HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-09-12, Page 5ZURICH ONTARIO • ZURICH HERALD • Authorized as second class man., Post Office Department, Ottawa. ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL Licensed Auctioneer Nor your Sale, large or small; Court- Ism and Efficient 'Service at all Mmes. Phone 57 r 2. . DASHWOOD N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, IQ.C. 4 EXETER — C. V. LAUGHTON, L.L.B. Tuesday, 2 to 5 p.m. at Zurich, At Township Clerk's Office For Appointment. aas;luwood 27 r 13 J. NORMAN COWAN 'Bookkeeping and Income Tax Service 'Sarepta' Hay P. O. CONTRACTING MOBILE DISPOSAL Reptlla Tank Gleaning , Repairs on Drains, Watermains, Etc. New Instalati•o2ns on Cement Septic Wanks, Drainage Tile and Drains Pi. 12105 Grand Bend Th. 205 RONALD G. McCANN PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Phones: 561 Office Royal Bank Bldg. 455 Res. Rateubury S.t CLINTON ONTARIO Drs. COXON & LEITCH VETERINARY SURGEONS mise with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store Phone 96 LOCAL NEWS 7URJCH HERALD Thursday, September 5th, 1967 Miss Ethel and Mr. Calvin Williams were at London on Friday. Mr and Mrs Emmett Bannon, of London spent the week -end at the borne of Mr and Mrs Alex. Meidinger.. Mrs, Clarence McNichol and son Michael returned home after spend- ing a week at the home of Mr and Mrs. Delmar 'Meidinger. Mr and Mrs Gerald •Gingeric'h and family, Mr .and Mrs Arthur McClin- chey and children spent several plea- sant days recently at Lake Chesley Mrs.. Katherine Barber, Miss Mary Zimmerman of Tavistock, Mrs. P..1-1. KalDbfleisch and daughter Janet, of Willowdale, were Friday guests with their relative, Miss AnnaHess. Mr and Mrs Roy Brown. of Paw Paw, Mich., were week -enc' guests at the home of their cousins, Mr and Mrs. Roy Lamont and other relatives and friends. Mr and Mrs N. Corriveau and fam- ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. R. Broughton at Atwood. Master Ronald remained to visit with his grandparents. Mr. Peter Etue of 'Goderich re- turned home to resume his studies at the Dilware ,Seminary, after spending the summer months at the home of Mr and Mrs Delmer Meidinger. Mr and Mrs Carl Burn or Milver- ton called at the lime of Mrs. Rose Merner. Master Allan 'Kerner and 'brothers Thomas and Carl returned home to their mother. after a holiday of a week with the former aunt and uncle! V. L. C. W. MEETING A veru interesting meeting of. the St. Peter's Lutheran Church U.L.C. W. was held on Monday evening at the home of 'Mr and Mrs A. Huench at A7ibiirn. The tonic "Thank Off- pring" •waq eP,1sr rnregentprt by Mrs. Leonard Pram': Miss Virginia "Reich- ert addressed the run and spoke: on her training in Philadelphia,. as an aid in Deaconess service. Had Fine Rains Nice slow soaking rains visited this part- of .Canada nn Tuesday, :carrying on into the night. The earth was Quite drv. and the moisture will gre- atly heir) the fall pastures.. also the sowing of fall wheat, which le a big item–to many farmers. The rains F O R SALE Good hardwood Slabs $3.00 per cord — Fred, C. Kalbfleisch & Son Ltd. tfe Farm Equipment., NEW MHLDMAY THRESHERS, also used Threshers, patent straw eutterr and shredders, grain throwers, belts; Mildmay Threshers do a good job in. grain - Seed and beans. Get our prices and terms. LOBSINGER BROS., Mildmay, 0114 .6! Ken Haslam, •the announcer who's voice links Canada together "when listners all across the country pill up the "Party Line" 'on the CB Trans -Canada radio network .each Saturday. Farmers! rs! SAVE OVER 15% ON SPECIAL, (PACKAGE DEAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Complete Automobile Coverage For First -Class Farm -Owner Risks Farmers' Comprehensive Liability Protection Liability Coverage for accidents ar-• ising out of the existence of use of lyour farm property, farm operations, anitnals and unlicensed vehicles on Iighways. In addition to your own personal activities and those of your family. Premium as low as 6.50 Ann. For Full Particulars apply to J. W. HABERER General Insurance hone 161 Zurich, Ont FARM FOR SALE A farm in - Hay Township on ' ;84 Highway; 125 acres choice land, t'On the property is a nine roomed ;t;i rame house with modern xitchen, ;3a s built-in -cupboards; a drilled well, 9+oth..hot and cold water on tap. Has o .pressure systems with hard and 1"larft water on tap throughout build la A double garage, hen house FOR QUICK SALE A baby buggy, Apply Black, Zurich. to Re ZURICH did not help the beeh . farmer verV Imuch, as about half of the season's G. B, CLANCY Optometrist — Optician 1 crop is now pulled and a few sunny 1 days will bo ready to thresh er he hauled in, the latter is more prefer- ' 'e Successor to the late A. L. able in catchy weather, as the snobs. f;ole, optometrist) for Thursday sav:•xnore showers. For appointmenig phone 33, •Zoderich - Ont. BASEBALL NEWS Gets By First Round, 7ti'tich Lumber Kings had no tro- ARTHUR FRASER able getting around Courtrie'ht In the first round of the (playoffs, taking Income Tax Reports them two straight by considerable Etc. margin. The second round will he Bookkeeping Service, EXETER u1"i iCE - Corner Ann, Wiliam Sts. Phone Exeter 504 MEAT M ARKET WITH MEATS of the BETTER KIND For Over 50 Years YUNGBLUT BROS. Phone 57 SERVING THE COMMUNITY ZURICH 9. 0 i with Wolsingham, in the Lake Erie. district, of which the first game i scheduled .at Zurich this Wedriesdn.v afternoon at 4.30. Time . alone will tell us just how far the 'Zurich tenre will go again this year. Dashwood and Mitchell are still in the League -playoffs as they played e tie seame the other evening, which does not de- cide a winner. Will Be Graduating IVIr. Michael Patrick T. O'Dwyer, son of Mrs. Ida O'Dwyer and the late Dr. P. J. O'Dwyer of London, and formerly of Zurich, we are pleas- ed announce has been su.ccessrni to receive his Grade XIII at the Cath- olic Central •High School in -London, 0'B i.en s Produce and will receive his Diplom-a at the 'Graduation Exercises on -Sunday, September 15th at three o'clock in Highest Cash Prices Paid for St. IPetcr's Cathedral where the Fee- CREAM.- EGGS- and Fac- CREAM-EGGS- and POULTRY LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor PHONE 101 — ZURICH iu rIch Creamery Your Home Market for . Cream, Eggs and Poultry HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID PLUS A PREMIUM FOR DELIVEED CREAM. WE ARE EQUIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT ACCURATE SERVICE. EGG AND POULTRY DEPT. IN CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS Chas. Minshall, Proprietor Western Farmers' Mutual ultv and ,Students vwill be presented With sane. UT., ,, inn n ?Lunch friends of Michael in extending con- gradulations and wish him every suc- cess in advanced education in the years that lie just ahead. Wins Prizes Mr, William. Elliott, only son of Mr and Mrs Melvin Elliott, Goshen Line, north, and grandson of Mr. and Mrs Roy Lamont of town, won First Prize in public -meeting of Huron and Bruce.Counties, at Clin- ton, and second .prize for the Prov- ince of Ontario, at Mitchell, Ont. recently: William is a fluent sneak- er and 'gave his apeach at the Ladies' Aid and WSWiS, meeting last Thurs- day evening in the Zurich Evangelical Church. [We wish William every suc- cess in his life's future. Weather Insurance Co, OF WOODSTOCK QOM LARGEST RESERVE BAIT- ►.RTCJJ O1+ ANY CANADIAN? MUT- erAL COMPANY DOING I3USINESS a OP THIS KIND IN ONTARIO .. RATES ON APPLICATION E F. I(LOPP - ZURICH AGENT ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING ADDS AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE, INSURANCE 31 a OPPOR' THIS Canadian Company operating enings for ambitious men or with some of Canada'" hours at start if desir g than past experience. Our expansion. This is a busines or women of character only. cl pig pen. Ninety-five acres un- er- cultivation, balance in bush and store. Apply to Urban Ducharme, ee miles west of Hensall. Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association For artificial insemination infor- tion or service from all breeds of ttle, phone the Waterloo Cattle eeding Association at. Clinton 2-3441 between '7:80 and 9:30 I. We have all breeds available - quality at low cost. ' FOR SALE number of pure bred German Ie:sherd Pups. Apply to Clarence shade, R.R. I2!, Zurich. 2t* ,ITY A al scale has immediate op- cm local business dealing .ke handled in snare e 1 .. yt istancee enables rapid h plane for high type men s r t s 6 sf I A 6 6 e • 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 Brady Cleaners Laundeteria Ltd. - Exeter Complete Sanitone Cleaning Laundry and Storage Service Pick up Mon., back on Thurs.' Pick up Thurs., back on Monday. (Local Agent) EARL OESCH Barber Shop - 'Zurich "Andy's" Lunch FISH & CHIPS and LUNCHES Try Delicious York Ice Cream for Picnics and Parties, in Bricks, Half Gallons and 2% Gallons C. ANDERSEN B.A. Station - Dashwood OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK READ onthe table the meal is ready Be Your Menu Maker! YOUR BAKER not only supplies delicious wholesome bread for your table—bread for your recipes. Out man - LIGHTof his fragrant ovens come all man- ner of mouth-watering goodies to crown the menu of every meal! Frag. rant Coffee Cake and Cinnamon Buns for b.-eakfast.. luscious fruit -filled treats for luncheon..piping hot Pan ker House Rolls for dinner. Bread in variety, too, for snacks any thud of day or night. So don't get wrink, les worrying about variety in meals -- let. your baker be your menu maker, See what's on his tray today! Ta errs- <a akery PHONE 100 — ZURICH i • 0 6 0 0 • 300 e 00 00 0 • 00 0 0 0 0 a 0 4 0 0 APPLICANTS ' APPROX (Which is secured), and good re; you exceptionally high monthly. increase as business expands. from $10,000.00 to $20,000.00 ye,' as NO SELLING required. If ya cash, write today giving phone interview, Write: Manager, P. treal, Quebec. ILTST HAVE 1,700.00 eAces. These openings will pay yb'eotrLe immediate, and rapidly Aer applicants aspiring earnings No high pressure men w anted can qualify and have necessary mber and particulars for focal Box No-. 125, Station B, Mon- . BACK TO SCHOOL With •the ringing of the school bells last Tuesday morning the tea- chers and scholars were scurrying off. for another year. As we have it the teachers for Hay Township rnctude: No. 2, (Miss Fern. Sawyer; No. 10, Mrs. Freda Normingtott ; No. 3, Parr Line, Mrs. Victoria Soldan; No, 4, Bronson, Mrs. Jessie Oesch; No, 8, Charles ,McQuillan; No. 12, Donald O'Brien; Union No. 15, Mrs. Tdena. Desjardine; Zurich: Principal, Mrs. Greta Lavender room 5; Mrs. Doreen Oesth room 4; Miss Olive O'Brien, room 3; Miss Carol Thiel, room 2; Mrs. Audrey Haberer, room 1; Mn.: Ruby Neeb home economics; Victor Dinnin, shop.; Music teachers, Lawr- ence ein, Exeter; and Douglae Gill, Grand Bend. Little change in the en• rolnzent is expected. �N3 WAT m when and where you want It! DEEP WELL EJECTOR Illustrated here is the Duro "LittleGiant" 15 gallon packaged system. Only 25" high, 34" long and 15" deep, this complete running water system is compact enough to install under a kitchen sink! The system is engineered—in true Duro style—to give many years of trouble-free service at the most economical prices. We will be glad to give you a free estimate of the cost of labour and materials. Phone or come into our shop and see how really inex- pensive running water the DURO way can be. PUMPING SYSTEMS Stade & Weido ZURICH — ONTARIO plan o6cod• • • w fh C Y .i..e AV:r. C O d 1 J6 AtlJ J� G JGn D * Former& Empire eras, Mfg. Co. Limitea 57.61 p 00 0 3 0 0' i) 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 SHUR-GAIN FEEDS We Offer a Complete Line of .Shur -Gain Farm Proven Feeds and Concentrates for Poultry, Hogs and Cattle Try Our.. New.. 22%.. Chick.. Starter.. Medicated. Inquire About The Low.. Grain Prices in Truck Load Lots. M. DEITZ & Son Zurich Your Hardware Store rr otice WE are NOT SELLING OUT — BUT W 1 L L Be here to Service what we sell! PRICES SLASHED — For the Month of August On al new and used Power Lawn Space Heaters, Electric Ranges, Freezers, Washers and Dryers. Mowers, Oil Refrigerators, We do — Heating - Plumbing Tinsmithing and Spray Painting For Service that Satisfies Call - Rader & reittlehliz . Hardware Phone Zurich - 63. ,4.44./44, !.n.:•.., 114 414147,44 „ Fertilizer HOW ABOUT YOUR FALL FERTILIZER NEEDS —CURTOM SEED CLEANING FEEDS FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS - Hogs Trucked Tuesday and Thursday - Cattle 0 on Saturday 0 • • • ' GIVE US A CALL— w • WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU! 0 6 Hensall District Co C p Phone Hensall 115, Zurich 220 0 9 0 0 0 0 4 4 9 0 4 O 4. 0 .43 4, +1 5 x a 5 0 0 a e ,•.b tti,2.: , 0 t0 0 3 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 1 • 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 00