HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-07-25, Page 5ZURICH ONTARIO ZURICH I IER.A , '• ZURICH HERALD Authorized as wand class mail.., ALVIN WALPER tart (Mee Department, Ottawa. PROVINCI A I. Licensed Auctioneer ibr. your Sale, large 'or small; Court - and Efficient 'Service at all ewes. Phone 57 r 2. DASHWOOD N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Maio Street — Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday ELL , LAUGHTON LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Gid Koehler visited with her sitters in Bayfield on Thursday. !Mr and Mrs (Gus Roche sof i,onIon, spent the week -end visiting relatives in this viti'r itY. Miss Emma Dinsanore of London, was a visitor with Mr and Mrs. !'hos Dinsmore. Miss Elva Rapp ,of Ailsa Craig is. visiting relatives and friends in this: vicinity, Miss 7+.rlcene 'Gingericlt had a sl:lc- ceissful tonsil operation at the Clin- ton Public TSospital and ,pleased to report is getting along nicely. MT atnd IIVITS Alan ,Swarteentr.eber and family of New Ilaaniburg were recent visitors with relatives and friends•in this vicinity, Miss Joan'Qin(gerich of Ailsa! Craig Is spending a .few !weeks at tire'home of her grandparents, Mr and Mts. Chris. Exile Mr and ;Mrs reberence Sopha ;and BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS & farriitly sof Detroit spent their vacat- NOTARIES PUBLIC (ion with Mr and Mrs Alex. Meiding- E,L•A,IER D. BEVT-i, `Z:C• er clew ioheir way frown. -Pelee Island. PHONE 4 'Mrs. Amelia Sehraedbr east of EXETER C. V. LAUGHTON, c3'neadac9„ 2 to SS p.m. et Zurich, At Township C1ezk's Office CONTRACTING MOBILE DISPOSAL 'Reptile Tank Cleaning , Repairs on Drains, Watermwins, Etc. 'New Instalattono on Cernent Septic Tanks, Drainage Tile and Drains 2105 Grand 13end 20'5', Fore Appointment. Daslieatood 27 r 13 J. NORMAN COWAN Titookkeeping and Income Tax Service °Sarepta' Drs. COXON & LEITCH VETERINARY SURGEONS Ditios with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store - ZURICH none 96 — e Hay P. 0. R-ONALD G. MCCAN N PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT l!boues: 561 Office Royal Bank Bldg. 455 Res. Ratenbury Se CLINTON ONTARIO G. B. CLANCY Optometrist -- Optician (Successor tohee)A. L. e ' (iele. optometrist)have 33, a • tents P For appotn.L Goderich - Ont. ARTHUR "RASERm hr_tcorne Tax Report's '¢3ook oolekeeping Service, Etc. 1,,1- EXETER t c , GT - Corner Ann, William Sts• Phone Exeter 504 MEAT M ABET WITH MEATS of the BETTER KIND For Over 50 Years YUNGBLTIT BROS. town, who was a vi:aitor at Rochester N. York :State has returned to her home, 1.1tr and ':VINs. Wm. T{. Dougall o Hensall spent a few days at Barrie, where Mr. Dougall attended the Weed Inspectors' Convention. Mr and Mrs Emmett 'Bannon an family of London; Mr and Mrs. Ed gar Masse and girls of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. John Atrbin, were visitor with Mr and 'Mrs Alex Meidinger. Mr and Mee. Wm. O'Brien, Jr, Uhridal couple) have returned fror their wedding trip and spent the we ek-er(d with the former's parents, M and Mrs. LeRoy O'Brien. Mr and Mrs. Ames Gingerich, :1'T and Mrs Roy Gingerich, 'Mr and 1'1r. Joe 'Baech1er, Mr and Mrs Ivan Bee •shier., and Mr and MTs. Wm. Daec. ler attended the funeral of Mrs. Gascho in Michigan, Friday last. IMr and Mrs Seth Amenes and Mr. !Chris Gascho; Mr and Mrs Amos Gascho and kr. Clarence Gascho ro •oently attended the funeral of a re lative at Emily City, Mich. Returned from Hospital Mrs. Chris Erb returned home flan St. Joseph's Hospital, London. flee: many friends wish- her' a speedy re covert'. Mr and Mrs Lennis Callfas an Miss Elda Calfas of Kitchener vis ited at the homes of Mr and Mrs Alf. Meliek and Mr and Mrs. Wes Merner over the week -end, also tak ing in the Merner reunion at Bay- field on Sunday, Mr and Mrs. Jacob Meyer, Mr and Mrs. Ernie Frederick of Kitch- ener, Mr and Mrs Peter Gingeriel of Baden, were Sunday visitors a the home of the former's sister, Mr Lydia exitigeric1i, and tMr. and Mrs Jacob Gingerich, of Zurich. 57 — ZURICH ]phone COMMUNITY THE SERVING — O'Brien's Produce Mr and Mrs Franklin Corriveau Mr and Mrs Radolph Corriveau, Mr and Mrs Alex, iMeidinger called o their brother, IMr. Leo C,orriveau, o Goderich who is seriously ill to Viet oria Hospital, London Farmers are busy again with th fine wheat crop that is being harees• ed after the heavy rains early in t 'week. Nothing looks nicer than t golden fields of wheat before t' I sickle is net thereto. A •considerate amount has already been threslie the yield and sample are botn vel good, in fact above the average. Mr and Mrs Asa ,Steckle and fan ily of the Bronson line. spent t week -end on a motor trim re Fort London Stewart. 150 nli1ee north of Toronto. was the They also: attended the Kaste" — Chrfctophers Smith weddii" at Markham. MIPs six danehtPi . Smith is the da,�^'Nte, of lMi and Mrs Mrs Morris Scott and Pars. Lloyd LINE FOREMAN —HAY MUNIC- John Saint of .Merl ham. Several beard of Varna: Mis. H. K. Br�n'itt1, IPAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM other vcl:lti�'PC of this area ales) at- 'Heard Stratford; and �rsrs. Keith eevid tended the wedding on Saturday. of 'Clinton; three 4}ai111catlt)nit a Highest Cash Prices Paid for CREAM- ;;,, EGGS - and OU.TRY LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor PHONE 101 — ZURICH Zurich Creamery FOR SALE d s n r r h 1 d 1 t t- h'- he ri0 to hc. Offering for sale foe one week only, 200 Red Rock or Red Sussex Pullets, ready to lay -- Neil Ginger- ich, Phone 90 r 2, Zurich. 1* FOR QUICK SALE ' A one year old Holstein Bull. Ap- ply to (Stanley .Sander, Phone 94 r 22, Zurich. 2te FOR SALE A 7 -ft. Massey Barris Binder, ire working condition. Apply, 'Merino 'Steckle, Phone Hansall '698 r 13. * NOTICE I am in a position to do Weed spraying on grain and ,coins. If 111- terested, contact Arthur J. McClit]- ohey, Phone 97 r 7, Zurich, R,R,2. FOR SALE One Universal Combination bale and grain elevator, 32 -ft. long, car be used by power take -off from trac• tor, gas or electric . motor. —Rader '& IM'ittleholtz. 2tc ' NOTICE FOR RENT Summer"`Cottage, has three oed- rooms. $25.00 a week. Apply t( Philip Durand, Phone 98 r 4, Zuriel Farm Equipment NEW MILDMAY THRESHERS, aisc used Threslers, patent straw cutters and shredders, grain thrower: belts; Mildenay Threshers do a. good. ;job in grain - :Seed and beans. .GSA':' out prices and terms. LOBSINGER BROS., Mildni,y;Ont.6 HONEY FOR SALE No. 1 Clover Honey for see, 25 cents per lb, in .Customer's con- , tainers, J. HABERER & SONS, 3 blocks south of Hotel.'` '.•• Property For Sale In Zurich, consisting of a '4rull 2 storey brick Dwelling in r finch, located opposite St. Bonifacd Murch has a full lot. Also two lotus '4,Liectle north of Josiah Geiger's pi' perty For further particulars contaa eithe: 14Ielvin or Nor -than Overholt, fl" R.2 Zurich. - '• c • FOR SAS:; 115 acres of 'standing• oaf : `ppl. • to Wm. Dietrich, Zurich. n - - f Farquhar - Stepbatt`. The wedding was solemnized i Wesley TTnited Church, TDoncon. o e July 6th when the Rev. Johii W. t Stinson united in marriage Margate Marie Stephan, dauehter Of Mn Pearl Hooper, of Exeter, forrnerl of Hetrall. end the late OttoStel.ha to. Gordon Farquhar, son oft' Mr an 1, 1 rs. Alex. Farm'I'ar of Toronto. y OBITUARY Thomas C. F.,1.,.,.. Passes— ,1,- Thomas Ch:risttouher Parker, f' Varna, died in Victoria H,snite on beloved Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association For artificial insemination infor- :nation or service from all breeds of :tittle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at. Clinton 3u 2-3441 between 7:30 and 9;30 I.M. We have all breeds available - op quality at low cost. Farmers! SAVE OVER 15% ON SPECIAL (PACKAGE DEAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Complete Automobile Coverage For First -Class Farm -Owner Risks Farmers' Comprehensive Liability Protection Liability Coverage for accidents ar- ising out of the existence of use of your farm property, farm operations, animals and unlicensed vehicles on, Highways. In addition to your own personal activities and those of your family. Premium as low as 6.50 Ann. For Full Particulars apply to Thursday. July lzstn, rie Dyed hushand , of. Alice on survives besides Naicatn, Sark: J. W. HABERER General Insurance Phone 161 - Zurich, Ont FOR RENT Store or Office Space for Rent. Aipply to Reg. G. Black, Manager Hay Township Fanners' Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Zurich. tfn FOR SALE Good hardwood Slabs $3.00 per cord — Fred. C. Kalbfleisch & Son Ltd. tfc TOWNSHIP OF HAY LAPORTE MUNICIPAL DRAIN Sealed Tenders will .be received by the undersigned Municipal Clerk until 6.00 pen,, Monday, July 29th, 1957 for the construction of the LaPorte Municipal Drain, consisting of approzimately: 830 lineal feet of tile drain. 4 ,Catch Basins. 1 Junction Box. 212;Q lineal feet of 10" dia. C.M.P. in place "Andy's" Lunch FISH & CHIPS and LIGHT LUNCHES Try Delicious York Ice Cream for Picnics and Parties, in Bricks, Half Gallons and 2' Gallons C. ANDERSEN B.A. Station - Dashwood OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Brady C eaners & . Laundeteria Ltd. - . Exeter Complete Sanitone Cleaning Laundry and Storage Service Pick up Mon., back on Thurs. Pick up Thurs., back on Monday. (Local Agent) EARL OESCi-1 Barber Shop - Zurich 10 Permable Weirs. Plans and specifications may be seen and tender .forms obtained at the offices of the undersigned or a complete set of plans and specific- ations may be obtained by writing to the Engineer and enclosing• a deposit of $5.00 (deposit not re- fundable) . A marked cheque made payable to the. Treasurer of the Tmenshlp of Hay for 10% of the bid thus: ac- company each tender. Lowest or any Tender not neces- sarily accepted. C. P. CORBETT, P. Eng. Box 75, Lucan, Ont. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk, Treas., Township of Hay, Zurich, .-Ontario. �tc APPLICATIONS WANTED two of ; 1e brothers, Pei°^' N. flak; Jack and Wim., Bayfield; al - On Fishing 'rein. Me srs. Gordon and. Stanley Smith so five sister, Mrs. E. Featherstone of the�.-Rl„e Hater Highway spent and Mrs. Rennie T erasotl, Hayfield: eel=oral dans with•. Mr and Mrs Ward Mrs King, Sarnia: Mrs, Georoe Reid Fritz et Georgian Inlet, Parry Sound verna: and Mrs, Tem Smit!(-. London. They did some very profitable fi.i]tne The remains rested at the K. We -st- eed treated their aunt and encle.the 'lake Funeral FTnme. Zurich until Sat- pitbiishers of the Herald with some urd ay. Tnty 20, when retn�o•en1 was 'made to Trinity Anelican :Church, very lovely fish, ready for the uel Bavfield. where public service wee treat. you, boys, for this lonely held with interment in the ,Bavfeld treat. Cemetery. Rev. Harriston. officiated. Survivor Of Gas Peril CONDUCTING CAMPAIGN The other day the London Free The campaign of the nch of Press had a veryReginald Ilkley of11ptive Latnbethrture arel of the Canadian Legion to raise former resident of Zurich pictured money for the �pnreha.,e of more .yfck- rootn •eattipment for loan througgltont 111 front of his house furnace showing Huron County, 1s pl'0°']�"SSilltg slowly, that during a gas deficiency the pilot and with a little difficulty in some lights in that area' went out. and reedonr, when the pressure rese again the Vas This sick -loon! equipment, which would estane m11)111 -fled chick is dis- lnrlucles eight ((!tool c11ai1s, seven estrous to htnnan beings. Mr. Tllsley hospital lied, and mw invalid walker immediately .notified police incl a warning was sent around in that arta is almost contfnu 111c in use, and the tO all gas mete not to tamper with Legion is very dY irious of. nd41i1 the '.gas burning equipments es the vie- more pieces to thele ,niggly. T} (laic burned ens was dangerous. In doing these Nieces have been used in al- . se iMr. Miley might have savedsomr most all parte i Iives either by explosion or gas pois- oning. Your Home Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID PLUS A PREMIUM FOR DELIVEED CREAM.. WE ARE EQUIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT ACCURATE SERVICE. EGG AND POULTRY DEPT. IN CHARGE OF' THOS. MEYERS Chas: Minshall, Proprietor Western Farmers' Mutual - Weather InsuranceCo. OF WOODSTOCK Mg LARGEST RESERVE BAL• .NOE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- re called for the position of line foreman of the Hay Municipal Telephone -System, The duties to be foreman over line main- tenance, re -construction, new eon- etru•otion and maintenanceof the Zurich, Dashwood and Grand Bend Centrals, and all work connected with the running of the System. The Hay Municipal Telephone 'System to supply the truck and equipment. Foreman to be hired on a yearly salary basis. Applicants to state qualifications and yearly salaryexpec- ted. Applications to be in the hands of the Clerk of Hay Townshi,p'by Wed- nesday, July 3lst, 1957 at 6.00 pan. Lowest or any application not nec- essarily accepted. H. W. BROKENSHTRE, Clerk, Treas., Township toftHay, Zurich, Ontario. SECRETARIY - TREASURER Applications are called for .tile 4 i 4 0 P 4 a t 4 t a 9 4 a See 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 8 0 4 Thursday, July 2 -5th, 1957 READ on. the table %Ir the meal is read. r Be Your Menu Maker! YOUR BAKER not only supptiee delicious wholesome bread for your table—bread for your recipes..Out of his fragrant ovens come all man- ner of mouth-watering goodies to crown the menu of every meal t Flag- rant Coffee Cake and Cinnamon Buns for b e..':cfast.. luscious fruit -filled treats for luncheon..piping hot Par ker House Rolls for dinner. Bread in variety, too, for snacks any tint of day or night. So don't get v¢rink, les worrying about variety in meals -- let your baker be your menu maker, See what's on his tray today! l � styes s.kery PHONE 100 — ZURICH YourBadware ore WE SUGGEST— Have a look at our Paints, and select your r_oher and kind suitable for your need. We carry the usual full line of Shelf and Heavy Hardware Us for your Heating Equipment or New Bathroom. W e Specialize in:— PLUMBING n:— PLUMBING - HEATING - TINSMITI-IINC Rader & _ tfleh ltz a�° era Phone Zurich - 63. 4 4 8 e 8 4 4 4 4, 4 Q 0 4 4 4 0 1 4 se e 3 4, Died At London • Mrs. .Matilda (Hildebrand) Zettel, +horn 70 years ago at Zurich, lived at 'PA G"(Dit+IPANY I�oING 1•tUSTNiISS Port Stanley, wen* to T.ondnn „le Mr. Merchant! The Most Effective Medium through which Adv- ertisers Sell their Goods -- Take Advantage of it, It's a Volume of Facts -- your Newspaper. It is the thoroughfare which carries the news of your com- munity into your home. It renders indispensable service to the home -maker, the worker, the busin- essman. It is the crossroads where customer meets merchant learns his story, buys his Goods. It is a leader in your home -town, a champion of democ- racy the voice of the people. A few cent a week will bring it into your home. Don't wait for your neighbor to lend you his. 4001103111001300.1111 0 04 0 0 0 e 0 a 6 • • • • ]ezition as Secretary - Treasurer of. 1'tv of the 1'otlnty 111(6. nor 1 Frei, r, God:'rmch, Seaforth, Bltttt, the Hay Municipal Telephone System, 4e Dashwood, Dublin, Z'tr'icll, TTeneall, to he hired on a, yearly basis. AP -1 at+ Lneknow, Auburn and Clinton reg. plicae s o statequa iic'ntioes and i 1 lions. The equipment 7, available re -n1U1 . without c heree, to any person ne d- Loweet o1 any application note lnl; it. 'There is 110 di(Terent e made nereseallily accepted. in pri'rity, whether the applicant lis Applications to o be inhi ]the hanIIas of 1 the Clerk of the 1 tno..,itthn , i lives in town or c•nunt'}. If Heron Zurich, Ont., by Wednesday, Jt11,r ee OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO ..ye years ago, died �t Victoria dTrl-i/ita?„ t T,i+i'�itm mower or -' RATES ON APPi;,TCA.TTON London. Twice married, tt�iclyr;,• of Peter Zettel. �. Vi\'efl by On(' dingle -10)11/1h- (wnl,ttlt"- 7't's1,1,.,., i+ in nerd of 'r1:e11 �l'.lt+t, til:) 7 at 6.00 }).lit. I ete1 7.'ettel.. ul 1 F. KLOPP " ZURICH 1 tel, 1411•s, Ridley, Detroit; two wee-, 1 euuim cent, and if there is some not ` I_; W. Itlt(ltrLN4,Il11)1 AGENT I Laird Zettel, Detroit and (.eerge i} in use, that is all that 1s 1e uh gid. IN LIGHTNING Pope, Port Stab) s% i i ' •r nilr•; 1 Tf in neer( 1111on,'(tt1'21�it i {1i me r. R l tl: rk, 'Teas., 'i'own-hip •c t Ilay. DEALER , Stables% $ •: . W ALSO FIRil 41a1';,' Knott.OWen $initl+.i. i�'unrriti 1 Clinton i,i C :rt' 11111 1,7 • I „ic?ls Ontario. PODS AND ALL KINDS OF Y r ( i or 01 1 '' ..:•, :,t, :,,,., ,"r) •io ii1v lJrll�iVC)v r wee ee .t.+G, e; AA. . er SEED GRAIN AND GRASS SEED EARLY SUBSTANTIAL DISCOUNTS ON FERTILIZER FOR EARLY DELIVERY TRY OUR NEW HOG WARMER FOR RESULTS Hogs Shipped Tuesday and Thursday Cattle on Saturday Hensall District Co C p. Zurich 220 Phone Hensall 115. 1 is 't` a.a 2 3 4 et 4 4 404 c4 e 4 43 .06 s ..3.b**9.....bbe.$*4 e. 0* •0 Os 6 460100 10. t»t a ane