HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-10-17, Page 1Established 1900 14.11112. Nies. Sheila Teevins (nee Sheilbe of Zurich, Ont,) with four years' of Experience is now Manager of .Hayter's Beauty Salon, 1 Queen St., 'Grand Bend, Ont., Specializing in Hair Styles, Hair Cutting, Perman- ent Waves and Finger Waving. Open Tuesday and Thursday nights. 'Phone 178 Grand Bend for your Appointments. SHEILA TEEVINS, Proprietress. GRAND BEND ONT. CHURCH SWITCHES SERVICE Goderich. —The Rev. R. G. Mao - of Knox Presbyterian Church n Goderich, whose ,congregation at Sunday evening services has been al - Most non-existant, has moved his • ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER. 17 1957 servieee ahead to 4 ,o'clock on Sun- day afternoons. An increase in at- tendance was reported and the ex- periment will continue. BABY RENNER HAS ROUND DOZEN OF GRANDPARENTS David Charles, infant son of *Mr. and Mrs. Percy Renner of Bayfield, has 12 grandparents to admire him. They are the Rev. and Mrs. Peter Renner, Teeswater, and ..Mr and Mrs Charles .Scotchaner, Bayfield, grand- parents; Mrs. Peter Renner's parents, Mr and Mrs John Gibson, Curragena, Sask.; Mr and Mrs. Philip Renner, Agawa Bay, Ont; Mr and Mrs John Scotchmer, .Goderich; and Mrs. Char- les Scotchmer's parents, Mr and Mrs John Albrecht, Zurich are all great grandparents. Had Mrs, Peter Ren- ner's grandfather, D. Jinks Carraga- na not passed away on June 4, 1957, the ibaby 'boy born Oct. 6th, would also have had a great great gra.mi- father. G. R. HARDMAN At the MILT OESCH SHOE STORE ZURICH -- Phone 82 or 130 MONDAY, OCTOBER 21.st. 10 A. M. TO 8 P.M. During the 'past years, those who have attended o ar Z.'elirrice for the relief and correction of foot fib, have found the answer to foot proglems with 'MIRACLE FOOT AID. Many with arthritic and rheumatic pains associated with a foot con- ditionhave found noticeable and prolonged relief. If your feet hurt, if yon have a circulation probleintif • cramps en*.Intzsoutar contractions trouible you, see Mi.-Hardnuier on Monday, October 21ste far a complete explanation on how MIRACLE F -GOT_ AID may be the solution you seek. 'You. have your health and well-being to gain, if you come. • Come with confidence that you .can be helped. CLINICS -- Zurich, Peterborough, Brantford, London, St. Catharines, Listowel. 1929 *NoreOkerreeerestoroereereeeoetreeeoweeecreercererve Weer-oirteeteeeerael Kr YOUR SERVICE NATION-WIDEI 1957 the etnent Oil s death away Item home, get in touch with us bolos making any arriangenceetta. Through our nation-wide connectioos, we have the facilities the hoodriZoecinro from piace of death to the final Intermeri, no matte What r in.. WEAMOMPORVIVCCIVIII.VlitistamysorAnsontrrnnersocay................:n T. Harry Hoffman Funeral. Home FUNERAL and AMBULANCE SERVICE DASUWOOD Telephone 70W g. Iy1 ,;,1, I '1.1, 1 1,1 I'1.11 • I !; Thursday, Friday, Saturday Catellis Macaroni 2, 1 6 -oz. pkgs 29c York Blanched Salted Peanuts 13% -oz. bag 39c Johnston's Hard Gloss, qt. Tin 89c Treesweet Grapefruit juice 48 -oz. /9c MEATS MEATS Swifts Bologna. per lb. 29c Pork Shoulder toasts lb. 39c Hoffman's Summer Sausage 59c lb Check Our Advt. in the London Free Press every Thursday for Specials on Fruits and Vegetables Phone 140 - C. H. THIEL Zurich 1 t COLLISION KILLS COW .& CALF A cow and a calf were . killed and (.a car operated by Terence Skinner 17, of 32 Daleview 'Crescent, London, was badly damaged in a collision on No. 84 Highway between Zurich and St. Joseph, early last Thursday mor- ning. Oct. 10th. The eattle, valued at $225 and lowned by Rosaire Bed- ard of R.R. 2, Zurich, were killed in-, etantly when the westbound car struck them Damage to the vehicle is estimated at $800. Skinner was not injurcj. The accidentwas Gibons of Exeter detachment. vestigated by OPP .Constable Ceeil — Card of Thanks I wish to express my sincere thank. you to all, who so kindly reinember- ed me with prayer, gifts, the lovely cards, and those who visited rne, while a patient in St. Joseph's Hosp- ital, London, and since returning home. — Mrs. Milton McAdam. I.1 g IB g VICTOR 0 ..A'..r07,1157/ A ea, • - , S;r. vie, a MANY ATTEND Total attendance at Huron County Pioneer Museum, Goderich for this year is nearing 1112, 5 0 0 mark. With gooda break from the weather. Cur- ator J. H. Neil thinks theee is an excellent chance of hittingt 000 mark before the end of 1957. Mrs. W. Hutson of Mitchell was the 12,000 visitor of year. The new two-storey addition to the mueeurn has•been completed now. Ladies' Aid Meet The Ladies Aid and W S S f. the Evangelical U.B. Church, Zurich, met on Thursday evening Oct. 10th. or their monthly meeting. Their uests for the evening were the oys and Girls Fellowship of the hurch. The worship theme. "Stren- thening the Church Through grati- ude"', was conducted by Mrs. Leroy 'Brien and her ,cdonemittee. Prayer RECEPTION FOR MR. AND MRS. HARTMAN, in the Community Centre, 01 was offered by Mrs, Tetreau and Mrs Zurich Community Centre, Zurich „. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25th. . Mucis by the MEL C5 -DY ,IVIAKERS Dancing from 99.30 - 2.00 ,Sponsored by the .Arena Board EVERYBODYY COME! FRIDAY, EVE. OCTOBER 19th. MUSIC BY Disjardine's Orchestra Everybody Welcome HALLOWE'EN N In the Offici 0. Grob. Special music ,consisted of a piano instrumental by Dennis Am- acher and a vocal duet "Father We Thank Thee" by Sandra MeClinchey, and Margaret Geiger. A poem 'St- rengthening the Church of Christ" !was given by Mrs. H. Schoch. Axi !exercise by Mrs. Norman Gascho and Mrs. 0. Greb combined the scripture !lesson 'Psalm 95 and a reading "'Let Us be Grateful." Mrs. Amacher then introduced the !guest speaker, Rev. B. Seebach of IHanoverewho gave a very interest - frig talk and also showed slides of ;pictures taken on their recent visit to the Red Bird Mission in Kentuc- VIcey. The Thankoffering .boxes were :brought in to this meeting. Lunch iwas served and a•social- half hour BadmintOn Club was held•on..October lst, 1957. .Minutes of the last, an- nual meeting were read and acopted. Officers elected to serve miring the coming year are: President, Betty Ann O'Brien; Vice president, John RAinson; Jr. Vice President, Louis Willert and Secretary Treasurer, !Joyce Fisher. It was decided that the Club would on Tuesday of each week arrange for public school children to play from 4:30 pan. to 6.00 p.m., high ec,hool students from - 7 to 9 and senior .members from 9 to 11. Two 11'11 Opening- Isenior members will supervise the public school children each Tnesdav Of ADDITION TO THE ZURICH PUB- LIC SCHOOL Will be held on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18th, 1957 At 2.80 p.m. (Standard Time) Hay Twp. Community Centre ZURICH — ONT. Guest Speaker — G. L. Duffin, B.A. M.Ed., Assistant Superintendent Of Elementary Education. OPEN HOUSE, following the pro- gram, EVERYBODY WELCOME —Board of Trustees, Hay Town- ship School Area. BROWNES RIVE -1 THEM:\ E ,t1 1'74' CLINTON — ONTARIO WEEKEND SHOWS ONLY DOUBLE FEATURE Friday and Saturday October 18 and Filth, The Day the World Ended and Phantom From 10,000 Leagues Kent Taylor and Kathy Downs (one eartoon) Refreshments 2 Shows Nightly Children under 12 in Cars Free and will instruct the high school students when possible. Fees will remain as. previously: Adults - Single $4.00 per year; Couples $5.00 per year; plus /5c. bird fee per night; High School St- udents $2.00 per year, plus luc bird bird fee per night, Public School Children 50c. per year. No bird lees. If anyone has rackets they would like to dispose of, would they please contact one of the executives of the Club. It is hoped that all childre.n and adults interested in playing bad - (The club for Publie School Child- ren will depend on the ;Senior Club being able to :make satisfactory ar- rangements ,with the Arena Commit- tee and will commence Tuesday, Oct- ober 15th. County Crop Report Clinton, • Oct. 12. Good weather has aided the com- pletion of .many fall jsofbe Fari plowing and the lifting of sugar beets are progressing favourably with a few, farmers picking corn. More turnips have moved out of the co- unty than in previous years. Huron County Turnip growers and processors are planning a com- mercial turnip exhibit at the Royal Winter Fair. The Soil and Crop Improvement Association of the Co- mity is the sponsoring organization. At a special meeting the growers ag• reed to supply the turnips for the 'exhibit and the proceseors decided to make arrangements to transport the exhibit to the Royal and to supply othev materials needed. At a meeting of the Execeittve of District 8 Fairs Association piens were made to hold their annual mee- ting at Dungannon on Thursday, Oc- tober 31st, in the. Agricultural Hall, and the United Church, The Dun- gannon ladies will be supply:ng the noon dinner. The chairman for the District is Sidney Harlowe of St. Paulo and the secretary is Mr. r‘,,S tRiltea::767o:111170111tiltnt:ell, The Dungann- on .Agrieultnrel Society SIT bots Chester L. Smith, Pu b 12;ciier. Subscription in Canada, $2.0111 a MOW Subeeription U.S.A., Year 2.5114., 14 0 Ft hit ' S BEAUTY SlitOPPE IRAGS, RU.GS and 642PE FOR, APPOINTMENTS CALL Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEI/IBACH Prop, rocaprose.oeczowcopc.rcdpwr.477.5,,,cpocuocroc,,,,,cop.t.o.o.,0=cpumaolosataramagg. .1,14 On a New Modem Loom, Mads WIA Order — SETH 0. AMENS, Zun Ont, Phone 128. THE WORLD'S FINEST ELECTRIC SHAVER NOW 25% FASTER WE CARRY A STOCK OF PHILI SHAVE, SUNBEAM SNICK AND RONSON COME IN AND TRY ONE OF THESE SHAVERS HtSS, 4 CERTIFIED WATCHMAKER and __ JEW ELLEL LOCKER SERVICE - ROE FEDA ZURICH ,. ONT. P110110 114 — HENaw, ilaBleafICICGmemMUSIZIMEESiCralk5.,......,9Minigenso.c...z../..s.in.aza=gia, 0 000069100009060060 Q4349041:455ae Join Many Hosts For Dependable Heat Winter Long, Call: LORNE E. HAY 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 Fi...OWERS FOR ALI., OCCASIONS Day and Night Service TELEPHONE: VeC ';'Itotiaft 7t4ourat Abut Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulanoe Se.rvice Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent RES, 89W Tr, OR 89J, ottpeectini "s! etemeeeeaseemeele ee006,60eee00e ZURICH etpo liar 41, 00 @DOM SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK -EN Betty Crocker Cake mixes, 3 pkgs. $1.00 White Swan toilet tissue, 4 rolls 47c Red Seal fancy Cohoe Salmon halfs 34c Rose sweet mixed pickles 16 -oz. jars 29c Lushus Jelly Powders 3 pkgs. ... .. ..... 25c PRODUCE WANTED. .. • 401433161MiliSMICIZTTO&WMMEOStitr tr. rich bo L& SEE US FOR 'YOUR REQUIREMENTS 111, Of aier and Bladed Twine Grocery Specials Nabob Coffee, .1 -lb ; 89c Jello Instant Pudding, 2 for 19c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, large at ...25c FRESH GROCERIES IN STOCK THE AKE ST • RE 4 Schwartzergruber, Prop. ?bon' "(IA"' dOsaussostessoreergoassrammosmommossamososamisamenassmsosomr,