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Zurich Herald, 1957-07-25, Page 1
., ;�' established .1900 L ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 25 1957 Want to Make Friends? 1ghlight Your Holidays By Dancing NIGHTLY to the :BENTLEY-GARDINER ORCHESTRA at the AKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND Agricultural Office News Clinton, July 20th. tC OP REPORT-- During WPORT—During the past week approximat- ely .one-third of the wheat -crop in the County was cut with the bander f pan��a®n Theatre and many of the farmers . an to; thresh this wheat this week. Iiay- ing operations have ;been almost com- pleted. With the sunshine and ade- quate moisture supply corn fields in the County have made rapid growth. Last Wednesday a rather serious outbreak of Armyworm was report- ed in, a corn field in .McKillop Town- ship. The owner of this, particular field plans. to spray the Arinyworms. Conn is a •crop which will snake a remarkable recovery from the type of damage done by Anmyworm or by storms. Card of Thanks I greatly thank by friends who re- membered me with prayers, flowers, visits, cards and treats while I was a patient at St. Joseph's Hospital, London and at home, which I apprec- iated. Thanks again, — Mrs. Chris. Erb, MIRACLE FOOT -AID es THE a George Hardnaam Mr. Hardman will be At the MILT OESCH SHOE STORE MONDAY, JULY 29th. ZURICH -- Phone 82 or 130 10 A.M. TO 8 P.M. For over .25 years Miracle has been helping thousands to find new foot comfort and walking ease.. Now improved Miracle - is ready to show you what walking pleasure really is, no matte.- -£ your feet are in 'awful' condition now. FOOT COMFORT FOR AILING SICK —FE ET— Mit cle is ascnenk:fie remedy. It does not place a hard, d un- yielding support milder your feet, bu't', provides 'a soft, cushion - like spring, that 'exeeexses and strengthens your feet with every step you take. CLINICS. Zurich, Listowel, London, Hamilton, Brantford. GRAND BEND Monday, Tuesday July 29-30 Seventh Cavalry (Color) Randolph ,Scott Barbara Hale Wednes:; Thurs July 31, Aug 1+„ Beyond the Mombasa Return From West Mrs. Clara Jac:o'be and Mors. Hilton Trueminer have returned home from the %steam Provinces where they enjoyed several weeks with relatives (00,10r). and friends. Mrs. Melizza Geiger, Cornell Wilde Donna Reett? who accompanied them going, re- turned a week earlier. All report a Short Subjects and Comic Stri•ps..: 'splendid time. Nightly TWO SHOWS: 7.30. and 9.30 SPORTS Two Shows — AND 'COMICS 7.30 and 9.30., HAD PICNIC - REUNION The Pfile' :families held their an- nual picnic on 'Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Urban Pfile, 14th, +0oncession Hay, it (being the former Piffle honiet tead. A lovely time was 1elnjoyed. by all with the usual delici-• ,ous refreshments. — The Merner re- -" union plank was held at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield on Sunday with a TAKE THE FAMILY TQ ' sleiiidid attendance and a jolly time bent_; together, plenty of good food and everybody was happy. Starlito DRIVE-IN THEATRE 5 Miles East of Grand Banti 8.5 Miles West of No. 4 HghWa' on Crediton Road; -` ffi Thurs., Friday July 2t5• The Vagaborrci King Starring— OresteKathryn 'Greys+ (Cineanaseope) eo bese9ertrovvera ncoraeco a o•+tio o-ovo-e-oro o-ro a ovv o bs ravorro AT YOUR SERVICE NATION-WIDEI k A06.1430 of e deaiivinrey from home, get in touch with us before making eel erreagesef. Thoubit ear nation.wlde cannectiom, we have the facilities forlomees vase from pleb© of death to the linel4ntennenl, no matterw et/mei b *me &Wm T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home FUNERAL and A IBIJLANChone SERSERV ICE DASHWOOD ME < R Acus.owawAmotioaiaJe..oxosoA• $S >S easseanni Thiel's Supaiar Food. Market Thursday, Friday, Saturday Kelloggs Corn Flakes, Giant 1.6 -oz. pkg .. 29c Lushus jelly Pouders, 3 pkgs 26c Swift's Prem.. 12 -oz. tin . 44c Doles Sliced Pineapple, 20 -oz. tin 35c Peanut Butter,, 2 jars, 16 -oz. 49c MEATS MEATS Strome's Summer Sausage per Ib. 59c Check Our Advt. in the London Free Press every Thursday fcir1` Specials on Fruits and Vegetables Phone 140 - C. H. THIEL - Zurich Banker Being Moved Mr and(Mrs Grant Male, who were n a vaeaitid'n trip ,with their parents the ,Cornwall district, have return - to Zurich,.: Mr. Male has been :nsferred from -the Zurich Branch the Banle of, Montreal to the anover 'tbranch, • .and in. due thne move the •tfamily. there. We et •losing them as citizens of urich, .as they have made some ery warm friends. But promotion a' cart of the bankers life, and if :hey. do not receive this, well, they ;e on a standstill. Sat., Monday July 2Y71 SAFARA Victor Mature . ---2r xtizauW Janet- Leig Tuesday, Wed., July 3;0 Miracle In The Rain Starring— VON JOHNSON Sunset • Held A Party ! iLr • and Mrs Arnold Merner en- rtained; a number of friends and datives, at their home in honor of I .Mr. and Mrs. Wes Merner on Sat - 'day evening. Mr and Mrs Mer- er are about to leave for Europe, visit, ugith them daughter and hus- nd, Mr and Mrs Smith, (nee Joan rtaea),.whose husband was sent tcun Centralia Air Port and r... n. few..ear �'lra �C.e VA...et years', and I Merner were presented th a leather travelling bag and each ai.plastic raincoat. Greatly surprises` Mr and Mrs Merner replied very fit- tingly for this fine remembrance of 8 their friends. The occasion being a. happy one. ;Miss Donna Kerner, daughter of Mr and Mrs Arnold Merner will ac'coinpany thein. A grand social time with plenty of re- freshments was enjoyed and •a lovely ,evening spent together. All wishing them a safe trip and a good visit and safe return. Chester L. Smith, Publisher. Subscription in Canada, WEE it X Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.5410 NORMA'S BEAUTY. SHOPPE FOR AP`YOLNTME1 ''TS Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH reap. RAGS, RUGS and CARPET" On a New Modern Loom., Maw tite Order — SETH O. AMENS, Zurta* Ont. Rhone 128. 2 DRIVE-IN — GODERICH 1% miles east of Godericb on No. Highway Phili Shave THE WORLD'S FINEST ELECTRIC SHAVER NOW 25% FASTER WE CARRY A STOCK OF PHILI SHAVE, SUNBEAM SHICK AND RONSON COME IN AND TRY ONE OF THESE SHAVERS A. G. HESS CERTIFIED WATCHMAKER and JEWEI.r..71L ZURICH - ONT. Thurs., :(Friday July 25-2IG' :Diplomatic Courier Tyrone Power Patricia Neal Comedy — Cartoon Saturday, Monday July 27-29 Hidden Guns Brae Bennett Richard Arlen AND Spoilers Of The Plains ROY' RROGERS Tuesday, (Wednesday Conquest Of Walter Brooke Cartoon. — July 30-31 Space Eric Fleming Comedy Refreshments 2 Shows Nightly Children under 1,2, in Cars Free BROWNIE'S 4DRIVE-IN fl THEATRE CLINTON — ONTARIO T1u rg., Friday • July 25-26 That Certain Feeling (Colour) Bob Hope Eva Merit Saint (Two Cartoons) Saturday, Monday July 27-29 The Man Who Knew Too Much (Colour) James Stewart Doris (Cartoon) CHURCH SERVICE, SundayJul, 28 8.00 :pan --Rev. A. 'Mainline Day BASEBALL NEWS Mitchell ,Beats Zurich. Last Wednesday evening the Iocal iLutnlber Kings took their second de - eat of the season. when the danger- ous :Mitchell. squad came over and beat the ` local 7-2 on the home :diamond. Doug Aitcheson the Mit- &ell pitcher allowed three hits, fan- ned 12 Zurich batsmen and clouted a two -run homer in the fourth to al- most single handedly defeat the lo- cals. Arnie Meyers, the losing hurl- er, struck out 10, but the five -run outbreak in the fourth by Mitchell was too much to overcome. Zurich has now won 10 and lost 2, while Mitchell has won 9 and lost 3. Garhes up this week: 22 -Dashwood at Zurich (rain) 24—Zurich at Mitchell 2:9—,Clinton at Zurich Aug. 2—Zurich at Exeter. Falls In Well On Monday evening the Zurich fire siren sent out its blasts to let people know there was trouble some- where,which proved to be on the Blue Water Highway, south of St. Joseph a few miles, when our fire chief Milton Dietz headed the fire truck in his own car to the home of Leonel Wilder, where the Latter had been cleaning out the, hard water well and was on his way to the surf- ace when the chain broke and Mr. Wilder fell to the bottom of the 1.210 -foot well which had about a foot of water. Pant of the chain broke loose and fell on the man's bead in- flicting wounds which bled prones- ely. Not having a phone at the home, one of the •fannily ran to Dennis Charrett's a neighbour who Balled up other neighbours and the fire brigade. With presence of mind th neighbours on arriving used a strong rope which was tied to a tree and with the best of care Mr. Leonel was brought to the surface. The patient was rushed As Long As They're Happy Ito South Huron Hospital, Exeter, (Colour) where medical aid was given as sooa Tuesday, Wed. July 30-31 Diana Dors Gene Carson as possible. We wish the patient a (Two Cartoons) :'peedv re (!?e'er;', J in 0 .r Many Hosts For Dependable Heat Winter Long, Call: LO E. E. HAY LOCKER SERVICE - ROE FEE Phone 1E — NEN e a goat, lsvit* Licensed Em er and Funer Direr Private Car 'AmService Hospital .Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Sev • �r.ibhNn�.,p.,! TELEPHONE: RES. 89W . OR SW,�RICIiT ucky 11 tore SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK -END Orange Juice, Libbys, 48 -oz. can 29c '` Kelloggs Rice Krispies, 91/ -oz: pkg. 25c Royal Instant puddings, all flavours, 2 pkg; 19c FAB, King size, 35'c. off, per pkg. 9 1.15 Oranges, Sunkist 138's per dozen 35c PRODUCE WMTED. riEttan'lid 1 welch SEE US FOR YOUR REQUIREMENTS Of Baler and Binder Twine... Grocery Specials Nabob Coffee, 1-113. ..........................................89c Jello Instant Pudding, 2 for . 19c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, large at 25c. FRESH GROCERIES IN STOCK THE MAKE ST 'ME Ea Sehwartzent ru r, Prop, Phone 1T-17 -17