Zurich Herald, 1957-10-03, Page 4..••••;* P, --"." ZURICH ONTARIO 4 9 3, 3 9 4 4. 4 4. 4. 4 3 4 4^ N TICE !Satur ay, Oct. 5th WESTON BREAD COMPANY Will again have their MERRY - GO - ROUND at THIEL'S SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET In Zurich FREE RIDES for the Kiddies all Day Long. We are also serving Free Coffee and a Tasty Wes. ton Honey Dip Do - Nut for the Older Folks. ret Featuring JULIETTE with MART KENNY and his Western Gentlemen FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4th, 9 p.m. SEAFORTH ARENA Admission $1.50 Each - Children under 12, 50c. Tables reserved for advance ticketholders only Secure Advance Tickets at: - BALDWIN HARDWARE - Phone 61. SEAFORTH MOTORS - Phone 541. Sponsored by Seaforth Athletic Association, - 4. 4. 4 4 1. + 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4,, 1. 4. + 4, 4 4 4 44 44 4. 4. 4. 4 4. 4. 4. 4. grroStEtStatitMCIS=EEMPIMEZMOMMIDIES=71.12E.IHEIMEMMIIIIIIIMIIIIMEMIIMIllairanilliKengliallall . 1 4. 4 N TICE The Law Offices of W. G. Cochrane at Hensall will be open EVERY WEDNESDAY Part- -- commencing October 2, 1957 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 For Appointments for other days, please phone: Hensall -- 16 Exeter - 14 as near as your teiephone 1`. ) .1! 1 ESTERN LEM VK )111 • II Cali RAYE B. PATERSON, Trust Officer Hensall, Ontario, Phone 61 For a Estate Planning and Wills Real Estate Services a' Investment Management and Advisory Service .ne • 5e..: Gum anteed Investments savinge---cienostis inay be mailed Or Contact Any Oftice 01 GUAR Mt. NTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Toronto • Montreal • Ottawa Windsor Niagara Falls Sudbury • Sault Ste. Marie Calgary ee Vancouver St. Joseph & Blue Water Area IMr and Mrs Alphonse Ma -e and f amily of London, spent the week- end in this neighbourhood visiting* with relatives and friends. Mr. Girard Geoffroi of Waliterton. ;spent Sunday last under the parental roof the St. Joseph dietrict. ZURICH HERALD Thursday, October 3rd, 1957 ofMY RANK esieee,' TO 2 MILLION CANADIANS 7gler 4a"Pit 0. YOU CAN BUY YOUR BONDS -for cosh or by instalments - at your neighbourhood 13 of M brunch WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1817 Zurich Branch: JOHN BANNISTER, Manager Hensel! Branch: KENNETH CHRISTIAN, Manager Crediton Branch: CLARE IRWIN, Manager (Open Tuesday and Thor sday) Dashwood (Sub -Agency): Open Mon., Wed. & Fri ammosposam.....maransasesommamassensvaammemase.....M.srmosmout LOCAL NEWS Mr and Mrs Ed. Deters spent Sun- day with Rev and iMrs. L. Kalbfleisch at Neustead. Mrs. Flora Becker who has been staying with her sister at Kitchener, spent a week visiting with Mr. Elmer Klopp and other relatives. Mr. Werner Winter of Western:, University was a week -end visitor,H- , with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Whi- ter. It is significant that men who know most about this scourge, e.g. tele -doC,44 tors of the A.M.A., banee all Tiquoi.i advertisements from their perlodicals as of January , 1954. itor with Mr and M.rs Fred Ducharme Mr and 'Mrs John Denomme of this Highway motored to Pain Court mi Sunday last visiting with Mr and Mrs Telesphore Denemme otBurg. that Mr. P. J. Cunningham of Willow-' dale (North Toronto) was a week --1.14: end visitor at the home of Mr and (Mrs. C. L. Smith. .Mrs. Cunningham and little daughter Helen Clare, wile spent a ten-day vacation tin Zuric1i. returning home with their daddy an a husband on Sunday afternoon. Canada's arrny of alcholics-conser""' cling wh° ,Huron's Member for , the Federal t. "..1110 opened the Zririch Fall vattvely ,estimated at 150,090s-1 '," vo,,,o-ir last Tuesday, has recently been increasing annually by 4,000. ; _ rank 6th among the nations af 040-01) tainted as iParty 'Whip in the new - world in our rate of alcoholic. pe formed Diefenbaker Goverment. 100,000 .-Advt. .. Cardiff is a prominent farmer in .' HIGHWAY 21 TRAFF LBrussels district and is keenly in- REROUTETraffic on the Blue Water III, • -bed in the farming industry. way between Port Franks and G Bend is being rerouted througlt, hill while repairs are being lila, the Pinery bridge at Port Franks Highway Department also plans repair the Grand Bend span this fa •••••••••100111.01•010 ELSTON CARDIFF D,ISHWOOD tt.iy. League - he Walther League of Zion Lu- : - eran church resumed their fall Return from Abroad ' ' .L seting with the new executive in Mr and Mrs. -Carl Burn of Miler- arge as follows: President, Glen ton were week -end visitors at• the der; Vice pres.. Pauline Becker; home of their parents, Mr and Mrs'•etretary Brenda ;Becker, Treasurer, . Wesley Merrier wdio have luit re- ,' iane Kraft; Christian Growth Cha - turned from a pleasant two ritonthelehman, Arthur Rader; Wheatridge tour in Europe where they '-eisitedii' ales Manager, Ronald .1Vierner; Owl 'with their daughter and family,. Mr.R.eporter, 'Marion Rader and Mrs. Smith and children, in A' France, also visited in Switzerland:tadies' And - and Germany. They report a most pleasant two month's outing, and saw many interesting things and places. it-. The Ladies Aid of Zion Lutheran cehurch held their regular meeting on Wednesday evening with the Pres., Mrs. M Merner presiding.. .11 was Attend Sunday Game decided to accept the invitation for a A number of baseball fans from Social evening with the E.UB. church Zurich and vicinity attended -the Ladies' Aid. An invitation to attend baseball game at Walsingham,' 0,, a- social evening with us to be sent Sunday afternoon. This is somewhat L.:4urich Ladies' Aid. The • Ladies a new venture for people of this Aid chartering a bus to Detroit to district, as baseball is ruled out in Visit the Lutheran School for the •bhese parts on -Sunday. Yet we can quite frequently see a ball game on TV., as well as other amusements, seems just another matter of holding to the old traditions or swinging in line with modern going. In order to deaf. _. :• Instead of holding a rummage sale as previously, they are planning to donate the -clothing to the Auxil- iary of South Huron Hospital for their rummage sale. Fifty dollars get permission to play any such to be donated the deaf School at Mr and Mrs Clarence Gale attend - games is quite a procedure to goDebroit during 'the visit. A film on ;ed. the ,Machrey - Gale wedding at through and we do not know if we hMillneck Manor, a deaf institution, 'First Baptist ,Church London on Sat- in this part of Ontario -are just ready Long Island, New York, was shown 'urda.y. . • ,a,440 si • " ' • '• ' mmatkkit,KAA: Only 10% Down- 18 Months to Pay Write Today for Details Yes, you too can enjoy all the conveniences of running water now, while you pay for it during the next three years. The Emco Budget Plan will cover Duro pump, tank, pipe, kitchen and bathroom fixtures, taps in all farm buildings plus installation. We will be glad to give you a free estimate of the cost of labour and materials. Phone or come into our shop and see how really inexpensive running water the DURO way can be. Stade & Weido ZURICH - ONTARIO pion oheocl• • • wth Emcu E]M[CO LIMITED° * Formerly Empire Bross Mfg. Co. Limited 574* as yet to take this on, H•owever„we have no advice to give, merely anoth- er matter of choice, Highway, where they will spend a few weeks visiting their children and discussed. Farewell To Neighbour - 1 .Sunday guests with Mr and Mrs. ;Hilton Ford and Fay were: Mr mid IIVIrs. Arthur Ford, and 'Mr and Mrs Mrs. Wm. Nadiger who is moving David Hill of Detroit and Mr. and ' to Howell, Mith, to live with her Mrs. Howard Ford and family ofiz daughter was ,pleasantly surprised Brampton. and friends Mr and Mrs Zephie .CharretI.e and Marie and Pearl Kraft who- were Held Annual Meeting Fri -day evening at the home of Mis:!es Me - Mr and Mrs Walter Jeffrey or De- joint hostesses with IIVIrs. Harry Hoff- eting was held Monday evening, Dashwood Men's Club Annear tended the !McLaughlin nnd Jeffrey Cards were played and winners wer tember 80th with -a good attendance Sep- troit, also the Weisings of Sarnia, at- man -at a farewell by her neighbours, October Is Her Mrs. E. Rader read an address and discussed and voted on. Officers and sang items were wedding at Goderich -on -Saturda:y Mrs. Nadiger and Miss Marie Kraft' a litaalber of intere last. per; entered in the beauti- Nadiger - :Vbs. Ezra Bender presented Mrs. with a stole and sweater. hold Miller; 2nd vice, Kenneth Me - Alvin Wal.lst Vice Ives., Rein - Committees elected were: President, We are now Weber; 9 , . tan, ' i vice, t- tary - Treas., Harry Hayter; Proee reporter'ecker, Ervin Rader; Finance cont, haven from_ one day to another; only ii,meently moved into their new hLloyd Rader; attendance corn., Hub- ome V. L. B , Mervyn Tionan and nature will play its rola during the lin Dashwood were pleasantly surpris-..ert M.G iller, eo. .Tieman and Ervin month Those who travel about will ed by their family on the occasion of Devine.; Educ. Com., Dr. V. :Guinn, eneries along the Highways and by- lam Attending ,chureh. service they Prom. Com., Howard Klumpp, !Stew- ; Lorne Kleinstiver and Wm. Haugh ; be delighted seeing the beautiful se- itheir thirty-fifth wedding annivers- ways. They will witness the turning ilearned that the family had a basket art Weber, Elmer Rader, Ray Wein, of ;leaves to a goiden color, losing, lel flowers in the °handl of the Bob Hayter; Auditors, Harold Kell - the till and trees and i -church. Returning home they found their grip fromerrnan and Albert Miller. covering the ground. They will also la bounteous dinner prepared , with ful month of Otteber, the month of iLunch was served. sceneries throughout the land. and how the weather will he, it is un•cert- Celebrate Wedding Anniversary- ain, for we- cannot tell what 'will -Mr and Mrs. WM. H. Haugh who they too will wither Clearing Auction Sale away, and the and Port Austin, Mich; Petersinnee see the shrubs losing their vigor; guests- numbering 4-8 from Pigeon, ism with all of its splendor %mirk Waterloo; Stratford, Grand Pend an‘j. Of Household ,Effects and Mtseell- numerous to mention. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5th, At 1 p.m. Sharp Household Effects - 3-plece ciaeSe terfield, like new; round top extensor ion table; 6 dining room ,chairs match; telephone table; 3 oak rockers; Marconi electric radio;. eine tric lamps; large round plate east mirror; combination hall rack with' -mirror; tapestry rug Ox10'; ;2 small matching rugs; 2 new .congoleurie; rugs, ; congoleum rug 9.x1.2t couch, chime clock, 2 cedar chests, clothes hampers; kitchen tattle, a kitohen chairs; International Harves- ter 10 cu ft. refrigerator, used 2, years; 2 -burner heavy duty he pi -ate; kitchen range; Goblin vantann, cleaner 'with all attachments; eard table; Gladi electric ironer; Davis sewing machine; •Coffield washing machine, 2 toilet sets; 3 comprete oak 'bedroom suites; steel single bed, *f • • 1 x I a, quilting frames; curtanis; drapes1 quilts,,comfortme, mats; Miens; :glassware; silverithre; dishes; electro lc toaster; full line et kitchen •abene !ails; crokinole board; flower stands t, and plants; sealers, maks, toppet boiler, laundry tubs and stands; satze' sage grinder; lawn mower; garden tools; lawn bench; quantity of white !bricks; 3 ',it cords -dry hardwood slabs kindling, lard cart; many articles to have shortened its hours leaving the flashwood• Gifts included a table enous items, on the premises, Lot .Mrs. Cyrille Masse of Detroit,i whole spe nt a few das in this viinity aur atmosphere to chill tip agathola,m,p, jewellery, and a plate. Mr. 154, Main St, in the Village of yc- 1reminding us of fall and Winter mak- land Mrs. Haugh have two daughters, 1-Yashwood, Second House east or the ing the week -end on her return to im, I 1 All ,of that adds Shirley at home and Mrs. Eirra.riBvangelical Chtlrch. The under:up-I- MN Sarah GeotTioi or the Illue her, home ehe was aecompanied iiy „.y) t.:t. 4e ,a. ,P"" ch. ;:ears and shortene 0.1r.Rader Hay Township and three ed Auctioneer is instructed to sell Vete': ; net.b. re:: a .':.•:.:.1a.y last, ..vi4- tr..4° Land .7l,.., I'. ;,.::„Lat.',....a4. sta . i lie . 1 Iby Public Auction, on "" van co. •e., grandsons. Tarim -Cash No reserve, everything will be sold,. Mrs. Wm.. Nadigev, Proprietress. -Caen Wehb, C1,..srk Alvin Waiver, Auction.0.0,„ er •