HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-11-07, Page 4ZURI 45t4tAitiO Freej Marie Eraser's new Butter recipes. Write today DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 409 Huron Street.Toronto 1 r£U COME IN AND SEE THE ew 1 158 Chevrolette NOW ON DISPLAY r Show Room Snell - Bros. Exeter Gid. Koehler, Local Representative, - Zurich A COMPLETE TRUST SERVICE N1 1A$TIERN ONTARIO Can RAY B. PATERSON, Trust Officer gill, Ontario, Phone 51 For • E.w Planning and Wills • R..1 Lisa Services • Investment Management and Advisory Sirvioss 5 fir Guaranteed Investments 3 �4 % on savings—deposits may he mailed, Or Cans 41sy Office Of ,. GUARANFY TRUST • • ZURICH HERALD • ' London, following a short illness in 0 his 4,6th year. He farmed all his life • in Hay Township near Dashwood. He was a member of Dashwood. r✓. Ta U. B. Church. Surviving 'besides his ® wife the former Katherine Heitistein Ct are one daughter Rose Marie and a • 'son Gordon. His mother, Mrs. Mary • ' Weigand •of .01inton, and one sister• IVirs. Gertrude Hauser, .of West Lorne Ij The body rested at the Hoffman Fun - 1 eral Home until Sat, Nov. 2nd, when O j services were conducted by Rev.W.. F. Krotz, interment wa,s , in Dash- : wood E.U..B. cemetery. Bearers I were six neighbours. Lloyd Willert; Ervin Eckstein, Elgin Rader, Leon -I -- ard Restemeyer, Sam Miller and Arn- old Kuntz. Mrs. Henry Becker-7the fOr� • Mxs. Henry Becker, Sr.„0 mer ,Christina Gloor passed away to at the Haywood Nursing Horne, •Exe- 0 ter, after a lengthy illness in her 81,'' a year. Her .husband died in19 was born in Logan Township and she and her husband farmed in Hay Townsh'u until after his death' 'vwas she moved to Dashwood. a member of Zion Lutheran church, Dashwood. !Surviving are 4 daught- ers, Mrs. E. Brandt, Mrs. R.. Eck- stein and (Mrs. F. TenEyck of Kitch- ener; Mrs. Elfrieda Yause of London; Six sons, Henry, Valentine._ Edmund, and Rudolph ,of Dashwood; Albert, New Dundee; Otto of Roblin, 1V1. ail and Vernon of Exeter; 37 grand.; , 1, dren and 10 great ,grandchildreii.Tlle' body rested'at the Hoffman. Funeral. Home until Sunday noon when' it- iwas removed to . Zion Luthar,a¢ i church. Services were cad -acted Y Rev. K. I.. glom and interment iri Lutheran Bronson line cemetery. The (bearers were six grandsons, 'Tame's Becker, Arvin Becker, 'Allen Harold Bec'Bisndt and Fred 'Tena Eyck ,J_, Ken Eckstein. e - • Dr and Mrs Fred Mor -lock and son of Waterloo spent .the 'week -end, with, relatives here. . CON ANT OF CANADA ,Toros • Illiontreal • Ottawa • Windsor IISgan% Pas . &awry • Sault Ste. Marne fit-• 'Vancouver 1 iourammuriamsxsugamemunisompowaratormialmmeesomm AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE _—OF AUTOMOBILES OF HIGH GRADE HOLSTEIN' Consisting of 5 good used cats, on COWS and Lot 14, on 2, Stanley llTownship atERS VA ile the premises, Main St., in the VILLAGE OF ZURICH West of Brucefield, on WEDNESDAY At Desjardine's Garage NOVrEIMBIEf t 13th, at 1.30 p.m. The undersigned Auctioneer is in- 20 Holsteiai. 'Cows, fresh and due to $trusted to sell by public Auction on freshen 20 Choice November ov snlbein r and December. fresh and SATURDAY, NOVEMBER ..6• at 2 p.m. shat -i. due in November and December. 1951 Pontiac 2 -door Sedan eomplet- A number of open Holstein Heifers, ely overhauled with 3,000 actual Several young Calves. mileage, in A-1 condition.Alt Cattle are T. B. tested and 1952 Chev. Hardtop, 2 -tone, Custom, Calfinated .. Salehwill beood cheld under cover. has radio, this car is like new. Terms—Cash 1957 Meteor 300 Series 4 -door 1 D'Axcv Rothwell & Sons, Props. Sedan tri -tone color, white walls, Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 1955 .Chev.. 4 -door Sedan, two-tone, , Brother Robert Mittleholtz of Custom, radio, like new. white wall.:, Custom, Radio, wind- Jesuit Movitate, Guelph, Ont., spent hietd washers and other extras. Sunday at the home of his parents,.. These cars will be sold under. full IMr- and Mr _•. Ted. IMittleholst. _.. guarantee . Inspection invited. p A S H1 O Ca U 'Perm; --Cash. Elroy Desjardine, Proprietor. Deaths—Weigand, at St. Jeseph' At the same time and place a 1951 Hospital, London, Etongin Weigand, Plymouth 4 -door Sedan, color green, October 30, actual mileage 22,000 in all around at Dashwood. guaranteed condition. This is a good B -- ecker At the Haywood Nui:a-. eoean car. I ing Home, in Exeter, Wednesday, Oc- j .Ipe: Miller, Hubert hiller, tuber 20th, 1957, Christina Gloor, Executors for the Estate of the H h�voad, widow of the, late Hciiry later Walter Miller. I'l eeker, Sr., 80 yrs. No (reserve. Terms—Cash. !Late Elgin Wiegand--- t'tilncr, Auetione;er. Elgin Wicgand of Hay Town„hip{ ipassed away .at St, Joseph's Hospital' Thuz�sday, November 7th, 19 i - ...-..__. •ter._-. _ ,Y sinter wootkitting wonder! PIONEER RA chain saw... Frozen wood, hardwood - your Pioneer RA chain saw tackles every type of timber,' every time 'of year! Exclusive "zero -weather” chain, easy winter starting, greater lugging power - ail add up to bigger winter cutting profits for you! See us fox a free• demonstration! DEALERS NAME AND ADDRESS MAT 5815 . RADER & MITTLEHIO'LTZ Zurich Ont: on DEBENTURES and GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES HURON & ERIE - CANAM TRUST coiieotu mro Head Office — London, Ont. District Representative - J.. W. Haberer, Zurich WRITiE ANY GOOD LETTERS LATELY? UNDER today's economic conditions, what you don't want from governments, or can do yvitlaout, will determine whether inflation is to be baited: In other words, it is up to the people of Canada themselves to determine what sort of future they will have. Do your representatives in government at all levels know what you don't want? Why not, write and tell. them? THE STEEL COMPANY SOF CANADA LIMITE tONTREAL GANANOQUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO