HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-09-19, Page 8ZURICH ONTARIO cT0 • • itYpigiiialleYWitira.111ScAlleesalitt.en THE STORE WITH THE STOCK New Fail Coois Pure Wool Flecked Tweed 58 -in width, yd. $4.65 'Authentic Tartans in wool, 58' width, yd. -.2.25 Girl's lined all wool plaid Slacks, size 3-6 at Z.98 Children's long sleeve button shoulder Jerseys, striped pastel shades, sizes 1, 2, 3, each 1.65 Girl's Ivy League striped blouses 8 to 14 2.98 Girls 100v Orlin Pullovers 8 to 14, fancy trim at neckline each Cardigans to match, each Girls Orlon Pullovers 4, 6, 6x Cardigans to match Visit our Baby Dept. for all of your requirements, or to choose a lovely gift for that "Special" Newcomer. 395 4.95 2.95 3.95 BARGAINS BARGAINS ZURICH HERALD LOCAL NEWS On Vacation Miss Norma Steinbach, Proprietress of Zurich's Beauty .Shop will be on Vacation from September 16th, to September I2ilst in;clusive. r•-••••• Mr and Mrs. Albert Hess have i-e- turne-d home after a peasant vacat- ion in the Northern Country. • • ;Miss 'Mary Lonise Fritz left for Toronto on Monday to attend Ryer- son Institute of Technology. • J. W. HABERER Huron & Erie DEBENTURES Canada Trust CERTIFICATES Now Paying 5% 1, 2 and 3 Years • •/, The new addition to the •Willert General. Insurance Phone 161 Snack IShope and Variety Store is eabout completed, and will be a Lig 0 help when things will be put in r place, as the extra, space will let the Ev. Lutheran Church, Zurich iproprietors display their- goods. LIONS RAISE $1.200 Rev. 0. Winter, Pastor. g A• , At the first meeting of the season '1,,! Seaforth Lions. learned that sunimeriMrs. J. Tuerkheim, ATCM., Organist V ! carnival proceeds amounted to about . .\P , $1,200. A big paper drive is also SUNDAY SERVICES: I p being put on. 10.00 A.M. - Worship ,Service ki,( 111:15 A.M. - Sunday School (all V' Properties sold. ages) At recent auction sales conducted The Pastor and People of this by Auctioneer Alvin Wolper, the I Church -welcome all strangers and Ivisitors, and invite all without other Miller dwelling property in town:was sold to Mr. Raul Dueharme, and i e -11- church affiliations in the ,comnmnity two building lots ;wore purchased by Ito make this their church home. Mr. Leonard Debus. In the Sleinoni, ,Estate, the property was purchased i Zurich Mennonite Church .;by Mr. Layton ;Siemon, there ...;was I also a sale of household 'effectS., in I Pastor- "Albert Martin ST. PETER'S 0 I Walk Upstairs And Save V Greatly reduced prices on many lines of Summer Q and Fall Goods in furnishings; Ladies and Chiidrens $,p Wear, Mens and Boys Wear; Suit s, Overcoats, Jackets, \X/ork Clothes, Caps Hats, Shirts, etc. 0 , the latter sale. Both of these -o1es 8 All of above lines on Display on Tables on Second loor. C.kr.:175RIDGE CLOTHES Mr. MacKenzie will again be with us on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th. Read his Message as follows: ranges of Fall and Winter Surtings I have ever hacl t e pit -as r, ure of Showing, including English Worsteds in our New Medallion and Dundurn Ranges; Shetland Tweed and Lambs- wool Sportcoatings, West of England Covert Topcoatings, and (k Sturdy Scotch and Irish Twists for Rugged Wear.---R.E. Mac - ONE DAY ONLY, SEPT. 26th. Kenzie. . were very successful and good Ptic'5SUNDAY SERVICES: realiized119:00 a.m. - Sunday School A 11;00 a.m. - Worship Service QG.,, I. \\VI/ ! Died In N. Y. State •• „ i • ,,, t4 8-00 p.m. - Bible IVIeetine .; theiWednesday, 8.00 p.m. Prayer Fellow - 0) ; Wora was received here ship in the liome.s. '4 ly 1 nssing of Mrs. 'Wm. H. Benderr,, of Stryvosant, N.Y.. State, and a trail- •--- ------ ro4idort or Zrerioh and late of YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP Grand land. She was the fqmer WITH US I vaiq Brelner o'r Zui ich. had two You'll Enjoy Listening to- 1 siter.: in niri'h Mrs. Loris VbOl, "THE MENNONITE HOUR" d M's Wm. Hess; was a sistal er to' Gospell Preaching - Inspiration ? . the late Mrs. Wm Wagner, JoliV and. Singing. issaasammassaawassaaassama 4. 4. For Whom? I'm looking forward to showing you one of the finestsoj aLS TELEPHONE 59 rose ZURICH 4. 01. 4. 4. 44 4. 4' .14 4 '‘ Henry Brenner of Zurich. Si*,;\vas Sundays-CHML-9C.1 k.2. 7. R 0 a.m. staying with her a al/ ghterllt'',Mrs. -WRVA - I 140 k.c.- 1,1.30 p.m. Lester Shea (Emr.ia) of N. Y.',Iartate. e . rhe Living t.hrist for Dying other ;members are a sonEarl. :r.r. ., ' a '4,V1rkansa,..; a son Albert in Cal4pia; -_ -__....- : A g : a son Earnie, Detroit; EdgarN and -_- in Do+roit. Burial took,Olace "W in in Detroit this Tuesday. p1 NEW CONSTABLE POSTED Constable Donald S. Westo4 who p has been attached to the Oitario PrOvincial Police Detachme'' Bradford has been transferre, Huron County Detachment; headquarters are Goderich.;:' ble 'Weston has been, a since 1949.. Ti. -,1•''taChniceitt • '2 stables vAixi. are Under 31 of Sgt. C. N. Anderson an 2 'Sayeau. PIERCES MAN'S BAC 0 An Exeter district farmen , in fair condition in St. Joseph s ital, London with serious internal in- * * juries which he received wh5r the Silever of a farm implement with. whicth 2 he was working pierced his ktielk on a a farm four miles east of HenSall on 49 Saturday. Ben Case, 60, was WPrking on the farm of Grant Ryckmawwhen the accident occurred. He waV disc- ing in the field and backed ui,- the tractor to hitch on to vie 4 -way disc when the lever penetrat0 his body. The injured man drove,;, over aft a half mile over rough plowect fields 5 to seek aid. Dr. Goddard wan sum- moned and had him taken to the hos- pital by arinbulance. 4:111,1113S..Z.VaL.01101.00111111, ELECTRICALLY SAFE - Get Friendly Service Have A Master Electrician Do Your Work For all Electrical Appliances Call- .. W1JERTH ELECTRIC Phone 84 Zurich Emmanuel Evangelical UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH Thursday, September 19th, 1957 A MUST! For all who would (see or enter into) the king- dom of God Told by Whom? Jesus answered and said: "Verly, Verily, 1 say unto thee, Except a man be born'again, he can- not see the kingdom of God. Except a man (unless one is R.S.V.) born of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. "Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again." Jno. 3: 3, 5, 7. Zurich Mennonite Evangelism Committee Anid•IN,•=111•11•1161M1902111110601.1.1111nillialliCSV, Rev. A. M. Amacher, B.D, Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist. Sunday September 22nd. 10 a.in. - Morning Worship Service " 6 6 90 4. 4. 060 4. 4. 4. • • 4.4. 4.• 4.• • • • • se 4. 4. 4. es • Westlake Furniture Come in and see our COMPLETE LINE OF HOME FURNISHINGS We Have a Good Supply of Floor Coverings Good variety of Blinds, Track and Accessories SPRINGS and MATTRESSES Variety and Sizes of Simmons, Sealy, Marshall, Restonic, Pillofoam, Etc., Etc. 4. Now is the time to Buy your 4. et 4. ea: 4.4.• .Therie: •"'The Family Altar.' • -Sumtay School . 7.30 pun. L_ Evening Service. • The E.Y.F. will be in charge of the evening service. The Film "What Price Freedom" will be shown. All are invited. COME TO CHURCH eitteseAttgrjecheettettetR,..19.svre4/wiso9 e HARDWARE - SEEDS kand FURNITUn Your Fuel Needs 9 Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. Eul. to 4 insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange for your supply. YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove need attention; or prob- ably you need a New One. Let us look these over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Beg Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith ing our Specialty. Full line a heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stook. ; 4 STADE & WEIDO1 QUALITY - PRICE. SERVICE URICH ONT. 1 _ BAYFIELD MAN KILLED Ge-orge Castle, son • Mr d Mrs erhomas ;Castle, ,Bayfield, was killed when the three -ton gravel truck he was, ;driving crashed into a ;ditch and rolled over on the highway near Ok- otoks, Alberta, 24 miles south of ' Calgary. Besides his parents he is survived by three brothers, Thos. Jr., and. Kenneth of Bayfield; Ronald of. Calgary and two sisters. Guaranteed Life Income -' WITH ASSURANCE MEANS THIS TO YOU -It creates an immediate cash estate -It guarantees a monthly life income -It provides freedom from invest- ment worries. -It guarantees the privilege of re- tirings when you want to. North American Life's Pension Plan guarantees the largest possible secure income at the time it is needed, ow- ing to loss of health, disability, pre- mature death or oldd age. T. Harry I-foffman NORTH AMERICAN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY A Mutual Company - All Profits for Policyholders Phone 70-W c 1 Dashwood, Ont. a a • • Mid -Town Cleaners AGENT - Reg. R, BLACK, Zurich. Our Dry Cleaning and Laundry Service will be continued as usual at the same location. Goes out Monday - back on Thursday; out Thurs- day back Saturday; out Saturday - back Monday. Fast Efficient.. Service • MEIxpeter._T° WNCLEANERS Ontario. • 4. ••• • 1 • 4. 11. a 4. 4. SUMMER FURNITURE ZURICH Phone 89J Bargains in Floor Coverings 25% OFF ON ALL MERCHANDISE Here area few Examples: INLAID LINOLEUM - *Reg. 4.95 running Yard for $3.70 running Yard 3 •yds. wide Congoleum - Reg. 2.85 running yard, for $2.28 running yard REMNANTS and Odd lots of Tile - All at only HALF PRICE Shop,Early While The Selection Is Good r;ift- T. and T. FLOORING Your Decorating Headquarters SHOW ROOM IN BAKERY BLOCK. PHONE 133 ZURICH -11 tin I_ 1111111 llij mel PUJL 140 4. 4. 1• #14' 4. 4. 1• 4. 4. 3. Special Off Car 2x10 Spruce D4S 105,00 2 x 4 Spruce NS 105.00 Place your Older Now! LET US SERVE YOU! FRE061AUIRE LUBBER 03-6 'Louts so PPLIES • •