HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-09-12, Page 8ZURICH ONTARIO • . , ZURICH HER Al .n Thursday, ,Septerafber 5th, 197 THE STORE WITH THE STOCK VP VP ikp 1 or Your Summer IN THE SUN BEACH TOWELS - Large si zes, Stripes, plaids and fancy designs, from $1.98 up. RUBBER BATHING CAPS - The new Marilyn Bell Wave -saver design, 98c. each. BATHING SUITS -Good assortment of color and sizes to from. - Sizes 2 to 44. Prices starting from $1.59 and up. JERSEY COTTON T-SHIRTS - Good selection of style, colors and sizes. From $1.49 up, Also halter tops in sizes 32 to 38. SLEEVELESS COTTON BLOUSES - Assorted Colors and sizes from $1.50 up. Men's Wear We carry a complete range of everything in Men's Wear. Made -to -measure and Ready to Wear Suits, .Nckets, Sport Coats, Ivy League Jackets and Shirts. A very large assortment of Men's fine Trousers and Slacks in newest styles and colors. A new line of Men's Fine Hats for summer wear. and EVERYTHING IN MEN'S and BOYS' WORK CLOTHES, JEANS and JERSEYS Gascho Bros. , TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH LOCAL NLWS On Vacation Miss Norma 1Steinbach, Proirietress of Zurich's Beauty Shop will be on Vacation from September 16th, to September 1211st inclusive. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith were Sunday visitors with relatives in. Sea. forth. Mr and Mrs. Earl Smith of Detroit were visitors with Mr and Mrs Ward Fritz the ]atter part of last week. Mr. Orland Johnston of 'Montreal, is here attending the funeral of his brother, the late William S. Johnston Mr and Mts. Helmer Snell of Sea - forth visited at the home of their friends, Mr and Mrs Earl Thiel, last. week. Miss Pearl Wurtz is spending sex., oral days with her ,cousin ordiss Gra0, Kellerman and other friends and re- latives at Toronto this week. Miss 'Mary Lou Fritz who has been: on the staff of Toronto General Hos- pital for the summer months, is at 1 SUNDAY SERVICES : her home here for two weeks vacit-J0.00 A.M. - Worship Service '4 ion. ,'1)11:115 ALL - Sunday School (all 41:p Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Gemming and, ages) Huron & Erie DEBENTURES Canada ?rust CERTIFICATES Now Paying 5% 1, 2 and 3 Years J. W. H'ABERER General Insurance Phone 161 ST PETER'S Ev. Lutheran Church, Zurich Rev. 0. Winter, Pastor. Mrs. J. Tuerkheim, ATCM., Organist children of Rochester, N. Y. have returnedto their home after a plea$,. ant holidays at the home of Mrs,i, The Pastor and People of this Church welcome all strangers and visitors, and invite all without other Gennning's mother, Mrs. ,1Wellunzten: church affiliations in the ,community Johnston. They were accompaniekto make this their church by 'Mr and Mrs. Jean Finucome. Mr. William Schrag and brotheg Iev. Gordon Schrag, both of tit' State of Indiana, gave their Zvi. friends and relatives a most friend), tall last week. The former is enga. W ed in dairy farming, having a ve choice herd of Gurns•ey cattle. WI' ,, the latter is in College work in .th V 1/ State. . . Attend Western Fair This week is Western Fair at LO don, the most p:pular Fair of: 't kind for this district. Tuesday / a bad day with an all day ram,; 2t, today, Wednesday is nice sunny a P warm, and a big crowd will be" th" Still three more days to go, so ,. out the family car and load up', family and spend a very profit' day at Western Fair, you will • VVP enjoy it. Sells Large Store 9.P Lorne Hodge has disposed of ,0 . general store in, Crediton, the la, 8 Q store is on the main corner and grb. built by the late Christian Beai when it served as grocery and fic, ture. It was 'purchased by Mr. Ho nine years ago and he converted 2 into a large general store contain i personal living quarters in additib. • to three apartments. The oha.ni;e will be made in the near futU 411 Mr., Ilodgi•-will remain; as plumber, etc. Moving to Hanover •,'! „ The family of Mr. Grant N.,s are this Thursday morning moil. with effects from the apartment ; bove the Zurich Dairy, to Hanov where Mr. Male was transferred,, few weeks ago by the Bank of MO treal, they were in Zurich abo three years and have made many ends, who regret of their leaVi town. But such is the life of a B ker, advancement and seniority m es them from a:tlace to place; . Make Your Home El ECTRICALLY SAFE - Get Friendly Service Have A Master Electrician Do Your Work For all Electrical Appliances Call- WUERTIT ELECTRIC home. Zurich Mennonite Pastor - Albert Church Martin 31.1'N DAY SERVICES: 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 1.1:00 a.ra. - Worship Service 800 p.m. - Bible Meeting Wednesday, 8.00 p.m. Prayer Fellow- ship in the homes. 1: THE GREATEST THING IN THE WORLD t So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but he t greatest of these is love. 1 Cor. 13:13 R,S.V. YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US You'll Enjoy Listening to - "THE MENNONITE HOUR" Gospell Preaching - Inspirationa Singing. undays-CHML-900 k.c. 7.30 a.m. -WRVA - 1140 k.c, 10 :10 p.m. The Living Christ for a Dying Vio'ooriu ' Emmanuel Evangelical UNITED BRETHREN' CHURCH Rev. A. M. Amacher, B.A., B.D, Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist. 4/1 unday, Sept 15th. Ni 0 a.m.° Morning Worship Service 4. g • 4 4. LOVE HAS NINE INGREDIENTS-. PATIENCE - "Love suffereth long." KINDNESS -- "And is kind". GENEROSITY - "Love envied. not." HUMILITY "Love vaunted not itself, is not puffed COURTESY - "Doth not behave itself unseernIY" UNSELFISHNESS - "Seeketh not her own." GOOD TEMPER - "Is not easily provoked." GUILELESSNESS - "Thinketh no evil." SINCERITY - "Reioiceth not in iniquity, but reioiced*ii the truth." "WE LOVE, BECAUSE HE FIRST LOVED US." John 4:19 R.S.V. up" Zurich Mennonite Evangelism .Committee 1 t 1 0 0 0 ••• •• • go • 1 • 1 1 *pane - "Noah, the man rwho saved .the ,liuman race." ';"tit,; , • • rfaiirS6hopj„..,:: . 0 • 1 TWO TRAINS CANCELLED 6 Two passenger trains a day will Phone 84 - Zurich2 out off the Stratford-Goderich C.N • line, leaving one train each way, noon and afternoon in service a October 27th, a meeting of mun polities along the line was infor Sitit.&41464,49fiftS194,0415086531ZOOSeiC.S&ONSkilINger40840430 ena1061161061elanillenlatanse **ogee* HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURE Your Fuel Needs Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange for your supply. YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove need attention; or prob- ably you need a New One. Let us look for you and offer Our Suggestion to Advantages. these over Your Best We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. QUALITY - PRICE SERVICE missimoommtentemesomismissirimmseimionamisomweemmewatiessi enee Se*itdai," The highest cave in church gob -1g is to get in tune with GOD. 'Come to Church! y railway officials at ,Clinton Thurs- day night last. A highway express Service will be :started at that time y truck to give eVen better service an now, the railway delegation pro- mised. Mayor IVIoMaster of Seaforth was •chairman of the aneeting and Co- incillor Peter aVIacEwan of Goderich Secretary. Dr. McMaster said the area was tryin:g to get new industries and there was danger that these wo- uld flock to the cities more than ever f train service were curtailed. F. E. Carlin,iCNR Superintendent, read a prepared statement describing the re- ason for the cancelkation. Guaranteed Life Income TH ASSURANCE MEANS THIS TO YOU t creates an immediate cash estate It guarantees a monthly life income It provides freedom from invest- ment worries. It guarantees the privilege of re- ' tiring& when you want to. North American Life's Pension Plan gUarantees the largest possible secure iTicoane at the time it is needed, ow- ing to loss of health, disability, pre- znatulT dOth Or oldd age, T. Harry!, Noffman LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY All Profits for Policyholders Dashwood, Ont. NORTH AMERICAN A Mutual Company Phone 70-W a • 1 I • • • • • • • • Mid -Town Cleaners AGENT - Reg. R. BLACK, Zurich. Our Dry Cleaning and. Laundry Service will be continued as usual at the same location. Goes out Monday - back on Thursday; out Thurs- day - back Saturday; out Saturday - back Monday. Fast Efficient.. Service MID TOWN CLEANERS Exeter Ontario. • • • go 0 0 4 200. Westlake Furniture Come in and see our COMPLETE LINE OF HOME FURNISHINGS We Have a Good Supply of Floor Coverings Good variety of Blinds, Track and Accessories SPRINGS and MATTRESSES Variety and Sizes of Simmons, Sealy, Marshall, Restonic, Pillofoam, Etc., Etc. Now is the time to Buy your SUMMER FURNITURE ZURICH Phone 89J • 1.9 m 111111111111111111011t11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M1 111111111111111111111111PI !••• t 1 '25% OFF ON ALL MERCHANDISE Here area few Examples: I INLAID LINOLEUM - Reg. 4.95 running Yard Ifor $3.70 running Yard 3 yds. wide Congoleum - Reg. 2.85 running yard, for $2.28 running yard REMNANTS and Odd lots of Tile * All at only HALF PRICE Shop Early While The Selection Is Good aroins in Floor Coverings T. and T. FLOORING Your Decorating Headquarters SHOW ROOM IN BAKERY BLOCK, PHONE 133 ZURICH 4. 4. 4: 4. 4. 1 t. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 + 4 4 Place your Order Now! a taw Mali I a* ..1111111111111/1111•1, allailatallilia•INE•a•aaalaaNira• Special Off Car 41: 2x10 Spruce P48 105.00 2 x 4 Spruce D4S 105.00 LET US SERVE YOU! If!