HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-08-08, Page 44.444 .444 4.64 ZURICH ON't"ARIO tla genic THURSDAY AUGUST . 8th. TIME 8 A.M. TO ZUYt ICH HERALD ME FRIDAY 9th FEATURING: OPE HOSE Free Fr SATURDAY 10th. TILL? Free THREE DOOR PRIZES EACH DAY AND THREE GRAND PRIZES LAST DAY FREE GIFTS FOR THE CHILDREN FREE TOKENS FOR THE ADULTS REFRESHMENTS FOR ALI, SPECIAL, DASHWOOD Mr and Mrs Carl Allemang and family spent a few days with relati- ves during the vacation. Dashwood Girt Daubers— The Garden Club met at the home a the leader, Mrs. E. Rader, on Monday July 27, Seven girls and Mrs. E. Devine were present.. The girls named vegetable and then they Served it for a roll call. Next roll call is to be two vegetables of any kind. We visited Rothanne and June Rader.•'s garden getting carrots and unions, these were cooked to demon- strate serving a mild vegetable with a strong one, we planned two meals together. One with these vegetables and one 'with two other vegetables. Vitamins in vegetables were discus- eed. The final meeting will be held next week. Mr and Mrs Melton Walper and girls of Ingersoll vacationed with 'Mr and Mrs. Philip Fassold last week. i1VIr. and Mrs. Carman Eckmeler and Paul; Mr and Mrs George Gil- bert . and Gerald, Mrs. Agnes Dunk - 'Water, all of Stratford were visitors ith Mr and Mrs Courtney Bur.^rneis- e Mr anduV1rs Gordon Weisberg of aterloo spent the week -end with Mr d. Mrs Fred Weiiberg and Mr and Victor Tyler. iss Anne Taylor of London spent week -end with !Mrs. Letta Taylor. Attend Camp-- !• "Jean Guenther', Mary Jane T.Toff- Man, Lynda Tiernan, Larry Wein, ,, i'.�ary Eagleson and John Cameron of the Evangelical U. 13. _church attend- ed the Evang. Camp north of God- erich last week. hower For Bride— . Lyle Schwartzentruber, bride - elect of August was showered with many lovely gifts ata miscellaneous shower when Mrs, Alvin Rader was hostess at her home last Friday ev- ening. The evening was spent in contests conducted by Mrs. John Rader. Miss Joy Ezib read an add- ress and Joan and Lynda Rader pre- sented the many gifts in decorated baskets. Lyla thanked all and in- vited them to visit her in her new home. St. Joseph &3iue Water Area PRICES SLASHED ON ENTIRE STOCK UP TO 20 PER CENT. EE HOW WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY THESE THREE DAYS WHEN IN NEED SEE ;: , e r i C SERVICE IS NOT. ; OUR MOTTO — I`I''S OUR BUSINESS t4r.$. BE SURE TO ATTEND THE sS Successful Picnic._ 'The annual picnic held in this par- ieh sponsored by the various Coruna- itties on SundaTon the 'church gro- unds was considered a success re- gardless of threatening and chilly weather. The ladies of the parish are noted to courteous, and on such Gcasions; you are sure to take. part .tasty'meal and with good serv- 9 'G!1!Ionday was Civic Holiday, 'Come from different points hb took privilege to attend regard- ess ' of the weather. May we say it was 'a success. Notes -- Mrs Adolph Etue of mean Seaforth called on Mr and ZVIrs Ed. Corriveau on 1VIonday last. Mr and Mrs Auriel Denoaray of Belle River were Friday last call- ers with Mrs. Josephine Ducharne and son -Isadore. Mr and Mrs Leon Bedard motored to Windsor. on Sunday in company with their son Clement ' to attend the funeral of the late Patrick Be- dard of that city. They returned on Tuesday with Mr and MrsMichael IVlasse'who also attended the funeral unarm SPONSORED BY THE KINSMEN CLUB OF GODERICH y all 4: �4, I a.•wry nt ay S tur -. ugust - 14 17 s 12 RIDES - 3 SIDE SHOWS - - OVER 20 CONCESSIONS - - REFRESHMENTS - SATURDAY KITE VARIETY SHOW AUGUST 17th th FIREWORKS DISPLAY DRAW FOR $100 A MONTH FOR 1 YEAR OR $1000 CASH SEE THE EXHIBITS and DISPLAYS AT GODERICH MEMORIAL, ARENA and AGRICULTUR A L PARK i .f ?, •k.; w,w, w.'�Si4 rW aN'FK Y. �'�:'�_ri..r,�w: a,•;P;w . .,: .. ..::,,... _. ., wrnwa..w�. loolossm 1 On Sunday, Sister St. Denis and Sister Charles Joseph, of Brecia BaII, London, were visitors with ?dr 'and Mrs. Fred Ducharme, the parents of Sr. St. Denis on the B.W. Highway. Born --,On Tuesday last, at Clinton Public Hospital to Mr and Mrs Dom- inique Geoffrey of St. Joseph a son. Peter the older son and Miss Sherry Geoffrey were sponsors on Sunday, and congratulations to all concerned Mr. Andrew Denoanme of Wind- sor., the week -end with his irr other and other members of the faanily. Mr and MrsHubert Ducharnre and son Ricky and daughter Dorida all of Windsor spent their vacation with the former's 'parents Mr and Mrs. P. puc+harme, they returned to their home in Windsor on kVlonday. Mr. Zephie ,Charrette of Detroit, •called on relatives and friends on Saturday last, enroute to Goderich, where he visited with Mr and Mrs Leonard Geoffrey. He also toured to Clinton to visit with his another." Farmers in this district are well "'""" on with their grain harvest, the yield • is all that can be expected, the sample • is good, but the priceis hopeless to the farmers 'comparing prices of Ewheat today with the manufacturer's . cereal and .other food from it, We ▪ are inclined to (believe that some one ▪ somewhere are under the impression that the crop has grown iby magic, free from expenses and encuanberan- ccs, Someone, somewhere who are and • reaping. hard labour of�theofarmers shom the t "-x uld bow their heads in shame, and • .should :seek ;methods to make just ▪ arrangements, to give !the growers their fair share. This injustice to the farmers has existed for some 44 time, and not only for those. who grow r•leat, but for illi other prod- ucts, which :hail from the laitcl. Thursday, August 81{x„ Iag iC ii Cf G: Ill e" i 2!12 a ' ctI I I 4 4 0 9 4 • i • • • • • 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 a • •fir A 4 • • s 0 • • 0 0 • • • • • 4 • • 0 A 0 d as • • • • • • • 4e fi • .l. • • BROWNIE'• •S^ ":9;;;:;;;;,,,,,.; r u` It. CLINTON, ONTARIO I" NOW INSTALLED— Larest ide Screen In H r n County See the first Picture on this Giant Screen— Saturday and Monday - August 10th, 12th: IN GLORI05'COLOUR "PARDNERS" DEAN MARTIN & JERRY LEWIS PLUS: 2 CARTOONS TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY August 13-14 "The Lally Killers" Alex Guinness - Jack Warner (Color) 2 CARTOONS TWO •SHOW.S NIGHTLY First Show at Dusk W THURSDAY & FRIDAY- - August 15-16: • "A Lamp Is Heavy" Belinda Lee --- George Balt t' "The Amazing Dolphin" 1 Cartoon iBox Office Opens S pan. Children under 12 in care mimeirsumiesmtere RIVING Don't Buy It! If you are considering purchasing a Refrigerator; Electric Range; Washer; Dryer; Freezer; Floor Polisher; Food Mixer, Toaster, Iron, Heating Pad; Electric Kettle; Lamps or anything Electrical, DON'T DO IT! For one of the biggest Electric Appliance Sales, iri Huron County is coming up. Yes, a firm that has been selling gnd servicing electrical appliances. for over 40 years is selling out. You can't afford to miss it! Watch for fuII particulars in the next issue of this paper. EXAMPLE: New Electric Ranges - Regular $339.95 for only $199.95° Hess -Electric - Zurich • ~. e". 4. 0- • • 4) �,. 8 4 • 4 P 'tD •4`, 8. 4 4, • 04.. • ♦.. �.. •,. u,. 4. 4, 4• Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used" NO SERVICE ON AUGUST 13th. and 14th. The National 'Association of Artificial Breed- ers, an international organization, are corning to Toronto, Ontario., for their annual convention. So that our entire staff can take advantage of this unusual. opportunity to attend this` meeting, wh are closing down for two days. We nave no'.1. closed down for holidays for several years and do not expect to do so this year. WE TAKE PLEASURE TO RECOMMEND AS AN EXAMPLE OF OUR HOLSTEIN BULLS: Glenafton Benefactor, Eye and Extra, The only living Ex and 'Extra bull. For service or more information on all dairy and beef breeds, call collect to: Clinton Hu 2-3441 Between 7.30 and 9.30 A.M. Better Cattle For Better Living For Everyone 4.