he Stratiforits
Ontario, festival this year, will be making her debut,
• " . • • . . . • • . • • •
•-• •
• ..
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, •
, plakee,
'ffliMogg'''W.-TeErZ4'7'Ar.^.4,-- .
• • 1,..A.r.iotr,•42',..Q.,Er.ra,Ir,i.`7"4,4'
Big - Everything about this glamourous new
Dodge says here's the BIG new car in the low -price
field for '58! Outside, from dashing front to flash-
ing fins, you'll thrill to its big -car beaufy! Inside,
you'll find new luxury and "living" room to spare,
with rich, new fabrics and new colour harmony.
Brqd —You'll find Dodge Torsion-AIRE
Cie most revolutionary of all suspension
s•-•si.vms. New 1958 Dodge engines include the
inost powerful V -8's yet, as well as a great fuel -
thrifty Six. U.I.,ramodern push-button Torque-Flite
drive proves a perfect getaway partner, too!
Beautiful —This year Dodge brings you
a bright new fashion show on wheels — fresh -full
of styling advances that are a dream away for
ordinary cars! New "safety -mate" dual headlamps
on every model! New glamour grille with a
"go-ahead" look! New dashing colour sweep!
...and low-priced, too!. come in !
Get your first look at the most stunning
quality -engineered car that ever stirred up excite-
ment on a showroom floor! Then take a second
look at that low price tag! You'll be quick to
agree—Dodge offers you the best value in its field!
You're always a step ahead in cars of The Forward Look
Telephone 31 .
Stunning new two-tone sweep accents the new brand of
beauty you find in Dodge for 1958! New twin -pyramid tail-
lights lend another touch of distinction. Push-button Tore ue-
Plite puts new driving fun and ease at your finger tip!
now on display— see it, drive it today!
Thos. Coats - Proprietor
Len McNight - Sales Rept.