HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-11-14, Page 1r•rownavroikohuaal.• V.I141.1•NA•••••••••••••••••.*••••••••••-•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • 'Etablished 1900 Operairra,7 Nr.s. Sheila Teevins (nee Sheilbe of .Zueich, Ont.) 'with four years' of -Experience is now Manager of klayter's Beauty Salon, 1 Queen St., 'Grand Bend, Ont., Specializing in Hair Styles, Hair Cutting, Perman- lent Waves and Finger Waving. Open. Tuesday and Thursday nights. lattione 178 Grand Bend for your 4saapointments. HEILA TEEVINS, Proprietress. GRAND BEND - ONT. Celebrate Anniversary_ 'Medford - Mr and Mrs. I-Te,rold E. Prance (nee Minerva Vincent , telebrated their 26th Anniversary by "Wining the St. Lawrence Seaway to Montreal, through Quebec to the States and the beautiful scenery .at 'this time a year in the Vermont MR111151111111.11111/iiIIPEOMFZIMMIUMIL/724it 9 f4, 3 go HARDMAN (Consultant 10 A.M. TO 8 P.M. .At the' MILT OESCH SHOE STORE ZURICH ,-.Phone 82. or' 130 • ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY' MORNING, NOVEMBER 14 957 N MEMORIAMS In loving memory of a Dear Mother and Grandma, jemima Wolper, evho passed away Nov. 17th, 1955. There is a face we'll always rememb- er, A voice we will always recall, A memory to treasure forever,. Of one who was dear to us all. Years may wipe out many things But this they wipe out never, The memory of those days, When we were- to-gether. -Always remembered by her daugh ter Fern, son-in-law Herb, and grand- children. Mountains and to Niagara Falls. The couple were married at ElienviIle, and have two daughters, (Betty) Mrs. Wm. Gill of Thedfora, and ShirleY, .secretary at Klondike Gard- ens Co-operative, near Grand Bend. and one grandson, Billy Gill.. The Modern, Pleasant Way to FoOt Comfort MONDAY, NOV. 18 of ALT .F,N'S :Apple Juice: 8, 20 -oz. tins $1.00 TEMPT .Dog Food - 13 Tins for $1.00 WESTINGHOUSE • tight Bulbs - .25, 40, 60 watt, 6 for _..$1.00 JOHNSTON'S *Hard Gloss Wax - One Quart Tin ._a.. ...... .$1 00 ilmialepeparseeNtaatOwftewurgtasim., Special Services ALVIN N. ROTH, Superintendent of the Good:Will Rescue IV.tisOlon; Talbot Street, London, Ont., Will be speak- ing at •the BLAKE A, ilVIVNNONITEI CHURCH, Beginning November 12th and, continuing through :November 17th, each evening at 8 pan., except Saturday. k At 8.15 he will speak fit Rescue 'Mission Experiences and fbllow with an Evangelistic Message, e Come and enjoy the blessings and, fellowship with is. Card of Thanks The bereft family of- late Alfred Melick take this Medium of expressing their most sitiCere thanks to neighbours and frienda. for the assistance and 'synipatley::' extended during the illness- and passing of their dear husband and father. For the many focal tributes,those who loaned their cars; the .Evangel - i ical Church, Sunday Schodl, Choir, Men's Octette and Brotherhood. The Westlake Funeral Hornee, Dr, Gulens, S. Huron Hospital; and Rev. W. Krotz. -The Family. Rev. Amacher, a St. Boniface Chupb. • 1 IN THE Community Centie, urich SATURDAY, NOVEMBE., .23rd. Afternoon and Evening, fr Ye Three o'clock on. Everybody Welc ' e HILLCREST Toilet Tissue 10 Large Rolls AYLMER Veg: or Tomato - Soup. 8 tins for ...... ......$1.00 AY-LMER Choice Peas 7 Tins for $1.00 11601.1.11.•••••••••••••••••••• ver.oromun.mior..amessoclumea.rowoosamou•enwm•Fisranmetialaisw. Returned from Hospitar Miss Selena Doehn of Kitchener is spending a few weeks at the home of her sister, Mrs. Gerald Gingericlt, .who has returned from Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, after having an operat- ion. We with her ,eontinuecc good health. Miss Olive O'Brien who has been a patient in the South Huron Hospit- al, Exeter, has returned home and is progressing nicely. Her really friends wish her • continued .good health. Mr. Josiah Geiger returned home from St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Sunday and is progressing nicely.. His many friends wish hian continued progress. Armistice Day Armistice Day, ou iVIondaee was 'observed in the usual way with the traitional two minutes or sfienCe. Schools, Banks end Post Offices in these parts observed the day as a holiday, but otherwise things seemed to be going on as usual. Special services *ere held in the cnurches tLioarghout the nation. on Sunday, in honor of those who gave their al that we who are here, might enjoy this life of freedom that we have Chester L. Smith, :Publisher. Subseription in Canada, $2: Subscription Yogr $2,5 • N 0 R Mk A S BEAUTY SHOPPP FOR APPOINTMENTS CALL Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH Neve. ps0144y,VICZMIr412401111•1141•11111.1.1110411MQL ARRAY OF COSTUME !fee wel Pins, Earrings, Necklets, Etc. In the Newest Styles and Finishes. Priced from $1.00 up or that New Shirt, how about Smart Pair of Cuff Links? )ver 50 Pairs to choose from iF°r RAGS, RUGS and CARP On a Order• New Modern Loom, Man SETH 0. AMENS, Zel Ont. Phone 128. 4/11T414144+14114.4¢41:i4434414441.4+114,41015,. J in Our Many Hosts A. G HES, OE CERTIFIED WATCHMAKER and JEWELLEL {LOCKER SERVICE - ROE FEE Dependable Heat Winter Long, C.:111z .,••••••••••••••••*_,s,,,aa.•••.••..hott•••••••. LORNE E. RAY ZURICH ONT. County Crop Report Phone 1i* Clinton, Nov. Oth Fall work is progressing sattiraet only with many new jobs being com- pleted in the line of•repairs and re- building. Some cattle moved to market this week but there still is many to go. Farmers have been !slow to purchese replacement cattle. Turnips are being moved to storage very apid,- - - •St. Peter's Lutheran Church. Ministry, The United Lutheran Church Women of St. peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich, will hold their An- nual Thankoffering Service an Sun- day, -November 17th, at 7.30 p.m. Mr. Paul Jagdhar, a native of Brit- ish Guiana,.studying at Waterloo College, preparing for tee Goepel Ministry, will he the gueit • speaker. Mr. Jagdhar will show slides in con- nection with his address. This will undoubtedly prove to be a very in- teresting and inspiring evening and we therefore, urge all our members and our friends to come and meet our visitor. E. Y. F. MEET 'the E.Y.F. of Emenapuei Evang- elical U. B. Church met on Tuesday SWIFT'S Nov, 12th, wibh Miss Erie Hay in icharge of the programme. The iynn DCW "'He Lives", was sung. diss Donna Oesch read a poem, after which the $1.0u lieetitudes were read responsively. After the singing of the hymn, "The Whole Wide World for Jesus; Miss Erla Hay gave the topic on 'Race KLEENEX Prejudice."' Miss Brenda Schoch read a poem 'Our Country.' The Three Giant - closing hymn was "Heavenly Sun - \e, light," Rev. A. M. Anaacher Ted in Economy Size, for $1.00 prayer. The President, Miss Donna Oesch had charge of the business, and the meeting was closed with the Mizpah Benediction„ Farm Forum Parr Line Forum met at the home of Mr and. Mrs Gordon Cleman. rhe subject for discussion was Farm Credit: ROBIN HOOD Cake Mixes - Family Size 3, 21 -oz t :a Pkgs. for ....$1.00 NATURES BEST Tomato Juice Corn - 8, 20 -oz. Tins for ., i .00 7 Lbs. for POPPING MEATS MEATS Bologna per lb - .. - a a .. 25c Bacon Sliced, per Ib..... -59c Pork Shoulder Roasts, lb: .. ... . ...._.........49c Fruits .41•0194 • Grapes, 2 lbs. for Grape Fruit, 10 for Potatoes 754b. Bag 1. What is the minimum amount of capital needed to farm in your 'Area? Thi e Forum estimates 825,000 for farm stock and implements.. 2. What percent of this capital ... . $1.00 should you be able to obtain ni the form of credit, 60 -percent. ee. 3. Do you think that the use of local dealer credit in your coni - Triunity is a satisfactory way of doling,' business? This Forum feels it is necessary, but should be used with discreation Is it economical. - Ni,. 4, What do you think of Go,ern, ment credit which' wourd be gran- ted subject to supervision of the farming operation by the lending ,a' -('n ey ? We think a little Government sup- ervieion would he satisfactory if run on the same principle as the V.I.A. The next meeting at the home of Mr and Mrs. Howard Adkins. A few C;riinci, of 'euchre...wai played. 'readies Mrs. Glen Weido, Mrs, Eldon Jarrott Gent)emen, Wilfred Mousseau, Lunch was sorvod by the bostes,,51 Roc.$ Love. zuminmemsmniatMesprommesomegsanztasemew Vegetables 25c 49c $1.29 WONDER - WESTONS CANADA BREAD ONLY 15c. A LOAF Beautiful PULL.AN DOLLS, Reg. $4.98 Only $2.98 with $3.00 Order PILLOW SLIPS, Reg. $1.98 pr. Only $1.29 with $3.00 Order 4.?_!!Ilt,14.414444sorimemoo444444,144ftemak444414.4.444.44rsgroNa.0744,4414,4444444444144.renxittcrikeskomilmims. C. H. THIEL Phone 1.40 HENSA2.4 OZ.4.040.t4Seiiiiel,15386(te00,000a0Cil.Aegleert.744304,100.2S0-te-Oge tOtittit* tit ':44.1-444;0' - 1 eyg. 30 • , ,C4c • Licensed Eijiit,4JNer and Funord Diractor Private Cart1nL service „. Hospital' Bed irid Wek.ze 4 3 FLOWERS FOR A1-41., OCCASION,?4 e . 0 e -Pay- apt" Nig& Servico 2 TELEPHONE: RES. ssW - • OR 8SJ, ZURICH iv • 0.! kv-&gc,"-Gvekwneecioecatniipt74-.00iDlor...006,06aegtlig.03*36(9e400FR:0**4-661 ..M0131=1, r SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK -END . Potatoes, P.E.I. 50 -Ib. Bag $L29 Robin Hood Cake Mixes, Choc., White, and Honey spice, 15 -oz. pkg, 3 for ..- ....... .....nc Supreme mixed Pickles, 16 -oz. Jars, 2 for 45 White Cross Toilet tissue, 4 rolls 49c Kleenex, reg. or chubby 6-pkgs. Nam) eseli PRODUCE WANTED. cs`iti , dueggrAltORMIZMnximareAMEWNWRxrii:Ateimig,"timM.'-7 WORK ouTaEs For Men and Boys .-exgralgi WE HAVE IN STOCK Overalls, Jeans, Shirts, Underwear, Alr,o Good Stock of Work Shoes, Rubber Boots, Men's Heavy Overshoes, Etc., Etc. FRESH GROCERIES IN STOCK THE MAKE S Phone 45-