HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-07-04, Page 4ZURICH ONTARIO tem Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association Better Bulls Are Used" "'Where Our summer calling hours are now in effect. They are from 7:30 to 9:30 A.M. Clinton Hu 2-3441 Between 8:30 and 9:30 A. M. Better Cattle For Better Living. a ZURICH HERALD Huron Temperance Notes DEEP TRAGEDY "It is a deep tragedy when a nation lets distillers pick up the tabs for struggling cultural groups, in ex - j change for the .Opportunity ton exploit • for advertising purposes." • Just about a year ago Calverts s* wrote the famous letter to 3,9.00 at Dominion Festival supporters, which turned out to 'be a prize (boner. It read in (part, "Remember and sup- part Calverbe, for increased 'Calverts * sales means increased Calvert budg- 0 a • 0 • 4> Iscannenicsrasenseresseiremns Guaranteed Life Income WITH ASSURANCE MEANS THIS TO YOU —It creates an immediate cash estate —It guarantees a monthly life income —It provides freedom from invest. Client worries. —It guarantees the privilege of real tirings when you want to. North American Life's Pension Plan guarantees the largest possible secure income at the time it is needed, ow- ing wing to loss of health, disability, pre- mature death or olid age. Harry 11rot H NORTH AMERICAN A Mutual Company Phone 70-W LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY -- All Profits for Policyholders Dashwood, Ont. fix•:.A'.\.<. Only 1O% Dow —18 Months to Pays Orate Toddy for Details Yes, you too can enjoy all the conveniences of running water now, while you pay for it during the next three years. The Emco Budget Plan will cover Duro pump, tank, pipe, kitchen and bathroom fixtures, taps in all farm buildings plus installation. We will be glad to give you a free estimate of the cost of labour and materials. Phone or come into our shop and see how really inexpensive running water the DURO way can be. Stade & Weido ZURICH — ONTARIO EMCO`• LIMITED* * Formerly Empire Brost Mfg. Co. Limited 574)2 ets for the D.D.F." Mr, ,Ongley., writer of the letter, as we all know, walked the Vice Regal carpet and had to retract the letter. Once again these gentlemen are picking up the tabs for struggling culture groups, indirectly this time, The personel of the newly created• Canada Council for the Encoura1gem- •ent of the Arts and Letters includes Samuel Branfman of 'iSeagraan,s and E. P. Taylor of the Canadian Brew- eries Assac'iation. 'The Baptist -Chur- ches of B,C. in convention have ero= tested these appointments in a reso- lution declaring that they have caus- ed widespread disapproval and alarin- -Advt. 'Agricultural Office News Clinton June 39,',57 Crop Report — Haying operations have been delayed to (heavy rains. Winds and rain knocked the hay down which will make ',cutting a problem. nS(ome winter wheat has 'been lodged. Fall wheat ss Treaded well and should be an ec• erage• to above average crop. Early sown oats and barley are headed out. The bean crop appears to be average but t:he •conn crow is 'behind other years in; growth. Tt would appear that the ac- reage of huckines torn and silage corn will be greater than normal. Haying operations have been delayed by vet weather hut the pasture will be more adequate hut they could i stand high clipping to remove the (heads and pre -venting them from go- ing to seed. ' DASHWOQD family much including 2 vegetables frown your garden. Roll call for next meeting one vegetable I have served since the last uneeting and how, Everyone went to the kitchen where for a group project nve(washed, cook- ed and served spinach, The meet- ing eland with "The Queen" and Katherine and her mother served lunch, Holiday Visitors:— Miss Shirley Haugh, Miss Ellen Gilbert and Mrs. Carmen Eckmeier of Stratford vacationed at Honey Harbour last week. Mr and Mrs !Melton Wolper and girls of Ingersoll with !Mr and Mrs Philip ' Fassold. Mr and ,Mrs, Glen Wiper and family of London with relatives. Mr and Mrs Earl 'Stumpf and fam- ily of Iitchener with Mr and Mrs, Albert Miller. • Ur' and Mrs. Wesley Filkins and Janice of Howell, Mich., wrt:i Mrs. Wan. Nadiger. Mr and 'Mrs Wilfred Trcors and family of 'Barrie, with 'Mr and Mrs. Arnold Kuntz. Mr and Mrs (Murray Wolfe and fainly and Mr and M'rs George Wolfe To onto with IMxs. Wes. Wolfe. . `Robert Wein of Sudlbury with MI; !tHerb Wein. IMr and 'Mrs Robert •Stormes of •St.;phomas with Mr and Mrs Mervyn Tieaxian. loess Lois Geiser of Detroit and Rauand iMrs Bruce !Seelbach of Han- owith Mrs. Cora Geiser. & 31 Joseph Sz Blue Water Area :Again another National Holiday has gone by and many homes have been visited Iby thele children, relati- ves : or ,friend's. 'This holiday is known throughout the length and breadth of our land as the first of Jilt r, and as each suceeding year etc, by, more are taking the Devil- ed taking a day of. But as otliolz year goes by more lives are lost 'dismainly to more taking part with int re fast tray*elIing vehicles on the Rig ways and by -ways, with increas- ing speed. Regardless of authoh•ities i arnings issued days before the so - ed First of July they go unheeded nd the results it leaves the follow- ing dawn many !bereavecr families Dashwood W.l.— 's,ho perhaps in their homes unawar- 1 The June meeting cf the Nr. I. was } ' of the tragedy that has taken held Tuesday June efth, with the ,place, miles away. To that we can only share with those grieved ones in their moments' of trials, grief, and despair. Each year the death toll increases, and sends More young and brilliant Layette has !been sent to Toronto for lives to their eternal reward. You ay ask what to do? There is noth- ican be 1 done, dt has been pro- 4ed a Dominion Holi'd'ay, and it r ;good points, it is a day iany °'take full advantage of it 1 r leaving their homes, their places !business or other indoor work to get into the wide open air, others will offer a day out to their families to travel ion the most completed high - Ways with all its beautiful sceneries along the way; others take the occas- ion. of visiting their relatives, their loved ones or their friends; all of that has hal; been well warmed days 'before; and all that are natural de- sires; again you may ask can accid- &tits be averted, as we see it "'No" Twill be the answer, for our minds are Our greatest makeup and full of am- *ition and desires it keeps moving 'vyith us even in our deepest slumber. Therefore the real motive of an acci- dent has not always known at times our mind may be wandering in the far off w+hic+h leaves us helpless; to such persons at that time no guilt should be attached against thein, for theyd. are travelling in an unknown ban Notes .Mrs. Joserphine Dueharme, accoinp- anied by other members of tee fame ,c i president. 'ars. A. Kuntz presidinng•.. Roll Call was answered bynarntng a i child's book. It was decided to Ins trite the Grand Bend W I. to join in. the short course on salad inaking.The further judging. IMxs 'Syd• Baker, secretary, etary, reported on the ,conferenc ' held at Guelph. Mrs,,. C. Inesin ;eonvenoreof enshup and Education presided for th program. Mrs. H. ,Kellerman spoke 1 on "`It is not speech alone but how we speak that 'counts." Barbara Ko- ehler played a piano solo, Mrs. Ervin Schade read a poem, Mrs. A. Hopar- oroft spoke on articles on display !sent to her from different lands by her son Fred while he was on the good will tour. A 'survey on televis- ion programs was made by the ladies stating that they thought were good and had. The group in charge served lunch and the meeting closed with The Queen Dashwood Dart Doubers— The Garden Club with their lead- er, Mrs. Ervin Rader held their June meeting at the home of Katlherine Rader. Before opening the meeting the girls visited Katherine's garden and had a demonstration on thinning turnips. The presidnt opened the meeting' with all repeating the 411 pledge. Roll call was answered by naming a vegetable they had thinned. The. leader discussed vegetable diseases and weeds and insecticides. Suecess£ul planting were discussed Value of vegetables in the diet, str- essing Canda found rules, what to look for in. '..choosing vegetables. Home assignment gardening, (bring record book up to date; 31 start reference file; 41, prepare and serve other veg- etabies from the garden; 31 plan a 1600 mem will be watching you d ive this summer ATT Provincial Police Officers—using patrol cars, helicopters, motorcycles and radar— will be keeping a watchful eye on Ontario roads this summer. They aims to protect you, the travelling public, by encouraging obedience to the highwag laws. For your own safety and that of your neighbours, be careful whenever you drive. Stay within the Iaw and avoid inconvenience, as well as possible prosecution. It will be a more pleasant summer if you do. RNEY t�GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT a ONTARIO 11(4', Yom! o lid•«'� r,., • ti;:r oy c z:noa•44a A NATHAN COHEN Nathan Cohen, one of the country's most %eeetc dram criti;,•N, is moder- ator of the weekly production "Figh- ting Words" ." v kith wi'l continue on the ' (• lIC- i'z; con nesteel network Iduring !.lie suaziruer iT Lahti. ily motored to Goderich on Saturday last to be present with her daughter, Sister Frances Barurgia of London, who its spending a few days in God- erich. Mr and Mrs Thomas Brock, of London were camping . in their cot- tage over the week -end and July lst holiday. IMr and Mrs B. Quigley of Detroit after spending nearly a week in their summer cottage, returned to their home on Monday last. Mr and Mrs ,Morley Fournier and children of London aro holidaying Thursday, July l4 .81f with the later's parents, Mr and Mra Ed. Corriveau. Had Wet Spe11-- The past .week was a rather, we"r;. week and farmers were a h^t`tt de, . hayed by it, But at time off writing. the weather seems somewhat settled again. Cars and hundreds of then( travelled this B. W. Highway over. the first of July, the weather being - 000l, which made it comfortable for the outing, Mr. Thed Laporte and family of Windsor spent the week -end in %heli(; summer cottage at Laporte Grove'. FOR Pr' IT'S IT'S DEPENDABLE OTHER POPULAR WESTEEL FARM HELPS Stock Troughs Culverts, Hog Troughs Granary Lining 'Sew •4' Ribbed: ROOFI 1 and.M For longer lasting, better looking farm buildings cover theme with Westeel Galvanized or. Aiunxilzum Roofing and Siding,. Economical to use, Quickly,, easily • put on. Guards against: fire, weather, vermin, lightning; and decay. Cuts building main- tenance costs to the bone. FREE: ESTIM'i`TES gladly given. EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR A, REPAIR OR BUILD:NG JOB! Ventilators, Roof Lights, Ridges,, Valleys, Flashing, Nails. Ask for prices. Buy your Roofing Sheets where you con always gee additional sheets that match—when you want them, STADE & WEIDO Representatives for Zurich and District ,.._...�.--•.4444-- �-; • alive you Relatives., or Friends in Britain '�' planning la emigrate to Cemada?' • Here's a handy folder you can send them to help smooth their way.. Especially prepared to aid prospective new -comers to Canada from Britain, this folder "How to Transfer Funds to Canada" explains the steps that a person in the United Kingdom must take in order to comply with Britain's foreign-exchange regulations governing the transfer of funds {....,,_ and blocked sterling assets to this country. Ask for a copy at your nearest B o(M branch today and - send it off to anyone you know in Britain who might be considering emigrating to Canada. °t1Y BANB7'e e e 111 L°111:111°"12 2 NIII ON (AN DIM 4 The 13 of i'.f has two we11•es(ablishecl offices in. London, either one of which will be only too glad to help smooth the way for the prospective emi- . grant to Canada. Through its London offices, the. B of M can attend to all the details in connection with the transfer of assets from the and have. the money remitted to the branch i» Canadg.• nearest the emigrant's new Koine, London Offices: City Office: 47 Threadneedle Street, E.C,2 West End Office: 9 Waterloo Plate, S.W.1 BANK Y' Y' MONTREAL pada i 7(; 4t `84 Zurich Branch: • 12ensall Branch: Crediton Branch: JOHN BANNISTER, Manager KENNETH CHRISTIAN, Manager. CLARE IRWIN, Manager (Open Tuesday and Tl utsday) Dashwood (Sub -Agency) : Open Mon,, Wed, Sr llzri. WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1817 aftromemtvegkoranovommi *,�Ri�• �iL' rz