HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-10-17, Page 8ZURICH ONTARIO 140 .1111. "i• -f THE STORE ' WITH THE STOCK 41,V 11 0 s Pure Wool Hecked Tweed 58 -in width, yd. $4.65 Authentic Tartans in wool, 58' width, yd. 2.25 Girl's lined all wool plaid Slacks, size 3-6 at Children's long sleeve button shoulder Jerseys, st:iped pastel shades, sizes 1, 2, 3, each 1.65 Girl's Ivy League striped ouses 8 to 14 2.98 Girls 100v Orlin Pullovers 8 to 14, fancy trim at neckline each 3.95 Cardigans to match, each 4.95 (-)5 Girls Orlon Pullovers 4, 6, 6x Cardigans to match 3.95, ViSit our Baby Dept. for all of your requirements, or to choose a lovely gift for that "Special" Newcomer. BARGAINS BARGAINS Walk Upstairs And Save Greatly reduced prices on many lines of Summer and Fall Goods in furnishings; Ladies and Chiidrens Wear, Mens and Boys Wear; Suit s, Overcoats, Jackets, Work Clothes, Caps, Hats, Shirts, etc. Allof above lines on Display on Tables on Second Floor. TELEPHONE 59 IrESAIMM ruMake 00 01. 0,0 o Brise ZURICH our Ho 664 ZURICH HERALD LOCAL • NEWS . I Huron & Erie V Mr and Mrs Donald Manson fiidl children of Tomnto spent Thanksgiv-! DEBENTURES ing at the home of their inother,Nre I e Mary Manson and sister, lsir aed g Mrs, Newell Geiger. U Mr and Mrs. Finkbeiner and fain- , K ? ily of Kippen and MTS. Edna Oswald ! of Zurich were week -end viettor.4 with ? • CERTIFICATES relatives and friends in Detroit. p Mies Carole Thic4 and ;Mr. ma- Now Paying 5% 0; ald Kyle motored to Detroit eo spend 1 . x Thanksgiving holiday at the home of , 2and. 3 Years Ilk thefoitner's aunt and uncle, Mr. e „Ind .,,loriey Witmer. J. W. HABERER 4P • Is At Hospital General Insurance Phone 161 lc anada rust Mre. Emma Sullivan has' taken ill 4 and was rushed to South Huron Hos- v,./.11.1tal, at Eeter. by the Westlake! Vp _ambulance. We wish het. as000tty ST, PETER'S ),,.,:tiv,,y. Ev. Lutheran Church, Zurich On Western Trip , . Rev. O. Winter, Pastor. , p , 1.-,lr rivl mr, Erie La i (Paw 'N .rt 101' Mm, .Ms J. J. TuerkheiATCM,, Organist i. • 'the Western Provinces by motor en to visit the former's sister at Win inipeg, Man., and then on to Carle wright, Man., where Mr. Laidlaw'. :parents .reside. They are also trevell ine; '..:VI to oase Jaw, Sask where they `II/ I will with their rousins 11r and e•Mrs,.. Stewart Adkins, who 18 station - JO 1 ed at the Air, Force Camp. Mr arid p Mrs. V/rn. Reichert of town received word they arrived safely after a 630 , mile run to the first stop and a ple- asant trip wa.s enjoyed. We wish them a safe return home. -1SUNDAY SERVICES: 10.00 A.M. — "Worship •Service 11:15 AJM. — Sunday School and Bible Class- .' 7:80 PAL — Evening. Service. This Church is- the House of God. 1•Iis service is the aim af every or- ganization. All are welcome to worship with us on the Lord's Day, 'and to benefit in: the social service of .the week. "Holiness beecupeth Thy Heuse, 0 Lord." for work on the Blue Water Highway o603,787 contract Zurich Mennonite Church HIGHWAY 21 JOB LET Tornto — A $. I • was awarded on Oct. 11th to the Pastor-- Albert Martin .1? Eeillor Construction Co. Ltd., of !SUNDAY SERVICES.: St. Thomas Spokesmen for the De- il 10:00 a.m. — Sunday Sehool 0 ipartment of Highiyays. ;laid., the job ,1.1:ea.m. w.8,.:.ie3,1,hipmsertree \g‘:roeuniudleeli.itailligTecuerng,,e, fceure ell.i.).e5 a:11111e: ; 8:00p.m.1Wednesay8.00 pl.me. PreaeyernFellow- of No. 21 Highway, between Day- i ship in the homes. field and St. Jo .eph. t., j . GYENING and DEDICATION YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP' k., I The official opening and dedicat-1 WITH US 'ion of the. addition to the Zurieh.... ou l Enjoy Listerireg trl— Q, S.•hool will be held in the Commun- "THE MENNONlIE HOUR" '_y ('entre Hall on Friday afternoon, Gospel' Preach;,,, -- Inseirationa 1,) •r Octobeer 18th at 2.80 pan. (Standard! ,,,Il• i, Time). A very appropriate program Singing. haen :Sundays—CHML-900 k.c. '7.30 a.m. \IVG. s 'eearranged which wilt ee car- qp ried out, among the speakers will be —WRVA - 1140 k.c.- 10.30 pen. gglMr. G. L. T.inflin, B.A., M.Ed., assIst-; 'The Living Christrld.” for a Dying • , ant Stiperiem tendent of EleenWorld."o tary 1 Vi! • Educotion., who will be introducedby Mr. G. J. Goman, I3,A., B.Ed. Public . School Inspector. Local Clergy and Council heads will also take part in UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH ,the ceremonies. After this an open! Rev. A. M. Arnacher; B.D, house will take place at the school when the public can see the new ad- Mrs. Minister Milton ()each, Organist. e 4e, FJ,ECTRICALLY SAFE - Get Friendly Service Have A Master Electrician Do Your Work For all Electrical Appliances Cali— WHERTH ELECTRIC anneameniaien Phone 84 Zurich Emmanuel Evangelical * ditions and equipment. A large i• gathering is expected to take ptace, as we all are interested in the future ,Sunday, October 20th. i education of our 'children.. - - , • 10.00 a.m,---ilVlorning Worship Service t • Huron Temperance. News 111 aen.---Sunday .School. •:e. ALCOHOL EDUCATION O During 1957, 13,000 students No evening .Service because of the el (Roman Catholic and,Protestant) • Dashwood Anniversary. it received information about the 0 alcohol problem in 96 school A.-. Sentence .Sermon — The thing that 6 Is'elie• and classroom periods eon - 6 , • 'nourishes the'root determines the ein 47, i duceed by the Ontario Temperance fruit. Be it-iiee or man. • • • !Federation. During the first HALF COME TO CHURCH of 1957, .an • equal number have had sender inN struction. In every case yjar.111 s'''''' vildi,r il : these lesso ns have been sponsored by local educational and ministerial ank i till 0 111 !bodies. 1800 young people throughout On- WILL • OPERATE EVERY ' P.ok). r tario, last year attended social nights promotin coe EXCEPT MONDAY, STARTING` ON ed by the Federation, operation with local leaders. U posters and other material were dis- OCTOBER 8th, 'NTIL NOV, 22nd. 170,000 leaflets, pamphlets, books, FRED HENNICK SON tributed from the Federal Library. & . There were 150 entries in essay --- ---- --------- and scrapbook contests promoted Some 900 film programs were put 'me, al standards s•ucceesfully. through the Advocate. on in Church, school and conimunitY be taking of the Federation of Agrieult i _ groups, Two, of the most eileetive • feeltehnatz;etlter,ee pjaurntioirms eNtN;irlifseolo.ritl Front Alone." organizations and producer groups. films are "Alcohol is Dynamite" and "Many of our ceuntry alcoholics As an incentive to this and the Ont - "Far.. need never have been addicted had ario Federation of Agriculture is or. .corit they known the danger signals early ganizin a Prince and Princess in life." Dr. Bell, Director of Shed- Iteelp7ds. is not a beauty contest out foe brook Health Foundation.—Advt. . ;rather a test of knowledge and lead - Contests must: be from ae • HU • E RATION Huron County farm but may b This item is directed to the young -116 to 20 years. of age, inclusive. working away from ;tome, and from , •The contest is beim,g planned . for ('1'members of our farm families. 1 0,^t, 1.6th, Contestants will be ludg- The Ontario Department of .Agrieult- ed ure has been making reitenicableiwieodngeaewfriftteerl•exazglannaitzioeitiieonne kennod- piegres.s in their 4:H ,cluth and Junior -agriculture - 80 points, departmental farmer and Junior Institute Avork. and appearance :oral 20 pornts. 1•••••••••••••••••••••••••,0••••••••eari•al•P 2 0 awase*****eseeseetrewmoet,,e-aela *-avaa..,.tee '4,arraataff, HARDWARE SEEDS Wad FUR.NITURi: Yor Fuel Needs Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of tinae. Wealways try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange for your supply. YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove need attention; or prob. ably you need a New One. Let us look these over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes: Floor wax OTHER' SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. E & WEIDO ZURiCH - ONT. QUALITY – PRICE SERVICE 6 4 4 4 • t eaforth Fair Calf .Club exhibits looked more like the Royal than a local fair. The exhibits of the Jun- ior Institutes would meet profession - e • With such active 4H and junior Farmer and Institute 'organizations Huron County should de 'well. — J. Carl Hemingway, Secy. MidT wn Cleaners AGENT — Reg. R, BLACK, Zurich. Our Dry Cleaning and Laundry Service will be • continued as usual at the same location, Goes out Monday ,- back on Thursday; out Thurs- day back Saturday; out Saturday - back Monday. Fast Efficient.. Service MID TOWN CLEANERS Exeter — Ontario. a • a • a • 0 a a a a a 2 • • 0 4 4 Thanday,, October 17th, 1957 THE GRACE OF GRATITUDE The Grateful Heart Gives Thanks. t Giving thanks always for all things unto God. ,and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus. Christ. The Grateful Heart Shares • Every man as he purposeth in his heart, so let him • give; not grudgingly, or of necessity; for God ▪ loveth a cheerful giver. 11 Cor. 9:7. The Greateful Heart. Serves: 1 And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye always having all sufficiency in all i'. .4. things, may abound iri every good work. IICor9:8 T. Let us have gra.ce, whereby we nay serve God ac - 1 ceptablly with reverence and godly fear. Heb.12:28 ca: Zurich Mennonite Evangelism Committee 11'- 4 02 • 0 0 4 0 • a a a a • 2 a 2 0 • a a a • 0 0 6 02.31%2Y We s blalc urnitu re COME IN And See our Fine Display of alt HOME FURNISHINGS! Floor Covering,, Tile, Inlaid, COngoleum, Rugs,Etc. Blinds of all types, cut as required. Venetian Blinds Stock and Cu -tom made. Drapery Track. Eureka Vacutun Cleaners; Floor Polisher for Sale or Rent. MATTRESSES Special Special for a Limited Time only: Nationally advertised Sealy Enchanted Nights, Reg. $59.50. Special $44.50 Other Famous Mattresses to choose from: Pasturepeclic, Beauty Rest, Pillofoam, Etc. ZURICH Phone 89J, +4 -+* !•••:••re ya:.:11,ii,001,11161101111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111IMIIIIIIIIM11111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111 argains in Floor Coverulgs .0 25% OFF ON ALL MERCHANDISE Here area few Examples: e• INLAID LINOLEUM - Reg. 4.95 running Yard for $3.70 running Yard 3 yds. wide Congoleum - Reg. 2.85 running yard, for $228 running yard REMNANTS and Odd lots of Tile - All at only HALF PRICE Shop Early While The Selection Is Good / T. and 'L FLOORING Your Decorating Headquarters SHOW ROOM IN BAKERY BLOCK. PHONE 133 ZURICH W4,1 DOM 11101101 111111 iTr I matiLtEMIEREMEIRR'iht- Approaches Once 1 , ore .7; 4 .*, SO ACT PAST and be prepared for Winter .t.: by securing your Storm Sash and Combination Doors Early! We also carry a complete line of Aluminum Combination Doors and Windows Give us, a call and we will be glad to come and take measurements and give you a Free Estimate. A good supply of Canadian Cement is on hand for ' immediate Sale. " LET US SERVE YOU! • • • ••••• • ZU RICH 9 FuE LAMBE OWL 9UPPJE 4