HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-09-26, Page 8ZURICH ONTARIO THE STORE WITH THE STOCK (4,17.A7 xis Pure 'Vooi Plecked Tweed width, yd. $4,65 Authentic Tartens in wool, 58' width, yd. 2.25 Girrs h 1 weoi c..31acks, size 3-6 at Children's sleeve ...a.ton shoulder Jerse;.,s, st;iped pa$td sizes 1, 2, 3, each 1.65 Girl's Lerue steiaedlAouses 8 to 14 2.98 Girl00.v Oiain Puilo.....eie;U to 14, fancy tr:ra each Girls Orlon Pullovers • (•,?.-. Can:1:•..-aul, to 'Visit our Ely" 1..1)ept. ;1:or o our requireaeents, or ;o cl-Jec.,:7,c .t lovely ei.f.t for that "Special" Ne.:.vcomer. 9r, 4.95 r)ti 3.95 13.A.RGAIT'S.,5 BARGAINS WaN Ve',::::taks And Save Gready reduced pices on ineray lines of Sumner Cc0C1.4 .'n-L4lir;44s; Ladies and Chirens Wear, Mens and Boys Wear; Suit s, Overcoats, ,jac.kets, We -4,, Clothes, Caa.s, F-ats, Shirts, etc. All of above lines on Display on Tables on Second flEZI C0THES Mr. rviaci..an,.-:ie will again be with us on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th. Read his Message as follows: I'm looking forward to showing you one of the finest ranges of Fall and Winter Staitings I have ever had the oleos- ure of Showing, including English Worsteds in our New Medallion and Dundurn Ranges; Shetland Tweed and Lambs- wool Sportcoatings, West of England Covert Topcoatings, and Sturdy Scotch and Irish Twists for Rugged Wear.—R.E. Mac- Kenzie, . ONE DAY ONLY, SEPT. 26th. TELEPHONE 59 .IITa=2M,..11t111:.61.. 40,01=121111,13111.1.161M01.1116.3:11=t6P11.101613 U.KICH HERA! .1") Thursday, September 29th, 1957 LOCAL MAWS !• ';...II: von ...\n,,, -.Mona. Tyler of Dashwood, i 1'tra—nt '''' 8-'r- Lri▪ e -,,,,,, a Tuesday vistior in town. Vi • Mr and Mrs. Ed. Datarj motm.,r,d! DEBENTURES .f, to London mut spent a day there. i -Mr and Mrs Chester L. Smith ! /7---4 • spent StAurday in tioderich !LarRadia .1, rust A.1„. ,iktorris. waer 1..; .turned tkp Mr and Mrs. Ford Daherer ...„...0..,..1 T . v,,,:., ‘..,1,1, bin, „olitiini,...1 hc.„ith. ER.TIFICATES Now Paying 5(X.' .., troe-1 .,,q. .1 0,eples liosintal, 1..31-1te,F, 1 !;•itiy Sunday visitors with friends in (i 1, 2 and 3 Years ,v;..• .. nor:1 bicker who has been! J. V,/, HABERER Vkitill.)In NA,..1a-nii i, :pc.11.14g ,,..)..,. ene h‘.Intr4 t,:z„,., j „, ,,,,,,„:11 rv,i,,,, ,, tw,luai-,.0..„,.. §,eneral Insurance Phone 161 mr,. A. Mousseau of Zurr.( ST. PETER'S • v. u leran u c • -71 toi.1 2;1,Y.„ :M.N. Wallace Ilei;i7 'daughters Dorothy and Brencea, fn un ge , home of r nod lCirs C. L Othet• rebnive.; and. frionvis, ‘M1%.1. Laura Foster who resided at Grand Bend for the months has viAted with relative; and friend.: in atich before rat,11.1.i.•:.:.; her home in Lendon M. and '_'trs, Morris Neil nti; L ChurchZurich ;;...:/ 0 Winter Pastor i. . a daughter Nancy of Detroit and :Mi.! — 2 11 ,.,i l' . 1 1 v1 7' C -'1i ell ar 1 ..11r.1 ' 0; Zurich 1.1'..mnanite filiwch . 6 romo'in, v.'ore Stintl:ky visitors ttl. 1 0 the home of ,Mr and Mrs. Alfred Paster— itEbort Martin • Mrs. J. Tuerkheim, ATCM., Organist JNDAY SERVICES: A.M. — Worship Service i 5 A.M. -- Sunday School (all ages) 'he Pastor and People of this Church welcome all strangers and visilees, and invite all without other g ereh in the community ti.) to make this their church home. Nimateistmaziarakisameaugoitoomathazazataraarometsmaramurzr..mmtmeattmarzarmaroarmentspioumgeti I. 4. .1. • For Whom? 4. For all who would (see or enter into) the king-. + . dom of God 4' Told by Whom? + 4. Jesus answered and said: "Verly, Verily, I say 4. unto thee, Except a man be born again, he can- • not see the kingdom of God. 4 4. Except a man (unless one is R.S.V.) born of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter into the .2. kingdom of God, + "Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye mut be Lora again." Jno. 3: 3, 5, 7. Zurich Mennonite Evangeilism Committee A MUST! .4` 7.• 1t •10, PRIMLIE.Tegnria=a1=.7..^.4.:11112=1=-Ent.r.r..674.7.14ZiaT. 4.11:121a2:7..57.1Vairin.V11=r2.1V,12,4"417-X:21a,..4.1a15.Mkraalarn A•s".....w.nrivrAwyklmisounr.....2119ER. •117NDAY SERVICES: .1.te DO ELM. — Sunday Sohool C•le receni; ,storm - ,the ,1 .00 a.m. Worship Sovvice 'Ti. a corn crib was up- wonesday, 8.00 p.m. Prayer Fellow- e iil. . - • . - • e „.r F,f1 Stoini)aek of. the f.ros- p.m) „ern, --. Billie -1Viedinr. • 1 Vi set and the barn door broken. Also ship in tho 1.1.-_,Ine:11. • a amber 4.)t. teiciihonc,‘ lines 1,,,-:,•!..,.t put .. . .. . — a (1 Ut 0 Ori.i fh,,, YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP • • fr, i WITH U ,, 1,,,, --.:Va,nrio S ,• .4'p• ! ,,, .-.. !..W.,e;1 Melick attended e businesF' ' 'THE MENNONITE HOUR" • 0 a, 0 8 8 0 0 8 a t0 9 a 0 , A. gr.' You'll Enjoy Listening to— +i, • se-sions of the Canada Conterenee of OrethreP Church at the Waterloo Churchon 1'.4 opt err= .er 24th. ATTENDS sEssioNn ‘y• l....eilseth Zorn, of Zion Lu- hrreh, Pashwood, was one VO of ale 1,.!%flers of the two miltrort-me- %W:rober t her‘m Church, 'Missouri Synod, who .participated in setting a ZURICH 1(1million-dollar budget .for the !char.s Christian world outreach P... during the coming year, Rev. Zorn a 9 9 iir oin ELECTRICALLY SAFE - ..; Gospell Preaching — Inspirationa Singing. Sundays—CHML-9 k.c. a.m. - 1 110 n 3() ' 'Vile Living i.hri;t, fir a. Dying nemnanuel Evangelical UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH Rev. A, M. Amacher, B.A., B.D, • Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist. 0 0 wa: a participant in the canibmed . . • visitors and fiscal conference which 1 sunday, September 29th. . . closed its week-long sessions at Con- i eordia Theological Seminary at St. 110 A.M. Morning Worship TServ.ice ti,41.4.44.+4.4.+++, 1 e , Loele,meeting drew. . an districts of the church bo-cW g reo ro-ei from the 32..North Axkierie- heme—Overv stating Our Poerty. .{.+++++.1 11 ann.—Sunday School KRA 111111111111111111 1111111i MAI MIME umall ommemonamilminmoum.,.,, e 1 IYMENEA.L...' - Get Friendly Service F I Schwartzentruber Lanib16 'Earaain' s I I'm or Co venags riq tI aline Elaine Lainhke and Herbert 25% OFF ON ALL MERCHAN,ISE .;n4 vows a 1Vt7 nner Mennonite urnitu. Come. in and see our • COMPLETE LINE OF HOME FURNISHINGS We Have a Good Supply of Floor Coverings Good variety of Blinds, Track and Accessories SPRINGS and MATTRESSES Variety and Sizes of Simmons, Sealy, Marshall, Restonic, Pillofoam, Etc., Etc: Now is the time to Buy your SUMMER FURNITURE ZURICH Phone 89J Have A Master Electrician Do 7M, p.m.—Evening Service. - The Services on Sunday will be on Standard Time. A' cordial invitat- ion is extended to you to• attend COME TO CHURCH Slehwartzentruber exchanged' Arkt,ecid, , . Here area few Examples: Your f 'Work Beaverdale, near PrOton, a • efore the Rev. Merle el,d. the Rev. Alb,:et. .Martin, For all Electrical Appliances Call— VTUD n TT -I FL 'rri' Tr' - o o Phone 34 - Zurich R C.; cmararzr,,,,-..1w.Z.,77,4a7E'vinFiroi„tmirtmerzzt=2-e.arm.a.5.4----.,.-.,. „•1800`&14'4.:;.. , „ 1 11) • HARD111.a. Yom 71,1 ueI Will receive attention with us if left in,,alenty of time. We always try to, supply our Customers with the iroo:4, Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment, insure delive.ies tirne always leave your orders early . • " 0101 'Lou' , '• of 'Luria. The bride is the daught- A • ' a- ,,,,, of -Mr and Mrs 1:1,111ton Lambke, 0). 0 R.R, 2, Preston, and the groom is 1 gown of pink embroidered nylon . . k O . 1.b.f ,,,.qi ,').' .10•,eph Schwaat7entrAer, over taffeta. t l'h.A A g R.R. 3, Zurich, and the Tate- . Mrs. Arthur Byer, Markham, was gro- A, 0 Sclovertevotruber. - =small, with Marcus Smucker,Pen- A 4 4p The bride wore ballerina -length nsylvania, and Paul Lambke, Pres- r 4. • 1 ;„0',11 r!1 V ,Ir10, embroidered nylon ov- ton, brother of the bride, na ushers:- g er 'tal'eta tyled with bouffant skill:, For travelling the bride chose a 0 and pn!'i7,it neckline. She carried navy blue figured en i:emble with 141.1,1q L.Q 1. 1,11;) ;'.e1 houquet of pastel pink roses. matching ..,,ccessories and corsao' of white p'erdenias. The couple will Attending her sister as maid of make their home in St. Louis, Mo., honor, Miss janice Lamhke woke, a where tiiey. will servo as missionaries. Guaranteed Life Income • 1. I with us so we can arrange for your supply, YOUR HEATING EQUIPMINT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? 14 ...., uoes Your Furnace or Stove need attention; or prob. ably.you need a New One. Let us look these over 1 for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. e.t 3 We carry a full line of the Well Known .and Tried 1 and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax , OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinamit ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. WITH ASSURANCE MEANS THIS TO YOU —It rreate-s an immediate cash estate —It guarantees a monthly life income —It pr -vides freedom from invest- ment worries. grairantees the privilege of re- tirings when you want to. North American Life's Pension Plan •!aarantees thn.? lar:est possible secure income at the time it is needed, ow- 1ng to loss of health, disability, pre- mature death or oldd age. T. r.i-E mf 4cfmn NORTH AMERICAN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY A Mutual Company .— All Profits for Policyholders Phone 70-W Dashwood, Ont. :•-•;;;,....e./orm•ermeorarmav-aruman•I. to,straar 13 a 5 4 5 it? 3 a 0 a 5a a S,...mitareirraanmir, nig 7 .1 IVA :itc,'m OW • •Cleaners AGENT — Reg. R. BLACK, Zurich. Our Dry Cleaning and Laundry Service will be continued as usual at the same location. Goes out Monday - back on Thursday; out Thurs- day - back Saturday; out Saturday back Monday. 'ZURICH - QUALITY – PRICE 8941088110480:41040489•411011141104114419 Fast Efficient.. Service MID TOWN CLEANERS Exeter Ontario. 111 3 9 9 3 • • • 1 1 ---4 4 0 ,INLAID LINOLEUM - Reg. 4.95 running Yard for $3.70 running Yard 3 yds. wide Congoleurn Reg. 2.85 running yard, for $2.2.8 running yard REMNANTS and Odd lots of Tile - All at only HALF PRICE Shop Early While The Selection Is Good T. and T. FLOORING Your Decorating Headquarters SHOW ROOM IN BAKERY BLOCK. PHONE 133 ZURICH sm...ssicser.Deme...fflynazumexonmsaacemacm.,...r. 611112119ROICI.921.01,337.C.r.I.,Ar.a.. . 54 1' 1' 5, 1' 1' 0 2x10 Spruce NS 105.00 x 4 Bpruae AS 105.00 Place your Oier Aowl, LET US SERVE YOU! LUMBE14 BUIL PPUES RS