HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-11-14, Page 341k Good Life' Canrda's New Pioneers By R. R, CALVERT Ed. Note: In this artiste Mr., Calvert continues the story of his visit to Lynn Lake, the new mining community in the far !north. As soon as possible after the transfer of mining operations from Sherridori to Lynn Lake,. attention was given to the de- velopment of community recrea- tional facilities. Financed by Sherritt Gordon and with labour volunteered by everyone, inclu- ding Mine Manager "Doc" Gal- lie, a fully modern pleasure skating rink` was built. This building stands as • mute and commendable testimony to a progressive company outlook by Sherritt Gordon an& a truly co- operative venture. Upon com- pletion, a Community Club was organized and, governed by an executive body of fifteen members, the skating rink was turned over to the Club toaop- erate. The recreational activities at Lynn Lake are, to a large de gree, directed by • this wide- awake Community Club who raise money by drives (a mod- est $10.00 per family per season), car raffles, canteen operation and dances. The Community Club does not concern itself exclusively with looking after the skating, but holds. a free dance in January, a land sports students and parents alike. The members of the band are not only enthusiastic but talented. They cheerfully surrender their noon hours, recesses and even- ings to practice." What Stan failed to say was that he had returned to Lynn Lake himself from his vacation in order to direct the band in .practices every evening in preparation for appearance at the Flin Flan Fes- tival this Fall. Tom Johnson, who edits the Lynn Lake Lyre, was busy painting his home. He took time out to explain that the Lyre is a Community Club pro- ject, published mbnthly, sold at ten cents a copy on a non-profit basis. He said "We are grateful to the business institutions in town for their support. They cheerfully run ads in our pub- lication and many of them, such as the Fairview Hotel, hate really little to gain advertising - wise." While Mrs. Johnson care- fully tended her beautiful dis- play of multi -variety African Violets, meanwhile keeping a motherly eye on her three lovely children, Tom dug up back is- sues of the Lyre for my persual. Toni introduced me to Wally Kuby, Assistant Paymaster of Sherritt Gordon Mines Limited and a likeable neighbour of the Johnson's. W a 11 y generously agreed to take me fishing at Zed Lake. The road to this lake, NOT TOO FAR NORTH FOR GARDENS — BIG FISH, TOO and free" dance in July lst, a water sports day at Zed Lake the first week in August, and a Christmas party for the child- ren. Presently under construction is a community hall which will give to the citizens accommoda- tion for meetings, drama pre- sentations, basketball and bad- minton, bowling and will quite possibly include a library. Mrs. Stan Nunn, whose hus- band is secretary of the forty- two member Lion's Club, was just finishing a- surprise birthday cake in her completely modern kitchen. Stan, she explained would not be home for a while, and she just had to get this cake, which would have done 'credit to Oscar of the Waldorf, finished before he arrived so would I mind if she went ahead? The Lion's Club has as its feature project the building and supervision of a children's play- ground. As evidence of com- munity support to any endeav- our, the skating rink accommo- dated well over six hundred people at the Lion's Club bingo which I attended with school teacher Stan Turner and his charming. bride. Stan's youthful appearance be- lies his responsible contribution to the development of Lynn Lake youth. He was educated in Kim- berley, B,C., and even during his high school days he and his close friend Larry Ratcliffe had a deep interest in music and were firm in their determination to one clay become school teach- ers and form a school band. Graduating from normal school together and answering an ad for teachers for Lynn Lake, they were taken on the Lynn Lake >rciieoo1 staff' and in December, 1955, started to put into realiza- tion their youthful dreams. They called a meeting of all pupils and parents interested in the formation of a school band and were delighted with the rer sponse. The required capital was raised by public subscription *rad loans by personal notes (now completely repaid) and the band now boasts sixty-five members with many snore wait- ing: completely and impressively uniforined .and with • over $7,000 invested in instruments. Stan rays" This whole thing would not have been possible without the complete co-operation of roughly twelve miles from Lynn, was originally built by the Sas- katchewan Government w h o were interested in fishing de- velopment, but more recently was taken over by the Govern- ment of Manitoba and the Lake itself is now a Government re- sort area. Work on the road this summer was held up because of more pressing construction work on the townsite, so that it threat- ened to become impassable. However, Sherritt Gordon came to the rescue and supplied crush- ed rock at no charge to fill in the most travel -worn -sections. About four miles from town our car broke down but Wally ap- peared relatively unconcerned; as he put it "We're just one happy family here, Cal. The first car along will help us out." Sure enough, Creighton Uren, Mana- ger of the Beaver Lumber Com- pany, put in an appearance shortly, and although his car was loaded to the roof with his family, groceries, bedding and what -have -you for transport to his Cottage at Zed, we somehow squeezed in—nets, fishing tackle, ten h.p. motor and all. Zed Lake is a beautiful spot, renowned for excellent trout, pickerel and northern pike fish- ing, and to which the whole town seems to ' migrate during July and August for boating, swimming, picnics and general relaxation. Several comfortable cottages have already been built and more are under construc- tion. An impressive array of power boats lined the shore; not many areas in Canada could. boast such a display. An hour or two of trolling and a 101/2-poulid lake trout was boated. "We use these for bait" ' chided Wally, much to my deflation, and that the statement isn't too far from the truth may be evidenced by a picture of the author with a thirty - five pounder. Darkness was setting in and 1 expressed some concernabout getting back to Lynn. "Oh, somebody will be around." Wally /said, and sure enough, although it was almost dark when we came ° back to shore, we were invited to Ken- nedy's cottage for refreshments; a very substantial late lunch; and were then driven to town by the Palmer's. (Ed. Note: Mr. Calvert's story will be continued in our next Issue.1 QUIZ WHIZ—Johnny' O. Mechura, who's been asking questions since he was one, is now Johnny- on - the -spot when it comes to answering questions, The three-year-old can spot any U.S. state or foreign country on the map, and give their capital cities. An automobile enthusiast, he can identify 850 models from photographs, and delights in reciting poetry in Czech and Portuguese. Odd incidents At Launchings After Princess Alexandra had smashed a bottle of champagne on the bows of a new anti-air- craft frigate and named her H.M.S. Jaguar a few weeks ago, the watching crowd of 7,000 waited for the frigate to move down the slipway into the River Clyde. 'But there was a slight hitch in the launching ceremony because the wooden retaining blocks had become stuck. .' While men were loosening them with hammers, someone yelled: "Give her a shove." Smilingly the Princess putout her gloved right hand and push- ed just as the vessel was begin- ning to move. It gathered . mo- mentum and slid into the river. One of the oddest incidents ever to occur at a ship launching took place at Belfast when a woman threw the bottle of champagne against the vessel's steel plates and missed. The ship was already moving down the slipway, so the determined wo- man, not to be beaten, got a motor boat, chased it and named it while it was afloat. An old superstition says4hat an unnamed vessel is doomed and those sailing in her will be unlucky ail their lives. And on Tyneside they say it is better to let a ship rust in the slip- way than launch her on a Fri- day. The wife of a shipyard owner many years ago was asked to launch a new vessel, but when she found that the day chosen was Friday the thirteenth, she insisted on the ceremony being postponed. But an Saturday morning it was found that the ship had launched herself in the night! To -day it is considered un - Tacky for a man to launch a ship. The story is told of a Norwegian ship -owner who launched a number of ships during the first world war, allowing some to enter the water unchristened entd others to be named by men. Not one of those ship$ survived and nearly every and had the worst of luck until she finally came to grief. How Ia ? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I test jelly to know if the jellying point has been reached? Put a little on a cold plate and draw a path through it with the point of a spoon. If the path stays and the jelly does not run to- gether, the jellying point has been reached. Q. How can I take care of feet that are hot and swollen? A. Try bathing them in warm water, in which a few grains of permanganate of potash have been dissolved, just enough of the potash to make the water a bright pink. Then massage with rubbing alcohol, or mentholated spirit, and finally dust the feet ' with boric acid powder. Q. How can I keep winter plants in good condition? A. Cold tea or milts will make plants blossom during the win- ter months. One should alternate with water every other day. Q. How can . I remove gloss from a panted surface before repainting? A. Before painting the kitchen woodwork, try washing it with gold dust and a little ammonia in warm water. The golddust re- moves all dirt and grease, while' the ammonia takes off the gloss of the old paint. Although water covers almost three fourths of the earth's sur- face, man takes scarcely more than one per cent of his .food ,from inland waters and the sea. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANT.Ep GO INTO BUSINESS for yourself. Sell our exclusive house- wares, watebes and other products not found in stores. No competition. Profits up to 500%. Write now for free colour Catalogue and separate confidential Wholesale price sheet. Murray Sales, 3022 St. Lawrence, Montreal: AGENTS, make 100%, profit selling "i reaso." Huge deniand; sample and details free, Purchase's Sales. 13es 157, Botwood, Newfoundland. 100% PROFIT. Sell Battery Reviver. Restores your car's battery life. Ter- rific seller. Sample $1.00. Free details. Bailey, 6 Cobalt St., Toronto 9, Ont. SPARE TIME AGENTS You risk only $3.00 to start a year around spare time business. Our item Nenette makes a gratifying Christmas gift that^ will bring a volume of .re- peat orders tater. Start at once by send. Ing $3. for ; our demonstrator "Nen- ette" and complete information on how to proceed. • Vickers Products Britannia Bay P.O.. Ottawa, Ontario. MAKE $6 AN HOUR IN YOUR SPARE TIME WITH amazing new invention of the most often replaced Car Necessity. No experience or investment required. Write now for free information. Circle Fire, 2453 Yonge Street, Toronto 12B, Ontario. ARTICLES FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL Christmas Cards. 25 all different, with envelopes, $1.45. Worth double. Satisfaction or cash refunded. Money orders only, please. Ming, 1031 Pape Avenue, Toronto. BIG PROFITS FROIVI WILD ANIMALS! Trap Mink, Weasels, Red and Gray Foxes, Coyotes, Wild Cats and many other animals unharmed with our prov- en plan. No oils, no scents necessary. Start your own fur ranch from strong, rugged outdoor stock. Any 14 year old boy can earn extra money and have fun doing it. Our tested plan with complete details, $L00 check or money order. SURE CATCH LURE COMPANY, Box 624, DANVILLE, VIRGINIA. HAND KNITTING MACHINES 'FOR plain and Diamond Socks. Second hand in perfect condition, f.o.b. plant, with Ribber attachment $35 — without Ribber attachment $20. AUTO KNITTERS LTD. 1101 Victoria, St. Lambert—Montreal 23. LIFETIME SPARK PLUGS YES SPARK-O-MATIC plugs are guar- anteed for life of your car. Save gas, produce more horsepower, have six electrodes instead of one. Only $1.69 per plug, shipped C.O.D. Try a set on FREE TRIAL basis. Money refunded if not satisfied. Available for cars, trucks, tractors. Send make, model, year, cyl- inders of motor to Lang Bros., Box 2500, Avonmore, Ontario. PUMP — $8.95 IDEAL for draining, filling, spraying, ' Irrigating. Sturdy, rust proof alloy. Pumpp 600 gallons per hour with Ye H.P. motor. Oiless bearings, a/4" suction }ti." discharge. C.O.D. Guaranteed. Mor- rison Sales, 6223 Mountain 6i611ts Dept. W., Montreal. BOOKS NEW AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA! In eight beautiful deluxe volumes. $9.95 postpaid. Free folder of Personalized Items. Gerard's Discounts, Box 604, ' New Orleans, Louisiana. • BABY CHICKS NOW it is easy to get K-137 Kimber- chiks in Canada. How does the K-137 do in cages? Answer: It does very well on wire or litter. In some areas in California over 90% of the K -137's sold are currently in cages. In some of these counties 40% of the laying pullets are composed of Kimber Leghorns. Kimber K-137 chicks are popular for: High Egg Production, Good Livability, Large Early Eggs, High Percent of Firm Albumen, Good Feed Conversion, Does Well in Cages or on floor, Rela- tively good resistance to Leucosis. Question: Where can I get more infor- mation about K-137? Answer: Write for catalogue to the Scott Poultry Farm, Seaforth, Ontario, or Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. $ROLLER chicks. Indian River Cross. Fine selection of special neat birds, dual purpose cockerels. Pullets. Ames In -Cross. Mixed chicks. Bray Hatchery, 120 John N. Hamilton. LET'S talk about egg production and profits. Want to increase your net profit on eggs this season? Of course you do. Then be sure and purchase special egg breeds. We have them. Our best Kim- ber K-137. We also recommend War- ren Rhode Island Red, Ames in Cross Series 400, Rhode Island Red X White Leghorn, California Grey $ White Leg- horn. All popular dual purpose breeds, broiler breeds and broiler cockerels. Turkey poults for heavy turkeys and turkey broilers. Laying Pullets. Cata- logue. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS, ONTARIO FOR SALE LARGE store — home combination. Hydro, Post Office, Gas. Good business. Reason — retiring. See A. C. GUPPY, REDBRIDGE, Highway 63, Ontario. S1500 DOWN and you own a nearly new cement block Shell garage, serv- ice station, lunch bar and equipment. On No. 12 Highway in the village of Sunderland. Full price $17,900 with the best terms. M. Ballard, Sunderland, 124 Ont. RepreSaisting Olive Howe, Broker. INSTRUCTION EARN morel Bookkeeping, Salesman- ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Lessons 5Q¢. Ask for free circular. No, 33. Canadian Correspondence Courses 1290 Bay Street, Toronto YOU CAN DEPEND ON KIDIN Eli' PILLs T,tr 1' 50 , When kidneys tail to remove excess acids snd wastes, b ok aobe, tired felting, disturbed feat onto follow, Dodd's Kidney Pills etimu Irate kidneys to normal duty. You feel better—sleep better, work better. Get Dodds at any drug store, You can depend ea Dodd's. SLEEP TO -NIGHT AND RELIEVE NERVOUSNESS miaow TO -MORROW! SEDICIN tablets taken according to directions le a safe way to induce sleep or quiet the nerves when tense. $1,Oa-$4.95 SEDICIN Drug Pons OnlyI LIGHTING PLANTS NEW Pioneer Lightinglants. TV specials 1,800 RPM 110 Vols, 60 cycle, electric start, only $200.00. Others to 12,000 watts. Write for catalogue. Sommers Motor Generator Sales, Trivia. took, Ont. MECHANICAL PARTS, REPAIRS MOTALOY RING AND VALVE JOB While you drive for only $8.00. For ears trucks — tractors, etc. Un• conditionally guaranteed, Effective for life of car. Motaloy saves you money. Motaloy Sales Co., 34 West Street, Goderlch, Ontario. Dealer inquiries Invited. MEDICAL SATISFY YOURSELF -- EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN, OTTAWA. $1.25 Express Prepaid POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scaling andburning ecze- ma; acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO • OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN YOU can earn $25 a day in your spare time with no Investment. Sample and details, $1.00. Money back guarantee. American Enterprises, 231 Harrison Ave., Boston, Mass. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates. America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSNG SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W, Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & Company Patent Attorneys, Etablished 1890. 600 University Ave., Toronto. Patents all countries. PERSONAL $1.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deluxe personal requirements. Latest cata- logue included. The Medico Agency, Box 22, Terminal "Q" Toronto, Ont, SWINE IT will pay you to start with the beat Landrace breeding stock that you cap purchase, We have them, all from im- ported stock and from imported stock, bred in Canada. Weanlings, four monthe old sows and boars guaranteed in pig sows, serviceable boars. The quality is high and the prices are reasonable, Catalogue. TONRA STOCK FARM R.R, 3, Holland Centre, Ont. M. E. BEARD of Frankfort, Indiana, Five star litter of 12 pigs topped taco scales at 835 lbs. at 8 weeks for a fan- tastic average of almost 70 pounds per pig. The third heaviest litter in Land - race history and the highest this year to date. The sire of this litter was Fer- gus Ne Plus Ultra 55, bred and raise by Fergus Landraee Swine Farm. We are recognized as the largest importers. and breeders of top quality Landra040 Swine in Canada. Weanlings, fouf' month, six month old sows and boar$ guaranteed in pig sows, serviceable boars for immediate delivery, Cata- logue. FARM FE GUS LANDRACE SWINENTA IM TAXIDERMY DEER, Moose heads, Birds, Fish mount- ed; mothproof. Forty years' expert. ence. W. Ormsby, Route 2, Orillia, Ont, WANTED CHICK Salesmen, Hatcherymen, Feed Dealers or Farmers to sell a high quay ity franchised chick in your territory. Applicants must be reliable and ener- getic. For full details apply to BOX NUMBER K-163, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ont. WANTED TO PURCHASE GOOD Grade 1 -inch and 2 -inch white Bos., 578 e Stee ine lumberresSt5ed Port Colborne, Ont. ISSUE 46 — 1.951 investigate how Sitaw Schools will help you prepare for a career that will assure your success and security. Underline course that interests you ., Bookkeeping a Typewriting e Junior, es Shorthand Intermediate a Business English and Higher and Accounting Correspondence dg Cost Accounting @ Stationary ,0 Chartered Engineering Secretary eg Short Story (A.C,1.S.) Writing Write for free catalogue today Many other courses from which to choose. Say & Charles Sts., Toronto — Dept HW -1 DON'T MISS THE ROYAL AGR ICULTURAL WINTER FAIR1 SEETHE HORSE SHOW STARRING SEVEN INTERNATIONAL JUMPING TEAMS ... SEE MODERN FARM EQUIPMENT .. , THE SHEEP AND SWINE SHOW ... "FASHIONS IN WOOL" PAGEANT ... FRUIT AND VEGETABLE DISPLAYS ... LIVE- STOCK AUCTIONS. THERE'S FUN FOR EVERYONE DURING INTERNATIONAL YEAR AT THE ROYAL! THE COLISEUM , TORONTO GENERAL ADMISSION —ADULTS -75— CHILDREN -25e "INTERNATIONAL YEAR" WANT A HOT LIST OF ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE? k This list is so hot it's burning up — and a year's profits go up in smoke! Statistics show 43% of firms whose records are destroyed by fire never resume business. Stocks and bonds, securities, accounts receivable, daily cash receipts, bu:t+ss records --anything wort's keeping, is worth keeping in a SAFE' Taylor safes are sturdily built, their design a product of extensive scientific tests and 100 years of experience. Consult your Taylor Safe representative now for fire and burglary protection. .1.11, J. CIT t +t 1 b G TORONTO,, MONTREAL•WINN1rie-VANCOUVER a* r-4-71 145 FRONT STREET EAST, TQRONTO 2 L 14411-121V TS -•6675