HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-06-27, Page 5-- ZURICH ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD Thursday, June 27th, 19157 ' ZURICH HERALD ;Authorized as second class mail, ALVIN WALPER 'Post Office Department, Ottawa, PROVINCIAL Licensed Auctioneer ?or 4rour- 'Sale large or smelt; Court-; am aand Eli dent Service at all; Phone 57.r 2. DASI9VOOD MARTIN OrFOMETRIST Keine Street . Exeter • Open Every 'Week Day Sacept Wednesday BELL c& 'LAUGHTON ,BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. 61)HONE METER C. V. LAUGHTON, Tuesday, 2 to ?S p.m. fi Zurich At Township C1eek's Office CONTRACTING MOBILE DISPOSAL' eptiIe Tank Cleaning , Repairs on Drains, Waterirrains, Etc. New I•nsta9:at'tons on 'Current Septic Tanks, Drainage Tile ane! Drains ft. 12105 •Grand- Hetet Th. 2'05 LOOAJ.NEWS !Messrs. Adolph Xallbfleiech and, Gaox:ge D.eichert were at London on W e.daesday. Messrs. !Henry - Gellman and iiobertl Williams .were on a Ibsieess trip to Exeter .on Tuesday. Born — In Clinton Public Hospital' on 1Mendgy, June 170, 1957, to 141a: and Me, .!!Matthew Denomne, R.R. 2' .Zurich, a.son. Mr and . •1trs James iMaxsland of: _Niagara Falls 'were week -end: visitors; .at the home of Mr and Mrs, Leroy D'Bxein. Mrs..Araeliia iSchroecler of the Ni. .8:4 Highway,, .east, was a recent .vise iter at Rochester, N.Y.., eehere she' attended her ..sister's golden wedding; anniversary, \&r. and Mrs.Don Gardner and abil deer from Indianapolis, lna., spent" :weak with their friends, IML ,arid Mies. Seth , �.me a .of town. !!flee ,C1me cal. who has been.- ' ear .a trap to Europe, spent the week-• tea(' with .her mother, 'Mrs, E. Church: pa town. :,,d Jack O'.Bre.in of St. Joile'.s N:eivioundland, has »turned to his ' leome after visiting with his mother, Mrs, Hervey Clau th e His brother F'.ata;ielc ;O'Brien retuned with hint' ta• Newfaundlend. Mr Bei Mrs ;Jacob .Girgerich, Mr. and i141 y. ,Gerald Gingericii and chil- dren rnotoeed to 'Willowdele on Sat- urday to spend the week -end at the home of the -fox+mer's son, Rev. and Mrs. Cyril Gingerich. •. Messrs. Calvin Williams and C. L. Smith were at London on Sunday. and returning with them was Mrs. Smith who has been at Victoria hos- pital for two weeks, and is improving very nicely. Assessor George Armstrong of Hensall is making !tits rounds in the village these days. And it is too had if you are business man in town.. how they do pile o'n the taxes by raising our (business assessment. Week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and ;Mrs. A. IMelick were: Mr. Clare Melick and sosi of Kornotra, Mr. Gladnian IMeliclk• of •Goderiich: his sister, Mrs. Morris Neil and son and his wife of Detroit. The latter also visited at 'Goderich. Mr and Mrs. Seth Amenns of town accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Don. Gardner- of Indianapolis, Ind., en- joyed a caroming trip up at Chesley Lake, near 'Georeian Bay. The men did some interesting f ehing. A large number gathered at the local Mennonite churdh last Thursday evening to hear the religious pro- gram put- on iby the members of The Mennonite Hour who de .censiderahle broadcasting over the radio. and Mrs. Ward F,'ritz have left for a moeith's vacation at their cot- tage at Georgian Inlet, IParry Sound .Distriet, Where they will be for a month or so. lWe 'wish thein a pleasant outing. 'For Appointment. _ . 'Dashwood 27 r 13 ug.t J. NORMAN COWAN ':` Bookkeeping and Income Tax Service •Sarepta' Hay P. 0. Drs. COXON & LEITCH VETERINARY SURGEONS Mee with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store Phone 96 — ZIURICH RONALD G. McCANN PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Pbenp; 561 Office Royal Bank Bldg. 455 Res. Ratenbur9 S.t CLINTON - ONTARIO G. B. CLANCY Optometrist -- Optician (Successor to the late A. L. Cole. optometrist) For appointments phone 33, Goderich • Ont. ARTHUR FRASER 4" Income Tax Reports 0ok'keeping Service, Etc. EXETER OFFICE - Corner Ann, William Sts. Phone Exeter 504 MEAT MARKET WITH MEATS of the BETTER KIND For Over 50 Years YUNGBLUT BROS. ZURICH Phone 57 SERVING THE COMMUNITY O'Brien's Produce Ental St Cash Prices Paid for CREAM- cio EGGS- Pv" and POULTRY LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor PHONE 101 — ZURICH Zurich Creamery Official Count The official count of the vole iii Huron Riding has been released at the office of Kenneth 3. Hunter, God- erich. Elston Cardiff's officialmaj- ority, including the service vote is 3,453. There were 188 spoiled bal- , lots in the riding. CarditT''s total vote 'was 12,3i219,.w+hile IVIr. Mc'Lean'•s was 8,870. Total ballots cast was 21,- 381 1;381 out of a total possible 25,123, making a percentage of 85.1:; LiKES HIS PAP7le. 75 Emery London, Ont. Dear Editor —, Enclosed tpl•eae find renewal, x,e'r any subscription to the Lcri+'h Herald. I, look forward every week for its arrival. It keeps me in touch with everyone around home. You are doing a good job: keep lip the ,good. work. Yours Truly - Blear iYlaSse. Your Home Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID PLUS A PREMIUM FOR DELIVEED CREAM. WE ARE EQUIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT ACCURATE SERVICE. EGG AND POULTRY DEPT. IN CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS Chas. Minshall, Proprietor Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Cu. Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND DANCING N 1 `GM T L .Y STARTING JUNE 29th. Midnight Dance TI -LIS WEEK -END gentley-Gardiner Orchestra WANTED Home Economics 'Teacher To teach in the Hay'T;otiw,nshiip;School Area at Zurich Public ISe'hoo'I, part time from 6 to 8 hours per 'week from September 1957 to June 1958. Applicant to state qualifications and exper:ien,o , and salary expected. For further particulars +conttactt the Secretary Treasurer. ApplIcatione to be in the '%Ands of the iSecretary 'by ;Teeturday, June 1219th at 6.00 Noe. H. 'W. Brokensliire, Sec. Treasurer, Hay 'township School Alva Zurtat, Ontario. BROWNIE'S THEATRE CLINTON — ONTARIO Thurs., Friday June 27, 28 Touch and Go. • Fanxily Picture (Color) ' Jack 1l twkine Marg. Johriaton Trooping The Colour • (Colour) (Cartoon) Saturday Only — June 29 Fire Over' Africa (Colour) Maureen O'Hara McD. Carey (Two Cartoons) • Church ,Service, Sunday June - 30th. 8.00 p.m.—Dr. J. !Semple Sunday, Monday Jnue 30, July 1 —DOUBLE FEATURE— Emergency Hospital Margaret Lindsay Walter Reid HOT CARS Bromfield Joy Lansing John (Two Cartoons) Tuesday, Wednesday The Killing (Adult) • Hayden Colleen Gray (Two Cartoons) Sterling July 2 -3rd. !Tuesday, Wednesday, July 9 and 10 The Management urgently invites ev- eryone to see J. Arthur Rank's top 'picture of 1957 Reach For The Sky Starring Douglas legless ace of the RAF. ,Seder, the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "Andy's" Lunch For artificial insemination infor- FISH & CHIPS and LIGHT nation or service from all breeds • of . LUNCHES nettle, phone the Waterloo 'Cattle $reed. ing Association at. Clinton n 2-3441 between 7:30 and 9:30 Try Delicious York Ice Cream ...M. We have all breeds available - op quality at lew dost. for Picnics and Parties, in Farmers! SAVE OVER 15ojo ON SPECIA ;PACKAGE DEAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Complete Automobile Coverages For First -Class Farm -Owner Risks Farmers' Comprehensive Liability Protection Liability Coverage for accidents ar- ising out of the existence of use of your farm property, farm operations, animals and unlicensed vehicles on Highways. In addition to your own personal (activities and those of your family. Premium as low as 6.50 Ann. For Full Particulars apply to J. W. HABERER General Insurance Prone 161 Zurich, Ont Hay For Sale • 20 tscres of Hay .for sale. Apply to H. 'T, Miller, Ring 57 r 7, Dash- wood. c NOTICE Anyone having in their ;possession any of .the older baseball uniforms please return same to Thos. Raw- lings, Zurich. FOR RENT Stare or Office Space for Rent. Apply to Reg. G. Black, Manager Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Zurich. tfn FOR SALE Good hardwood Slabs $3.00 cord — Fred. C. Kalbfleisch & Ltd. . per Son tfc FOR SALE A quantity of mixed hay ror sale. —William Dietrich, Ph. 96 r 7. c NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF Joseph Bedard, also known as Joseph Biddour, late of the Township of Hay in Ole County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. SER4tPHINE BEDARD, late of the Township of Hay in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. All persons having claims against, the Estate of the above are required ,the file the same with the .undensigned 'Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the. 1115th day of July, A.D. 1957, after 'which date the assets will be distributed amongst the par- ities entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED a Clinton, 'Ontario, this 22nd day of June, A. D. 1957. E. B. MiENZIES, Clinton, Ont. I +Solicitor for the said Estate. WATC.HiiNG TEI.FVISION (By an I;x•chan;e) The zeloes viewer of TV pT,cgrams .ean learn how to pot his geraniums, how to rebuild his kitchen . Or make a boat. He will ;be soaked in eccent- ric dancing and the exploits of jug. glexis and male quartets. He will be- come something of an expert in the sort of drama that can be 'condensed into the corners left in a half 'hour after the commercials are extracted. He will be irritated almost to •the point of violence by oleaginous an- nouncers, by comedians who posture and grimace, by •performers who fill the unrelenting ,minutes with chatter and business that 10 -year-olds might think .cute. But also he will have upon some first-class entertenenent---- grand opera, vaudeville, :plays,, orch- estras, singers, and as he become more selective he knows pretty much 4vlhat is worth seeing and what inter. vats give hint time for his domestic •chores. OF WOODSTOCK VPILIO LARGEST RESERVE PAL - NCE Or ANY CANADIAN M.UT- xlil:t L COMPANY DOING BUSINESS 4•. ()I;' THIS FIND IN ONTARIO .. RATES ON APPLICATION E. F. KLO?P - ZURICH AGENT HENSALL Noakes — Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Noakes of Heesall announce the birth of their sot et Clinton Public Hosp- ital June 13. 0057, Mr and eMre Conrad McRoberts (Nee Marlene Williams, of Hensall;) are happy' to announce the birth of their 'son, Paul Barters, at St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London, June .;.2,'5 7. NI O TT r'' 1 am in a position to cls Weed ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING sprat live on ;grain and corn, If In- ill01)S AND ALL FINDS OF FIRE tore si^r1, Pontnet .Ar+iier .I'. "s'+cC:tin- INSURANCE Phone 97 r 7, Zurich, R.R,2. 'I Or 1chey, Bricks, Half Gallons and 2% Gallons C. ANDERSEN B.A. Station - Dashwood OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Brady C'eaners & Laundeteria Complete Laundry and Pick up Mon., back on Thurs. Pick up Thurs., back on Monday. RFAD OD . the table • the meal is ready ! Be Your Menu Maker! YOUR BAKER not only supplies delicious wholesome bread for your table—bread for your recipes. Out of his fragrant ovens come all man- ner of mouth-watering goodies to Ltd. Exeter crown the menu of every meal! Frag- rant Coffee Cake and Cinnamon Bun/ Sanitone Cleaning for beeakfast.. luscious fruit -filled treats for luncheon .. piping hot Par Storage Service ker House Rolls for dinner. Breai in variety, too, for snacks any time of day or night. So don't get wrink. les worrying about variety in meals -- let your baker be your menu maker, See what's on his tray today! (Local Agent) EARL OESCH Barber Shop - Zurich. ammeillIMMILMIENIMINNOLMM • M•.; ,, .... ♦ 0 ♦ • ♦ a • • WE SUGGEST - 0 •• Have a look at our Paints, and select your • ♦ • 4 • • • • 4 • • s • 4 We Specialize in:— 4 4 4 4 4 0 • 4 r Y Vasty -Nu PHONE 100 — kery ZURICH YOiir Hardware Rue and kind suitable for your need. We carry the usual full line of Shelf and Hardware See Us for your Heating Equipment Bathroom. color Heavy or New PLUMBING - HEATING - TINSMITHINC Rader & litirdare Phone Zurich - 63. vim !Or • Music Confere ce • • • • • . 0 e wesmarmisamse s a • 6 Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED" An Example of our Beef Shorthorn Bulls ABERFELDY NUGGET AA Aberfeldy Nugget has been mated` to mare cows than any of our other Shorthorn Bulls. The farmers like his calves for their growth and good quality. In fact, of our bulls whose calves have completed the feeding test at Guelph, those by Nugget had the highest carcass score with a abetter than aver- age rate of gain and feed conversion. His full brother, Aberfeldy Orchid AA, is also popular. Recently purchased from Bcure Fletcher at Guelph is Crichton Baronet whose dani is a maternal sister to the sire of Nugget and Orchid. The calves by Crichton Baronet in the Fletcher herd are very typey and big for their age. • These .come from outstanding families and have proven that they transmit these qualities to their loitspeng. For service to these or any of our bulls, daix'y or beef, call collect to: For service bo our well proven or carefully selected young bulls, call collect to: CLINTON TILT 2-8441 Between 7.30 sand 9.30 a.m. The cost is -low and the service efficient, REMEMBER•-- ltEll' 1';12 ('.1'1"x1(14 FOR Ii,E'TTER LTV ING "Come Before His Presence with Singing" At the ZURICH MENNONITE CHURCH MUSIC CONFERENCE Saturday, June 29th, 8 p.m. Sunday, June 30th, All Day. Every Onieis Welcome to the Services Rev. V. Paul Martin, Hawkesville, Ont.. Director of Music at Ont. Mennonite Bible School and Institute, Kitchener, Ont. And C. Mearl Steckly, Preston, Ont., Church Music Secretary of Ont. Mennonite Christian Workers Conference. Will lead. in Singing and give Inspirational talks related to Music. • • • 4 • 0 • • • • • 0 4 • • 54 e • 4 • • w • 0 • Order . ur SEED GRAIN AND GRASS SEED EARLY SUBSTANTIAL DISCOUNTS ON FERTILIZER FOR EARLY DELIVERY TRY OUR NEW HOG WARMER FOR . RESULTS Hogs Shipped Tuesday • and Thursday Cattle on Saturday Hensall District Co -C Phone Hensall 115. Zurich 220 e9 44B44v4444444444®4449 000 J d r 4