HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-08-08, Page 1.11,1,••••••9.011.01111,1, Established 1901 Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND NEW DANCE NIGHT! New DANCE ORCHESTRA! Terrific on His Opening Night '• UONEL THORNTON and his, ORCHESTRA ;EVERY FRIDAY 'Wednesdays and Saturdays Grand Bend's Old Favouite BOBBY DOWNS and his ORCHESTRA. ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MO1 AUGUST 8 1957 Huron Temperance Notes - ! that more than a quarter of -61 who died from that disease were: fl NOT SO FOR WRONG— Temperance speakers in olden days used to stress the terrible effects of alcohol •on man's inner eerganS. To- day such physical damage is played down and more stress is on the psy- chological , rather than the physical effecte. But a joint study by the life insur- ance ,companies in the U.S.A.' serves to show that perhaps the 'old -lame temperance lecturer was not so far wrong after all. ,Startling ,facts leave been n uearthed about •damage done to the human liver iby drin.k. In the past ten years cirrhosis of the liver, a disease directly tied to over -indulgence in alcohol, has be- come the fourth •cause of death. of people over 45. During the same period the .consumption of liquor in the U.S.A. has doubled, while the number of alcoholics is six times What it was. The !Metropolitan Insurance Com- pany in a monthly bulletin reports AS1215M02=20557MneEreale:FAMSYMPITeeegUMERUM202229=5164KEMNEniea2M. A Quarter Century of Service George Hardman Skilled Technician F) 4r Cee Really now, don't youwant perfectly healthy feet? Then why don't you try what Miracle has to offer you. Miracle has brought wonderful relief to hundreds of others just like you. WE SAY 'MIRACLE CAN HELP. YOU. At the MILT OESCH SHOE STORE ZURICH -- Phone 82 or 130 MONDAY, AUGUST 12th. 10 A. M. to '$ P.M. • Experience, day-by-day for 28 years, is yours to command when you visit Miracle The Patented Invention no other Foot Aid can User •r1929i� 1957 'CONSULTATION IS FREE 021/111210ZatergESSESSIOSIERiel&24X nit e a1 coh oli ,cs. is a saf asu tion that a consicleralble ,proport of the others were heavy ,drink headed for alcoholism. In Canada the same trend, is ognizable. Since 1944 deaths 1 cirrhosis of the liver ,have ne doubled. In the same period cons. ion of alcohol has alao doub while the Alcoholism Research Fo dation reports that the number alcoholics has nearly trebled. --A '7., ----..-----------" --....., —.JO .. --.... --.,,,,.,...1.„ • -.1-.; •el.)-zeiet."1.5Y., ,....„ ...,.............^.............." . ' ' Looses Tip of Finger On Saturday, Paul Yungbliet er son of Mr and Mrs. Earl Yun. While slicing meat in the Yui butcher shop had the miefortithe get his first or index _finger in tact with the power slicer putating same near the first:el We wish Paul a speedy recover these accidents happen Mitch qtd than they are healed np again. part part of your ibody is gone iih never again be replaced, VTHERAN LADES' AID MEET very small attended meeting held on Tuesday evening, August of the Lutheran Ladiee' Aid ill: only 12 0.aclies and pastor pis - The meeting opened with the , e ging of a hymn. (The Church's Foundation). Reading of Psalm And a prayer by Pastor tWinter. h. (minutes of the last meeting re read by Mrs. E. Haberer, sec- ryThTreasurer, Mrs. Anne ikheirn gave her )eport. Mrs. okenshire, Mrs. Ferd Haberer, rs. Winter were acting as vis - Nand flower ,committee for the th 61 August. The ;business Wers to be discussed .are being ';ever until September wren. the "iioefeha:i.7 a much 'better at- e BASEBALL NEWS Aldon Theat: GRAND BEND Friday, Saturday Aug. MIneSNX,01aaffiaSn.ean Thers r 'Food rket 'Serving You Better Serving You More Congratulations to Gingerich's New Hardware and Electric Store A FEW OF OUR WEEK -END SPECIALS DUR- ING THIS GRAND OPENING IN ZURICH DOLES Fruit Cocktail, 20 -Oz. tin '9c NABISCO Shredded Wheat, 2-pkgs. 33c PARD Dog Food, 2, 15 -oz. This for Zlc AYLMER Ketchup, 2 bottlefor 37c INSTANT Coffee, Cherry iViern, large 6 -oz 99c 2 -oz. 39c ASST. Cookies, 34arge Pkgs , 69e BREAD Westons Wonclar, -or Canada, -loaf 15c . - MEATS FRUITS - Vegetables Bologna - unsliced 29/e. lb. Bananas 3 -lbs 39c Bacon, sliced 79c lb. Watermelon, large 89c Weiners Maple Leaf 2 -lbs 79c Cooking Apples 6-gt. 49c IT PAYS TO SHOP AT YOU LOCAL GROCER OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT 1 Store Hours — Open Daily to 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday Evenings until 10 pan. ' - Phone 140 - C. H. THIEL Zurich Spring Reunion. Starring— Betty Hutton Dana Andre Monday, Tuesday 'Aug. Abondon Ship Starring— Tyrone Power • Wednesday, Thursday Mal Zetteell Aug. 1-4ei Twenty Mililon Miles thuTio A - • • r.fr• . , \Vsn. Hopper vIc Holliday passed off very "etly in town this year. There was itYall game- in the afternoon when Dashwood Tigers played our Lumber Tbe former ithi showed their teeth and down- , the locals 8-5, and at one time e.score stood .5-0. But the Kings et, busy and put over three runs to the garne not look too badly: lie season is about over and will be Oen :going into .playoffs. The day as ideal for playing ball and a fair crowd was Gut to see the game. Agricultural Office News Clinton, Aug. 2,'57 CROP REPORT — During the ast Week over half of the wheat •reepin the County was threshed or ged and most farmers report a qisfactoryyield although some ain, i5 a. rather small sample. tinuedehot weather the oats • e ed very SPORTS AND COMICS Two. Shows — 7.80 and -9.30. 4tIfr TAKE THE FAMILY TO Starlit° DRIVE-IN THEATRE Aug. 8 - 9 The Search For Bridey Murphy Teresa Wright 10-4 •,, 5 Miles East of Grand Bend 8.5 Miles West of No. 4 Highway on Crediton Road Thurs., Friday • Starring— Louis Hayward Sat., Monday Helen August Of Troy (Cinemascope) Starring— Rossana IPodesta I3 eaverl 1:Gar]l Tues., 'Wed. August 1 Artists And Models ' Starring— Dean Martin Jerry Sunset DRIVE-IN GODERICH 114 miles east of Goderich on Nsa. •8 Highway Thurs., Friday Aug. 8-9 FRONTIER MARSHALL Randolph Scott Nancy Telly :Cartoon COInetTY NOMAS BEAUTY SHOPP1E • FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223 • Zurich NORMA STEINEA.CH Prop, ,...............mod..u.'0.;43.7.smse,wesmampswoomtsciammumommasmowa.,=====momr=mack..v.vrammememamiq, Chester L -Sraith, Publisher. Subscription in Canada, $2.fill Subscription U.&&,, Year RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loorn, Made tx Order —..SETH 0. AMENS, Zuri Oht. Phone 128. A40 es qE oats ave een cut Saine of the early oats and barley ve been threshed. Aftermath on..fielas of red clover wliich were cut in June have made very Show a heavy blseam. If sufficient rapid growth and at present number of bees are available to pol- linate the ,clover there should be a very good •crop of clover, particularly ion the early fields... FIRE. AT1-1.ENSALL Early- Wednesday- qnorning, about two •a'elock the local- fire siren sent out its blasts and warning of fire and .seon, witkum a. few minutes the fire brigade was on its way to Hensall, as a call had come in from there that a fire had started in one of the L. Mickle and San elevators, up in the upper department. The Hensall, Exee ter, Seaforth, and Zurich brigades were soon on. the job and fortunately it had not advanced too far and the firemen were able to put it out. The amount of the damage is unknown. And it was a good thing it was put :out as several valuable buildings were in. the immediate vicinity. The cause of fire is, unknown. -'' A large number of the clan atten- ded the Annual Thiel Reunion at Kit - en Monday. S.unday was the annual day of the Kalbfleisch reunion, and about a hundred, of .the relatives gathered at Cederbrook Park, Bronson Line, Which is owned by Mr. Ivan Kalb- ,b6sch of Zurich. A very interesting tatetogether was enjoyed. Miscellaneous Shower Saturday, Monday Aug. 10-12 LAWLE$S BREED Rock Hudson Cartoon Comedy Aug, 13-1.4 Tues., Wednesday "TERROR SHIP" Williasn Liandigan Cartoon Comedy On August lst, at the home of Mr and Mrs Fre,d. Haberer, Jr., a shower was held be honour of Marilyn Haberer. Mrs„ Fred Haberce, Jr., and Mrs Keith Westlake acted es hostesses, showing moving pictures and providing a delicious hutch for their guests. The address to the bride -to -he was read 'by Mrs. Wes. Hugill and the gifts were 'brougrit to Marilyn on a decorated wagon pulled by Christine Haberer and Elaine WeetIake. The following. week on Augnst 110th, a shower with the younger relatives and friends or the bride-eleet in attendance, took plam at the home of yr and Mrs. Earl Thiel. Carole Thiel and Kathie Kalb- fleisch were the hostesses providing group -entertainment and lunch. The address was read by Kathie Kalb- fleisch and the basket of gifts was carried by Carole 'Thiel. At both rn'ecellentous showers, the bride-to- be replied thaelting her friends ad relatives for the lovely gifts and ,z inviting them te nee them taleplayed at her hame„, Two Shows Nightly. jt show at dus Children under Itl! in cars Pres 1 Phili ve THE WORLD'S FINEST ELECTRIC SHAVER • NOW 25% FASTER WE CARRY A STOCK OF PHILI SHAVE, SUNBEAM SHICK AND RONSON COME IN AND TRY ONE OF THESE SHAVERS A. G. CERTIFIED ESS. WATCHMAKER and JEWELLEL ZURICH - ONT. °in 0 rr Many Hosts For Dependable Heat Winter Long, Call: j LORNE E. HAY LOCKER SERVICE - ROE FEEDS Phone 111 .d.tlisALs5 inini.atIMS117MITIubmillOse.IttSiCSINZZO11:1=71TIMPC97119611:MEEMOWEINIZIMMITZMWIZtodca=12E621t/It . 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 codmeass aeow4'5..E`Ie8*elEsaSeef/tetatSootDefmlg,-tmatBOS~M 10.U* tt4,14t31 Licensed Embalmer Private Car Hospital Bed and .0WERS FOR 5 and Furter Director Ambulance Service Wheelchair for Rent ALL OCCASION5 a. • TELEPHONE: Yk611,444101LSerMei RES. 89W 85.J, ZURICH 44,149e.osteePotowoomoorpecaotaetiassWessoe 4.• 411 5 eelAgl'IStG)00 =ETZUWEMWOMMMENIMMEWIZal 11 ore SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK -END Aylmer choice Canned Peaches, 15 -oz. can....21e Muffets, 2 pkgs. ******* Sugar, 10-1b. Bag ......... ......... ............... 1.19 Chase & Sanborn Instant coffee, 60 -oz jar —.1.1 9 Banana Cake Mix, 5 Rose, per pkg. 78c 4g; se PRODUCE WANTED, itaXiattlfilakii*M=OZ..re=.11=1., ' AMICIIIIIWORIMRTMOM tiMPEEMNIMMUMN 115s Zilittell Flame 10 zeivin,==itismfflogreomm SEE US FOR YOUR REQUIREMENTS ler an Of Binder TANI Grocery Specials Nabob Coffee, 1-1.6. Jello Instant Pudding, 2 for Kellods Corn Flakes, large at e 89c 19c /5c y FRESH GROCERIES IN STOCK THE BLAKE STORE Schwartzentruber, Prop. Phone 1