HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-10-17, Page 5ZURICH ONTARIO >q ZURICH HERALD hath erl4ed as second clxass mail, oort 011lee Department, Otta;^rrra, . ALV.`Ni WALPER j" P R O V• I N C I A. L Licensed .Auctioneer For your Sale, lar ;e or small; Court - :mous and Efficient Service at all Irte. Phoney 57 r 7. DASHWOOD N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street -- Exeter Open Every Week Day .Except Wednesday BELL & LAUGHTON - BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. EXETER -- PHONE 4 C. V. LAUGHTON, L.L.B. Tuesday, 2 to 5 p.m, at Zurich. At Township Clerk's Office i or Appointment, Dashwood 27 r 13 J. NORMAN COWAN Bookkeeping and Income Tax Service 'Sarepta' Hay P. 0. CONTRACTING MOBILE DISPOSAL Septile Tank Cleaning , Repairs on i Drains, Watermains, Etc. New Instalati�on on Cement Septic ranks, Drainage Tile and Drains P. 1210.5 Grand Bend Th. 205 T f RONALD C. McCANN PUBLIC ACCOUNT/WT s ?hones: 561 Office Royal Bank Bldg. d 455 Res. Ratenbury S.t (;r CLINTON - ONTARIO } Drs. COXON & LEITCH 1 11 VETERINARY SURGEONS e li e with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store t Phone 96 — ZURICH h -__�___ G. B. CLANCY L • Optometrist — Optician (Successor to the late A. L. Cole. optometrist) For appointments phone 33. c Goderich - Ont. 1v t L ARTHUR FRASER r' Income Tax Reports 01 •okkeep�ing Service, Etc. m h EXETER - 118 »FFICE - Corner Ann, William Sts. ell ,_ , Phone Exeter 504 I Nn MEAT MARTI�T �1 A WITH MEATS of the el BETTER KIND rot. Over 50 Years • ha YUNGBLUT BR.OS. W ......,.., ba one 57 SERVING THE COMMUNITY O'Brien's Produce Highest Cash Prices Paid for CREAM- EGGS - and POULTRY LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor PHONE 101 — ZURICH Zurich Creamery Your Home Market for • Cream, Eggs and Poultry HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID PLUS A PREMIUM FOR DELIVEED CREAM. WE ARE EQUIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT ACCURATE SERVICE. EGG AND POULTRY DEPT. IN CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS .Chas. Minshall, Proprietor Western F rr er ' W Cather Insw nce C. OF WOODSTOCK ralt LARGEST RESERVE BAL. IRO) OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- COMPANY DOING BUSINESS r,• OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO .. RATES ON APPLICATION F. KLOPP - ZURICH AGENT ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING RODS AND ALL KINDS OF' %!lir. I'll S vt n .�xk mil C . i,`2 tJRICI'I I'HERAI. LOCAL NEWS Mr and Mrs. Ed. Datar acranrnp- anied by Mr arid Mrs J. W. Hat erer, spent Sunday 'rn Detroit, Mr. Cafdin `Williams is visiting; ate the home •of his sister, Me;:. Fred.' Shaver near llligkit at present, 'Mrs. Edith Lewis and Miss Pearl Roil' of Stratford visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chris, Hoist Last week. Mr. Ed, Lteichert who is spending vunle time is 'Toronto, was a seek and visitor at his home here in town.; !line Mary Z.rouise ' Pritz of Torentoi has been spending a °few day with hee ,parent,, Me:and lie; Ward Peitz,' IZev. i.l1r', iIoleey, peeler or the' Grand .Bend United Church was a rbusir as visitor ria Ramal •urs Tuesday. ! A nulrntrer of y� cattae for *TI:e, i Mr and Mrs Grant Male of Han-ira'cieding sense fresh ;heifers. I)uc- ' Ao, er erre! family were •ai;�•itora In ham •and Herefords. — Apply to N'erwri over the wee'leend. Pe ey )u•charrrr,e, Phone '00 v 4, Bey-, ,;1Ir• awl ;Mrs E. Eefip•sorl crierl child, field, J1ue Water Highway. 2t*'•i rest of Hroaciha.e•en; 111i* 'Mer 'suet --- -------- ':1t,esate.,e't of Kitchener- were •);nests ---------__ i .Salesmen Wanted WANTED:: Man for .steady travel among consumers in Huron County. Permanent connection •exit i large manufacturer. Only reliable hustler considered, Writ Rarwldigh's Dept. J-4 3-181 4CIlt5 Richelieu, Montreal, Q'de.. FOR SALE APPLES FOR SALE — Spy, Green- ing, Sweets, Russet, Baldwiie, Pee- walkee, and cider ari�ples, 1''1'eli McC1y.nzorlt & Soni:, 11 mile :smell of V:,rrrna, .Ont, �t3R —Ai: -E7 • with ;11r ;trial! Mrs, V. x)richert over FOR SALE Stove: Veod at X2.50 a single cord. •M ":. Cwar el•ess of Clintorj has .re,ur- Atlso a Lake Frontage for sale, �p- ned a ar Trending' a few drays -tit the ply to Chrr;�. 'S.: :Bedard, IZ:I,, 2 Zur- hoane ref ker . oughter 'N 1r and 'Mss, ioh. it:n Kenneth J asi1 y of town. Mr end Mee Wm. Sieeeee :anile L 0 S T family were recent visitors at the, A pair of 'Men's Sl~�a•es, frog rr r^ih home of their xeltycives at Stauffr>ri'lle, platform of. Zul°ich Co -Op. •Ple;:,ese Ont. eea1urn to Co Op !Mill 'IVIr and Mrs Robert Deland and' children of Ancaster spent Thankee Farmers! SAVE OVER 15% ON SPECIAL f 5ACKAGE DEAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Complete Automobile Coverage For First -Class Farm -Owner Risks Farmers' Comprehensive Liability Protection Liability -Coverage for accidents ar- ising out of the existence of use of your farm property, farm operations, animals and unlieensed vehicles on Highways. - In addition to your own personal activities and those of your family. Premium as low as 0.50 Ann. For Full Particulars apply to J. W. HABERER General Insurance 3=eheee 101 - Zurich, Ont Waterloo Cattle Breeding • Association For :sirtificial insemination infor- tation ere service from all breeds of ,tttle, Tlwne the Waterloo Cattle ;reeding association at. Clinton I 2-3444 'between 7:30 and 9:30 e.M. We have all breeds available - 'op, quality at Pow cost. giving; week -end with •:t'heir rarentc;,' �. v STRAYED !, I ON _—A :black and white 'Pinna Mr and Mrs. Ford Hal e pr. Pony, strayed on the premises of Mr and Mrs. Bert Crmfor th ac- Ir. Arnold 'Berner, Sr., Zurich on! c.ompanied by relatives sof Toronto, 0ct. 15. Owner call 31 r 20,Zu"-1 spent the weep -end at the ane of ioh, Ont. rs. Anne Settee of town. c last week -end. i FARM — Consisting of 50 acre, Mr and Mrs Arthur Aulerich of .giving dinner on Sunday With )Irl. of mood );ares land for one of John Kuntz and Luella and lir and the best in Stanley r sale,ht!.p with Widdernere, ,Mich., spent 'I'hanttsgiv- Mrs. C. Pfile as arrests.owns nig week -end with Mr. and Mrs. L. Special Thanksgiving services A. Prang. were held in both churches on Sun - :Mr and Mrs Wellington Avis of day -with appropriate decorations. zincardine were visitors with their HENSALL riends, Mr. and ;Mrs John Brown, COUNCIL MEETS of Zurich on Tuesday. Regular Council meeting was held Mr and Mrs Jake Wettlaufer and in the Council Chambers on October - n Mark of London, spent several 7th with all members present. Min- 'Stove wood for sale at $5.00 per ays with Mrs. Wettiaur'er's mother, utes of last meeting read and adop. cord delivered. — F. C. albfleisch lZrs. Ted. Haberer. ted Sc Son Ltd., Zurich. The No. 84 Highway leading into E. R. Davis reported rd• the grari- Zurich from the west has received. ing -.. .-.__..__... of all the gravel streets and air- s second and final coat of black top en a coat of gravel on then. Also --- --- lixoture, and is indeed a most wond- the work on the trees and removin;;• rful piece of goad to travel thereon. the dead wood out of them; also Mc Mr and Mrs. Merino Oesch spent stated that chairs and cups out of he Thanksgiving •holiday with the itlze Hall were in the rink, instructed ntt.er's bother, Mrs. C. McDonald, to have Them brought ,back to hall; nd other members 41' the family in also reported re Stop signs to be er- ucknow• acted, also asked about the dump grounds and stated that it rlmurd be open in the afternoon instead of the evening now. C. Selw'iahn reported re a tree in front of C. Wilkinson's property as being dead, permission granted for its removal. E. E. Munn appeared as a delegate from the IOOF asking ler tyre use of the Hall for their chlrdren's party on :Halloween night, also the next night for a dance to help defray ex- penses, same granted. A goodly number from this vic- itynare attending the big Internet - nal Plowing :Match held near Sim - )e, Ont. this week. This is a mass- e event, and is a big education to he tilers of the soil to go and wit - e ss. Mr and Mrs Jacob Gingerich met- ed to Kitchener last week, They ere accompanied by the former's other, Mrs. Lydia Gingerich who ad been visiting relatives and fri- de in that city foe a few weeks. J. A. Paterson reported sorted ; e the Rev. and Mrs Cyril Gingerich of County Engineer stating that he illowclale were Thanksgiving visit- s at the borne .of the former's par would likely be 3tazting• excavayl!1l pts, Mr and Mrs Jacob Gingerich. Al being guest speaker at 'Doth hanksgiving services at the A. NI. zurch, Bronson line. They were WE attended. Dry weather with plenty of sun s been with us the past week or so. hale we appreciate this nice and lmy weather, yet the farmer is not too happy <abopt it as the heavy land is too dry to do his fall plowiino•, and besides the sass and fall wheat fields are suffering for want of moist- ure. Bat rain is in the making,and frequently when it does come, NC e get were than needed. Moved To Town Mr and Mrs Simms Hoffman who have been farm residents of the Go- shen line, south, have moved into their fine village residence purchased fmtn the Ed. Beaver Estate. We :welcome Mr and 'Mrs Hoffman : as residence of Zurich and trust they will be ,blessed with many years of retirement in their new home. Since purchasing their residence last spring they have made considerable changes by adding modern conveniences and new equipment, which all adds great- ly,to one's comforts. DASHWOOD Holiday Visitors— Mr and Mis. Ervin Latta; Mr and Mrs. Gordian Wieberg; Mr and Mrs. Hubert Wieherg and daughter of Waterloo with Mr and Mrs. !lied Wie!berg- :Mr. Robert Wein, of -Sudbury and Dr. and Mrs A. C. 'Whittier of Peter- orough with Mrs. 1-Ierb Wein. Mies Connie Spellman of Kitchen- er with !NIiss Mary Jane Hoffman. Mr. Voldemar Gulens and friend of Toronto with 1)r' and Mrs. V. 'Onions. INIr and •.Mrs Robert Stormes of St. Thomas with. Mr and .Mrs J. M. Tiernan, Mn^s. !,'.eta Hamather, Douglas and Harold of London with ,IVireanc! Mrs Robert Han:ether. Joe Zimmer and Peter Irvin of London at their home, here Mr and Mrs Garnet W]llert and -Mr and Mrs !lamer Ruder at Kiteh- ener. (Mr and Mrs• Wilfred Travis of Barrie and children, with Mr. Arn- u ,Is.Ui,i..., wlio alias held Thae:ee- the streets in two weeks tinge, also reported the collection eif $14,677.68 in 1957 taxes, also asked about the Voters' Lists, the Council as a whole revised the same and suggested sever- al changes. A list of correspondence ,--as ord- ered filed.. - Motion, that we charge the P.U.C. Waterworks $26.25 and the Arena $65.60 as their charge of the Public Liability premium. A large number lei voucher ac- counts were presented, and ordered paid. Motion that, we notify John Tea- quair that his; services as motor me- chanic of the Fire Department ' are riot required from now on. That the 'Clerk prepare ze ;1y -taw appointing Thos. Lavender as motor mechanic of the Fits' Department AS from October 7th, 195 7. • Motion that we adjourn —Jas. A. Paterson, Clerk,. FOR ;SALE plenty of water, good windmill. Ap- ply Rudolph Corriveau, Phone 99r1, Zurich. FOR SALE tfc e Harvesters .A. discount of 11% is in effect for the month of October on the McKee one man Harvesters. Local factory representative for this territory is: Lewis Thiel, Zurich. Phone 67, Zurich 2tc. WANTED Women to work spare hours ai'ter- noons or evening demonstrating brand new foam rubber products. Easy work.. Good commission. Write Box i9, Seaforth, Ont. FOR SALE APPLES — Snows, Russets, Red Delicious, Kings and Spies for sale. So place your order now with Ted. Steinbach, Phone 814-13. tfc FOR SALE A refrigerator in good condition; a ladies' winter coat like new, size 15-20. Phone Zurich 112. FOR RENT A garage in good condition. :'_pply to Mrs. Rose ,Herne!•, Zurich, Phone 'i6. WANTED TO RENT — 3 or 4 bedroom House. Phone 65 Hensall. THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS Two heroes frolic the pages of J..1 ]+eneemore Cooper's cla;.si: "The Last of the Mohicans" appear in an exciting series o)' adi;enture stories filmed in Gruels and scheduled for the C television network this winter. John Hart who plays Hawkeye, the Courageous frontier smut, while Lon Chaney wellkn rims movie. :!"gels, take; the role of Chingachgook, his Indian con, • • • e HOW • a FEEDS FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS— • a 5 ca GIVE US A CALL--- : is Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd. - Exeter 1Complete Sanitone Cleaning Laundry and Storage Service • Pick up Mon., back on Thurs. Pick up Thurs., back on Monday. (Local Agent) EARL OESCH Barber Shop - Zurich I "Andy' s" LunchBe Your Menu Maker! Thursday, ()dam' 17th, 1957 on the table • •Frau the mead is ready ! FISH & CHIPS and LIGHT. LUNCHES Try Delicious York Ice Cream for Picnics and Parties, in Bricks, 'Half Gallons and 2=/z Gallons C. ANDERSEN B.A. Station - Dashwood OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK YOUR BAKER not only suppliers delicious wholesome bread for your table—bread for your recipes. Out of his fragrant ovens come all man- ; ner of mouth-watering goodies to crown the menu of every meal! Frog - rant Coif. e Cake and Cinnamon Bunt for h 'e:: kfast.. luscious fruit -filled treats for Iuncheo'1..piping hot Pan ker House Rolla for dinner. Brea0 in variety, too, for snacks any timt of day or night. So don't get wrink„ les worrying about variety in meals— let your baker be your menu maker, See what's on his tray today l. '7, 1 ! '9J. ri a Kery PI -ZONE 100 — ZURICH xvzm.• eea z,r. rzgravall SHUR-GAIN :EEDS We Offer a Complete Line of Shur -Gain Farm Proven Feeds and Concentrates for Poultry, Hogs and Cattle Try Our.. New.. 22%.. Chick.. Starter.. Medicated. inquire About The Low.. Grain Prices in Truck Load Lots. M. DEITZ & Son Zurich te MAIN COMFORT ECONOMY This modern furnace with automatically con- trolled heat provides humid- ified, filtered, evenly warmed and circulated air for health and corn - fort . , . no stale fumes or odours in the house when you own a Clare. And it's so economical to buy and operate! Come in and see this beautiful new furnace for yourself. 0 Herr/trfu!-Airisfiltered, humidified, evenly warmed and circulated. 0 Carefree -Automatic thermostatic controls. ® Clean -Filters remove dust and dirt from air. • Dependable -Built with finest ma- terial and guaranteed by Clare Bros. 0 Economical -Delivers maximum heat from fuel used. STADE & WEIDO Representatives for Zurich and District Fertilizer ABOUT YOUR FALL FERTILIZER NEEDS —CURTOM SEED CLEANING Hogs Trucked Tuesday and Thursday Castle on Saturday WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU! Hensall Phone Hensall 115, ri t Co -Op. Zurich 220 0 0 0 • 0 000 0 • • 0 0 LLI&a._AAA.LkkkAiitli