HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-09-19, Page 5ZURICH ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD 'Authorized as second class mail, ?est O a ce Department, Otte. ALVIN WALPER r^ PROVINCIAL !licensed Auctioneer INT your Sale, large ,or small; 'Court - tents and Efficient :Service est all gimes. Phone 57 r 2. DASHWOOD N. L. MA THIN OPTOMETRIST Main :.'treat — Exeter Open Every Week Ikay Except Wednesday BELL ,8c LAUGHTON BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS A NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BEI.,L,P PHONE C. ' DETER — C. V. LAUGEITON, L.L.B. Tateeday 2 to 5 .m. at Zurilnh, At' •, Township ark's Office ror Appointment, jpasliwood 27 rr 13 J. NORMAN COWAN 'fi okkeeping and Income Tax Service 'Sarepta' Hay P. O. CONTRACT1TsIG MOBILE DISPOSAL i eptir!c Tank Cleaning , Etc.a irs Drains, Watermains, New Instralations on Cement Septic Teaks, Drainage Tile and Th. 205 ss PRi. 12!05 Grand Bend RONALD G. McCANN LOCAL NEWS 14Ir •and .Mrs Ward Fritz are •at Georgian Inlet this week. Mr and Mrs Leroy O'Brien have returned from their vacation trip. iMiss Pearll 'Wurtz has returned home after spreading a few days in. Toronto and Exeter, Mr and Mrs Harry Johnston ,of, Kincardine were visitors this week at the home of Mr and Mrs 3uIius Thiel , of Zurich. Mr and Mrs Roy Doerr and fam-' ily 'of Auburn were Sunday vissrtors at the home of their cousins, Kitt and Mrs, `Ear1 Thiel. ' 6n ZURICH HERA] JD _ FOR SALE Good hardwood Slabs $3.00 per .cord — Fred, C. Kalbfledsch & Son Ltd. tfc Farm Equipment NEW M7LD11/IAY THRESHERS, also used Threshers, patent Straw•c b e Gs •-and shredders, grain throwers, , Mildmay Threshers do a ;,good job in grain - ".Seed and beans. Get our prices and terms. • :L 3BSINGER BROS., ,Mildmay, Ont.d Thursday, ,September 19th, 1957 Farmers! SAV OVER 15% ON SPECIAL PACKAGE DEAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Complete Automobile Cov'rage Far First -Class Farm -Owner Rieke Farmers' Comprehensive 7lability Protection ;x,iabiIity Coverage for accidents ar- ;ising ,oust sof the existence of use of -.._ ,•your farm property, farm operations, RIFLE SPECIALS— animals and unlicensed vehicles on Highways. 30 'Calibre Recision Swiss, 12 -shot Mr. Peter Beehler of East Nli- 'lils1i nirlg fast repeater, detachable In additio. to your own personal ora, Mr and Mrs John Ruby of 'Tav magazine, Only $16.95. Available as .activities and those of your fanmily.istock were week -end visitors at the a Delux Sporty, only $22.511. 30-06 ';Premium as low as 6.50 Ann, home of the latter'•s , cousins, Mr taxd Winchester or -Remington 6 -shot re- .' For Full Particulars apply to :firs. Chris cGascho. Mr and 'Mrs. Fred Steinbach, et 'Cavalier, N.' Dak., are pleasaTtiy visiting with relatives and friends 5n Zurich. The _former. 'being a brother, 'to 'Win •Henry Siteinba4h of town. , Mr and :Mrs Vernon '"slBeaver, of Pittsburg, Pa., and Mr and Mrr:, Sarry -Eseaver, r'COrediton, -were recent' visitors evith Mr and Mrs. Ward 11" ^itz. Mr. Ed. Brenner, Mrs. Wahl and daughter 'Ie;len and Mrs. -Cook of Kitchener spent the week -end at 1:•he home of their mother, .Mrs. Mary Bremner. Mr and Mris 3 ames 'Hackett o1 .St. Cartherines spent the week --end at the home of the latter's parents, M' and Mrs. Ted. Steinbach. Mss Nora dna ISteinbaoh and !Miss Lynda Hack- ett returned with there. Miss Gloria Gingerich, nure-.ua- training at K -W. Hospital,.1U-eche/ler is spending several days at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Jacob Gingerieh this week. Miss P.auine Steckle, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Allan .Steckle, Bronson Line, north, commenced nurse.in- training duties at the K & W. Hos- pital at Kitchener. • We wish her every success in her chosen profession PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Phones: 561 Office Royal Bank Bldg. 455 Res. RatenburY S.t CLINTON ON'r ARIO Drs. COXON & LEITCH VETERINARY SURGEONS Mike with Residence, Main Street, Store Opposite Drug Phone 96 — ZURICH _ ZURICH G. B. CLANCY Optometrist — Optician (Successor to the late A. L. Cole, optometrist) For appointments phone 33. Ogclerich - Ont. ARTHUR FRASER - income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER Sts. OFFICE - Corner Ann, William Phone Exeter 504 MEAT M AA ItE9 tes WITH -.MEATS of the BETTER KIND For Over 50 Years YUNGBLUT BROS. !Born -'At the Clinton Public Hos- pital, on .September 12th, to Mr and Mrs Cleve Gingerich, of R.R. 3, Zurich, a son, . Richard Wayne, a brother for Clifford and Iviierlene. peatteg Sportsters only $32.59. Bach. y W. I'IABERER fully guaranteed. Get yours now - While supply laetes. We ship M.O.D. ,. promptly. - International Firearms Go.. Ltd.e 1011 :!J3leury, jVlonaxeal, Phone Que. 1OTALCE FOR RENT — Haase 11/2 storee.„ A farm in Hay Township on has :I:arnace., kitchen eapboards,rurrl'84 Highway; 125 acnes choice land, ning water. 21/2 miles east of Zur--'On the property is a nine roomed ich- 8% miles west of Hensel'. just `Brame house with modern ritchen, off Highway 'No. 8,4. Apple to Clifford ',les built-in cupboards; a drilled well, Weido, Phone 'Zurich 88 er 22. ' btth hot and cold water on tap. Haa twe pressure systems with hard and Soft ':water on tap throughout build• inga. A double garage, hen house and trig pen. Ninety-five acres un - 1 General Insurance 161 - Zurich, Ont Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd. '. Exeter Complete Sanitone Cleaning Laundry and Storage Service Pick up Mon., back on Thurs. Pick up Thurs., back on Monday. (Local Agent) EARL OESCH Barber Shop - Zurich FARM FOR SALE 1t Was Wet Nearly every day there ems an abundance of rain the past week, with some real downpours on &tnda,y tier cu'lttvation, balance in hush and but on Monday things turned nor the ,asture. ,Apply to Urban I)ucharme, better, and today, Wednesday is -a; three utiles west of Hensall. real good sunny day. The rains - were bad for the fall fairs, and mo ie Waterloo Cattle Breeding of ell bad for any beans that were Association in the process of harvesting. Every chance the farmers had they wece,; For artificial insemination infor- out in the fields turning theca to'. e:;,+ation or service from all breeds of keep them from growing fast, stein's sttle, phone the Waterloo Cattle regardless of this, many report are, ;k3reedirg Association at. Clinton that the curnel has sprouted to quity raa 2-3441 between 7:30 and 9:30 some length, which means that +,idose;, 'beans are • useless and unanarketablei'" We hope the next week will prove to be nice and sunny. By reports in many districts there were more an. heavier rains than we experienced'. True enough the earth' rwas dry an could stand some moisture, but till quantity we got was in ,excess to tis" Mr. Arthur Neve of Laos AngiCS, Cal., who attended a Community Chest Conference at Pitsburg, Tenn., visited at the !home of his mothesein-- law, Mrs. Annie 'Turklieim, last week making the trip by plane. Mrs. Edna Oswald has just re- turned from a motor trip to Sault Ste Marie. • Accompanying by her nephew, Mr. and Mns ;Wilbert. Lewy of Goderich, and enjoyed a most 'vdnderful eluting. L. A: To Meet The L. A. to iCubs and ,Scouts will meet at the home of 'Mrs.' Whitney. Brokenshire this Thursday evening, September 19th at 8.30 p.m. All members and parents are Vega me to attend these meetings. — hiel, Secretary. Rev. and Mrs Albert Martin and Miss Laura Gascho; IVIr 'and ;;'Irs, Aanos Gingerich and Mr and Mrs Sam Gingerich and Mrs. ' Emma Kip , Mr JocMTn Swartzentruber and sop Or- land, - all attended the weg Swartzentruber - L hkey rten beatlt Pre Pres- ton last Saturday, r Paving Progressing ZURICH The good news comes to u.s of t E COMMUNITY he ('hone 57 Highway. • laying of the black top dressing of SERVING TH S4 1 ;St. Joseph to i 1e:n..°u�ll . equirements. 6 0 0 0 0 ±real, Quebec. They started last withweek, but with . ��i r �°Produce the much rains slow progress was be - better andby the time this issue is Highest Cash Prices Paid for ing made. However this wee!: seems { moil,g out the road from Zurich to Joseph will have a standard CREAM- EGGS - and POULTRY LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor PHONE 101 — ZURICH lurid Crt emery at. r, d e,,,,,r+ we have »vel ro^d ;�... hie.. time. The been looking for a long ;grading and filling to Hensall is also about ready for the black top. Your Home Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID PLUS A PREMIUM AOR DELIVEED CREAM. WE RE EQUIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT ACCURATE SERVICE. EGG AND POULTRY DE M. EYCHARGE OF THOS.Chas. Minshall, Proprietor &,M. We have all breeds available - op quality at low cost. FOR QUICK SALE A baby buggy. — Apply to Reg. 2tc Black, Zurich. OPPOR; T1-I1S Canadian Company operating ors enings for ambitious men or wa,. with sonde of Canada's largest hours at start if desired; to than past experiepce. expansion pt *omieif UNITY R E`A national :scale has immediate op-- toma age local business dealing ,Store; can be handled in spaie aependability more important •Ossistancee enables rapid for, high type men APPLIC APPRO (Which is secured), and good you exceptionally high monthl required. If ou t.a, increase as business expands ' 41' is'T --HAVE ,700.00 ices• These openings will pay eine inirnediately, and rapidly er applicants aspiring earnings No acted a 0 0 0 "Andy's" Lunch FISH & CHIPS and LIGHT, LUNCHES Try Delicious York Ice Cream for Picnics and Parties, in Bricks, Half Gallons and 2% Gallons 0 0 IA a 0 e 0 READ on the table the meal is ready ! Be Your Menu Maker! YOUR BAKER not only supptles delicious wholesome bread for your table bread for your recipes. Out of his fragrant ovens come all man- ner of mouth-watering goodies to crown the menu of every meal! Frag- rant Coffee Cake and Cinnamon Buns for b.•eahfast.. luscious fruit -filled treats for luncheon.. piping hot Par ker House Rolls for dinner. Bread in variety, too, for snacks any tuns of day or night. So don't get wrinla les worrying about variety in meals -- let your baker be your menu maker, See what's on his tray today! C. ANDERSEN Bakery B.A. Station - Dashwood fie' y-` 'I PHONE 100 — ZURICH 5 0 0 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK eeneassomesasseaossesseassiasseeseseasseassesseneasseesesseseaseaagaesepereeseseseeeseesseasseeseao si SHU -GAIN FEEDS a a0 s, 0 0 3 0 from $10,000.00 to ~20,000.00 Y :, i1NT ,Inig.n pressure have necessary as NO SELLING r equit qualify-and write today giving phoneircizn.ber and particulars for local interview, Write: Manager, PPO %.Boa. No. 125, Station B, Mon• - assoassesse Hold First Meeting The Ladies Auxiliary for the Brownies and Guides will hold their first meeting on Friday, Sept. 20th, at the home of Mrs. Wm. Siebert. The purpose of the meeting is to organize for the 'coming year. Since there are a numlber of vital subjects to discuss,, it is hoped that every one interested in the organization will make an effort to be present. — Siebert, (Secy.) Western F rn' er ' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK LARGEST RESERVE BAI,- gNC;aC OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- 7.1a, COMPANY DOING B'CISINESS ,,n OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO . . RATES ON APPLICATION E, F. KLOPP - ZURICH AGENT Zurich Fall Fair Next Monday and Tuesday , Sept. 23-24 are the dater for the annual Zurich Fall Fair, and special efforts by those in charge have been made to make this an outstanding event. About 350 prize lists have been pe- inted and are being (nailed out, and if you are missed ,call the Secretary, Mr. E. F. .Klapp and he will gladly see to that you shall. have one. The names of many business enterprizes o•f the community are included in the booklet together with the classific- ation of the prizes offered. There should be midways, and many inter- esting concessions to supply your wants and help entertain reit. Horse racing, and the usual big shoving of horses in the big ring, and the jud- ging of same. Cattle, and poultry, the best obtainable. All this with many inside exhibits will anake >nr, ,ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING big afternoon's entertaivanent. And RODS AND ALL MINDS OF FIR.:. I don't forget Zurich's Own Lions Club 1 IN,Si)RANGE, i,aiiu =111r'y� I'M TE when ar,71 where y© want it DEEP WELL EJECTOR Illustrated here is the Duro "Little Giant" 15 gallon packaged system. Only 25" high, 34" long and 15" deep, this complete running water system is compact enough to install under a kitchen sink! The system is engineered—in true Duro style—to give many years of trouble-free service at the most economical prices. We will be glad to give you a free estimate of the cost of labour and materials, Phone or come into our shop and see how really inex- pensive running water the DURO way can be. P5NG SYSTEMS Plen ahaed Stade & 'VVeidlo ZURICH -- ONTARIO f;,rmorly E.4.4n a Cr n Aa,, Cn. [issued 57.01 oprzamnownontymnitaternesnigoin a 3 a 0 We Offer a Complete Line of Shur -Gain Farm Proven Feeds and Concentrates for Poultry, Hogs and Cattle Try Our.. New.. 22%.. Chick.. Starter.. Medicated. Inquire About The Low.. Grain Prices in Truck Load Lots. M. DEITZ & Son Zurich FOR iT'S !zips:RAZIc rOTHER POPULAR 1 WESTEEL FARM HELPS Sock Troughs i Culvert,, Hog Troughs 1 .G_•a'urr L•x,::r: �` p ,oa• u pp ©© ' �`t ay ,ey , •.-� A Y'q 9 �'/,Q t: !i e�5 :~,Pa e �e'i. eye,. ..' :aW131Id1, �Pos and G For longer lasting, better looking farm buildings cover them with Westeel Galvanised or Aluminum Roofing and Siding. Economical to use, Quickly, easily put on. Guards against fire, ...rather, vermin, lightning .,id cir:cl, Cuts building main- costs ai.n-ct is to th.2 bone. FREE FS1li.iA'1:E el....elle given. , !!:1`'2bO9i�i LDS•; a3A l , , �r V...;r Ro, Lights, Ridges, ., :e'-_ 1 .4ng, Nails. Ask for prices. 16hh-ro a+;a:a a r8 always gat _... you v, of the:iv Buy veer Boo ing n'r e e ae'Visienzi shoes.r... , STADE & WEIDO Representatives for Zurich and District o $ e -t-'1-i e e 0 0 e 2S e a, HOW ABOUT YOUR FALL. FERTILIZER 44 NEEDS 2 a s --CURTOM SEED CLEANING t e 0 ", Hogs Trucked Tuesday and Thursday - ' Cattle FEEDS FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS - 000 as 0 0 0 0 0 0 on Saturday GIVE US A CALL— WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU! 0 0 Hensall District Co4J p Phone Hensall I 15. Zurich 220 0440®6**96 0 a ea 0 W 0 0 0