HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-10-17, Page 444 4. 6 6 a 6 6 • *ZURICH ONTARIO ne.nennennemenekeree %re ' D C -Z on DEBENTURES a n d GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES 1,2 3 Years Head Office HVIO&EftlE-c&faiarlttis7 District Representative - London, Ont. J. W. Haberer, Zurich `7',%,",!.-,OhMerrVital40:14' rr„,4 • 4t...0, • SIMenneeMegllaggeggeMMtleenerign Sav Your tonus Gal Cash Register Slips 20 Exciting Gifts to Choone from SAVE IN EVERYDAY LOW PRICES AT I.G.A. SPECIALS For Thursday, Friday, Saturday. 29c 2 for ................35c 69c 33c Crown Corn Syrup, 2 -lbs. Clark's Pork and Beans 20 -oz White Cross Tissue 6 for Weston Sodas per pkg. Fresh Pork Shoulder, Boneless and Dressed rm. 45c Ib. Bologna by the Piece, per lb. 23c FRESH VEGETABLES 'AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES 1 HENSALL FOR QUICK SALE FARM MACHINERY - 1 -30 Massey -Harris Tractor, in new tractor condition. $809.o0. 1—Case 'Manure Spreader $200.00. 1—Case Packer $125.00. 1 -45L -H. 4 -section Spring Tooth with pole $50.00. 1—M. -H. 5 -section diamond harrows with 5 - 3 - 2 section 'poles $60.00 1—Mc.D. No. 62 Combine with all Attachments. All new canvass, runs like a top $475,00. 1—Mc. D. 13 -run grain drill with markers, in good running. order, $175.00 4.—Elandy Man Jack $15.00. Etc. — Etc. teastin for selling - Farm is sold. STANLEY SAUDER, Proprietor,. R. R. 1, Zurich 2tc Extensive Auction Sale Of High Quality 'Holsteins, t3eef Cattle; Valuable Tractors, Truck, Combine, Farm :Maehinery, Poultry, flay, Grain and Misc. Items, on the tee premises, Lot 17, Con, 4 and 6, ,Stephen Twp,, 114 miles east of 'Crediton and 2 miles north, or .2'.2 belles west of Exeter on Huron St., half, mile eolith. The undersigned see Auctioneer is instructed to sell by 0., • leulblic Auction, on arket ONT. • • • • .ZURICH . Thursday, Otbr 17th, 1957 son who are leaving their farm home presentation. On behalf of himself thoughtfulness. He thought there. and moving to Balfield, igarold and Mrs, 'Watson he expressed thanks was no better place to live than tee Penhale and Carl Houston made the and appreciation for the gift and the Stanley Township. wirm, lesomemm,OMP y.,.....uraippspsfdtbwssilaeqWlgRIMNnilw•Yvaep.ixla..a,Nsp•aomsaV*.R.....r.r.P.R.NSMPG M.M. Waterloo `1.1' type Standard Tractor, used two seasons, in guar- anteed condition, Allis Chalmers 'C' A' Standard Tractor in A-1 con- dition; McDeering 242x38 ThreehIng machine on rubber, complete v.ith cutter. ,clover attachments and grain blowers, in brand new condition; 150 foot rubber drive belt; New Idea corn picker used two seasons., like new. NOTE — Terms can be ar- ranged on above machinery at 6 • months' credit on approved joint • notes at 65 interest. • 6 Farm Machinery— McD. • ' . 13 -run feritilizei- drill, like • • new; John Deere 7 -ft. binder, like O • new; McD. 3 -furrow plow on rubber; • Allis Chalmers scuffler. and puller; O M. M. 32 -plate tractor disc; New • • Tdea drop head hay loader; New Idea 4-4bar side rake; 2 sets 3 -section 13e- • mond harrows; 'McD. 8% -ft. stiff • 41) tooth Cultivator; 3 -drum st.ee! roller; .McD. 6 -ft. cut mower; 1VicD. walking • ; ,McD. sin nee scuffler; M -II, • single scuffler; riding plow; v -sect - e ion harrow pole; Fleury 'Bisset/ rib- * G ber tire wagon ; 2, 16 -ft. flat racks; • steel tire wagon; McD. 10 -ft. chimp 0 9 rake; set of bob sleighs; iMcD. cream Iseparator: Vessot grain grinder, like new; Gehl 10 -inch hammer mill, like new; 2,0004b. platform scales, fan- ning Mill, clover bundler, straw blo- wer, ecuttingebece eturnipSeeder,geeen, arid pea lifter; clover roller, root pulper, cutter; horse carriage; corn shelter; bag truck, 50 -ft. endless belt, wagon 'box, r50 -ft. endless belt; wagon b:ox, pig' rack, 2 gravel boxes; quan- tity of new lumber, 2 electric fencers 4 electric steel posts; rnsulators, logging clutins, cross -cut saws; 15 - gal drum, copper kettle, electric drill and stand; 2 electric motors; wheel- barrow, 'vice jack all jack; anvil, electric saw, large assortment car- penter tools, onion crates. Norse clip- pers, 100 sap pails, bicycle, 150,0 cedar rails, barb wire, milk pails, lawn mower, sledges; pig rack ;sling ropes, chicken shelters, pig scales; 14 oak cider barrels, grain bags, Etc., Etc. CATTLE Part Hereford and Durham Cow. with calf at foot; part Durham and Jersey cow, milking; roan farrow caw red Durham farrow cow; roan cow, milking, carrying third talf,due in December; red Durham tow, milk- ing, carrying third ealf due latter part of Nevember; 2 Durham heifers, due in Decemlber; 3 Durham heifers, due in November. This is an extra choice herd of cattle. GRAIN - 70 bushels Genese wheat; 750 bushels mixed grain choice quality. Household Effects 3 -piece chesterfield, studio couch; 2 lenge wardrobes; diningroom exten- sion table; rocking chairs, centre tables; .complete bedreorn seite, dees- sers; commodes bath tub, kitchen dock; chest of drawers, .phonograph, gas lamp and lantern, ice-cream fre- ezer large cabhatre cutter, buurner electric range, crocks, sealers kit- chen cupboard, apple peeler; and many articles too numerous to men- tion. leTo reserve, as the farm is so d. Due to extra large 'sale, eell- ing will start sharp on time. Lunch Booth on grounds. Terms --Cash. Mrs. Theresa Hartman,Proprietress. Glen Webb, Clerk. Complete Iist of Sale in next week's issue. Herbert Cornforth, Proprietor. Alvin 'Walper, Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sale Of Household Effects and Misc. Items on the premises, Lot N.E. 20, Con. 15, Hay Township. 244 rules west of Zurich. On Highway 84. The undersigned Auctioneer is in- structed to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER -30th. Commencing at 1.30 p.m: sharp !at -piece chesterfield, studio touch; dining room extension table; 'buffet; 6 dining room chairs; kitchen table; and chairs; oak rockers; glass cup- board; various centre tables; nail mirrors; Singer sewing machine; medicine cabinet, washing machine, 2-burnee hot plate; Wingham Clip- per kitchen range in new condition, Quebec heater, couch; 3 complete 'bedroom suites, dressers, commodes• Congoleum rug 11x7, like new; Con: goleurn rug 13.'0; trunk, 2 rugs 9x10, wardrobe, buffalo robe, electric Re- frigerator, electric lamps, coal oil lamps, electric toaster and iron; galv.i tubs, blinds, curtains, assortment of g assware; silverware, kitchen uten-! eile, sealers, crocks, cowl scuttle and garden tools; gates; quantity of mix - d weod. And many articles too numerous to mention. Terms—Cash. Mrs. Josephine Brisson, Proprietress. TUESDAY, OCTOBE20th. Lawrence Brisson, Clerk. R Commencing at 12 o'clock, sharp Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. Henry Finkbeiner, .Proprietor Garnet Hicks, Clerk. .Alvir. Wainer, Auctioneer. Clearing' Auction Sale 'Of Real Estate, Tractors., Cern bine, Parra Illachinery, Feed arid Miec. ?tome, on the l'remises, Lot 24 Con Extensive Auction Sale 0? VALUABLE TRACTORS, FARM MACHINERY, THRESHER., LIVE - el< GRAIN and HOUSEHOLD, w EFFECTS, on the premises, Lot 4, th Con. .11, Hay Township, 114 miles ho east of Dashwood and 1 mile north, or 4 miles south of Zurich The undersigned Auctioneer it; inAr- Alvin 'Wainer, Auctioneer. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Stanley Clerk and Wife Honored At the home of Mr and Mrs. ,lohn atso.n, Bronsoe line, Stanley was setting of a surprize party in nor of Mr ,and Mrs Fred 'Watson, e former's perente Mrs. C Campbell read the address which in ;of pointed out the esteem they re. held. Mr. Fred Watson served .municipality as reeve and Ward - of Huron County and later yen', TOVV1141 I n3,7 f $ ,presented to dr and Mrs. Wat- ee elay Township. 1 mile east of :acted to A, 41. eublic Auction on Znrich and 1 mile riorth, un -I we dereienctheAmetioneer ieetitiCi‘::ri Wril)t:ST3AV. tjr"riniEjr. afird, en th 'to 4:'17 '13.3v Puhlie Auction, OP rernrAt-no;fle, 12.,Z.10 1.m. sharp: 'RA ',Tractors and Threshing IVIathine.-- ;VVa WHEN new federal buildings, or new highways with elaborate cloverleafs, or new city halls are constructed, they must be built with the taxpayers" money. Very often such expenditures are enthusiastically approved, because each of us seems to think it is some other person's tax money which is being ..-,pent so lavishly. Canadians can help themselves, and the men and women they have elected to office, only if they remember that governments have no funds except the taxes they take from each of us, EEL 4fy,t eee E y C A LIMITED +10NTREAL GANANOQUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO 6101:•1060111ff.ra. amocomezweranosmamesc,........Tamrsimasomma.passeataerr 45 vos-grAN.0.,43‘....peetS,431Sell Interest: First 2 Yeare at 31/4% Remaining 11 YeOM o VA% IOW itennicag. go,000. THESE BONDS OAN Another Pavlova or a Florence Nightingale — what will she be when she grows up? Canada Savings I3onds purchased now, can provide the necessary funds when it's time for .college . . . for ber trousseau . or for establishing a home. All the things that add up to a worthwhile future, Should an emergency arise, Canada Savings Bonds can be redeemed quickly and easily for cash at face value plus earned interest. Sign up for a Canada Savings Bond today. You can do it through banks, investment dealers, trust or loan companies, or on the payroll savings plan where you work. BUILD A FUTURM GS Beller Buy Than Ever - Interest; First 2 Years at 31%70, Remaining 11 Years at 4'34% 0.,....ottemelmeeneAtowirekitiarmiaiiihriemeseemserreetistmenerestmoomerteralationtiomakftootiodeet4.-