HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-07-25, Page 41. 0r. 4 4 • ZUR1CH ONTARIO NORTH Guaranteed Life Income WITH ASSURANCE MEANS THIS TO YOU —It creates an immediate cash estate —It guarantees a monthly life income —It provides freedom from invest. went worries. —It guarantees the privilege of re.. tirings when you want to, North American Life's Pension Plan guarantees the largest possible secure income at the time it is needed, ow- ing to loss of health' disabilitY, pre- mature death or olddage. Harry H ffman AMERICAN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY A Mutual Company All Profits for Policyholders Phone 70-W Dashwood, Ont. T I C Destroy q" ttr eecis aballeallell Property Owners in sub -divided portions in Huron County, are hereby notified that all noxious weeds must be destroyed before going to seed. After July 26th, 1957, proceedings will be taken in all neglected areas in accordance with the Weed Control 'Act. W. R. DOUGALL, Huron County Weed Inspector. k$,:z.kra -.eta eve Seseemeesesemseessa Only 10% Down 18 Months to Pay Write Today for Details Yes, you too can enjoy all the conveniences of running water now, while you pay for it during the next three years. The Emco Budget Plan will cover Duro pump, tank, pipe, kitchen and bathroom fixtures, taps in all farm buil.,4"- —••-n „wigs p] We will be glad to give you a free estimate of the cost of labour and materials. Phone or come into our shop and see how really inexpensive running water the DURO way can be. 4 Stade & Weido ZURICH — ONTARIO • gm Of • • wtth 10.000444mmose.44, fieforlateolewsnento EMCO - LIMITED° * Formerly Empire Brat, Mfg. Co. Limited 37-02 111•911392M1119.111191 • 1 1 • • 1 • 0 • • 0 0 • 4 44 44 • 4 4 4 4 4 000011001=70m-ritmermmeronwrmantaes0014.0000ttomervxneutememattnetagraimormlso 1St Joseph & Btue Water •Area Miss Doloris Denomme of the Blue Water Highway left on ,3undey for Detroit where she will apsed a few *weeks visiting with relative. (Mr and Mrs Leon Dedeal, in com- pany with Mr and 'Mrs. .aihhael Masse 'Motored to London on Sunday. (.01- ing on parents in St. JoSesph's Hosp- ital. Mr. Anthouy Denomme of :Kitch- ener was a visitor in thi4. eeleabour- hood the past waA end. Mrs. These:se Theeman to Ann aiifiel7tat4 of the Goshen Li rw 0 a.eee suiteevening visit W ith the formers •parents, Mr and :WI's. eps, reee'artne. tir 'Morley Fournier and ZURICH HERALD has ,ceased, it was a delay te the early harvest such as wheat and bar- ley. But as the' land was beginning to be very dry, it has relieved that and will freshen up the late 'crops, also help the hoe .crops; it will also clear up the sticky air lof the past week. Mrs. John Wilson and daughter of Simcoe ,called at the home of Mr. and Mrs Fred Ducharme on IMonday, enroute to Grand Bend, ... Comment— Customer: "Have you anything for gray hair?" Druggist: "Nothing but the great- est respect!" HAY COUNCIL HAY COUNCIL The regular monthly meeting of the Hay Township Council was held in the Hay Chambers Zurich, on Tu- esday, July 2nd at 8 pan. The reeve called for the reading of the minut- es of the last aneeting and special meetings, after which the roffowing motions were passed: That the minutes of the June 3rd and 17th meetings 'be adopted as read. That since Mrs Fanny Bender has resigned as caretaker of the Town- ship Hall effective June 30th, 1957 we -call for applications -for the pos- ition as ;caretaker. Tenders to be in by July 9th. That we give a grant of $300.00 to the Perth-Huran Canadian Cancer Society. That since Herb Keller hats, c oth- pleted the tile drainage as pr -Act, we authorize payment of $7.00.070 him. This being 75% of ithe actual cost. That we gurantee the CorporatiOn of the Town of Exeter for 'autheri:2'-! ed fire calls into Hay Township . at the rate of $50 for the first hour o,*1. $(4.00 for each additional hour tihe're after. That we authorize Donelly,i'.& Donnelly, Solicitors, to prepare deeds for the purchase of land from land- owners in :Ray Township needed ..to widen the Blind Line, Con. per agreement. That we give a grant .of $190ato the Hay Township AgricultUrals4e- iety for 1957. • That 'we authorize the Clerk siakrie longer sign for insulin and • a:hat Township payments for same seaSe. That accounts for Hay 'Tiwpsi:i1Ods and general accounts be paicraaper vouchers presented. V. L. Becker, Reeve. • H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk. HENSALL 'Carolyn -Aikenhead, of Mt and Mrs Wan. Aikenth4, undergo .eye surgery at Victeriat•iOs- pital, London over the w'eek-en, July 28th. Dr. Dyson, eye S'.1ift-2 alist, will perform the operation, s • The condition of Mn C. L. jihks, who is a patient at South Huron*os- pital, Exeter, following two stret..cee, has greatly improved. • l', Mr and Mrs. Clarence McNaught and Jackie, spent the week-end:in Listowel. Died at Exeter— Bride -Elect Honored Complimenting Miss Margaret Ker - cher of London, whose marriageto Janes Henry Jordan of Port SteWart, Northern Ireland, will take plade at Exeter on Saturday, July 27th,Some 76 relatives, neighbors 'and frAnds honored her at a presentation 'held at the home of her parentS, Mt aid Mrs Herb Kelleher, of Kippen1- Friday, July 12th. The bride-alect was the recipient f massy levety and costly 4ift,s, . ...:- Puhlio • Services for the late 'Mrs. Eliza Sane Horton Cole, highly este,6nied and oldest reeideta of Heheall, who died at the PAYlkood Nursing Horne, Elietet;', Ntednesd.ay, July 17th, evaril held from the Bon- thron Funoral Chapel, Friday 19th, conducted by Rev. Donald MacDon- ald, of Carmel .Church, in the absence of Re -v. C.D. Daniel who is tut vacat- ion. Mrs. Cole in her 9.5th year was born on the 'Boundary, and has made her home with her son and daughter- in-law, Mr .and Mrs Wrn. Cele of Hensall for acane years. She was a member of Hensall 'United Church. Her husband, the late lisbert Cole, passed away in '1037. One son, Wil- 1ia grandson Alvin of Cromarty, and two great grandchildren survive. Burial took place in Mc:Taggart% ce- metery. nod is designed to assist .congregati- CMS with their total youth program including devotional services, topic presentations., service projects, reerea tional and fellowship sessions, mem- bership, etc. The five -fold iprogram of the Walther League. Worship, Ed- ucation, Fellowship, .Service and Recreation will be explained to ad- ults and youth of the Church, As trained workers, the visiting Caravaners will help the •congregat- ion .meet its ehallenge among the youth of our community. They will visit in homes of the Leaguers ,present new and different projects for Leaguers to do, teach new forms of wholesome recreation, hold a worship with the officers to review and explain their duties, re- sponsibilities and leadership techni- ques, present topics an personals and society worship, and help the Leagus eras plan their program for the next three months. Members of Zion Lutheran Carav- an Committee are: Brenda Becker, Glen Rader, and Drane Kraft. The Caravan tearns next visit will be .at St. .Philip's Lutheran Church, De- troit, Mich. • Mr and Mrs. .Rudolph ;Miller and alr- and .Mrs Reinhold Biesenthal .spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ken- neth Clark of Dresden. Mr and Mrs Glen Brown of Kitch- ener spent ISun6y with Mr. William 7eMilal-s.. Ivan Taylor and daughter of Waterloo spent Saturday with her family of London spent the past week's 'vacation ,with the later's par- ents, Mr and Mns Ed. CorriveauThey are..eaending this week in the Ipper- wash district along the lake at that point. Michael Masse Jr. of London, was a Sunday last visitor with Mr and fie. Fred Ducharme on the 1. W. Highway. :41r and Mrs. Alex J. Masse of the 14th Con., paid a Sunday afternoon visit with eld timers on the 13.W.11, Mr and Mrs John Mochante and family of Vs'indser spent the week- end with Mr and Mrs Avila Dneberme of the Ti,W,H. Had Sig Rain— Tais Tuesday morning, at time of writ;ng the all day and night rain Dashwood Youth Caravaners Visit Dashwood Church. A team of Youth Caravaners will be the guests of Zion Lutheran. Ch- urch this week. The Young reople will travel for the Walther. League International Youth Organization and Official Youth program of the Lutheran Church, Missouri SYTiod• The fel:Lowing comprise the team: Miss Karla Tiohtz, o Bloomfield, Nebraska; :Robert Fiechtner of Far- go, North Dakota; and Miss Shirley Anderson of Minneapolie, Minnesota. Tho Cara -van prograel supported hy the Board of Young Peoph, work of the Luth•Tan parents, Mr and Mrs L. H. Rader Mr and Mrs E. Davidson of Port Huron, !Mich., spent the .week - end with Mrs M. Piefer. They' attended the Merner Reunion at iBayfield on Sunday. Thursday, July nth, Mr and Mrs Wendell 'Gamble mei family of London spent 'Sunday with Mr and Mrs Elmer Rader. Mr. Heil" 'Geiser of DearborreMiel4 visited with his brother, Chester ON week. a near as your telephone A COMPLETE TRUST SERVICE IN WESTERN ONTARIO Call RAYE B. PATERSON, Trust Offices netted', Ontario, Phone 51 For , Estate Miming and Wills o Real Estate Services • Investment Management and Advisory Service 51, Guaranteed Investments" . 3 9i on savings---neposics may be mailed Or Contact Any Offite Of GUARANTY T ,• • • ,• . • 1‘. 44. "",' ,c• • • UST COMPANY OF CANADA Toronto Montreal • Ottawa 'Windsor Niagara Falls Sudbury Sault Ste. Maria Calgary -• Vancouver Bayfield Lions Cl 414, ,?r,t '20,4.,"*:::76152M6V5=22 -atal.=50MIERAMMEINSONtiliiiiMinlaefty b 10th Annual COMMUNITY CENTRE GROUNDS — BAYFIELD. ES J ly lit. • BIG DRAW at 11 p.m. for 20 FINE PRIZES Tri -Light Floor Lamp Electric Clock Table Lamp Filtro Coffee Perculator Steam Iron Electric Kettle Electric Corn Popper Tickets 25 cents each or 5 T.V. Lamp Pair Bed Lamps Bathroom Scales Wheel Barrow 2 Lawn Chairs Lawn Cart Fishing Tackle Kit for $2.00, available atGrounds Lunch Cooler Ironing Board Barbeque Serving Cart Swivel Bar Stool Egg Serving Set on Night of Frolic ALSO THREE VALUABLE GATE PRIZES FREE RIDES FOR CHILDREN ort Merry -Go -Round Donated by Weston Bread Co, 1 RCAF STATION CLINTON TRUMPET BAND In Attendance L(TWO Men's Bali Game TEAMS) • BIG BINQO GUM GAMES of SKILL PONY RIDES, 'clock FIREWORKS ADMISSION: Adults, 25c; Children FREE! Proceeds for Bayfield Lions Community Work • t.,tttrt".1 t, L rite ".4,.t.$4, 4;4 , alliteeteem IM•t•r.•!.:*!•:*!04, A ale4MAMI! M.r. Justice Roy L. .Ketlock of the Supreme Court of Canada, and thairtnan of the Royal: Commission • irtvesti?•ating the diesel issue, rnseeste diesel locomotive in the Canadian Pacific Railway's St. tete hump tardel. treign yard as a prelimanAry to 1t o»enilig of ueariags at OzZawa on .&to.reit tea 4..