HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-11-07, Page 5WOOS (ONTARIO f ZURICH HERALD °rr'Authorized as eeeond class mail, Nut Office Department, Ottawa. i., ALVIN WADER PROVINCIAL Licensed Auctioneer: per your •Sale,' large or small; Court :•ryUsi and Efficient Service at all VirmPhone 57 .r •2. DASKWWOD ft L. MTIN OPTOMETRIST ' Merin Street -- Exeter Open Emery Week Day Except Wednesday' BELL ktt LAUGHTON BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS OL CI O S & NOTARIESLL, Q.C. ELMER D. } PHONE4 EXETER C. V. LAUGHTT T, L.L.B. !Tuesday,Clerlea Office At Towiltslsi�p ..�:,.._------•-' LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Ward Fritz 'is Visiting in De- troit this week. Mr and Mrs •Cha.rles Pulford and sans of London, visited on ,Sunday with Mr •a'nd Mrs Ferd Haberer: Tor Appointment. Dashwood 27 r 13 J. NORMAN COWAN Bookkeeping and Income Tax Service. Hay P. 0. rgare+pta' CONTRACTING MOBILE DISPOSAL geptile Tank Cleaning , Repairs Drains, Watermains, Etc. New Instalations 'on Cement Septic reeks, Drainage Tile and Drains Ph. 12I0'5 Grand Bend Fh. 205 RONALD G. McCANN PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Phones: 561 Office Royal Bank Bldg. 455 Res. Ratenbury S.t CLINTON Mr and Mrs Earl +:of Detroit spent the week -end with Mr and Mrs. Ward Fritz and attended the funeral of the former's, uncle, the FOR SALE late Alfred 'T'lelick on Monday. ZURICH HERALD Thursday, November 7th, 1957 Sales Help Wanted Women Best season's 'here for clothing salesl Represent British Knit - make money full or part 'time selling quality clothing for women, children, men. Free .Sales Tait starts you. Higt cash e.otmmiissions. Repeat sales, plan available. Everyone a prospect. British Knit; 'Si icoe, Ontario. Mr and Mrs William O'Brien, Jr.,' of itoridon, were week -end Visitors w.i.th the formers parents, • 'Mr and Mrs. Leroy O'Brien. •- I iMr and Mrs Arthur Thompson ;'.1%i^ and 1ffrs W. W. Thompson and son • Bruce, and'Mrs. V. Dedels of K t- on chener. were 'Sunday visitors with relatives and friends here. ' Mr and Mrs Jacob Lasky of W- A limited number of farmers ;rub, Minnesota tolled' on their relati- ves, Mr and "Mrs Len Prang of town, 'P grow a minimum of one half tl�so Mr and .Mrs L. H. Rader of JDasb-' wood on Tuesday. They were on a acfe or more of raspberri.es or motor trip to the Eastern Coast. strawberries. Profits tip 10 APPLES FOR ,SALE --- 'Spy, Green- ing, Sweets, nusset, Baldwin, I'ee- walkee, and rider .apples. F'r'ed McClymont ,& ;Sons, a: mile south of Varna, Ont. 3 t* Wanted ONTARIO Drs, COXON & LEITCH t VETERINARY SURGEONS /like with Residence,. ,Main Street, O roans Drug -Store Farmers! SAVE OVER 15% ON SPECIAL PACKAGE DEAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE ,Complete Automobile Coverage For First -Class Farm-O'"ner Risks Farmers' Compre'hensir.e Liability Protection Liability Coverage for accidents ar- isang •wut of the existence' of use of your ;farm property, fani., operations, animals and unlicensed vtlii;cles *el Highways. In addition to your own personal activities asal those of your family. Premium .as low as 6.50 Ann. For Full Particulars apply to J. W.. HABERER General Insurance Phone 161 $700:100 per acre. W:holesalf 1he'egular me sting• of the local i. Branch .,,t the Women's Institute metoutlets For berries guaranteed' in the Z v t' i ch t o v' n Hall' .on. Monday evening, N,ov. 4; at 8.30. p.m. 'Mrs. Write • immediately for full Jewell Geiger convener and chair P O Box 785, lady opei ed the meeting with sin:*- r ani iCu'lars' 9 ing the 4,4,e .at:, 1 praying the Lord's Prayer and .. epeating the Mary Loi on, Ont, Steward's ,Collect. k'1'Irs. Nancy Koehler gave a reading, "`How Vital • -- - - i the Women's Institute today." Salesman 'Wanted Piano solo n'endered by Miss Ruth---- Geiger, 'Doll's Dream'; Mrs. Leonard RAW'L%IGIi BUSINESS NOW OPEN Erb gave an interesting report. on the recent W. I. Convention held in the in Huron County. Trade well est- abli�shecl. Excellent oipportunrty.. Masonic 'Temple, at London. • Mr. Ful time. Write at once. l.awlel,,h's John Manson favoured the audience fGreat Thou Dept. K459-089, 4005 R5•Phelieu, with a piano solo "How Montreal Que. Art,' both these solos were well gen- dered. Mrs. Delbert Geiger rr.ad "What is a 'Girl?", and Mrs. Newell FOR QUICK SALE Geiger read, "Is Yoru House Too Noisy.' The programme • closed with A pure bred Hereford Bull, 16 The Queen. Mrs. Leonard Erb Pre- months old for sale. Apply to Percy sident, took charge of the business; Wilbert & 'Sons, Phone 94 r 10, Zur- Mrs. Menno Oesch was elected al ich, Ont. 2-t'" Secretary; reports were read and adopted An invitation to visit the Phone 96 P — - ZU4tICH ' .. G.- B, CLAS.) Optometrist -- Optician (Successor to the late A. L. Cole. optometrist) For appointments phone 33, Goderich - Ont ARTHUR FRASER Income .Tax Reports . .; Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER Sts. OFFICE - Corner Ann, William WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Phone Exeter 504 EAT MAREET WITH MEATS of the BETTER KIND For Over 50 Years YUNGBLUT BROS. zuRICH. Phone 57 COMMUNITY 1 SERVING THE O' lr eD's Produce ll 1, ._'.l S Hensall Institute was accepted for 4-H Wool Club was held at t ' Zurich, Ont Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association Brady Cleaners Laundeteria Ltd. - Exeter Complete Sanitone Cleaning Laundry and Storage Service Pick up Mon., back on Thurs. Pick up Thurs., back on Monday. <Local Agent) EARL OESCH Barber Shop - Zurich ?or artificial insemination infor- :ation or service from all breeds of rattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle ,reeding Association at. Clinton iu 2-3441 between 7c30 and 9:30 A.M. We have all breeds available - cop quality at low cost. FOR SALE "Andy's" Lunch FISH & CHIPS and LIGHT 1 LUNCHES Try Delicious York Ice Cream for Picnics and Parties, in Bricks, Half Gallons and 2 i, FARM — Consisting of 50 acres of golod grass land for sale, one of the best in Stanley Township with plenty of water, good windmill. Ap- ply Rudolph Corriveau, Phone 99r1., Zurich. 3t° FOR SALE 'Stove wood for sale at $5.00 per cord delivered. — F. C. Kalbflei Ch & Son Ltd., Zurich. FOR SALE. Gallons C. ANDERSEN B.A. n RREADon. the table the meal is ready! Be Your Menu Maker! YOUR BAKER not only supplies delicious wholesome bread for your table—bread for your recipes. Out of his fragrant ovens come all man- ner of mouth-watering goodies to crown the menu of every meal! Frag- rant Coffe.e Cake and Cinnamon Buns for b.•eakfast.. luscious fruit -filled treats for luncheon.. piping hot Par ker House Rolls for dinner. Bread in variety, too, for snacks any tim4 of day or night. So don't get wrink, les worrying about variety in meals— let your baker be your menu maker, See what's on his tray today! a "..174N!1 Bakery - Dashwood i OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK PHONE 100 — ZURICH the men ! Dec 11th A delicious luncheon Club Oct. 30, with theleaders,•' Irl- d APPLES — Snows, Russets, Red d Delicious, Kings and Spies for sale. Newell Geiger, Mrs.. Manson, �ii's• 13 girls present. Officers elected: - pyour order now with Ted. lace Nancy Koehler and •Mrs. Delbert Pres. Jane Riestemayer; Vice - res. ''tfc GMary Jane [Hoffman,; eiger. The latter being painistI-I fianan; secy.,Carole Steinbach, Phone 814-13. for the Meeting. c c COUNTY OF HURON TENDERS i For Half -Ton Pickup Trucks + Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will4. be received by the undersigned until 12 Noon, .4t'. 4. November 20, 1957. 4, Specification sheet and tender_ form may be obtained from the County Engineer's Office, Court House, Goderich. All tenders to be'submitted on official tender form.. + + J. W. BRITNELL, ÷4 r County Engineer, Court House, Goderich4. was served by the committee,. Mr-. Sid Baker, 1VIrs. Ervin Devine and 4. aMMOnannentSMIZINEIIIMM V I•• S lid le. Suggested names are to be ! brought for -lie Club, WC OT fari•ics ° MEETING OF HURON COUNTY as • OR Q'11CK SALE.. D A. $ H. W O U I)1 and fai';rus were discussed. The girls quantity of cob corn, ,`" are i o test pieces of material ial for A limited q' ool a"fl ;n• .,,r .. pros of wonl.Rol1 ready for picking.—Elton Bender. ,�. tc 12 • s Hallowe'en Party— i The Wail!ther League of Zion Lu- s call is to iu'ing samples of wool and IPhone Hensa > y r theran church held their Hallowe'en tell why it is wool. O R SALE. party last Thursday evening with a Mr and Mrs Gordon WeilbcrgMr , .... , wide variety' of costumes, •games and and Mrs Ervin Latta, Mrs. Harold F contests were enjoyed following Tnd- Bauer a e tai dofl W iciaoand o Mr. re Ho erd 12 ,Guage J. C. Higgins Repeater ging of Wool u Club I guests with Mr and Mrs. Fred Wei- shot gun, like new $G0.00. — A. G 4-H. Meets— !guests Hess, Zurich. ' The :first .meeting of the Dashwood berg. • High stCash s M rices Paid for CRA- ' EGGS - and. POULTRY LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor PHONE 101 -- ZURICH Zurich Creamery Your Home Market Poultry Cream, Eggs HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID PLUS A PREMIUM FOR DEL -WEED CREAM. WE ARE EQUIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT ACORATE SERVICE. EGG AND POULTRY DEPT. IN CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS Chas. Minshall, Proprietor mutual Weather Farmers Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK AMR LARGEST RESERVE FAL- UCl1 OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- Vli, COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF TIIIS KIND IN ONTARIO • . RATES ON APPLICATION S. F. KLOPP - ZURICH AGENT ,Ii,1LS0 DEALER IN LIGHTNING '3tODS AND t ALL IVSURANNDS OF FIRi -. . Apply for yours at your nearest B of M Branch BANK OF NIONTREAL ea4taa4 9eira 6404, ,144 .5a,4 WORKING 7.urich Branch; . JOHN BANNISTER, Managet Urnss11 Branch! KENNETIT CIIRiSThAN, Manager Crediton 1.3rnarh: CLARE IRWIN, Manager (phren Tueaclay and Tt r an n) Wed. Sr Fri. Dashwood (q.uh•Aeencv) a WITH cANAA,IANS IN EVERY WAII< OF LIFE SINCE • 1 • • ri aSaturday, November 9th, 1957. ° • • 'A. H. Erskine, --'I „ :�� w}fly,'• County of Huron.. , The Huron County Council will rcieet in' the Court House, Goderich, Tuesday, November 12th. 1957 at 2.00p.ni.• '' All accounts and notices Of deputations should 1-'e in the hands of the Coui t ` El&i'knot later than t i • • • • • • f 0 • • • • 2 • • • • SHUR-fie AIN„,, FEEDS We Offer a Complete Linte..,.0f Shur -Gain Farm Proven, Feeds and Concea�tj;:�.�,.i es for Poultry, Hogs ' and C'attle`- Try Our.. New.. 22%.. Chick.. Starter.. Medicated. Inquire- About .The Low,' ,ri.Vain Prices in. Truck Load M. DEITZ & Son. •j Zurich • 1 • • • 1 • Fertilizer HOW ABOUT YOUR FALL FERTILIZER NEEDS • • _—CURTOM SEED CLEANING • FEEDS FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS— * • • 0 ti • • • • • • • •• s w • • 0 • • Hogs Trucked Tuesday and Thursday Cattle on Saturday GIVE US A CALL— WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU! Hensall DistrictCo.Cp;, Phone I--ltnsall 1 1 5. • • • 0 • • • • • • • • 0 0 0 s 1 2 • • 4, Zurich 220