HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-10-17, Page 7"'YOU'RE AN ACTOR" — Paul Ford, 56 -year-old actor, ro- mances Shirley Booth in a new film "The Matchmaker," Ford, Sgt. Bilko's Colonel on the Phil Silvers TV show, didn't become an actor till he was 38. He did R on the advice of his psy- chiatrist. Hearing of Paul's many jobs—none of them profitable —the psychiatrist said simply, "You're an actor." He's been one ever since—for money, Fake Fights a ojrld's Richest Cl!I m o „er Philadelphia Jack O'Brien, one of the ring's greatest names, made a fortune faking fights — but he was caught in his own double-cross when he tried to fix a fight with Tommy Burns. O'Brien was not only light heavyweight champion, at the height of his fame he was also the richest prize fighter in the world, But the secret of his mar- velous record of winning fights 'was exposed after Burns gave him a beating in the ring in- itead of "lying down" to him. Most people have forgotten this disreputable side of Phila- delphia Jack's career. He is re- membered only as a great cham- pion. Yet most of his fights — in- cluding his title fight — were faked, and after his sensational exposure by Burns, shocked, sportsmen dubbed O'Brien the 'fixed fight champion." In his pre -arranged victories his op- ponents sacrificed honor for the money O'Brien offered them to ;lay down. Until he tangled with Burns, his opponents were afraid to ex- pose O'Brien. So he posed as a victorious pugilist and claimed honors which never should have been his. But when he met Tommy Burns, O'Brien met his match in shrewdness. Burns crossed and doublecrossed him when they fought for the second time in Los Angeles on May 8, 1907. Itwas obvious that something was in the wind when Burns' saaanager called off all bets be- fore the fight. O'Brien was the 10 to 7 favorite. After the fight, when Burns bad soundly beaten O'Brien, the fans who had bet on the Phila- elelphian were jubilant, because (they'd saved their money. But ose who had favored Burns demanded to know why the bets had been called off. Tommy' Burns explained — and dropped a bombshell that rocked the sporting world. "Jack O'Brien wzrs caught in "one of his own traps," said Burns. "I could not get him to agree to enter the ring until after I had promised to lay down and let him win the fight. I. pretended to be willing to do this, because I wanted to show the country that I was O'Brien's master. "In the first round O'Brien was taken off his feet and was scared to death. He knew I had planned too cunningly for them all, and that he was due for a beating. "As for the bets being called off, I was instrumental in having that done for the benefit of the public. I wanted to make this explanation afterwards and I did not want to see the public tricked into' losing any of its money. Calling off the bets cost me $3,800, for I stood to win that amount myself." O'Brien at first denied that he had tried to fix the fight, but later he confessed that he had. He confessed to other fixed fights too, and even declared that his first encounter with Burns the previous November had been fixed to end in a draw. This was probably true, for in their second fight, when Burns refused to carry through the fake, he completely out- classed O'Brien. Born in Philadelphia in Janu- ary 1878, O'Brien's real name was Joseph Hagan. He started his career in the ring when he was 18, but it was years before he did anything noteworthy. He struggled along like any second - rater. No one took him seriously. Then he went to England, beat a lot of hams, made himself some money and acquired the British heavyweight champion- lase Cunard's special Thrift Season rotes make this a golden opportunity to go home for an Old Country Christmas. Cunard's personally conducted sailings promise you an experi- once that will leave you and your dear ones With the warmest rnemories of your lives. Plan your reunion now. Reserve earty for the Holiday you'll never forget; Remember ... getting there is half the fun , . , with Cunard. Soo your Loco! Agent— No ono can servo you heifer 'r _fine Varner Bay & Wellington Sts., NI,la Empire 2-2911 Low THRIFT SEASON RATES APPLY ON ALL SAILINGS CIMISt1yAS SAPLINGS Nov, 28YEVAIN Montrealto Greenock, Lierpoolpef5ana!!contracted Experienced Cunard Passenger ReAesentativesERNL4N°v.2p_ pro ontreaia Quebec to HovrSouthamponTHIAOne. hmpnxto Havre, Soutaa SCY 11x°, i3 --From ARINTHIA POoto CobLie °W York ...c. Hol°ifgg k Toronto, Ont. ship •-•- an empty honor in those days. When he returned to America he managed to get some big name fights and steadily fought his way to the championship class. But he faked rather than fought his way to success. He fixed his fights so that he would win, Grabbing purse after purse and putting his money away in real estate, he soon became the richest fighter in the world. But public opinion turned against him and after the Burns fiasco many people demanded his removal from the prize ring. His career was studded with frame-ups, and he was caught in several questionable fights,, but he was never so completely exposed than in his raw attempt to fake his fight with Burns. O'Brien •must have had a severe shock that May day when he climbed into the ring ex- pecting Burns to lay down for him. The following Police Ga- zette eye -witness report of the contest reveals what a poor show O'Brien put up. "Tommy Burns 'thoroughly outclassed O'Brien in every de- partment of the game except springing a w a y, and when O'Brien sought to run away Burns would stand in the center of the ring with his hands at his sides and beg the Philadel- phian to fight. "From the first until the last round O'Brien acted as though in great fear and waited until forced into clinches. His tactics were not to the liking of the audience, which hissed him from first to last. "In the seventh round Burns caught O'Brien with swinging crosscuts as he raced around the ring and he staggered the Philadelphian with a right cross to the jaw, forcing O'Brien into a clinch. "In the ninth round Burns succeeded in getting to O'Brien's face with a right and left, which opened a cut on his eye. Blood streamed freely from the wound and this took all the fight out of O'Brien. From that time on, until the end he showed abso- lutely nothing that gave his ad- mirers any excuse for hope. "In the twelfth round when O'Brien sought to mix it, Burns put over another overhand wal- lop to the face, staggering his opponent and causing blood to flow from his face. In the fif- teenth O'Brien's left eye was closed and his right eye was beginning to swell up. "From the fifteenth to the twentieth Burns out - pointed O'Brien and had him on the ragged edge all the time. Burns fought hard for a knockout in the closing rounds, but the crafty O'Brien was clever enough to save himself by running away from Burns' fierce blows and succeeded .in staving off a knockout.' "O'Brien pursued his runaway tactics from first to last and. frequently turned his back on Burns in his frantic effort to escape, racing round the ring in full head of steam. "After .the twentieth . round the referee had no hesitation in declaring Burns the winner, and found it unnecessary to order a few more rounds." Overdose Of Fear Writing' in Life magazine not long ago, Dr. George Crile, Jr., surgeon at the Cleveland clinic, charged- that those responsible for telling the public about di- sease have "chosen to use the weapon of fear, believing that only through fear can the public be educated." "Newspapers and magazines have spread this fear," he went on, "knowing that the public is always inter- ested in the melodramatic and the frightening." This observation is particular- ly pertinent now in regard to the wide publicity being given Asian influenza and the predic- tions that a vast epidemic is in- escapable this winter. The fact that certain California health experts recently declared that there was no reason to expect an epidemic seems to have been ignored in favor of the more "melodramatic and frightening" forecasts. Dr. John T. Barrett, chairman of the Rhode Island state coin- mittee on immunization, says that the publicity on Asian flu is "totally out of proportion with the danger involved." At worst, this latest "popular al°- ment cannot be compared with the type of influenza prevalent in 1917-18." Psychosomatic medicine em- phasizes the harmful effects of fear and anxiety and echoes Job's statement that "the thing I greatly feared is come upon me." Disease is not a matter of germs and viruses only. Efforts toward immunization through vaccine are commen- dable but that is not the sole means of immunization. Many centuries ago the Psalmist said: "Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; there shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling." This is not only beautiful prose but a beautiful truth.— La Jolla (Calif.) Light, ... IA$$IFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED GO INTO BUSINESS for yourself. Sell our exclusive house- wares, watches and Other products not found in stores No competition, Profits up to $00%. Write now for free colour catalogue and separate confl- dential wholesale price sheet. Murray Sales, 3822 St. Lawrence, Montreal AGENTS WANTED REPRESENTATIVE to handle auto gasoline addative. Ring and valve job in 30 minutes. $0,00 for sample. Mote, No, Inc., 1101 May Street, Fort Worth, Texas, ARTICLES FOR SALE FIRE PROTECTION. Presto Fire Ex. tinguisher: $5,95; $8,95; $13.95; 534.80. Kedge Fire Alarms $7.95 (less flash• light batteries)- Deposit $2,00, balance ;ollect, Bauman Printing, Elmira, Ont. CANADA'S GREATEST SHOOTER'S BARGAINS RIFLES & AMMUNITION Mannlicher• 7.35 (.30 Cal,) Carbines, Repeaters, 6 shot clip bolt action. Good condition $15.95. Like New, with sling & cleaning rod, $19.95. Deluxe Sporters, Winchesters & Remington 6 shot Mag. 30.06 Cal. Per- fect $32.50 Remington 7M111 single shot Ili -power Rifles. Good $10.95. AMMUNITION 7.35' - 18 rds. $1.95 - 90 7MM 20 rds. $1.95 - 100 8MM - 20 rds. $1,95 -• 100 .303 - 20 rds. $1.95' 100 0.06 - 20 rds $1.95 100 c.o.D. rds, $7.50 rds. $7.50 rds. $7.50 rds. $7.50 rds. 67.50 ALBION ARMS, Box 628 PETERBOROUGH, Ontario BABY CHICKS BROILERS - special meat birds: dual purpose cockerels. Mixed chicks. Pul- lets. A few started. Ames In -Cross, etc„ Pricelist, Bray Hatchery, 120 John N., Hamilton. WE invite you to try Kimberchiks. We could say a lot about the latest Kim. ber Leghorn K-137 but the real test is how it will perform for you. Com. pare Kimber Leghorns with other .strains on your farm. Run a split brood. That is start Kimberchiks on the same day you start chicks from other sources. Check egg lay. Com- pare egg size. Do the layers live? Once you make such a comparison, you may decide to brood Kimberchiks exclu. lively. Send for Catalogue and full details. Genuine Kimberchiks are hatched by Scott Poultry Farm, Sea - forth, Ontario and Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. BABY CHICKS INVESTIGATE before you buy. It's not the Initial cost of the day old pullets you buy that counts, it's the net profit you make. We have special egg breeds. Sure, they cost more than dual pur- pose or some egg breeds but they will make you more money. Our best for eggs, Kimber K-137. Also recommend, Warren Rhode Island Red, Rhode island Red X White Leghorn, Califor- nia Grey X White Leghorn, Ames In Cross. Also dual purpose breeds, broil- er breeds, turkey poults. Catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO OOMESTIC HELP WANTED "DOMESTIC help required. Good home, Live in. 3 children, $20 a week. Write giving full particulars and references to: Mrs. W. S. Martin, 9 Armstrong St., Brampton. Ontario." RELIABLE housekeeper wanted to care for crippled bachelor in modern home. State wages. References requir- ed- William Prosser, R.R. 1.. Milton. Ontario. GENERAL, light housework. Own room, Must be fond of children. Mod- ern conveniences. $20,00 week to start. Fare advanced. Mrs. Palnlck, 1.720 Norway, Montreal 16. FOR SALE 1957 MODEL Chain Saw (Mall) operated only a few hours, Sacrifice for $195, Apply Clement Goyotte, Route 2, Stills. vide, Ontario.. WELDING shop, fully equipped, Write: COWEI,L BROTHERS, Wardsville, On- tario. GARDEN SUPPLIES 'THERE'S money in earthworms, Raise Red Hybrid,g for Balt and improvement, . etc, Full information, 35c, B. Dool•, R,R. 3, North )3ay, Ont, LIVESTOCK REGISTERED Suffolk Ram Lambs and Ewes, NORMAN McCLEOD, R.R. 3, Pal• merston, Ont. MECHANICAL PARTS, REPAIRS MOTALOY RING AND VALVE JOB While you drive for only $8.00. Poi cars = trucks - tractors, etc. Un conditionally guaranteed, Effective for life of car. Motaloy saves you money. Motaloy Sales Co., 34 West Street, Goderich, Ontario. Dealer inquiries invited. MEDICAL HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT DIXON'S NEURITIS AND RHEUMATIC PAIN REMEDY? 17' GIVES GOOD RESULTS. MUNROS DRUG STORE 335 Elgin, Ottawa. $1.25 Express Prepaid POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you Itching, scaling and burning ecze• ma; acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN SAVE! Genuine Wholesale Catalogue! Get yours and save for Christmas. Only $1,00. Elsie Hendry, 1419 Cronk, Flint 6, Michigan. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates. America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St .W., Toronto Branches; 44 King St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa BE INDEPENDENT BE YOUR OWN BOSS Rave financial independence and the security of your own business, with no Investment. FULL OR. PART TIME Operate your own wholesale name brand business, without overhead or inventory Sell famous brands of ap- pliances, cookware, silverware. house- wares, ousewares, tools, jewelry, dishes, etc. In- cluding such famous brand names as Wm. Rogers, Oneida, International Sil- ver, Ronson, Benrus, Dormeyer, War. Ing, , Roto -Broil,. Gory, Courtship Dia• monds and dozens of others. Only re, tall prices shown in catalogue, your dealer costs given in a separate whole. sale price list, Send for free catalogue and complete details. CONSUMERS DISTRIBUTING CO. 1304 EGLINTON AVE. W., TORONTO Medical Progress Parathyroid glands — which control the body's absorption of essential calcium and phosphor- us — have now been successful- ly transplanted in human bodies, two American scientists told the International Congress of Cell Biology meeting in St. Andrews, Scotland. Dr. C. Henry Kempe of the Colorado School of Medi- cine and Dr. Mary Jean Morse of Mill Valley, Calif., explained that the tiny glands often must be cut away when cancerous thyroid glands are removed. Un- like the thyroid, the hormones of which may be taken orally, there is no substitute for the parathyroid glands, so the de- prived patients soon die. But when Drs. Kempe and Morse transplanted either whole para- thyroid glands (taken from a human fetus and matured in a bottle) or fast-growing cells from tumorous parathyroid glands, life was prolonged for as T HD RELIEVE SEDICiN tablets directions is a safe or quiet the nerves $EDICIN SLEEP 0 -NIGHT NERVOUSNESS TO -MORROW! taken according to way to induce sleep when tense. $1.00-$4.95 Drug Stores Oily! much as ninteeii months. A rare kidney disease, cys- tinosis, previously thought to be an invariably fatal ailment in children, has been discovered in a healthy, 23 -year-old student, Harvard University reported. The disease usually causes fa- talities when the amino acid, crystallizes and blocks the elim- ination of body waste. In the new case, however, the kidneys are healthy even though the PATENTS FETIIERSPONIIAUGH & Go m p a e Patent Attorneys, Established 1890. 600 University Ave„ Toronto. Patents' all countries, PERSONAL 'LOU TRIAL offer. Twenty-five delux4 personal requirements. Latest eata Logue included. The Medico Agency Box 22, Terminal "Q" Toronto, Ont SPORTING GOODS Get Yours Nowt The New Free Hunteri1 Guide Catalogue - bigger.than ever — 84 pages, Every sportsman should have this complete catalogue. Fully illus• trates guns, cases, scopes, clothes, ans munition, traps, compasses, binocular, and all hunting accessories. Write Now to: Sydney L Robinson Sporting Goods, Dept. 157, 277 Rupert Ave,, West, Win- nipeg. SWINE REGISTERED Landrace: Boars, Gilts open or bred sows. Fast growing and a low feed conversion factor bred Into these pigs. Farmers prices. G. H, Sylvester R.R. No, 1, St. Catharines, Ont. WHEN you start with Landrace, the bacon breed of the future, Buy the best. We have some of the hest Land - race that money will buy, all from imported stock and sold at reasonable prices. Weanlings, four month old Sows and boars, guaranteed in pig sows, serviceable boars, for immediate delivery. Catalogue- TONRA STOCK FARM, R.R. NO. 3, HOLLAND CENTRE, ONT. EVERYONE likes a winner, that's why we are always in the market for Cham- pions and Prize Landrace in Great Bri- tain. Our' most recent importation of Champions are outstanding new and better blood lines for our customers. weanlings, four month old, six month old sows and boars, guaranteed in pig sows, serviceable boars, all from im- ported stock, for immediate delivery, Catalogue. FERGUS LANDRACE SWINE FARM FERGUS ONTARIO TAXIDERMY DEER, Moose heads, Birds, Fishmount- ed; mothproof. Forty years' experi. once, W. Ormsby, Route 2, Orlllia, Ont. WANTED OLD Canadian used Stamps, Coins, Bank Bills what have you? Retter, 124 Isabella, Toronto, Ont. Stubborn Skin itch Stop Scratching) Try This Tonight For Quick Ease and Comfort To find relief from the torment- ing miserable itching, try stainless, greaseless MOONE'S EMERALD OIL. You get prompt relief from the itch of most externally caused skin and scalp irritations. EMER- ALD OIL is sold at all drug stores. If You're TIRED ALL THE TIME Everybody gets a bit run-down now and then, tired -out, heavy -headed, and maybe bothered by backaches. Perhaps nothing seriously wrong, just a temporary toxic condition caused by excess acids and wastes. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys, and so help restore their normal action of removing excess acids and wastes. Then you feel better, aleep better, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue box with the red band at all druggist'. You can depend on Dodd',. 52 Use your SPARE TIME to build an interesting and PROFITABLE BUSINESS CAREER Investigate how Shaw Schools will help you prepare for a career that will assure your success and security. Underline course that Interests you .. • Bookkeeping • Typewriting • Junior, • Shorthand Intermediate • Business English and Higher and Accounting Correspondence • Cost Accounting a Stationary • Chartered Engineering Secretary • Short Story (A.C.I.S.) Writing Write for free catalogue today Many other courses from which to choose. Bay & Charles Sts., Toronto — Dept. HW -1 SHAW ` SCHOOLS cystine crystals were detected in the eye tissue. "Whatever quirk of body chemistry saved the life of this adult," Harvard scien- tists predicted, "may some day be produced artificially in other cystinosis victims." ..... _ .. ... .. "�.:.,.,::.31\s%":•'`� \�?�� <.°.�vE��'�Y�u�."}\`.� \�`4 ��a '�'��;.,`� a \���., .eShJd.a ItIKE A FISH — "Sampson," a 10 -month-old iia n belonging to Kent Baltzell, is a lion an land but makes like a fish in the water. The lion cub, in photo at left, easily outdistances his mas- ter, and then indigtwaly climbs out of the wa ter, in photo at right, as if to say" so you think you can swim." AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA