HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-11-07, Page 7MIS is is e 0:i w ;fora ion* ray. siblo due - do" .tua- ould y o tl anal irds, the and 'for tions lolls, tern. NTS use this ix 1, into, GRN AD- gif I -1gh1 1 or•' and. orae; :enti to. 11,ospltals. i'o`r experiments recent- ly in England, And in Middles- brough, not long ago, police found that eats were being killed by boys who used the skins to make themselves Davy Crockett hats, But .cats are not always the in- nocent victims of human cruelty, A few years ago it was found that cats imported into Australia to deal with a rat plague had gone. wildand were attacking cattle. - Many cats, however, are good, law-abiding anduseful, like the pet of of St. Mary's Hospital who allowed himself to be the sub- sect of an experiment when a pathologist was trying to identi- fy a rare poison found in the re- mains of Mrs. Crippen. Having helped to identify' the drug, the cat recovered and lived to a ripe old age, rejoicing in the name Dr. Crippen! Mandy, a Siamese cat who lived at Ealing, couldn't sleep at Flight. A year or two ago, a gang hied to break into her master's shop, and Mandy, sitting up with ears cocked, wondered why the dog downstairs didn't raise the alarm. Eventually Mandy decided it was up to her, so she went and zeratched on her master's bed- room door till he woke up. Going downstairs, he found a window forced, and gave the alarm. The crooks were caught. Paint Works Miracles In HaH The front hallway is the hand- shake of the house and should greet people cheerfully. Unfor- tunately, it is usually the most gloomy spot in the home be- cause it seldom receives a ray of sunshine. Suggestions for injecting a cheery "hello" into the most dis- mal entrance hall are offered by W. D Sinclair, color consult- ant. Paint can work miracles, pro- viding the colors are right. The color of the hall walls should be light and sunny but it must also harmonize with the colors iii the rooms opening into it. ]Primrose yellow is a good choice, since yellow is on speak- ing terms with most other col- o s, says Mr. Sinclair. If the hall is a long narrow tunnel; square it up by painting the end walls a darker color— a medium blue, for instance, Dark colors tend to pull walls in, light colors make them take a step back, visually changing the shape of a room. Especially in an old house, the veiling often seems far too high for the size of a narrow hall. Mr. Sinclair suggests using the darker color trick to pull the. ceiling down. Another effective measure is to dispense with the ceiling light and, instead, . use a lamp placed low on •a table: Finally, every room, needs a centre of interest, even an en- trance hall. . . A painting on the wall opposite, the door draws at- tention into the house. A softly shaded .lamp suggests warmth and welcome. When the front door is opened, even the paper- boy 'should feel "Here is a pleas- ant house to live in!" Minnow -Keeper A little know secret of trans- porting minnows for long dis- tances is to carry them in an air- tight. container. A milk can with tight cover is ideal for carrying large numbers. One or two gal- lon, wide-mouthed glass jars, are ideal for carrying smaller numbers. Place fresh water in the container, put in minnows, and screw lid on tightly. When tar is opened, change water and replace tight cover. Minnows can be carried safely and gen- erally will remain lively for 24 hours by using this method. SCHOOL BAND '— LYNN LAKE, MANITOBA I learned later that, despite the fact . that there are only thirty - odd'. files -'of road, there are twO hundred and fifty-four automo- biles and trucks on the townsite, -two . Hundred and. twenty-five of which are privately -owned, A short .tal& ride .of one mile on a sand azidi.gravel road cut through .Stunte`d`'pine and ever- green ?brought us to an attrac- tive two-storey hotel. Popular Manager Bob McKay welcomed ale aboard in ..refreshing old- time greeter's style, and showed me to a 1 a r g e, bright, clean, well -furnished room with 'bath overlooking the main street. After a good, inexpensive din- ner in the hotel restaurant I wandered down to the theater. Mrs. Patterson, whose husband is the manager, said — "We run two shows nightly, seven to nine p.m., six days a week,summer and winter. Summer attendance is not too good because our summers in Lynn Lake are short and people like to take advan- tage of the good weather. How- ever, our theater is well pa- tronized during the winter and we try to provide good enter- tainment." nter- tainment" The theater is a cre- dit to the town - four hundred comfortable seats and featuring a wide -vision screen. It was built by Calvert Construction Com- pany and personable Bill Cal- vert commented, with pardon- able pride, "This was a hurry - up job; - the first show was pre- sented to the public less than two months from the day •• we started construction." Lynn Lake is under a Local District form of Government with C. R. Neely the Adminis- trator and S. G. Gudgeon his Assistant. Mr. Gudgeon, in Mr. Neely's absence, was most co- operative in supplying informa- tion pertinent to this article. The Local Government District of Lynn Lake covers roughly four hundred square miles centered by the townsite. Annual budgets are prepared and submitted to the Provincial Government. Money is raised partially by taxation, but Sherritt Gordon Mines Limited provide the bulk of the money required to run the community. To quote Mr. Gudgeon, "Hundreds of thou- sands of dollars were and are being spent by Sherritt Gordon free of charge to the munici- pality. Our town planning scheme is such as to require and assure a high standard of homes and commercial build- ings. You have doubtless seen that many new modern homes are under construction. Certain areas are classified as 'residen- tial districts' and others as 'busi- ness or commercial districts'; note this new subdivision of 101 lots now being cleared for future homes." Even a cursory exa- mination of the impressive 21 - page planning scheme made it obvious that much thought had been given to expansion and standard of structures, and this foresight is paying dividends as is evidenced by the fact that the population increase since 1952 has been over two hun- dred per year from an original 507 to the present figure of 1,674. One of the most impressive buildings in town is the post office. Mrs. Rachael Wolfenden, assistant postmistress, cheerfully and with obvious community pride, suggested I might like to attend the Lion's Club Bingo in the Community Club Skating Rink. "Have you heard about the school band? Have you been out to the Government park at Zed Lake? Do you like fish- ing? Perhaps Wally Kuby would take you out for a crack at lake trout. Have you heard about the local drama club? Have you mot Father Lapalme, a camera en- thusiast and the man respons- ible the formation of the Thirty - Five Millimeter Club? Do you know the Legion, =is erecting a $36,000.00 building? Have you read the latest issue of the Lynn Lake Lyre, a monthly publica- tion as a Community Club proj- ect under the editorship of Tom Johnson?" Well, I thought, this town is really antic (Ed. Note: Mr. Calvert's story will be continued in our next issue.) By 11. R. CALVERT The wild west was tamed at the turn of the century. The adventurers and pioneers who made the-: Klondike blaze-471th. golden stories have long since died away. There is a new breed of pioneer now. These people ai'e steadily pushing the known boundaries of°'Canada ever wid- er and in them the spirit of ad- venture still lives., Most Canadians hug the south- ern boundary of their country and cities such as Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver contain the bulk of the country's pop- ulation; thousands and thou- sands of people talk with pride of Canada's rapidly growing mining' industry 'but not many of them have had the opportun- ity I have of taking a look at this industry ',in the flesh"—or at least one small segment of it. In August of this year I left Winnipeg and flew north and west to the town of Lynn Lake, Manitoba, where Sherritt Gor- don Mines Limited are located, and spent one of the most pleas- ant weeks of my life in this community with people who are a part of the mining industry. These people are undoubtedly Canada's pioneers of today and they are also, undoubtedly, the most highly -paid pioneers since the dawn of history. When I left Toronto to visit Lynn Lake on August 5th it was with no foreknowledge of what I might find. ' Perhaps I can be pardoned for thinking, because it is a common misimpression— that a typical mining town is made up of a group of hard - drinking, hard -gambling social misfits eking out a bare exist- ence in a community of shacks, and in which there is little or no recreational or social activ- ity. It was' with some concern oyer how- I might fit in that 1 boarded C.P.A. at Winnipeg. _The aircraft stops respectively. at Dauphin, The Pas and Flin Flon before its last leg to Lynn Lake. It was interesting .to note the change taking place on the terrain below us flat, rich,, fer- tile farm lands gradually becom- ' ing more lake -dotted and heav- • ily treed—and finally . no cul- tivation at all, just mile after mile of rivers, lakes and mus- keg, from the air seemingly im- passable. Some five hours after leaving Winnipeg, we circled the town of Lynn Lake which, even from above, looked clean and well- planned; a wide main street, homes painted and modern, the Sherrit Gordon Mine buildings compact, efficient looking, on an elevated area east of the townsite. Perhaps a sixth sense told me—perhaps my memory influenced by subsequent events is faulty, but I seem to recall that suddenly I was no longer concerned—that I said to myself "I'll like this town and I'll like the people"—and I do. I was rather surprised at the number of motor vehicles at the airport, including four taxicabs. DAIRY PRINCESS ,-$9ndra 'Sue ;Stout, .18; is,, erovcnel,, "1958 Americcfn Dairyt 'rincess! by hor ,predece!Ssor, S! fli °SLI ysels, 21. £eremnr)y 'took° pigce af` the_„Infernai•'ional D_iviry, ,S{iaw. Miss Stool:was.chtSien fri3tit.23'state dairy princesses.,, She received at $750 wardrobe and a $1,000 scholarship. • wa fouup to 5 catalogue wholesale price sheet. 3022 St. Lawrence, Montreal. IQO'70 PROFIT. Sell Battery Restores your oar's battery life. rific seller. Sample $L00, Free details; Bailey, 6 Cobalt St., Toronto 9, Ont. SPARE TIME AGENTS you risk only $3.00 to start a year around spare time business. Our item Nenette makes a gratifying Christmas gift that will bring a volume of re- peat orders later, Start at once by seed: ag O. for your demonstrator "Nen• ette" and complete information on bow to proceed, Vickers Products .Britannia Ba P.O., Ottawa, Ontario. ARTICLES FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL Christmas Cards, 25 811 different, with envelopes, $1.45. Worth double. Satisfaction or cash refunded. Money orders only, please. Ming, 1031 Pape' Avenue, Toronto. GIFTS From The Holy Land To You! Hand -Carved olive wood camel caravan, 3 camels and driver, 4" high. Just $3.25 postpaid. Satisfaction guaranteed. Free list of other unique religious gifts. Holy Land Imports, 1991 Glen Una, San Jose 25, California, USA. ORGANICALLY grown potatoes, ear - rots, beets 6¢. Stone ground whole- wheat'fiour, broad or pastry 12xl. Ivan Martin, Winterbourne, Ont. PUMP — $8.95 WEAL for draining, filling, spraying, irrigating. Sturdy, rust proof alloy. Pumps G00 gallons per hour with i/a ILP. motor. Oiless bearings, a,$" suction 0" discharge. C.O.D. Guaranteed. Mor- rison Sales, 6223 Mountain Sights Dept. W.,. Montreal SELECT Gifts and Household items from our big beautiful Catalogue. Send today it's fr,ee. Expect something dif- ferent, Copper City Products, Box 386, Rome, New, York. HAND KNITTING MACHINES FOR plain and Diamond Socks. Second hand in perfect condition, f.o.b. plant, with Ribber attachment $35 — without Ribber attachment $20. AUTO KNITTERS LTD. 1101 Victoria, St. Lambert—Montreal 23. BABY CHICKS -NOW it is easy to get K-137 Kimber - chicks in Canada. What colour egg does it Iay? Answer: Pure white. Ques- tion: How big a bird is the K-137? Ans- wer: The mature body weight of the K-137 has been established at around 41/4 to 41/2 pounds. Question: How is the egg quality? Answer: The egg qual- ity is good, shell thickness excellent and the percentage of firm albumen is high. As measured by actual break- outs, the 7th. California Random Test, K-137 averaged 78.7 Haugh units, or 5.6 Baugh units better than the average of all entries. For details and Kimber catalogue write Scott Poultry Farm, Seaforth, Ontario, or Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. How ± n 1? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I relieve the pain of burns? A. Try applying the white of an egg. Q. How can 1 prevent yellow- ing of white silk? A. When laundering, dissolve a teaspoon of powdered borax in enough cold water to cover the axtlele that is to be washed and let it soak for about an hour. Wash in tepid water and white suds, and the silk will not turn yellow. Q. How can I stiffen egg whites quickly? A. When beating the whites of eggs, break them into a plate that has .been rinsed with cold water, but not dried. Add a pinch of salt. While whipping, stand by a window or an open door. Q. How can I snake a good starch? ' A. By putting three table- spoons of wheat starch in 1/2 -cup cold water; put this in one quart of boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. Add a half -teaspoon of lard to make the starch smooth, and then strain through cheese- cloth and use while hot. Q. How can I remove rust from irons? A. By putting some yellow 1.: eswax or paraffin into a small cloth bag, and when the iron is warm, but not hot, rubbing it over this bag, and then rubbing with salt. Q. How can I remove a fish bone caught in the throat? A. One of the best ways is to sw allow a raw egg. This seldom fails to carry the bone down with it, Q. How can 1 keep cheese fresh for a long time? A. Cover it with a thin coat- ing of paraffin. Befor-e serving remove the paraffin. a�i'�i�' your Sp;�Rf�TIJNIi an hiteiestilig, ar R F,ITAB,L`7 tt g S ESS AJIE Investigate how gnaw Schools will help assureryoursuccess and secur rity will Underline course that interests you , Bookkeeping Srhd guior*hotan intermediate * Business English and Higher and Accounting Correspondence' Cost Accounting S, Stationary Chartered Engineering Secretary 0 Short Story Writing Write for free catalogue today Many other courses from which to choose. lies lr Charles Sts., TorontoDe- HW -1 e e island cries 400, Call - Leghorn, Rhode Island" ReLeghorn, Au popu- lar dual purpose breeds, Broiler Chicks: Vantress X Nichols No, 12, Van - tress X Arbor Acres White Rock, Arbor Acres White Rock, Indian River Cross. Turkey Poults for heavy roasters er turkey broilers. Laying Pullets. Cata- logue. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO FOR SALE LARGE store — home combination. Hydro, Post Office, Gas. Good business, Reason — retiring. See A. 0, GUPPY, REDBRIDGE, Highway 63, Ontario. $1500 DOWN and you own a nearly new cement block Shell garage, serv- ice station,o1Highwaych r and. in in theevillage equipment. Sunderland. Full price $17,900 with the best terxns. M. Ballard, Sunderland, 124 Ont. Representing Olive Howe, Broker. GARDEN SUPPLIES THERE'S money in earthworms. Raise Red Hybrids for Bait and improvement, etc. Full information, 35c. B. Dool. R.R. 3, North Bay, Ont, INSTRUCTION EARN more! Bookkeeping, Salesman- ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Lessons 500. Ask for free circular. No. 33. Canadian Correspondence Courses 1290 Bay Street, Toronto LIGHTING PLANTS NEW Pioneer Lighting plants. TV specials 1,800 RPM 110 Volts, 60 cycle, electric start, only $290.00. Others to 12,000 watts. Write for catalogue. Sommers Motor Generator Sales, Tavis- tock, Ont. MECHANICAL PARTS, REPAIRS MOTALOY RING AND VALVE JOB While you drive for only $8.00. For cars — trucks — tractors, etc. Un- conditionally guaranteed. Effective for life of car. Motaloy saves yod money. felotaloy Sales Co., 34 West Street, Goderich, Ontario. Dealer inquiries invited. MEDICAL IT'S PROVEN — EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN, OTTAWA. $1.25 Express Prepaid POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and 'weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scaling and burning ecze- ma; acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of successful , Marvel Graduates. America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free • Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSNG SCHOOLS 355 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & Company Patent Attorneys, Etablished 1890. 600 University Ave., Toronto. Patents all countries. PERSONAL SMOKING, Drinking stopped naturally. Send $1.00 for Copyrighted Booklet. Address: Stop Smoking, P.O. Box 343, Pocahontas, Virginia. eoffer. esdeluxe prsoal Latt cata- logue included. The Medico Agency, Box 22, Terminal "Q" Toronto, Ont. IT PAYS TO USE OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS wilx bay, a o prlaes. WeanUn old sows and boar, so .• oars, guaranteed in pig sows. Oaaloguo,/ }y y( FARM �}� TONRA STOCK FARM It,R.3, Holland Centre, Ont. REGISTERED Landrace: Boars, Gilts open or bred sows, Fast growing and a low feed conversion factor bred inti these pigs, Farmers prices, G. H. Sylvester R,R.'i o. 1, St. Catharines, Ont. LANDRACE breed is the fastest grow- ing breed of swine in Canada, If yo'lt haven't Landraoe now, eventually yott will have them. Why? Because the will make you , more money from commercial standpoint and if you at with top quality, stock, you will sell lot of breeders in your locality. W of imported Landrace in Canada hJ received another importation of out- standing In pig sows. Offer for immed ate delivery, Weanlings, four month old, six month old sows and boars, guaranteed in pig sows, serviceable boars, all from imported stock, Cata- logue. FERGUS LANDRACE SWINE FARM FERGUS ONTARIO TAXIDERMY DEER, Moose heads, Birds, Fish mount- ed; mothproof.. Forty years' experi- ence. W. Ormsby, Route 2, Orillia, Ont. WANTED CHICK Salesmen, Hatcherymen, Feed Dealers or Farmers to sell a high qual- ity franchised chick in your territory, Applicants must be reliable and eper- getic. For full details apply to BOX"' -'4`. NUMBER K-163, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ont. ISSUE 45 — 1957 ARO RELIEVE NERVOUSNESS +AY TO -MORROW! SEDICIN tablets taken according to directions la a safe way to induce sleep or quiet the nerves when tense. $1,00-$4.95 SEDICINr Drug Storer Om1yl E TO INSTALL A SAFETY CHIMNEY The premier prefab chimney. No backs, no bloats, no mortar, no repairs! Lifetime stainless steel Dura -Flue liner !s fire-prool and acid -proof. Eco- nomical, engineered and guaranteed for all tads. Underwriters and CMHC approved 100 FOIA NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REMODELLING Installed neleht only 9 lbs. to Inc foot—out Insulation 11115, equals 30 Net solid concrete Write for free !alder. K2 E i Rlt a Products Lilvlil°rid Dept. "E". Brantford, Canada 100.8 DON'T MISS THE ROYAL AGRICULTURALWINTERFAIR! SEETHE HORSE SHOW STARRING SEVEN I INTERNATIONAL JUMPING TEAMS ... SEE MODERN FARM EQUIPMENT... THE SHEEP AND SWINE SHOW ... "FASHIONS IN WOOL" PAGEANT ... FRUIT AND VEGETABLE DISPLAYS ... LIVE- STOCK AUCTIONS. THERE'S FUN FOR EVERYONE DURING INTERNATIONAL YEAR AT THE ROYAL! THE COLISEUM TORONTO GENERAL ADMISSION — ADULTS -75t — CHILDREN -25t "INTERNATIONAL YEAR" A 1 4