HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-09-19, Page 4=RICO ONTARIO 'Thursday, September 19th, Ton NERALD lexoutsaimmusiauusegmassumonsuummaganumuletssommississausauomEmzeisstroutisramosoissoimes J. E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist a O • Of Seaforth, and Clinton will be absent from his s t offices, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, Sept- r er ost raduate ac, • ember 23, 24, 25, while attending a p g s seminar in London, Ontario, concerned with Cleve - a '1 oping Visual Efficiency in those children who are a t, • poor scholars because of a defect in the process of a vision, but who do not necessarily have defected 1 eyesight. ma, ommossiturismailmwsamasscusiasseaudossaringstassausso Be S re a r rice. iI,�� air Atter MONDAY and TUESDAY pte BE SURE AND SEE : -- The special Speed Events; the many greatly incre- • ased and revised Horse and Cattle Lists including the many Special Prizes. The Zurich 4-H. Calf Club. The contests in the Large Show Ring, the Midway, Etc. Yes entertainment for all! Zurich Lions Band will Attend There will be planty of Entertainment for all in the • afternoon and evening. Be sure and attend. Apply to the Secretary for Prize Lists and and information About the Fair. Wer. Davidson, Pres. L.00Al.. NEWS E. F. Klopp, Secy. Mr and firs. Lloyd. O'Brien, Mr. ':Wm. O'Brien and daughter, Miss Olive visited at Port Huron over v., recent !weele-end. Mr and Mrs. `Edw. 'Gascho attend- "ed the Western Fair, London on Fri- day last. Mr and Mrs Russell Thompson and the heavy rains of late have caused' Mr. Philip Sopha of Windsor, sp- much delay and ,anxiety to the farm- 'cert a few days with his parents, the erg in harvesting their bean crop. To hast week. ;,Mr. Gerard Geoeroi of Walkerton, .,.some extent the ,beans will deprec- Spent the �� eek -end with his mother late in value, due to the nrhoistnrc:, `arid other members of the family. and other defects caused by the rain. I ci and Mrs. Jeffrey of Farmers during the past few years odleran were Leonardoalast v[srtoof have been struggling to keep above, an' this neighborhood. mainly due to low prices for their g products and the high maintenance prices of their farm equipment.. A: sudden change may brew up and a - gam they will find themselves going at near par with the commercial world of today. Dashwood 'Mr. Siegfried Miller of Waterloo, has returned after vacationing with his parents, Mr and Mrs Rudolph Labute of Windsor were sponsor:, and Steven Harold Schroeder, n of Mr and (Mrs Harold Schroeder, for whom Mr and Mrs Earl Schilbe of Bayfield were sponsors. Mr and Mrs Earl Schilbe and fam- ily ily of Bayfield were Sunday guest with Mr and Mrs (Harold .Schroedee. an Mrs Locals— Miller. • Mr and Mrs Clement Bedard and , Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs. family of Windsor are spending a Lloyd Rader were Mr and Mrs. Ervin few clays with the former's parents, Rader and family and Mr and Mrs.' on the Blue Water Highway. Elmer Rader and family. Mr. Janes :Mase of St. Joseph, I Were Baptized— who met With an accident en the Pwo babies were baptized at Zion Highway, and at the time ee rush- L theran church on •Sunday ty Rev. ed to Exeter Hospital, for medical K. L. Zorn. Joanne Eileen Miller, treatment, has returned to his home daughter of Mr and Mrs Hubert Mil -1 in St. Joseph, much improved. ler for whom Mr and `Mrs. Robert ti Canadian. Weekly" Newspaper Assoc- iation. The Exeter Times -Advocate, entered in the class for weeklies with 2,000 to 3,00 circulation, earn- ed first place, and the Frank Howe Beattie. d hileld g5v;-; the_. e • ., °`?'' page in this class. ' T1re '+Exeter paer published by 3.M.:.Southhcott arc his. two Sens, Donald "and Robert, also earned a 'third place in competition infant of near Parkhill were week -for (best allround newspaper, m which pend visitors at the home of their par- I the Wectview, B.C., Powel River •eats, lir and Mrs Wan. Bullock. ,News placed first and the Milton Miss Meda Surerus accompanied by, Canadian Champion was second. Miss Jean McQuaig, both of the Tor- a 'onto teaching staff motored up over'' the week -end and spent the same at'. Huron Temperance Notes ;the former's home here. Mrs. Ezra Koehler of Kitchener,' Alcoho�! Education In Manitoba ;M;• ,,nd Mrs Henry Boshart of tit. Jacobs were week -end visitors w *ti' Manitoba's new liquor policy their .sisters, Mrs. Mary Manson, Mrs being watched with dismay by many. Ed. Erb and Mrs. Sol Ginaerieh ami But in one particular the !Manitoba other relatives and friends. Government could well he imitated Mr. Lorne Amacher has returned by Ontario. - home after spending the summer Although the total population of months with his aunt and uncle,v:]ro Manitoba is only :850,000 two-thirds are in the lumber business in Briti••h.that of bdetropolitian. Toronto, an Cohrmbhe, and will register for iris annual grant of $65,000-fnoen taxes vecond year of study at Western Uni- is made for the Rork of the provtnc- versity, London this week. �w e wish ial Alcoholism Research Foundation. Lorne every success. In addition another $50,000 annually Rev. A. M. Amacher of Zurich, goes to the Manitoba Committee on Rev, and Mrs. Nelson Dahns of Lis- Alcohol Education. Moreover, the Tovell have returned after attend Manitoba Temperance Alliance is han- ing a Students Aid Convention at ded $30,000 each year for the pur- the Nerth Western College, Nager- pose of alcohol education in the scho- vill, Ills. ols. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Deichert of The Ontario Temperance F'ederat- Toronto spent their holidays with re- latives in Zurich vicinity and during this period were accompanied by the latter', sister, Miss Ethel Gabel on a motor trip to Chicago visiting with friends there. Miss Ethel returning with the former to Toronto for a few days before returning home to Zurich. A most enjoyable time was enjoyed. ,�a,•m.,Ffia«lt. I;W:i"a"..x'�t.,.�2cmr.et�:64�.�'3'Fi�TM7Wi-?• - naa'� Sale and oval OF SCHOQ.L HOUSE TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until Saturday, October. 12th, 19,5 r fv ;'.the Sale.and 'Removal of the brick School House, foundatio t�v"and cement steps from the school grounds of S.S. No. 11;I3:ay, ituated on the Blue Water Highway, No. 21, rfive•�:rles north fro1n Grant Bench, Ont. Cash or cheque for bur. ;ng to accompany Tender, also a marked cheque for $125.00 'to aceom,pany Tender as guar- antee that the removal will b ,carried out to the Board's satisfaction. Cheque will the ib' e returned. Time limit for' •remoi al • For further informatioi H. W. BROI,:EN ,N •JY Sac. .4.rea�• be June lst, 1058. Matt the Secretary. hoot/ Area, 4 4 Wry tr 15 •Sunday guests with M d . rxwarnnara mow^ e -a smexa cal Herbert Miller were ltifr and IVrr�s, Louis Restemayer, Mrs. V. Miller an<ir Arthur of Zurich; Mr and Mrs. Rob- ert Labute and family of Windsor: Mr and Mrs. Chas. Snell andl ile;tru Mr and Mrs. Wan, Pitt and Mrs. Win, deer Mathews of London, spent Sun- day at Detroit. Mrs. Nora Koessel and and Frieda, iedaa of.f Harbor Beach, 'Mich., Mrs. Earl Stumpf and family of Kitchener were Sunday guests. with Mr and Mrs. Albert Miller, 1 Mr, and Mrs- Martin Laub and Mr Mrs. Ernest Appleton of Exeter and 1Mr and Mr•, Rader spent Sunday at. I Stokes Bay. Miss Sue Anne Walker of Zurich,. Spent several days with Mr and Mrs. Ervin Rader and family. Waterloo Ca.• ie Br ee ing Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used" The show season is again here and you will have the opportunity to see many offspring of our bulls in the competitions at many fall fairs- led airsled by 4--H members and many senior farmers. If given an equal opportunity, they will win. their share of honours. An example of a popular winner is a daughter of Glenafton Rag Apple Aladdin previously in service. Brittany Rag Apple Lorene Ex. This cow was Grand Champion at the Waterloo.. Black and White Show several times and was then. . sold for $2,225.00 By the use of our bulls, dairy or beef, - ou will produce: Better Cattle For Better Living For service or more information, phone. collect to:. CLINTON HU. 2-3441 Between. 7:30 and 9:30. a.m.' ion for years has consistently urged our government to set aside money for educational and remedial purp- oses. Surely from its huge liquor 'in- come the province could well afford to earmark at least two Or three times the amount set aside by Man- itoba. To date there is very little Government sponsored alcohol edu- 'ation in Ontario schools._Advt. NAME STEPHEN OFFICIAL St. Joseph & Blue Water Area Stephen Township Assessor James �,— Mawhinney was appointed tax collec- ; tor of that Township at the recent Dies In Detroit— +council meeting. He succeeds Clerk Word was received on Saturday of Freeman W. Morlock, who retires as the passing away of Mr. Alfred Du- Clerlc at the end of this year. Mr. charme in his seventy-first year. The Mawhinnr y's duties will start on deceased was horn at Drysdale, the October 1st. i•son of the late Joseph and Mary Du- charme. When yet a young moan he 4LACCIDENT INJURES WORKMAN left this parish, going to Detroit,and Melvin Glanville, 40 of R.R. I,He:n- remaining; ire that city. In the fain - sail, is in Sceitt 'Mem.'Ilospital, Sea- ily to mourn his Loss, is. his wife, 5 forth, with lacerations to both legs sisters and four brothers. Those who and head, received when he was run attended Mr. Ducharrne's funeral over by a forage harvester while 'from this surrounding were: t\fr and working on the farm of James T1ev-,Mrs. Peter T)ucharme; Mr and Mrs. lereanr. Mr_ Glanville was operating :Leon Bedard and Mrs. Ed. Corrtveau, the machine in the field at the time IThe remains were taken to his par - when he lost his balance, falling from ish :church in Detroit where require the tractor in front of the harvester. l Mass was celebrated on Tuesday Mor- 'CONGitATULATIONS TO EK.ET1.R Ting: Then taken to the near nv 'I MES ADVOCATE ON RECEIVINGi}ruriaT grounds. We offer our deep - AWARD lest sympathy to the bereaved ones. At the Blanc Springs Hotel last It Did Rain week, award f:r excellence were Farmers who have been short of made to 30 Canadian weeklies, at water during the late summer, have for 38.in or:n ar t'.e ovention of t!I.i of late 1...e, we"l.. :1:A. It .. :x y NEW CPAL l'r•_,; 7E TO I.''-i'ON: Poinking air. presi d er et, less than top notch city finer u air tier: well ve ( I. tl. n ntly h'augerat er1 Ceredian r it route anos:r th.: a.� -Sl:.. •. I'a' �a a.a:1- wuv, show 1..o= .Canadian Pacific h .. •-r,picro. thcsunny lint lw tv:'th ere -client lath-}'�''", f trill ie . On the ri'..:ht ttr r�r time on the 4",,ung lune route" lar;.r.�.e t, l• "'he h, y ; eleecee 3.)18!, mi d -Atlantic Air :nee ling s scene at eel view en Tee -onto and Li "hoer 1 t hour, while th., Montreal -Lis co Vi C!PAL route are equipped. :riv:t t.. latest 111•110 ,1 ata .;a 'anal aids -RL> to Mayor Phillips of Toronto, and N. R. Crump,; vu Is rem 5,8c3-mile:•4.,-'24.,-Montrcal-Lisbon route ht the left showing Estoril, ,33 hale,, `frAn .I,i,;.on, which .boasts of :endow. Lion wite e Moorish castle looking down on the Lisbon, left