HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-07-04, Page 1wit' • ••, Established 19 tazoissioawarcolaitallitlaillamosoumepeulaialon• Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND DANCING NIGHTLY entley-Gardiner Orchestra Card of Thanks I wish to conrvey may sincere thanks •;anct appreciation to all who remern- bered me in their prayers, wan get - :Well wishes, and other expressions of •kindness while a patient in hospital, ..nnd since returning home. Mrs. •Ivan L. Kallefleisch. • ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORMNG, JULY Aldan Theatre I GRAND BEND Thurs., Fri, Sati. , July 4e5-6tb. Pardners Martin and Lewis at their Best! Technicolor Monday, Tuesday July 8 -9th Silent World Winner of the Golden Palm .Greatest True Adventure of Our Time! Wednesday, Thursday July 10-11 The Tall T. Technicolor - Starring Randolph Scott Maureen O'Hara .Friday, Saturday July 12-13 Z A R A.K Tecnicaor Victor Mature Anita• Ekberg Two IShows 7.30 and' 9.30 r, 11 55 115 WRESTLING I SEAFORTH ARENA Friday, July 5th — Starting at 9 p.m. TV Stars from Maple Leaf Gardens ' LiVIAIN BOUT — Two Out of Three Palls One hour time limit. WHIIPPER "Billy" GENE "The Terrible" 1 WATSON vs KINISKI 111 1 ,5= FARMER BOY vs FRED AITKENS Eli 41 li (Wial also Sing) One Fall — 30 -min. time limit BARON CATON' vs JOHNNY BARRON ill .gii. to One Fall — 30-aninute time limit 141.1 Referee — Al "Bunny" Dunlop .See this Exciting Exhibition of Skil and Science r .11E • -PatinasioN; All Moor Seams *1n5a -- Regular Seats 31.00 Children under 12, 50c. 11 Ativa.nce Seats at. ,SEAFORTH MOTORS — Phone 541. 'I I ' I BALDWIN HARDWARE — Phone 61. IPE lanataismapar oworevtrartotvorwowwwwwkrerovrovrowwvowntwrovoroirovvrowrowro AT YOUR SERV/CE NATION-WIDE! toRMIIIINIMIRaelownamor. ft the event of a death away from home, get in touch with us before making any artangornoch. Though our -nation-wide connections we have the facilities fax haaallino re cane from place of death So the ne teartorrt, no miter what ft* dktance 'may be. T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home FUNERAL and AMBULANCE SERVICE DASHWOOD - Telephone 70W 111 6.4460.41.4411‘0AArd;.6.4i3O* Thiels rior F isee • ,• • Ittraj241;1111T tE 7fr 0401 • arket Thurslay, Friday, Saturday Specials Green Giant Nibiets 2 for 33c Libby's Deep Brown Beans 2 for 37c Kmst Brand Coffee 1-1b, 79c Lux Toilet Seep, 5 bars • • 47c MEATS MEATS Maple Leaf Balogna lb. 33c Sliced Bacon per lb. 69c Check Our Advt, in the London Free Press every Thursday for Specials on Fruits and Vegetables • Phone 140 C. H. THIEL - Zurich 00 111 BORN r In the 'Clinton Public Hospita e` on Thursday, June 20th, 195.7, to' te ;Isar. and :Mrs. Harold Zehr, of gearl• 50111. In the Clinton Public Hosnft Tuesday, June I215th, 1957, to., and Mrs, Keith Love, R.R. 1, Z L son. Had .Picnic The school section of S.S. Hay and Stanley picnic was hel Wednesday afternoon. Gera* (ball game were the ,sports under the supervision .of the te. Mrs. Claire Beichert; ..'.44:4Pric* per ended the afternoqn; ".' 4 !957 47.47/71-9"4" W61,101102.11.1..••••111.1.10111.tlesmiswersalmiakiac,....AMMME/Meisa Had Reunion Turnbull's Grove proved in ideal setting for the annual Love -Forrest , Re-unipn. Over +1)00 members 'of the et clan attended from various parts in- eludingSasketchewan. A program of Is, sports was held and reorganize:won of er,lofficers took place. 1)7' WINS AWARD Barbara Anne Becker, daughter ,of Hay -Township Reeve V. L. Bec- ker and‘Mrs. Becker, Dashwood, re- ceived .two awards during .graduation ceremonies at Kitchener -Waterloo ospital Sc.hdol ef Nursing Saturday eiylast. was chosen by trier fellow graduates as the best all-round stud- dnt and won the award for operat– ing room technique. A graduate of • -Exeter District High School, Barbara has theen studying at Kitohener-Wat- erloo Hospital for the .past three ye- , ars. TAKE THE FAMILY DRIVE-IN 'I"HEATRE' 5 Miles East of Grand Ben 8.5 Miles West of No. 4 High' on Crediton Road Tuesday, Wed. • •4 • .•ee.,:e..-Our Miss Brooks : •Cinetnascope' Starring Eve Arden Thursday, Friday, j Jeff Chandler Doeuthuy13:Mar' Pillars of the Sky Saturday, Monday . July •The Rainmaker (Cinemaecope) Burt Lancaster Katharine EH St. Peter's Lutheran Church LADIES' AID MEET The St. Peter's Lutheran Ladies' Aid held' their monthly meeting on ljuly 2nd in the !basement ort the •church with 24 members, two visit- , • 1.1ors and Pastor present. President DIYIrs. Anne Finkbeiner took charge Of the business after which a short program was given in honor of Miss Virginia Deichert, who is leaving for Philadelphia to be a Deaconess, A. • LLS: (Associate In Deaconess Ser- .; • PianKlopp; vocal duet by tie)given Ruthd instrumentals were by Ronald '•v:',-i'r,IHaberer and Marion Tuerkheim, ac Tuesday, Wednesday Julee:9, Count Three and Prayz•:. Van Heflin ..„ Joanne Wood.' uris obinrpanied by Mrs. Jack Tuerkheirn at.the piano. The Secretary, Mrs. Etd: Haberer, on behalf of the organ i`zation presented Bliss Deichert with • ..1gave -efirte1k;an on ''.8° •.;4' 'praise' and gOOttlack rgiet a very capably replied and tha aked every one for their kindness DRIVE-IN GODERIC h 114721 toward her. Lunch was serv- 134 miles east of Goderich NO1,edby the c rnmittee in charge. Highway Clergyman Being Moved • Thursday, Friday,July 4-5ththe ee 1 In •changing of .Clergymen of FIVE GUNS WEST . 4, ithe London Diocese of the R. C. John LundDorothy -Malme Church as, released by Bishop Cody i Comedy Cartoonof London,. the Zurich Pastor, Rev. ., • • , Father P4. D. Monaghan will be going Saturday, Monday July 64%. te- Merlin Parish, ideated near Lake e , Erie, south of iChatham, and Rev. THUNDERHEAD SON OF FLICKA Father Doyle will be the new Parish Preston Foster Rody McDoWell Priest 'of St. Boniface church, Zur- Cartoon Tuesday, Wednesday Comedy. July 940 THE THIRD MAN Joseph Cotton Orson. Welles Comedy Cartoon. Two Shows Nightly. lst show at Dusk isle We all regret to. learn of the departure of Father Monaghan from Zurich, -who during his 6% years in Zurich has made many warm friend::: with peoples of all churches. }Ie' always took a keen interest tn the activities of town au& .coanmunity, frequently attending 'meeting of the DON'T FORGET IN -A -OAR ihIG Chamber of Conniterce and Lions • EVERY WEDNESDY NIGH-aClub, as well as Womens' Institute. A'e! eince er authorities of the Children under 12 in cars Free...:1,. church think his services are more BROWNIE'S; ,II CLINTON — ONTARIO • 4 Thursday, Friday, July 45th. The Kentuckian (Color) (Superseope), • Lancaster ,Diene'!•-Foeter (Two Cartoons) Burt Saturday, Monday July 6 -8th Southwest Pessage (Colour) RUC] 'Cameron Joanne T)ru (Two Cartoons) CHURCH SERVICE, S.unday July 7, 8.00 pan. — Rev. C. S, Inder Tuesday, Wednesday July 9-10 Reach For The Sky (Lite of Douglas Bader) Kenneth More Muriel Pavlov Tuesday, Wednesday, July 9 and 10 The Management urgently invites ee'- eryone to see J. Arthur Rank's top picture of 1957 Reach For The Sky Starring Douglas Beder, the legless ace of tho RAF. so needed elsewhere, we wish Father Monaghan every success along with good health in his new field of labour. We cannot close without saying.. a word about the Father's efficient housekeeper, :Mies Shelia Walker whose home is at Windsor. Miss Walker was always so Wining and obliging to do her part in the activities of the tommunity., and we wishher the same greetings. Ch4mber of Commerce HAD LADIES' NIGHT A large portion of the (Member - Ship of the Zurich and District Cha- mber of tCommerce congregated at. the 1Community Centre on Wednes- day evening, June 26th, where a Ladies' Night was held, Invocation was given by Rev. Amacher and the Ladies of St. ,Boniface R.C. Cihureh catered with a fowl supper. The affair which has been annual, was a huge success with musi•c, singing and movies of the Centennial. Den- nis Bedard, President, officiated as Toastmaster introducing the guests Tom ,Pryde and Past President, Reg. Bliley of Lambeth. Jack Etannister delivered the toast to the ladies and the reply was given by Mrs. Thos. Meyers, The guest speaker Rev. .MacMillan of Knox Presbyterian Church, •Goderich, impresssed all with. a topic interest and importance to all deVvered in a humorous but frank manner. Rev. Winter and past President Albert Kalblleinch also spoke briefly. The Chamber regretterl that Father .IVIonaglien could !let bt present also. DI 0 R IVI ' S BEAUTY SHOPPB FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH ?MX Chester L. Smith, Publisher. albeGriPtion in Canada, $2J Subscription TJS.A. Tear *2.5.1. RAGS, RUGS and CARPET" On a New Mode= Loom, P4a tfllt Order — SETH 0. AllifENS, Zritae Ont. Phone 128. gg'"*ggggggggngggamgI.4"'"ogggggg4mgggggg''jgg.ggogggg.g"og'ggggg"'"'""gggg4ggX44gg4gMli: Philp Shave THE WORLD'S FINEST ELECTRIC SHAVER NOW 25% FASTER WE CARRY A STOCK OF PHILI SHAVE, SUNBEAM SHICK AND RONSON COME IN AND TRY ONE OF THESE SHAVERS A. G. HESS CERTIFIED WATCHMAKER and J EW ELLEL ZURICH - ONT. vaoeseekossormaesco,,,,attoeoesse e a Join Our Many Hosts For Dependable Heat Winter Long, Call:, LORNE E. HAY LOCKER SERVICE - ROE FEB(* Phone MENSATAL IAA( • •14,-; S. efeeterfea totialvo 440441 , lit*** Licensed Embalmer and Funer Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Ra• nt FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS gem ce TELEPHONE: RES. 89W OR, 89A, ZURICH 00.0 1R0416.4000 et% 1012414)6 Ode 0,ettg seeliP04013 ll,* CO fit OW* "'6,019034tef ucky Foosi °liar tor SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK -END Swift's Canned Chicken 3 lb. ca., j ... 1,39 Sunkist Oranges, size 113, per dozen 47o Aylmer Catsup 1 I -oz. bottle . .......... 19c Brodies' Angel Fond cake mix I 4roz.. pkg. 49e, Rose IVIawarine, 2 -lbs. . •• • 53c Ylenno • esek PRODUCE IX/ANTED. 1 4 41i 41 4 4 1 Zurich SEE US FOR YOUR REQUIREMENTS Of •• Baler and Binder Twine Grocery Specials Nabob Coffae, 1-1b. ......89c Jello Instant Puckling, 2 for ....... ..... 19c - Kellogg'b Corn Flakes, large at . . .... .... 25c, 1. f FRESH GROCERIES IN STOCK THE • BILIKEISTORE Schwartzentruber, Prop. Phone 1147