HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-09-05, Page 5ZURICH ONTARIO r LOCAL NEW$ Messrs. Joseph Foster and lWilliaan 'Watson visited With the fozi lea's sis- 't'at Windsor, one day Iass"we errek. Mr and Mrs. 7Jack Brenneman and 'Sam. Jay of D,strroit, who were •. eamp- ing'at 'Grand 'Bend visited at the 'home of their cousins, IM'r and Mrs. "Harold Rader, Mr and Mrs Chris Erb spent Mun- ,elay 'at the home -of their daeighter, tVlr and Mrslrvin :;zxingerich at.:Aiis sa *Craig. Mr .and Mrs CIFrence Farwell an'd son George have -returned home after an enjoyable trip to the Algonquin Park, 'Lake Sinieoe, -Lake of Bays, and attended the 'Canadian Nast. Ex- hibition -at Toronto. Mr and Mrs Moils Witmer oT. Detroit were visitors at ..the horde of tth Matter's sisters, Mr acrd ;Mfrs TO: Steinbach and Mr anti Mrs Earl Thiel of lur'ich, and +l1r-and Mrs. Al- lan Fraser ut Exdter, ex!ina,`'ng a very :good time together. 7t19.10-1 H HE ALD c r , , .; •r rl mac and ohms ,toad, L. MARTIN TIN ,OPTOMETRIST Maio Street - Exeter :Open .11very Week Day Except Wednesday • BELL &: LAUGHTON 1f3ARRISTERS i(OLICITOR5 & NOTARIES PUBLIC: ELMER. D. Rt(.'LL, Q.C. AXETER — PHONE 4 C. V, I, Ai7GTITON', T.,L.13. (Tuesday, 2 to 5 p.m. at Zurich, At Township Clerk's Ofiiee Tor Appointment, Dashwood 27 r 13 J. NORMAN COWAN Bookkeeping and Income Tax Service 'a,Sarepta' Hay P. 0. Drs. COXON & LEITCH VETERINARY SURGEONS with Residence, Main Street. Opposrite Drug ,S'tor'y Phone 96 — Z1JRICH G. B. CLANCY Optometrist — Optician (Suecessor to the late A. L. - Cole, optometrist) For appointments phone 33, Goderich - Ont. 4....ARTHUR FRASER a TAR' 8 errors a Bookkeeping, Service Etc. Moved to Town. ! .;. .:, tr, Therese , - hen line sorlth has 'moved her elTests''' ' in her fine new home on Rbs'T?e str- j tr i. u ' 0 '"' Pet. We weld^alae 'Ivs. Hartman and farnilti as resided`; ,o f Z'trich, i'icome a a ~i . ZURICH HERAIJ)i LOCAL EW Mr, George V:oiland :of Exeter was a visitor in 'town one day last week. Miss iblatisllc.Nrie 'Wagner has return- ed to KKitc:liewn resuming her duties on the Kitchener teaching staff. Miss Arlene d'I.albarer'has returned to London, after vacationing with her parents, Mr :gaud 'Mrs Ferd Ha�be�rer, Mr and Mr. Edgar Weerth have returned `ho'nre after a !pleasant va- cation vii lienag'.with relatives and fri- ends at Elmira -and Kitchener', Di and Mrs Howard •H�ostettier and family of Loudon, spent the week -end set the home of 'their parents, Mr. aed Mrs. John Brown. Mr and Mrs Wm. O'Brien, 4r., of London were holiday >,+isitor:, -at the home of the Dormer's parents, Mr. <uxri 'Mrs LeRoy 'rapt*err. •;tlrc. Floyd Hope said daughters of treetsviile sl.�yet .-'vtrral days at the hoz of the fon:ge ', parents, 'Me' and Mrs. 'I''hcinas ns.:'rot last week.. Mr al:sd Mrs tr1,xclinne.r �Htavot mot.. ored to 11idl.atnd and points -north ov er the -week-end. Mr. and Mrs: E. 3. 1).atars and Mr and 'iVir: 3. W. Haabercr spent the west:.-en{d in North Bay and the Muskoka District. Robert 'Hartman, 10, of Rot tIl St.. Zurich, 'itad the misfortune or falling fracturing his lent arm. We wish Ito beet a;speedy +ecovery. Mr and 'Mrs Alfsod Meidinger, Mr and Mrs. Leo Meidinger and. family, • spent the hoiT.day week end in Mid ::.-iand and other places of inrere%t. + iMic, Carol Thiel enjoyed several etaos over a recent week -end with her friend, Miss ;Vary Log:;e Fritz at Toronto. Mr and ,Mrs Ed. Brenner rano da- ughter lari'on, Mrs. Wechier, Mrs. Lorne C,o:;k" of -.Kitchener ;pent the holiday weeks at the home or their mother, MaryMrs. Brenner. .1r and Mrs lInsselman of Wats erino visited Tor a few days at the hone of the foe•mer's sister, Nr.and Mrs. Peter Gingerich, Blake and ot- hr relatives. Mr. and ''Mrs W. F. Brown of For- rest, Mrs. Lee Hoffman and Miss Jane Lamont of Zurich had a pleasant trip through some of the Northern coun- try for a vacation. Born ---"Lt St. Joseph's Hospital, London, -on August 15th., 1957, to Mr and Mi' P, ,sell Thompson (nee Donna T' illock), West McGillivray, a son (James Roswell) weight Slhs. 5-o:.s. A grandson for Mr and Mrs.' George Bullock of near Zurich. Ma-ster Earl 'Wagner, son 4f Mr, and Mrs. Len Wagner, and. who is Well known in the .soort?1-g world in l this community, was p1 esl�nted with the Shamrock Trophy on �'Toncxay, as certain of the FTencall 17orkec Club. We wish Errrrlsrau'ch ;5it,ccess'in future sports, 111r and Ctrs Louis IStepprer of I FOR SALE Kitchener were weep -end guests at ! A. 2.1 s ,,ace of pure bred .German the home of Mr and :Mrs. Alf Vllick• 'Shepherd Pup. Apply to Clarcnc'i Rev. and ,Mrs. F, W. Howa1d of ;S i de, R.R, t2', Zuri-ch. 2te' M+orrisburg spent a day here it week calling on relatives and friends F RM FOR SALE Barn — Art South Huron lloelri r11, Exeter, on August 31st, 1957 to Mr'_ A' 41 111 i•n Hay 1 OVVI ship on and Mrs, Gordon Hess of Zurich, a Srk 'lliglrway; 125 acres choice: land, son ;t:9 arty Georg) Sibs. 4 -oz. , On the . ,property is a nine roomed Mr and Mi^s. Hugh N1aeKdnnen, raxfir, house With modern niu:hen, and two children Ross and Janet of has ra 1)atlilt 1n' cuxitboards; a drilled well, London, ted With their mother,both clot and cold water on talc, ]la;; ro sin, vrsr w 11rq a1 W1laeili:innon last 'Saturd'a)7 two �e.ssu:re systems with hard 4r,a anent) (71.J. -scat. titer on tap throughout build i'n+15,.''A double garage, hen hot r• Mr end .Mrs Patti Hess and sort and `pen. 'Ninety-five ar'rc- i un - Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd. - Exeter Complete Sanitone Cleaning :Laundry and Storage Service Pick up Mon., back on Thurs. Pick up Thurs., back on Monday. I (Local Agent) EARL OESCI-I Barhrsr Shop �p Zurich of Toronto, Mr and Mrs, Q. Hem der <a 1t"rvation, !balance in bush awl and children of Petecr'boro have re- past tf t, Apply to i3x'ban llucharrr,+, turned to their homes after a boli- t'.hrree° Iles west of "Ilen:,ai1, day at the 'bore of their n1other,Mrs :Marie 'Hess. CONTRACTING Mrs. >tiltu"el !Snider ,tib' Sarnia vis -MOBILE DISPOSAL ited with her sisters ;relatives and' septi friends in .Zuxd'eh and vicinity and is now visiting With the 'Sauter families Yle near Bayfield lbefore returning to ;Frit her honk in the -city. 1 `h. FOR SALE Good hardwood :Slabs $3.{x0 per etc cori -- Fred. C. Kal'bfleiscl: it. Son £c Ltd. w CL Tank (leaning , Repairs on ins, Waterrnains, Sita, nstalati•ons on Cement Septic: l)ramage Tile aril Dr-e''r.: 5 Grand. Bend TI), `lei , + i NALD G, McCANN "(IBLIC ACCOUNTANT 561 eP Office Royal 1 fr"►e ..ankl aa, 455 Rex, Ratenhury S.r TON - ONTARIO .tiGis;G",: RP.>14',r7ra:e+mae%�s�r�'r OPPORTUN TY THS A Canadian 4;'onlpany operating on a nal e )in•gs for ambitious men or weri i to a, with cine of Canada's larsrc•.-t •t n s 0 hours at start if desired, hon:' y and si than mist experience. Our 'r ..a a1 thus 0 expansion, t'lti is a 1usin1'ss 011 a ix or women of chnrweter only. 55 APPLICANTS m0 eJ APPROX. $1;74 u (Which is. secured), and good referene you exceptionally high monthly Inco; increase as business exp ts:d, Prefe from $10,000.00 to 520,000.00 yearly,`;. as NO SELLING req?tiled. 1-f you u<. ,cash, write today r'v;nl; phone nun" G interview, Write: Manager, -P,O. Ba .r treat, Quebec. acre .,.... ;,,rz.,a„®,�.nzs.ora,e,.,�.7.+..._�:=a,�sr.._-c^•:��,.as-i. a. Mid - E` i Mid— own AGENT — Reg. R: B. OurLata Dry Clear.,=.-.�: and continued as usual at the sarn �' day - back Saturday; Fast t E MIT ,.% iL J ', :. Goes out Monday- back on .ti X E T B R STI 1 s Harts -Mtn of the Gni . a OFFICE - Corner Ann, William Sts, Phone Exeter 504 MEAT MARKET WITH MEATS of the BETTER I.11`,ID For Over 50 Years YUNGBLUT BROS. Mr and 'Mrs Fart Thiel and son Dor-ells n11rl Allan: Mr and ..`Ii' Tel S c inbaell of Zurich : Mr anti `iT1's, ' rri'lev Vi•Titmer of Pe{ : cit : 1111.:an d f1Trs. Allain Fraser of Foreter. h' 1 n 'pleasant time together at Pike T':'o. ort Goev"ian Day, over the holidny week -end. Phone 57 — ZURICH Left For College SERVING THE COMMUNITY Th-, T<lrtc TTat,-,lr,r retrrt n<1 to — 1Pu17e TTni. c "city, Plirhnln, 'TTeri:11 O'Brien co e�pi, 1-.„,,,:nneb {'rrli'o1 'iftn: sn,r,.linrn tl,e ..,r. nrt,r d;t„L:'LF C1M P.8 dMmu,�u „not.r 11; Its is es '+T,. nr •1 .Art o, T, w. Highest Cash Prices CREAM- EGGS- and RE�AM- EGG.S - and POULTRY' .eR.oy O'Brien, Proprietor PHONE 101 -- ZURICH •m. s TT.rr ..e , T7.,, Ire('•,, 'r' tern i'o"inions: of .r 1':i'r tt, e'n.1+ r11 .rr.c,l?ll Fe1111,,..11i,1, Paid fn will further. his studies in Erononr- ics, Nich Ora cry Your Home Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry HIGHEST CASH PRICES t''AID PLUS A PREMIUM FOR OELIVEED CREAM. WE ARE EQUIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT ACCURATE SERVICE. EGG AND POULTRY DEPT. IN CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS Chas. Minshall, Proprietor % t rim Farmers' M1dna Weath r iFISI r I1CP CO. OF WOODSTOCK rigli LARGEST RESERVE RAT; %tait"E OF ANY CANADIAN MLiT- s 'h:W.:.'0MPANY DOING BITSINES ' st OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO , RATES ON APPLICATION Fa F. KLOPP ZURICH AGENT �Ac,�LSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING ,GDC :ND f Y ' ! 11N'" S OF F!Rn INSURANCE '1. AT6('iv 1 DAY another T•-1,nn1' Dor has moo and !o.n ,«-1 left a fatality of r,•4 deaths a<"r•nss Canada, 'most of these by auto acrident, which in -nano cases could have iho"n avoided by usin<,• treater pre00utinn. and rn most cases too much 53)rrd. TTowever. rite weatherman t-hrone'hont Canada was kind with nice sunshine. Tt also ush- ers in the oi'ening of sehnol activities and teachers and scholars, .wero se011 lnarrlling' oft' to school.. Some for the first time. which opens un a 115'' area in life. There is a fine steso c'nss of inn;ors started in the Zurieh whorl and we wish thorn all mno11 sureeSs in learning• which should snake n bet- ter world to live in. LETTER FROM ABROAD Duseldorf, Germany, August 2(3, 1957 Dear Mr and ,Mrs. Smith, Herald pub- lishers; Just a few dines to let you know we are getting along fine on our trip. We have been to Switn't'- land through Germany and are on our way hack to Joan's hone in France. We found the house in Switzerland that Wes's father was born in. Tt is very old. Have stopper{ 1n a few eitie,+. We were in 7m'ich -Switzerland. It is :hard to stop in the ei+iea; with all the traffic. But the country side in hnih .11V1Id and Germany y-•ry healttiful. We e tnnot get i•r; 1111 the nl<r'es ,we w onld , like in the short time we have. i Wr. 'wonid liko to ,lord cards tr; +v„r1'c,'l ' but 1t isIu: t intpo ':ib?:r ,n osso rt '.nr. �_ <d t toyed ree4- hr• ,o,I.: s to a.11. Sinecrely, The Mernets. scale has immediate ,,1,.. ge local !business dealing 1,can be handled in slots ability more impor inert sistancee enables r•ruid Mane for high type men AVE 0 9 3 5, 0 6'd [hese openings wilt pa;- inlediately, and raoidlY ;cants aspiring .earnings.6 igh pressure melt ` bled" "0 lify and have neer s ar;: nd parrticulars for To:T.1 is 0. 12,5, Station E, Mor. - piers Zurich. erviet. �� i•• cation. Exeter RS tario. ( • O i y 1O% Down -18 I1 oaths to Pay Write Today for Details Yes, you too can enjoy all the eonveniences of running water now, while you pay for it during the next three years. The Ernco Budget Plan will cover Duro pump, tank, • pipe, kitchen and bathroom fixtures, taps in all farm buildings plus drsta..:ti�llr, Wel will be glad to give you estimate of the sost ,.f i, , materials, Phone cr e ,ne t es- shop rreshop and see lute really iy ire w : running wate=r the t'i.'l O w .} ,fir :[7e Stade � . . �iclt• ‘R1:'? ri v e 2 ep 55 55 a 0 e w 4A .d Thursday, .Septem!ber lith, 1957 READ on. the table �. • the meal is read I ,a,l�e Be Your Menu Maker! � & CHIPS and UGH' LUNCHES Try r)E:iir: f,u`s for Bricks, C. ANDERSEN. Static rr j�r 1"s ss—s..-.2 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 B.A. YOUR BAKER not only supplier! cr `e. -o -i 'srile.torrte bread for your r '1'e;' for your, recipes. Out r,,,eri come: all man- ' •. <in •. ':- - -f: r'ri;.� goodies to •': .. • u. s r.- r -i meati Frac'- , ... , :..se and' `,erir. ,nogg Buns ,-;1:'.1^:/..EF fr' it -filled hot Pan r ..- Ss.,,a r'. Bread • ..,sr a,-ssk : any time dots— get wrink, r e , in meals-- dr,2r rrttryuI maker, t, ePWT n1 a'Iery 1zHCr.,'4E 100 * ZURICH aoo", .4aa=2,,,. '_'_.,,-,..., --.*-.tea. .4 =:t•,.. a a'ndat e 3 55 5 k 8' 5 55 SHU .G AIN EE s We Offer a Complete Line of Shur -Gain Farm Proven Feed§ and Concentrates for Poultry, Hogs and Cattle Try Our.. New.. 22 `e .. Chick...Starter.. Medicated. Inquire A'Lout The Low.. Grain Prices in Truck Load Lots. M. DEITZ & Son Zurich 4 4, 0 0 55 0 41, Your c^= rr i` T 1 CO I r` r'3 I CD 1 m Hrqqr{ p I, GGUU �,�j . `4 y P s!' ... of .t.' On l Mowert,it Space i-_ t?.ter ts. i . - . t-: _ Ref riF-orators, ;'i"ers. V'e' , Tinsmithing and Painting, Fo Call .• �, 1 n Phone Zuria.h tl9� - 63. Li1G IA 55 4 41 C 55 Q 55 55 6 55 4 55 5i 55 aS or? 'A 0 er • • 0 0 55 e o t1,132P 71 55 55 5, 55 HOW ABOUT YOUR FALL FERTILIZER. 55 a 55 55 55 f5 0 NEEDS —CURTOM SEED? CLEANING FEEDS FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS— Hogs Trucked Tuesday and Thursday - Cattle on Saturday GIVE US A CALL— WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU! H nsal He at,a:l 115. +tea e Zurich 220 oe 55 55 • 55 0' e �s se ra e,3 55 fiP e9 55 a