HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-09-26, Page 5ZURICH ONTARIO ZURICH HE,RAUD • ZURICH HERALD , AuThorizetras second eases rata', Peet OMee Department, Ottawa, AI...VIN WALPER PROVINCIAL Licensed Auctioneer war your Sale, large or small; Court - was and Efficient Service at all 6Ixnes. irl'houe 57 r 2. DASHWOOD N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street — Exeter Open Eivery Week Day Except Wednesday BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. lXETER PHONE 4 C. V. LAUGHTON, L.L.B. 'Tuesday, 2 to 5 p.m. at Zurich, At Township Clerk's Office 'or Appointment. Dashwood 27 r 13 , J. NORMAN COWAN Bookkeeping ana.income Tax Service *Sarepta' Hay P. 0. CONTRACTING MOBILE DISPOS.AL Septiic Tank Cleaning , Repairs on Drains, Watermains. Ete. New Instalatiens 'on Cement Septic Teaks, Drainage Tile and Drains Ph. 2O-5 Grand. Bend 7.11. 205 RONALD G. McCANN PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Moues: 561 Office Royal Bank Bldg. 455 Res. Ratenbury S.t CLINTON ONTARIO Drs. COXItN & LEITCH VETERINARY SURGEONS tee with Residence, Main Street, Onneei.te Drug Store Phone 96 TUMOR G. B. CLANCY Optometrist — Optician (Successor to the late A. L. (ole, optometrist) • For appointments phone 33. Goderich Ont. ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER OlatilCE - Corner Ann, Williaan Sts. Phone Exeter 504 MEAT MARKET WITH MEATS of the BETTER KIND For Over 50 Years YUNGBLUT BROS. LOOAL Mr and 3Irs Gerald Gingerich and family motored to Urbana, Ills., to visit Mr and Mrs Gibble Amenns for the .week -end. Mr, and YIrA. Seth Amours who had been spendieg several \yeeks there, returned to Zurich with the former, iMr and fiNirs illatrick Cunningham andlittle daughter Beton Clare, of Willowdale are holidaying at the home of their parents, Mr and ;Mr? Ti.C. anuth, 1 hey returned to Zurich Friday evening, after a visit. -alth the farmer's parents and re- lativea at South Porcupine, Ont, W. L MEETjNt The Zurich Womens' Institute will hold their regular 111011thly meeting at tev, /urlob town hall Orr TlieSJay Ootobet, 1st, at An interesting meeting is ;being pre. ,pared. Caminittee: Mrs. Wm. Sie- bert, Mrs, Douglas Robinson and Mrs, Chester L. Smith Purcht-13es Business Clock Koniloth Pl•oakey lin A puroll- ased th,3 businessblock from Mr. Edw. Dater,: formerly oceupied Ly Deters & O'Brien as p hardware store, and will now he uqed as a T. V. and Radio sioee. Mr. Break- er hes a Ic:rge repairing business in this deliciate of work and we wi.,11 him every seecess, Lorne Amacher, elder son of 'Rev. and Mrs. A. M. Ai/etcher of town has left for ‘,Vestern University, to commence his seeond year's study in Medicine. We wish him a very good and succeisful year FOR SALE Good hardwood Slabs $3.00 per cord — Fred. C, Kalbfleisch & Son Ltd. tfe Farm Equipment NEW MILI)MAY THRESHER'S, also used Threshers, patent straw cutters and shredders, grain thrower' s !mita Mildmay Threshers do a goodjob in grain - Seed and beans. Get our prices and tome, LOBSINGER BROS., Middmay, Ont.6 RIFLE SPECIALS— :10 calibre Precision Swiss, 12-ehot lightning int repeater, detachable mointeine, Only $10.95. Available a Wax Sporter, only $22.50. 30-00, W' ,.! el 01 'Zemin -eon 9 -shot re- peating Sportsters only $32.150. Each fully eintranteed. Get yours now - while supply Tastes. We ship C.O.D. promptly. - International Firearm Co. Ltd., 1041 Bleary, -Montreel, Q ue. Farmers! SAVE OVER 15% ON SPECIAL, PACKAGE DEAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Complete Automobile Coverale For First -Class Fartn-Owner Risks Farmers' Comprehensive Liability Protection Covera.ge for accideets ar- ising oitt of the efAAtenen of use ot •-• - • • •---- ••• • ; • •- your farm property, farm operations, animals and unlicensed vaicles on Highways. in addition to your own verse -tall activities and those of your faratly. Premium as low as 0.50 Ann, For Full Particulars apply to J. W. HABERER NOTICE FOR 1a, r!orcy, has futnace, kitchen capboniels, run- nirig water. 2 miles east of Zur- ich; 3 miles west of Neilsen. jest ofr Highway No. Apply te Weide, Phone Zurich 88 r 2n. TENDERS WANTED iTor Caretaker arid Operator or the Hem all .A rena. Tenth -if to he ;xi tli handof the Secretary not later then Tttesdoy, Oc tole: r 15th, -1957. Out. • ies to coins on ov before Nov.. Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association • Ch"ck Your Postpge The ether day a party ;Advised us of having received a thank you card through the mail, for no reeson Wes it sealed, as just the sembe-ts name was signed. But the riib w -s that the sender neglected to put postage on and the party receiving the earl( wa.,T obliged fo pay double, a weirs to lift it instead Of the 4 cents if put on at the source. A newspe!;er man ha, the same experience, nearly every week some letter comes along, marked (insufficeent postage) and its up to the receiver to nay double the r'9' postarre, or let it go to General Insurance Phone 101 Zurich, Ont FARM FOR SALE Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd. - Exeter Complete Sanitone Cleaninf.7, 'Laundry and Storage Servic,e! Pick up Mon., back on Thurs. Pick up Thurs., hack on Monday. I (Local Agent) EARL OESCH I Barber Shop - Zurich Thursday, September 29th, 1957 READ OD the table "Andy's" 1 , unch! e Your Menu Maker! 'YOUR BA.KER not only supprie _ s FISH & CHIPS and LIGTLIT otdaf delicious wholesome bread for your M-!torovytniosurei.tzeipn. nit! • ner of mouth-wetering goodie LUNCHES tho s to , crown menu of every meal: Frag- rant Cuff' and Cinnamon Buns Try Delicious York Ice Cream e ' ..e..._—___ for Picnics and Parties, in 8 meal iS ready! A form in Hay Township on 84 HiOtway; .125 aeres choice land, On the property i a nme rootued frame house with modern oitchen, has built-in oupboards; a drilled well, loth hot and void water on tap. lilts two pressure systems with lat.'d ui soft water on tap tle-oughe it buiin. ings. A double garage, hen lno•e and pig pen. Ninety-five acres un- der ;eultivation, balance in bush and pasture. Apply to Ueban Ducharme, three, miles west of Hensall. ember 1st, 1957. Lowest or any Tender net. necessarily accepted, P. L. M tiNAUGH TE, Seceetary-Treesurer, Hensali, Ontario, WANTED Women to work spare hours arler- noons or evening demonstrating brand new foam rubber products. Nasy work.. Good commission. Write Box 19, Seaforth, Ont. NOTICE • For artifieial insemination infer - eaten or service from all breeds of Attie, phone the Waterloo Cattie ;reeding Association at. Clinton la 2-3441 between 7:30 and 9:30 a...M. We have all breeds available - . In quality at low cost. FOR QUicK A baby buggy. — Apply to Reg. the Dead 'Letter Department to find 'ate BADMINTON MEETING the- 0 ;•7;inal sender. So make 0:s sure you itrix sufficient postage when sending _oat wail, • Church Tower Panted • In recent weeks most of us noticed scaffold work, etc., on the St. Peter's Lutheran church tower, as workmen were engaged in giving the high tower of thieaplace ,of -tvorehint a new coat of paint, which is now completed. The job was clone hy 1\fr. John Minderlein, of R. R. 3, Zurich, who specializes in, steeple Jack work, doing steep roofs, and that kind of hazzardes work. It is a good thing that sone men Detente interested in doing jure this, as us- ually these places which are so out- standing to the eye can be negrect- ed for want of finding someone that will venture to do them. So if you have too much difficulty in ("getting' up there" just call John and he will soon look after your needs, as he has the "know how". Mr. Minder- lein immigretod to Canada from Germany some years ago, and pbout nine months ago took unto himself. companion; and they live bereally the Babylnn line about • two miles Phone 57 ZURICH a .'"^iin 'Zurich and we feel haeey that SERVING THE COMMUNITY a man in our midst can "just- z; -o UP re,X there." O . Briscri, Produce HURON PROVINCIAL LIBERALS NAME B. W. TUCKEY AS PRESIDENT Highest Cash Prices Paid for CREAM- EGGS - and POULTRY LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor PHONE 101 — ZURICH hula Cma Er Your Horne Market- for Cream, Eggs and Poultry HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID PLUS A PREMIUM FOR 'DELIVF,ED CREAM. WE ARE EQUIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT . ACCURATE SERVICE. EGG AND -POULTRY DEPT. IN CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS Chas. Minshall, Proprietor e,tern rirropre Mogril Weaktv 4AnPrPrce DD. OF WOODSTOCK VW LARGEST RESER.VE B M- ME OF ANY CA.NADTAN MUT- UAL CODIPANY DOING BUSINESt3 e OP THIS KIND IN °imam RATES ON APPLICATION KLOPP ZURICH The annuel meeting. of the Huron Liberal Association, as constituted for preeirriel eneee• -n,s held in the Community Centre, Zurich on Friday crecning Sept. I3th. The meeting. elected Benson W. Tuckey, Exeter, as president. succeeding Iran Kalbfleisch of Zurich. Farquhar Ol- iver, leader of the opposition in the Ontario Legislature, , was the finest epeakev, and told the meeting the fact the association at this time.was indictive of growing interest in the Liberal program in Ontario. Also speakers briefly xore Jamee R. Scott former provincial candidate A. Y. McLean, former federal Liber- al candidate Hugh Hawkins, maid- ent of the Federal Association. The association adopted a constitution and by-laws prepared be' a committee headed by john A. McEwan. Bruce- -field. The reeort of the nominating connmittee. presented by Earl Ceene..atli; of Illy Township, was adopted ns foll ows Past preeident, Ivan Kalbfleisch, Zuvich; lino:Went, 'Benson W. Tuckey, Exeter; secret:ee, W. L. 'W110,e, Sea - :forth; treasurer, Geo Deichert, Zur- ich. Vice presidents ---W. G.Cocitraere Exeter; :lames 1r -At, Goderten; net Ricri,;:r insborne Tem-Ro p; y Stephee Donnir liederd, Zneich Dr. Addinte, Clintoa; Ivan For- syth, Tockcesmith p. • lionorrry presideme .- huge .A. meeting of the Zurich Badmin- ton Club will be held:lin the Co.re- munity Centre. Z,irich,cia Tuescley evening,, October 1st, at n.e. All interested parties are reque.;tc.,d to attend, on; John M. Eckert, McKilltm. Twp; Elgin •Rowcliffra U' -borne Tv- ; .Tun A. McFwen, Stanley Township, Mrs. W L. Whyte. 5-qorth. hen4,1 the •officers of Ladies' Huron Liberal Organization 7.1s ploqident and the secretary is Mrs, .Tc.;11 Rildelm-,n 1et' Seaforth, while the trees -Ter is \Tr. Madeline Edwards, Goderich. A P -t' of other 'officers include +Mrs. J Pear- son, Zurirh;'1`,1q. A. Y. incl.:can, S. a - forth, MIT. Rov Lamont, Zurich. in NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL •r".:1R ON ra A VINTI ("La •jagai n et the Est at of Tallmp W4m, let-. of ti'- ef Znvich, in the rounty of -Herne who •;died cat or altont the 2nd dev of Se tember, 1957 are reeuireii to .srtrte With full uartieulars the d'E,Vsighed by the dav October, A.Tr, 1957, Oat date the assets -of the etiele will ise 'distributed h'' -in., regard (nth- to those claims of which no -Hee has • been receiVed. ' Dated at Zenith, Ontario In the County of Huron, this i2ith day' of September, 1957. „ , 1 c.ei, the officers of Young Hume Ltherels! Solicitors for the Estace. include Reg. Black, Zurich. • The. meeting was well attended, ana Imola enthusiasm shown. RaMEEZIERS=IdgE=.7=53Matir3=7.1i-TE-rir.r2=VMI.1.11PISSOM 1.ngMv...-117WAI=onr..W=RtP a OPPORTUNITY THIS AREA Ivan Kalbfleisch, Zurich, Ont. Executor for the Estate. a Canadian Company operating on a national -scale has immediate op- 6 enings for ambitious men or women to manage local business dealing: .i. 0 with soma of Canada's largest -chain stores; can be handled in spate e e hours at start if desired; honesty and dependability more importaet a la than past experience. Our li'etral financial aseistancee enables teeid I 0 ' expansion. This i a busieniis on a high plane for high type men 0 * or women -of chazacter only, e * 4 a 4, c APPLICANTS MUST HAVE e a APPROX. $1,700.00 a 3 3 e; bt (Which is securv:d), and good reference.. These openings will pay 4 you exceptionally high monthly income immediately, arid rapidly a' 0 * increase as b col nes ereands. Pre ter applicants as•piring earei rigs zi e from 810,000.(10 to $20,000.00 yearly. No hitth pressure men wanted 2 a as NO SELLING required. If nou can quail fy and havo necossary ; t cash, write today e lying phone number and part.. tilers 'Inc meal 0 iilit!elaTiet‘v,i,7,rite: IVIanager, P.0.Box No.1Qri Station 11, Mon- 1 r, ) .-.. ) i. , 1. 0...U. ttogaialEarztrm.. ,,, Iwz=rArzwevirima,r,7r,=='",,,,,'M.7r=2:77razgnolarr.x.....resinri....1.0,:=7,02x,3 FIFTH ANNIVERSARY Bricks, Half Gallons and Gallons C. ANDERSEN B.A. Station - Dashwood OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK for b..eir :fest.. luscious fruit -filled itreete for : piping hot Par !ker iHfois Rolls for dinner, Brea4 I In vari.ey, !:en• snacks -any funs . of day or tiig,te. So don't get wrink, Iles worrying abeet variety in meals -- your baker be your menu maker, I See what's on his tray today! ann T ti-4.evaly Bakery r•FloNE 101) — ZURICH SH LTA us.A11.4 irLEDS We Offer a Complete Line of Shur -Gain Farm a Proven Feeds and Concentrates for Poultry, Hogs and Cattle 6 Try Cur.. New.. Chick.. Starter.. Medicated. AGENT A'0.1.41`011;.t. ret.!1.t.r. 111. 411 111 eouo- fro Toxp.; Albeit Tialbfleiz"(.11,7•1111.irb: 014,•Col 1! • •,4 •, • rroto -(1.1 to 1 cwoada°, .ALSO DEALER IM LIGHTNING Senitter W. TI. (;.-idinfr, Pe:401.9o, AV the 10))1.;P:1 itt V...011.1. Ouri, Inquire About The Low.. Grain Load Lots. M. DEITZ Son Prices in Truck Zurich $ trarrci.r.rente OTHER POPULAR /4 WESTEEL FARM HELPS 5 Stock 're Culv,..rts, Hog Tr,,ughs Gzanary Fee longer lasting, better looking farm 1:"uildings cover thane '.steel Gal,Janized or Aluminum Roofing and Siding. E...).aoa-iical to us4.,, Quickly, easily put en. Gvards against fire. -,:eather, verrrjo., lightning y. Cuts building ma;n• rcrict;:oq,. bone. FREE given. NEED FOR A trtee Lights, 7:11...',;;ing, Nails .1.‘!* For prices. &,y your Rocifir..2 5!eesna! eniatiee eras can always eseh cia;:znal .7 you thathe. STADE & WEIDO Representatives for Zurich and District ..„ .° II erti 3 a asesaasteasaa HOW ABOUT YOUR FALL FERTILIZER NE,EDS —CURTOM SEED CLEANING FEEDS FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS— Hogs Trucked Tuesday and Thursday Cattle on Saturday GIVE US A CALL— WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU! 4 11 ' • .• ‘...,., •.• v..., 1,,,,,,.,..,,,1,. v. Phone Hensall 115. t. ODS AND INSURANCE !Snell, Clinton; Vat Sullivan, tn-edit- • :.,, ...0• i. '.::- (..1)-vo,..r•tiol:, ille openitel: of p•oiia• ' 4.,1;'. --• • IkMt KINPS OF I11Roboron FRiir . t s, Goderieb: Euhriiire inaor,, 1 ment Mid -federal el e ctione, • . Zurich 220 •or,«•••_...,•-lzrtts."471=in'sr," !••••••- 44. 3 11 0 0