HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-09-26, Page 4211RICH ONTARIO
15 Regular Games for $25 Each
4 Share -the -Wealth Jackpot $1,000.
4 Door Prizes, $25. Each.
DOORS OPEN 8.30 DST., or 7.30 Standard.
Bingo starts 9.30 DST, 8.30 Standard Time.
the margin of 11 targets at a recut
shoot. The shooters on the local
team were Wes Venner, Ches Lee.
Parkhill, Bill Kyle, Bill Cooper, Llo-
yd Veinier, Sam Dougall, Tom Sher-
ritt, John • Anderson and Harry
Mathere, Norman Hariburn. It was
keen competition with the Ki•ppen
team winning out.
St. Joseph & Blue Water Area
The mild week -end has been fay-
I jourabb., for u.,,sorters and many took
4 1.-
4, .. e -
4. 4.
-4. For Appointments for other 4.
4. 4-
4. days, please phone: 4.
4 1.
4 Hensall - 16 4,
.4. •-i:
Exeter - 14
4, • •
The Law Offices of W. G. Cochrane
at Hensall will be open
from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
commencing October 2, 1957
advantage of it to spend it in their
summer cottages; the traffic towards
the Lake was mud" summer like,
Mr. Leonard Sararas, the veteran
grain and bean thresher for this
western dieteict has been held up
eaused by wet. beaus and boggy
fields; if and when the weather fairs
up again, it will he like mad rasa
tostiaisae hn ettetona.•rs.
Mr Fred Ducharme spent a few
days the past Week with the Dueh-
arme's south of St. .Ioseph, aseis•t-
ing in toring away •the bean crop,
while Mrs. 14tchatine of the same a-
bode spent the ,3t; e time in Zurich
with the Teres,-., Hartman famly,
quilting; "No", it was not a deselv-
ing of life partnership, but onsy one
of those little incidents that occurs
from time to time.
Comment -
Across the country side today you
hear the rural people ask one
Thursday, Septentber 29th.l:?
.9999..,99...9.9". •
makes its contribution to the fund
through the migio-St. Thomas united trinamameaszramauelereeremearoaaprevaimigsamemaiertmememeximimespeistapzewrom •
Welfare Services.
This year C.N.LB. requires $84,- a
700; $51,900. has already been it
promised I)y municipalities and by
.community Chests in Stratford, Lon-
don and Elgin County. Residents
in Huron, Perth and +Middlesex are
being asked for the remaining
800. •
Field work among blind children
scheduled to receive sehooling at
Brantford is un important part of C.
N.LB. service, Mr .Wheeler said.
Regular trips are made by apecially
trained .staff members au children's
homes to provide guidtmee counsel
to the children,' and to parents who
must adjust to the problems posed
by the bringing up of blind youag- •
stem. In addition, training olds sneli
as educational toys are provided, --- •
Prom The Canadian National Instit-
ute for the Blind.
FINED $100
Convicted of driving while dis
qualified, Gerald Shaanhan, of Clin-
ton, was fined $100 and costs er one
month in jail when he appeared 111
magistrate' conrt at Godericn.
was also prohibited from driv for
the next. throe years. Despite testim-
ony by police officers, Shanahan said
he did not recall being in court a
few years ago anti he said he did
not remember receiving notice that
the Denartinent of Highways tad eu-
spended his license. Police -gave evi-
the question, is the mill ever' deuce that when he was a police of
eer at Clinton he had known Have you .counted the fourteen days
Shan -
and of course, no arguing if it seould ahn.
be one more or one less of we. and
• aroken weather in St.i,temb.tnet
will be the answer to the alKive
ton. Look in the years gone by,
tee ana pick up a dry month or Scy-
tentlx). The starting date of this
wet eel id varies from year to year;
it may start on the first Qr second
day ef the, month, or it may start
a few do neer with the seree eff-
ect: this yoar it Wit"; on the last
meutioned, therefore delving deeper
in the month: time bit . now elapsed
and we should expect a favourable
change anytime. You may so fat'
believe in or not eh?, Well, chalk it
down,on the wall and if you live out
another year, you can refer to it.
Farmers have been flopping their
beans over and over the past two.
weeks to prevent them from rottine.
Or. ;sprouting; these with large acre-
age meant much work for thom;
they are aware of the 'wet Septemb-
er spell, ut it is beyond their con-
tral, for either planting earner or
1* later would not solve the problem,
t for growing and maturing seaeons
are not always the same, So the.
4' farmers' lot is to take a chance, or
4 the old saying, die dog or eat the
+ Hatchet.
Lr..7&722,1„ :241TianiataZZ..472.1. giEMS:g="...'""
anal Removal
TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until
Saturday, October 12th, 1957 for the Sale and Removal of the
brick School House, foundation and cement steps from the
school grounds of S.S. No. 11, Hay, 'situated on the .Blue
Water Highway, No. 21, five miles north from Grand 33end,
Ont. Cash or cheque for building to accompany Tender, also
a marked cheque for $125.00 to accompany Tender as guar-
antee that the removal will be carried out to the Board's
satisfaction. Cheque will then be returned.
Time Binh for removal will be June lat, 1958.
For, further information contact the Secretary.
Sec. Treas. Hay Township School Area,
Zurich, Ontario.
Dashwood changes to Standard
Time Saturday night, September 28.
+ Sunday Church .services oe on
Standard Time. • .
Mr and Mrs Glen Bron of Kit-
. •
chener spent Sunday with Mr and
4. Wm. Wein.
+ • :Mt. Robert Wein of Sudbury sp-
ent the week -end at his home here,
Mr and Mrs Jacob Oberer of
Gross Point, Mich., (bridal couple)
spent several days at the home of
Mr and Mrs Henb Desjardine and
Mr and Mrs Scott of Brussels, vis-
ited in Zurich and attended the Fall
Fair on Tuesday.
was heavy clay bottom with no dra-
inage, and had to be filled in with
gravel, Other places the old pave-
ment was too high and with tile big
powerful machines was ticarrrfied and
lowered. These places are just a hit
rough as yet, but will soon be level-
ed off. It is most wonderful just
how these big. machines can do things
that seem impossib/e.
Mr aad Mrs Ted Weseloh and Mrs Highway 84 Nearly Paved
A few more nice. days and the
No. 84 Highway of Ontarro, running
from St. Joseph to Hensall will be
paved with the hot .mix ,aspKaTt, a -i
visitors at the home of 31r and Mrs the men arc now working east of the
John Brown the past week. big swamp, putting down the first
heavy coat as they go. We had the
BORN -- At the South Huron Hos- privilege of driving tiro new pavern-
pitai, 1x..tr,r, or Se Ptf.. M l!'cr 21i11, cit 1.101,1 St. Joeeph to Z Ill' IC tr. the
10:57 to Mr and Mte Thsaaert Terle other da- end we hardly realized
liehn of Zurieh, it dirueli'•:,r (Cheryll that We ?Vere en the same old Zurich
Ann.) A sister for Donglas. Read r.,.si •,...c ni”.,..1 to call it. We ewe
much to our M.I, A , avir. Thcrlft.,
MS4 Norma Steininick has return- I, i .. , • • :
1, t on nine el?orts to
od horse efSee a plea,,ant holiday at Iti.tle'to Pm-liar/lent and the 7111nister
the ho,n,e, of her sister, Mr and :qrs. of ,,!,:,o,e,i to haat, ttit .done. im_
James Hack;at of ;L'it. Caraeriees.
sae t
e n , „e„realoimied hole e 1,y. Fier ori!A tl,•J'.V Mr. Pryde has b
brothee Mr. aideer Seae'el.s...-, teal c"I'"1.-'1 ln VI'. Im.• 8 11")ita 1 ' Tj°11d;
•.t. ,, .r,, l 0 . , . , , ..1 00 r',1' : ,.', r, I 7.1 '7,'"1..; With a heart etnal
la•yle. la., • e. .. :a. L. : leeay recovering- and,
. i v•v ' lir';'' • 1:).. ,lny is not ' too far off
Streak Tore U'l i.• ee en ....•-: '. 'ryi.;.0 AOhave the 0/or.I
‘,,,,ho.,,,, gdi..1.,., h..h,,,.,.: ..,...„„aa, „„ ae fine7ese ",he meet of us have, to ond
the new pavereesas te . lea -mate ca. joy a motor f'1111 over the No, .4.
of Hamilton xvho halo the ventea,“ Wittwer. ria''a llahtha!
found the sseee J.afeees a:azer ,.1',U.' I ?'.. TEAM VINS
Dedels of Kitchener attended the
Fair in Zurich on Tee:el ty
Mr tied Mrs Chris. Keim and Mrs.
Lydia Oestreicher of Hanover were
rain Street there eee poor (lade-
oge 'which he! to flee e. •
Lee eueataien eau eaunson, tarns tiy
Mr Joe Zimmer of London, spent
the week -end with his mother, Mrs
Harry. Zimmer.
Mr. :Peter Irvin of London spent
the week -end with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Clair Irwin.
:11r Voldemar Gulens of •Toronto,
spent the week -end with Dr. and ti's
Mrs. Nelda Routledge of London,
spent the week -end with Mr and Mrs
Philip Fassold,
Master Eugene Becker, son of
Mr anti Mrs Emil Becker had the
misfortune to fracture his ankle dine.
ing the week -end.
Mr Harold Kraft and Diane, Mrs.
Melvin Restemayer and Jane and
Miss Bertha Becker of London, spent
Saturday at Port Huron,
Baby Baptized_
Carolyn Patricia, daughter of Mr
and -Mrs. Gerald Wilhelm of Crediton
was baptised in Zion Lutheran
church ay Rev. K. Zorn. Sponsors
were the latter's parents, Mr and
Mrs John Heckman.
Mr and Mrs Clayton Pfilr pit
several days last week with Mr and
.Mrs. Art Koessel. and 71,mily, at
Lansing. allelL
• While five district children are
settliets down to another year at
Ontario Sehool f.•,- the Blind, in
Brantford, score,-: of volunteer ran-
VaSSPTS 111' workieg an a two week
opera, i 0 a fluid earllPt1iP11 for The
Cannehen National Inetiiene for the
Blind. ' 7ereala
E. P. WInvle,-, disf:get seccot.try
for C.N.I.II., said one child from
Huron County, one from Miadlt,ilex.,1
one from Perth and two childree
from Elgin Cot -n- are registered at
Brantford, two or Clem for the first
time. All five have had tad, nsive
raniast and 01 '01' eesistauce throuehi,,
C.a7.I.fl le this arch
vraeere in Huron, Perth alai!
alhhdesex Counties are haeinniatt to;
first returns 5ll0n 11;seed •
see this year's district
Thedfora Increased American
imports and eel worm attacks have
caused. a 20 -per -cent. cut in celery
acreage in Medford-Gra/let B en d
district, Russell Chard, fieldman with
the Ontario Department' of Agrieult-
tire reptirted. The market has ale°
been redaced, he said.
been reduced he said. As the buyers.
prefer the fresh celery shipped in
from the southern States in the vin -
ter months.
Mrs. Len Noakes ,who underwent
a1f.tdperation in Victoria Hospital,
Londeti,. is gradually improving.
Mrs Edna Corbett is holidasling
witln„her nephew and niece, 7,Ir and
MrsSaAlater Drown in OrfO'rd, Mieh.
Mr a Grace Harpole returned home
after4sPending the past two weeks
with hci' daughter and eon -in-law, 'Mr
and:WS Dong. Peacock and family
at 'Ottawa.
• '`• a-aLes Parker, Exeter, de-
eiutyagoVernor for Zone D. installed
offieers..Of the Kinsmen and Kinettes
at a Joint dinner meeting at Lee's
restaurant. Kiusmen installed were:
President, Jack Drysdale; vice -pre,
Harold Knight; registrar, Robert
Reaiburn; secretary, Frank Pearce;
treasurer, Geo. Sawyer,leulletin ed-
itor, Con McRoberts, Directors, .13015 One thing about Mary Grannan, you ,can always spot her -- even tram,:
the back; she wears the biggest hats, and always has, in Canadian. elide,
She may be better knownte the young fry as "Just Mary", that weavei•
1 -' 20" (used) cast iron coal and wood
rur nace
$ 1 5.0(Y
1 - (used) shower cabinet at 40.00
1 (used ) Coleman large space heater
1 - (used) Coleman small space heater 10.00
1 - (Used) .3 -burner C. E. Electric Range,
(like new
1 - (used) Cook Stove and oil burner installed,
C Enamell, (good condition) 10.00
1 - (used Coal and Wood Cook Stove, white
Enameled, only 35M0
1 - Used 4 -burner Ga' Rawc. (like new)
1 - used Gas Clothes Dryer (like new)
1 Used nas Space Heater (like new
Above Specials can be seen in operation.
Ger -lid Gingerich
Phone 34
entaMMUMI=EMIff3ViiiNaMa'72-MaZtatr$S9.1*.ntrt,r7;.”Eil '--- '11. r447.WM;
Baker, J; Jim Clark, Prank
Kinettes: President, 'Mrs. John
Heal; vice-.pres., Mrs. Frank Ellwood:
secy., Mrs. Jack Drysdale; treasurer
Mrs. Geo. Sawyer; registrar, Mrs.
Wm. illickle; bulletin editor, Mrs. C.
of fascinating tales about people li ke "Maggie
Muggins" end many -
A "CORPORATION TAX" is not a tax on the
corporation, but is, rather, a tax on the customers
who buy the goods or services it produces.
Taxes are a cost of doing business. They must be
included in the price structure along with wages,
and the costs of raw materials and supplies.
An increase in corporation taxes, or in any otl'wir'
taxes, is an increase in cots which must ultinatelv
be reflected in prices. He --:e, a d-screase in cnvp-
oration or other t:•:;.eo. wroilc! th- upwa7ct
sure on costs and prices.
. T H