HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-09-12, Page 4ZURICH ONTARIO Exeter Fair SEPTEMBER 17, 18, and 19. Tuesday Evening - TRADE FAIR Outstanding Displays, Free Admission 1 1 Wednesday Evening - VARIETY CONCERT Kathy Kalbfleisch and her Baton Twirlers Thursday Afternoon - FAIR DAY Parade - Midway - $2,000 Horse Show Livestock Show - 4-H Competitions Admission 50c. PS Children Free Thursday Evening - DANCE Exeter Community Centre Park And Mernorial Arena NI .n.trrt r rrp zurticti HERALD eseeisseeeegams Sure and Attend rich rail Fair MONDAY and TUESDAY ptem f'r r BE SURE AND SEE:— The special Speed Events; the many greatly incre- ased and revised Horse and Cattle Lists including the many Special Prizes. The Zurich 4-H. Calf Club. The contests in the Large Show Ring, the Midway, Etc. Yes entertainment for all1 Zurich Lions Band will Attend There will be planty of Entertainment for all in the afternoon and evening. Be sure and attend. Apply to the Secretary for Prize Lists and and information About the Fair. Win. Davidson, Pres. E. F. Klopp, Secy. and Mrs. Ervin Rader. Miss Diana Kraft, Carol Becker, Brenda and Pauline Becker of Zion Lutheran Walther League attended the League tConvention at Waterloo College, Kitchener over the weex-end Mrs, Wm. Stade spent some time with relatives in Muehigen. HAY COUNCIL MINUTES The regular monthly meeting of the Council of the Township of Hay at Zurich on August Oth, 1957 at 8.00 p.m, with full attendance. The Reeve called for the reading of the minutes of the last regular and spe- cial meetings and thereafter the fol- lo.wing motions were passed: That the minutes of the last reg- ular meeting of July 2nd, and speci- al meetings of July 9th, 15th, 29th, and 31st be adopted as read. That we instruct the Road Supt. of Hay Township to proceed with the construction of two cement culverts: 1, ih Sideroad between lots 15 and 16 Con 10, and 2, in Conceseion. road 14 at Lot 11!6. ' ported in the condition of Phomas That the LaPorte Municipal Drain Pryde, MLA., a patient in Victoria, By -Law 9, 1957 have incorporated Hospital, London. His physician, Dr therein the proposed revised essessm- L. DeWitt Wilcox, of London, reports ent as per first and second reading he is locking and feeling definitely of July 29th, and that this by-law be better. He is able to lie out of bed now given third reading and passed. for t short periods three times a day That we accept the tender receiv- al:4 the general picture is most en - ed from Robert Rowcliffe at $1800. ',aging' to construct the entire work on the tt;tt` LaPorte Drain according to the By- r • eated itself every year, and this law and Engineer's Report, plan, pro-, ld'is be wet it should not be too file and specifications- ! t a surprise. That the second money borrowing rs. (Michael iMasse and son of By-law No. 11, 1957 authorizing the t don who has spent a couple .of Reeve and Treasurer of the Townsh-',! with her parents, Mr and Mrs ip of Hay to borrow up to $25,000. Bedard, has returned to her from the Bank of :Montreal, Zurich, e in London. any from this surrounding et- as needed, be given third reading, , and passed. t.ed the Hartman - Regrer recept- That By -Law No 10, 19.57 to fli n Saturday night in the Zurich pose a .s.pecial Drainage rate uponinn ity Hall. - Herbert Keller's land Lot 9 Con.4--JULIE Hay for $700. principal and $163.10, interest over a ten year period be given third reading and that this loan' be secured from the Treasury Dept.': of Ontario. Total cost of the drain. age work having been $938.00. That the accounts for Hay Twp,t General and Hay Temp. roads he pa - sed as per vouchers presented. That the Council adjurn till next. regular meeting. H. W. Brokenshire, V. L. Becker, Reeve. eeiteieeigieeeeteeeee: ::.;" • ....„...... THOS.1PRYDE IMPROVES DOCTORS P.EPORT considerable improvement ts re - HENSALL The Legion Ladies Auxiliary. are holding a bazaar., bake sale and tea, in the Legion Hall, Saturday Nev. 2. Mrs. Leonard Noakes who under- went a major operation in. Victoria .Hospital, London, on Friday, the 6th is improving nicely. The annual birthday party of the Legion Ladies Auxiliary will be held Oct. 23rd, guest auxilaries will be Kincardine, Ripley, Goderich, Blyth and Howick. The Womens' 'Missionary Society of the United (Church will hold their !monthly meeting this Thursday, 12, with a pot luck supper at 6.30 p.m. Guset speaker will be (Mrs. W. L. Via717NOSIZERE72120075=12,7grAMBIEMBEREIligiani17407=17112.14371111211.1210211E4 County Crop Report tClinton, Sept. 7, '57 After harvest .cultivation is. still going on with some fall plowing. 'White beans are ibeing pulled and threshed. Recent rains have helped the sugar beets, turnips and COTT.. A. great deal of second cut :hay is being harvested an of excellent quality. Red clover is filling quite rwell. GOSHEN BOY INJURES FOOT Bob 3IcBride, eight, son of Mr and Clare McBride, of the Goshen Line, north of Zurich, is recuperating in the War ,Memorial Children's Hos- pital, London, from a badly crushed left ankle he suffered when he eau - 'eight his foot between the axle and 'wheel of the tractor his father was elriving. Skin grafting will have to be performed as all the skin was tak- en off down to the totes. Dr. McLart- ghIan, London, is the attending phy- sician. comforters, quilts, pillows, baby crib, wooden chest, 3 oak-lbearoom suites, 2 steel bedroom suites tcomplete with springs and mattress, arm. chair, trunks,. 2 toilet sets, antique lamps, Budgy birds and cage; silverware, glassware, antique dishes, cabbage cutter, garden tools, carpenter tools, ladders, and many articles too num- d thcrop is heavy and rous to mention, AUCTION SALE q Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects, and Misc. Items. On the Premises, Main Street West, in the VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD The undersigned Auctioneer le instr- ucted to sell by Public Auction, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14th. At 1. O'clock, p.m. sharp VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Real Estate — Consisting of Lot 24, Plan 9, 1 3 -5th acres of land, on Which is situated a well built dwell- ing. Main floor consists of kitchen, dining and living room, and 2 bed- rooms; small summer kitchen and ut- ility room; second floor has 3 bed - ;No Reserve, everything will be sold. TERMS—CASH Estate of the 'Late Jacob Hartlelb,d and Lydia Rinker. Bien Webb, Clerk. ;Alin Walper, Auctioneer. Dashwood Mr and Mrs Carl Heppler of • erloo spent lastweek-end with and Mrs. Harry Hoffman. Dashwood W. 1— The regular Institute. meetings we- re resumed for the fall term with the Horne Economics group in cliaret^e on Tuesday evening with Mre. Alle- mend convenor. Roll call was "What I leave for my family to eat when I am away for the day." All sang the Institute rally song. Mrs. E. Koehler 'gae-e a reading entitled "Kitchens". Anne Webb sang 'Monemy told 7ne something." Mrs. Letta Taylor spoke on her trip to Newfoundland. Mrs. 'Glenn Webb gave a reading "The Boy," Mrs. John Rader reported on the Tweedsmuir History Book next will he Grandmothers' Meeting. Wat- Mr. Had Demonstration— The 4 -II Garden Club girls were present and had their books on dis- play as well as a display of vegetables They also demonstrated the making of a salad. The latter they also did at Achievement Day. Mrs. E. Rader and Mrs E. Devine, leaders of the Club were presented gifts by the W. I. in appreciation for their work rooms and clothes closet; full base- with the girls. The meeting closed enent; large cistren. Property is nie- with The Queen. *ly located and in good sate of repair. Farewell For Neighbours— ..Also very suitable for Building Lots. The neighbours of Mr and Mrs. Real Estate — Consists of 8 Lots, Wm. H. Haugh of the 14th Concess- '23 to 30, on which is situated a frame ,ion, Hay gathered at the home of Mr house, remainder all in vacancy. A and IVIrs Courtney Burmeister to hon - most wonderful location for service our them prior to their moving to station, motel or other ibuilding in- their new home in Dashwood this terest with ample parking space. week. Mr. Clifford Pepper read the Terms of Real Estate — 10% 011 address and Carol Ducharme present- day of Sale. Balance in 30 days. ed them with an electric tea kettle, Sold subject to a reasonable reserve on behalf of th neighbours. bid. Mr and Mrs Courtney Burmeister Household Effects, Etc.—Chester- spent last week in New Ontario, field, dining room table, 6 matching:, Miss Ellen .Gilbert of Stratford (chairs, (buffet, 6 rocking chair.:,, kit- spent the week -end with Mr and Mrs then chairs, kitchen table and C. Burmeister. Edison phonograph and record; Ma Mr and Mrs Ernest Hutchinson of estic electric radio; New Idea kit- Blair are spending some time here. then range; electric iron and toa-teiy1 Mr and Mrs Ervin Rader and fam- Ieetric ironer, small table, sly eipent Sunday. at Grand Bend with kitchen cupboards, couch, QuebeciMr and Mrs Wellwood Gill, heater, AstroI refrigerator, caqlet,i( Mrs. Robert Knight of London, aweeper, kitchen clock, mtrreee, epi- and 1\1Ise'Alec Patterson of Newmarknng 14+V=1, r".1% ,voxe ThursdaY guests with Mr T T E St. Joseph & Blue Water Area; Mr and Mrs Norman Sararas of Kitchener and Mrs. Josiah Sarar4 of Zurich were week -end visitors with Mr and Mrs Len Sararas on the Bit' Water Highway south. Mr and Mrs Tyrus .Stansberry4a' family and Mr and Mrs RoberfeSt4 berry, all of Detroit r:';4.4 visitors and as wet. e Hartman and Regier weddine.t'tte Mr and Mrs Bob Merniyedge .e.repte Detroit spent their holidays with:the tGeoffroi Family south of St. Joseph Mr and Mrs Leonard Jeffrey of Goderich. were Sunday visitors with the latter's mother and brother, Isa- dore Ducharrne. • At time of writing, this Tetesday, morning the weather is overcast and 0 raining as well, it is now bean harv- est time and it will cause some delay in that work. September rs the month of broken weather. It has iS 1' • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • 0 • 4,• • • • • • • a 4 • 4• • °st about everyone has neard of tte and quite a few know that ea' her hobbies is cooking, but ,,people know who all the Cooking .r; her huttand, Tony Cavazze. e. she makes one of her specialties, -tied Lobster a la :Capetown. Thursday, .September Dth, /p15T Whyte of Seaford'. 'Srtepen Flear of Grand Bend, is, spending this week with his grand.. parents, Mr and Mrs George Arrn-. strong, while his parents Mr and Mrs Don Fleur are vacationing at Blind River. Winners at the Legion Bingo Sat-, urday 7th 'were: Mr. Rornavage, of - Royal Oak, Mich Mrs. Orville Smith (3); 'Mrs. Mac MlLellan (2); Mrs. Roy Smale (2); Mrs. Mernovege, Royal Oak, Mich. (.2); Mrs. Ditt6,Bre utefield; Mrs. Fleischauer, Zurich t Pete 13oshart, Seaforth. (2); Mra. Baird, Brumfield; Mrs. A. roster. Wilbert Parker won the door prize, The jackpot this coming Saturday) will be worth $105 in 56 calls. APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appointn Friday, the thlrte,.nth day of September, 1957, at the hour of half past one o'clock in the afternoon (local time) at the Court House, Goderich, Ontario, for the hearing of all par. ties interested in support of or opposing the following bye law: BY-LAW NO. 28, 1957 A BY-LAW OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF HURON TO REGULATE TJ -1E LOCATION OF BUILD- INGS AND STRUCTURES ON LAND ADJACENT TO COUNTY .ROADS. WHEREAS, it is deemed to ben.ecessary and desirable tn. regulate the location of biuldings and structures on land adjacent to certain county roads; AND "WHEREAS, authority' is granted under Section 30 (a). of The Highway Improvement Act as amended by Section 2 of The Highway Improvement Amendment Act 1954 to exercise such power subject to the approval of the Municipal Board. The Council of the Corporation of the County of 'Huron enacts, as follows: — (1) No person shall erect any building or structure, any part of which is located closer to the nearest limit of any of the Counhy- roads or parts of the County roads. hereinafter defined than-, 25 feet where the road is 100 feet wide, 42 feet where the road is 66 feet wide, and in no case closer to the centre line of the torigheal• road allowance than 75 feet. 4. • (2) No person shall erect or install gasoline pumps: a) closer than 60 feet from tin centre line of 4 road allowance curve or the crest of a hill •te t4's .• The scout is saving odd-lob"e'inings to buy movie camera;; 4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. the tortginat 4 •C) on the tanzent to a horizontal or verticle curve where e . the sight distance is less than 800 feet in each directive., + (3) The County roads or parts of the county roads defined by this + by-law are as follows.— The entire county road tsystem as defined in Schedule '-`A" + f . of By -Law No. 23, 1954, same and except such eiarts of the. '..r. County road system which lie within the limits of any Town, it. Village, or Police Village within the County of Huron. 4- 4 4) The Corporation of the County of Huron, by their Clerk5 ma, , 4. 4. 4,- 4.. 4. 4. 4. 4% 4. 4. 4P4. 4. - 4. 4. 4. 4%% . 4. 41- 4.4 4 • give notice to the 'Owner or Occupant of any land requiring•hun to remove or alter any building or structure erected arter-the ▪ passing of this By -Law that does not comply with sections 1 -arid 2 and each notice under this section shall be in writing and sent de by registered mail, addressed to the Owner et Q:ceouglant, o,f the land. i 5) If the person to whom the notice is gsiVen, under section 4 above - fails to 'comply^ with it within 30 days from mailing of such notice, the Corporation of the 'County of Huron may direct any officer, employee or agent of the said Corporation to .enter upon .1. + the land and do or cause to be done, whatever may be necessary, t to remove or alter such !building or structure mentioned irri said 'notice. • +4, 6) Every person who violates any of the provisions of Sections 2 4. and 3 or fails to comply with the notice given under Section de shall be guilty of an offence and on summary conviction shall be + liable to a penalty of not more than fifty dollars ($50.(10.1 for + each offence and the continuance of the toondition constituting an ▪ offence for each week after conviction, therefore, shallcored* 4 + ute a new offence. , 4. 7) This By -Law shall come into effect upon the day it is passed- by Council subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, + Read a first, second and and third time, and finally- passed- (ok this 14th day of June, 1957. I (Signed) A. H. E r s k in e, (Signed) Harold G o w• d y, 4 Huron County Clerk. Warden, County of Huron, de. teemeamemeaseee The scoutmaster is saving to cover futura,. expenses of his growing family ease e a • Both have a bank account -and a purpose for saving 7r, Utz,. THE CHARTERED 5 Each has a different objective, but both are working on the same idea: that to get ahead it is important to save ahead, too. Your reasons for wanting to build. up your bank account can be as varied as human hopes and needs ... a vacation, your child's education, a nevv rug, camera equipment; or simply the deep satisfaction and sense of security that a cushion of ready cash creates. A chartered bank is a convenient place to keep your savings safe, and to keep them growing. Whether your account is large or small, the trained and friendly staff is there to take care of all your banking needs. Save at a bank — millions dot . , -.•' ..• . SER,Wit416 YOktilft COMMUNITY' •