HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-06-20, Page 8ZURICH ONTARIO d kP 9 0.aVF' THE STORE WITH THE STOCK F;r Your Summer IN THE SUN BEACH TOWELS — Large si zes, Stripes, plaids and fancy designs, from $ 1.98 up. RUBBER BATHING CAPS — The new Marilyn Bell Wave -saver design, 98c. each. BATHING SUITS—Good assortment of color and sizes to clear from. - Sizes 2 to 44. Prices starting from $1.59 and up. JERSEY COTTON T-SHIRTS --- Good selection of style, color; :end sizes. From $1.49 up, Also halter tops in sizes 32 to 38. SLEEVELESS COTTON BLOUSES — Assorted Colors and sizes from $1.50 up. Men's ear We carry a complete range of everything in Men's Wear. Made -to -measure and Ready to Wear Suii:s, hole" s, Sport Coats, Ivy League Jackets and Shirts. A very large assortment of Men's fine Trousers and Slacks in newest styles and colors. A new line of Men's Fine Hats for summer wear. and EVERYTHING IN MEN'S and BOYS' WORK CLOTHES, JEANS and JERSEYS ascho TELEPHONE 59 r s. ZURICH 01 ZURICH HP 41 LOCAL NEWS Mr, and Mrs. Thomas •Rawiling;§ Huron Erie were at Sara over the week -end where they attended a wedding. Mrs. A. Mousseau of Zurich 'WAS a recent visitor with cher son, Afr; and Mrs. Elzar Mousseau at Flippen Prada Trust DEBENTURES Fine progress is being spade on the Gingerich block, opposite the Post Office. The roof on, the ,windows: in and painted. There is however a'r lot of inside work to be done Before' occupancy will take place. It sure' is a fine addition to the ibusins section of the village. Village :Pr-operty. Sold. The Auction Sale of the ere* 'and real estate of 'the • late J. '1 . Rau were disposed of by Auctioneer Alvin Waliper, Saturday afternoon. Good prices were realized and . the property was purchased by Mr. Jacob Deichert .of the Blind line, who will be Oiecurpyang 'same indue time. You Are Invited To The Mennonite Hour Male Qv, artette and Associate /Pastor Derstirie who will present a program Thursday evening, June 120th, at the Zurich Mennonite Ohurrh, located in Zurich. The public is invited to the program ;aeginning at 8.00 pian. E.D.T. Many Attended:. A large gatxering to* place e,e the Bronson. line LVtexnorial Services at the Evangelical U.B. cemetery, Bronson Line, on Sunday afternoon. The Salvation Army of London gave very interesting musical numbers,a'id also a fine address. The free will catering was the best ever. As over a hundred dollars was taken in. , CERTIFICATES Now Paying: dao% FOR 1,r 2, 3 YEARS J. W. H'ABERER General Insurance Phone 161 Were Entertained ' Mr and Woes 1 -toward Finklbeiner of Kippen entertained Sunday even•• j You'll Enjoy Listening to— '4( ing last at their home to honor Mrs. j, 1 inlobeiner's father, MVlr.:Carl ilVl.cOiin- chey of Hensel). whose ibirthday ` was Q Aionday He was presented with -,,a Sundays—CHML-900 k.c. 7.30 a.m. VP gift and a birthday cake. i iembers of —WRVA - i.110 ii.c.•• 10.30 p.m. -i the family present were: ti'VIr and Mrs 'The Living r^rise for .. D ing 4 4 Carl McClinchey and Nelson !of Hen World." 1 • sail; Mrs. Edna Oswald of Zuiich;l Mr and Ma's Murray Dalton and falai-1 Emmanuel Evangelical VP ily of Kippen. ,,,,.Lie ! UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH nn�� 1 TAKES TROPHY i OVy I At Hensa.11 on June 14 a shirt' Rev. A. M. Amacher, B.A., B.D, Q� i sleeve crowd of snore than 800 gath- i Minister VG ered at the fisnsall Arena for the 9th Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist. ' Ontario .Cham�pionshirp Fiddler's Con- I 1 test with The London Free Press `Jr Sunday, June 23rd: iliNSII tphy up for best fiddler of i 10.30 a.m.—Children's Day :Service. Sentence.ISexvnon — Religion as the iMother and the !Church is the Nur- ' . sery of Religion. 9 went to ,Edward .,.Gyunky, 119, .off We welcome all to worship with us. Woodstock. wrn, Hyde ioi Hensill, l • 1,3 who is 93 .years old, flourished his • Iway to the tap in his class. or; and Miss Frances Gilmore, Lend- j,HYMENEAL' on, sister of the groom, as brides- I maid. Miss Cecilia Denomne, of ST. PETER'S Ev. Lutheran Church, Zurich Rev. O. Winter, Pastor. Mrs. J. Tuerkheim, ATCM., Organist Worship Services: 10 A.M Sunday School (all. ages) 111.15 A.M. In the 'naive of our Master we bid you a cordial welcome to this house of God, its worship, its comfort and its peace. Zurich Mennonite Church . Pastor— Albert Martin SUNDAY SERVICES: 111:00 a.m. — Sunday School 11:00 a.m. — Worship Service 8:00 p.m. -- Bible Meeting Wednesday, 8.00 p.m. Prayer Fellow - '13 in the homes. YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US ``THE MENNONITE HOUR" Gospell Preaching Inspirations Singing. f For Better Service ON ELECTRICAL INSTALATIONS AND APPLIANCES SEE WUERTH'S FIRST AND SAVE WTJERTII ELFrTRIC Phone 84 Zurich ing and ~went to Grand • John Durocher of Sarnia a sall Chamber:: of Commeree,l' for the best fiddler ,under Gillmore —Mills " Z,urich, was flowergirl James Gilmore k Agnes Cecelia Miller and Gerald -and • Arthur Gilmore were groomsmen al Patrick Gilmore exchanged wedding for their brother, and ushers were vows in a ceremony at .St. Boniface Joseph 'Judge and Samuel Bryan, fe R. C. Church, •Zurich. The Ibride5.is ;both of London. • I the daughter of Mrs. Walter Miller ' For the reception at the Zurich +cf Zurich, and the late 1111r. Miller, Dominion House, the bride's mother and the igro:oni is the son of Mr and Mrs. R. E. Gilmore of Luckn.ow. Rev. Fr. M. D. Monaghan officiated. Given in marriage by her (brother, Hubert Miller, .the ibride wore a p:hi- • cess line gown of nylon sheer featPr- • ing a rounded portrait neck line with, nylon applique, and lily -point sleeves. The skirt was styled with large godets falling from the hipline to the heti- line. Her French illusion fingertip veil, appliqued with tchantilly lace, was held by a headdress of ,c'hantilly lace, scattered with seed pearls aid she carried a bouquet of hybrid or- chids and stephanotis. Gowned .in pale (blue, the attend- In the Clinton Public Hospital, on 'ants were Mrs. Russell Oesch, Varna," June 8th, 1957 to Mr and Mrs. Ivan sister of thebride, as matron of hen- Becker; R.R.;1, Zurich, a daughter. 1 • • 01•41144001 -400•4101600000410•014000t. -,.7A -3,44e0 -it. .i.N.PInfagaos,0411004.6 • HARDWARE e SEEDS and FURNITURE Yoar Fuel Needs Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange for your supply. YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipm-nt? Does Your Furnace or Stove need attention; or prob- ably you need a New One. Let us look these over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, .4 Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stook. 1 tl 4 �STADE & WIE IDO1 QunWiyRiC PRICE ONT.s v�u ?URiC,H QUALITY -- «- SERVICE wore a ;black faille dress with black and .white accessories and an orchid corsage. The grom's mother chose a royal .blue dress with navy and white .accessories and an orchid corsage. For travelling, the bride donned a beige wool suit with green and brown accessories and a hybrid orchard cor- sage. The couple will live in London. BORN Mr and Mrs. John Minderlein of R.R. 3, Zurich announce the birth of a daughter Janet, at the. South Huron Hospital, Exeter, June 7,1957 • A a • e • • 0 • a • • e 1 • •• • • • • • • • • • e •• • • mss, SHUR-GAIN FEEBS • • We Offer a Complete Line of Shur -Gain Farrel Proven Feeds and Concentrates for Poultry, Hogs and Cattle Try Our.. New.. 22%.. Chick.. Starter.. Medicated. Inquire About The Low.. Grain Prices in Truck Load, Lots. M. DEITZ & , ;Son i Zurich Mid-Tosvp Cleaners AGENT --- Reg. R, BLACK, Zurich. Our Dry Cleaning and Laundry Service will be continued as usual at the same location. Goes out Monday - back on Thursday; out Thurs- day back Saturday; cut Saturday back Monday. Fast Efficient.. Service MID TOWN CLEANERS Exeter Ontario. 0 • R • ••• • • • • 4 x a • Thursday, June 20'tb., 1957 But! Yes! Ignorance Pays No Premium Doth not wisdom cry, and understanding put torth her voice, I (wisdom) love them that love me, and those that seek me early shall find me. Riches and honour are with me; yea, durable riches and righteourness My fruit is better than Fold, yea, than .fine gold, and my revenue then choice silver. Prov.8 Won't You? Study to man that Word of show yourselves approved unto God.. A Work- needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the Truth. — 11 Tim. 2:15. Zurich Mennonite Evangelism Committee 1 s s s • • • • • • • • • • 0 f Westlake F umiture Come in and see our COMPLETE LINE OF HOME FURNIS1-ZINGS We Have a Good Supply of Floor. Coverings Good variety of Blinds, Track and Accessories SPRINGS and MATTRESSES • • • Variety and Sizes of Simmons, Sealy, Marshall, s • 2 1 • • • Restonic, Pillofoam, Etc., Etc. Now is the time to Buy your SUMMER FURNITURE ZURICH Phone 89-J .• 1-04 +.('+++++Y•t"p+"g'.g.'t".§tt•+"g°'t':$. ii111 IJIIIII i 11111(111 II III I II III 1 1 1 11 III 111111111 1 11111 111 1 1 IIIIilIIIIII!IIIIlIIIIIIII;IIIIIN i Bargains in Floor Coverings 25% OFF ON ALL MERCHANDISE Here area few Examples: INLAID LINOLEUM - Reg. 4.95 running Yard for $3.70 running Yard 3 yds. wide Congoleum - Reg. 2.85 running yard, for $2.28 running yard REMNANTS and Odd lots of Tile - All at only HALF PRICE Shop Early While The Selection Is Good :., T. and T. FLOORING Your Decorating Headquarters SHOW ROOM IN BAKERY BLOCK. PHONE 133 ZURICH :=;1ulilolllalulf+IliiiQifi[ullm101 �1u1u1L111 lin 111110f tiH I III111111l 1811iwui ii!I 11 IMD hill lllNllli 1 i ;„ Special Off Car 2810 Spruce D4S 105.00 j 2 x 4 Spruce D45 105.00 Place your Older NowI LET US SERVE YOU!