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when and where you want it!
Illustrated here is the Duro
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this complete running water
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The system is engineered -in
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We will be glad to give you a free estimate of
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come into our shop and. see how really inex-
pensive running water the DURO way can be.
Stade & Weido
tpien oheod• •
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57 -DI
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JOYCE HAHN, singing star of CDC television's variety show,
'Cross -Canada Hit Parade, who .commutes from ,IVIontreal to Toronto
by air for each ehow, plans to include fishing in some of her re-
laxing moments this summer. Here, she strikes a prey p:ctuee
lazily fishing on the banks of the Humber river.
At mid-August the average farm on,g, who ,chaired the meeting.
wage in Canada stood at 90 cents, Sacred passages were read by Mrs
en hour, without board.
1Kenneth Parke, and prayer offered
by Mrs. E. R. Pitt. 'Special nunebee-
'included a vocal ,duett, Mrs. ese
iHayter and Mrs. Bob ' • Elmer
- - - • ,
. • .
I T-Unsaii; miLsicaj • ,. ' t's. Ell Rowe,
atemile&re Nt •Mre.
"I'" ' -
..._„.,„ sceacur.g:i !lir It''ack. 0± the
Mrs. Margaret Erratt, Toronto, ad -1 Claire 1MeBride 'end Mrs, Wiii. Tay.
dressed the Womens Missionary Soci- I tor on the co.emets and Mrs. Desjar-
ety of Goshen United ;Church and I dine on the. tacca.r
diem all of Zurich;
their guests from Zurich Evangelical I vocal se.,', _,
o Miss Clarke of the Goa.
Chureh and Hensel! United, at Gos- I hen:, Cornet solo, 'IVIri. Claire Mc -
hen United Church Thursday evening ii3ride. Mrs. John Robinson extend -
June 131th. Mrs. Erratt, a forIer ed courtesy to those taking part on the
member ;of Goshen Churcribefore'prograrn, especially the guest speak.leaving to take the poeerem .0 e Sup- I er who their comanunity love and
er:ntenclent of 'the.. ?residential Selo- ,respect dearly and are riappy ;that
el of the Indians at Muncey, where she is coming back to make her home
she laboured for seven years, befoxe ,in their midst again,
going to Toronto where sne -seas sup- I Mrs. Bruce Keys was pianist for
0, erintenderet of the Barbara House for the meeting. The church and Stin-
girl- for 14
e. years,• • e basis of her i day school' rooms were beautifully
L ; •
t. address "What manner of Wionnan ' decorated with profusions of spring
. `would we all. like to be." Many , flowers. Birthday honors were ex -
great and good responsibilities have tended to Mrs, Elgin McKinley; Mrs.
been entrusted to us, she said, May G. Armstrong of ,Hensall, and Mrs,
'we he thankful and use these benefit's i Delbert Ge". -ger of Zurich; expressed
juetly. Let us put fir e trzreese first, ,thanks on behalf of their ;groups, at
*Aid all other thing e shall ,be added, the luncheon.
and by our lives, may we he a tiles- i
. - sing in some way to those who are 1 Dashwood
not benefited with eo many of
bleesings as we are. ilVlay we keep ; Mr and :Mrs Jack Masterwedo of
• our 'hearts and prayers ever trusting i Detroit ,were honeyntoonere with Mr.
in God. 'The blessings she spoke on land Atm. Clayton Pfile last Wednes-
were "'Fellowship in Churchee ; home I day.
and Fainity Life; In W.orelp; In
Community Life; In National Fellow. Shower Recent Bride—
, hip; in world Fell owship ; Seriptur- Mrs. 1Melvin Stade was pleasantly
. - al. passages for each .si,ing were surprised last Friday evening when
read. by Mrs\ K. Parka with Mrse i former neighbours from town, fri-
Ereatt eencluding each topic with an ;ends and relatives :showered her with
,?;1'.1t1IP. prayer,
:many useful gifts at e Wseettannous
jehower at her home. Mrs.. Howard
reeee. a hundred membere and gu- klun-'i', :cones:feted ,games and eon -
...:.i ; .• .40:ste te.-..:e peesent and were welerened taste and s!bowel recent woe/dile,-
4bes '_!".. e '''.,. i.e.:dent, .M re. Jahn rer.1-- 'films, .,
ee et. '''41 1 –VA It A Lt
Rader ReUll
The Sixth annual Rader Reunion
was held at jowett's Grove, bayfield
Sunday, June 16th vth 120 regiets
ering. 1President Lorne Rader Wel-
comed all and the secretary, Mrs.
Glenn Koehler read the report on
last year'e
Herbert Klappand his committee
conducted aports with resuJ's; Girls
and boys five and under, Sandra Richardson,; '7 and under, Sharon
Walper; ao•ys Brian Deciter; 9-12
girls, Gail Richardson; iboye, Douglas
Wolper; 11?.. and under, Donna Rich-
ardson; 1,5 and over, Floyd Rader;
married men, :Wendell Gamble; ladi-
es, `Mrs. Glen Koehler; married wom-
en's walk, ,Mrs. Wendell Gamble;
wheelbarrow race; Ruthann and Dav-
id Rader; three-legged race, girls,
Barbara Willert and Gaff Richardson
boys, Richard Willert and Wayne
Decker; sack race, Wayne Weiberg;
married couples shoe ecrambie, -Glenn
Weid, and Mrs, Harold Will
kicking slipper, Mrs. ,Harold Will
Special prize, Lucky plate, C
McGregor: coming farthest, Rat
e tee. Burnengham, Mich; Oldest
lady, Yrs. Louis Restameyer; oldest
man, Wm, Rader (8.9) ; youngest
married, Mr and Mrs Colin ilVleGrege
or; oldest ,c-orpie, Mr and Mrs. Louie
Rader; largest fainly, Mr and
Harold Willert; youngest baby, Leroy
Wiberg; twins, Lynda end Paul
Klopp; largest bele., IMilrord Merner;
Officere for next year are: President,
Bert Klopip; Vice Pres., 'Glen Walper
and Clifford Weido; secretary Mrs.
Elmer Rader; treasurer, ,Mrs. Harald
Rader; Sports, ,comanittee, Ray Rad-
er; convener, Mrs. Alvin Rader. -
Notes --
Mr and Mrs .Ployd Wein and Larry
spent the week -end in Windsor with
Mr. Lorraine ISon(th.
Mr and Mrs. Ervin Latta spent the
week -end with Mr and Mrs. Fred Wi-
Celebrate Colden Wedcing
Mr and Mrs. Ed. ,Stelck of Dash-
wood received guests in the E.U;B.
church, Daehwood, on the occasion of
their Golden Wedding Anniversary,
June 15th.
The ten table was lovely with gold
tapers and centered with golden
baby muns. which were later present-
ed to the happy couple by the Lad-
ies' .Aid. Mrs. Geo. Link pourtd
tea in the afternoon and Mrs. Merv-
yn Tiernan in the evening, Mr.
Tom Pryde, M.L.A., presented them
with 'congratulations, a scroll front
the Province of Ontario, which was
placed with many lovely gifts. Miss
Dorothy 'Cunningham .of Orillia sang -
several selections, accompanied
Miss Patricia Stelek, granddaughter
of Mr and Mrs.. Stelck. ',Mervyn
Stelek- treated the mmediate fniiIy
to a dinner at the Dominion House,
Zurich. They have one son Mervyn
of Bradford, and a granddaughter,
Patricia iStelek, nurseein-training in
the Ladies' College •Hospital, 'Toronto.'
Their many friends wish them many
more years of married life together.
Was B apthed-
-Bradley Vyrne, infant son of Mr
and Mrs. Lloyd Willert was baptized
in Zion Lutheran Church, ISA/1day,
June 1Gth. by Rev. R. Zorn. Mr,
and Mrs. Vyrne Weida were awls -
St. Joseph & Blue Water Area
a week's; absence attending the T.A.
graduation of their grandson, Law-
ren,ce M. Ducharme, in Detroit, on
June Gth, They then spent another
week visiting' with their children and
relatives, before returning to their
home on Wednesday last.
}-Jot Weather— •
The intense heat of the last few
days of this spring season, and the
closing' of schools in cities Sias bro-
ught many people along the Lake for
the week end. There are also some
who have taken advantage of their
vacation tee be in their eo-ceages se-
eking fresh air from the Iblues of
old. Lake Huron. It is perhaps ear-
lier than Usual, but this season, or
at least' or late, haa been warmer
then phlUpast few years.
Mrs; 4itah Geoffrey of the Blue
Water returned to her home
after spendirg two weeks in Detroit
with 4et ;children, relatives and fri-
ert; d
4t; Obseryw Pathers' Day -
01111S• last was Fathers' Day, a
hie day thatchildren snake efforts to be
with their ,parents, and on Sunday
last the,•Iorne of Mr and Mrs, Fred
Ducharme was the scene of a family
gathering. Attending twere: the
Stanetherry's of Detroit; the Hart -
mans of the Goshen line south; and
the Ducliarme's; all extending greet-
ings to their parents and good wish-
es. :K.
Mr an `[-Mrs Elmer Sherky of Mar-
ine City,t,, ich., spent Sunday lad in
this neighbourhood visiting with re-
latives and friends.
Others Attend Graduation—
Mhose./from this !community who
attended 'the graduation of Miss Joan
Masse afe. Goderich in the Chapel of
St. .JosephSisters Mcther House,were
Mr and Mrs Ed. Corriveau, Mr and
Mrs. L9..03, Bedard, "...Tr and Mrs.
Percy Bedard, and Mr and irvIrs. Jas.
Masse ..'eteSt. .loseph.
It,the that we are stair in the
epring,"S'spison and we believe the past
few 4a.-2.5:1?.ave been warmer than any
time the past few years, it triage
memori* of years ago. Whee sem-
met watelei start in earnest the early
part efe4•Therte, and we had what we
called :SUanzner weather during the
entire swimmer season; ask your nei-
ghbour Who is nearing four score
yeare, he, will tell you how the farm-
ers did !their work at that time,and
in the scorching heat of the day: it I
was laugh different then today; it was
a team (q horses hooked to a narrow
implement which meant little work I
was done' in a day; the picking of the ,
harvest'was with a pitchfork, anoth-
er slow process. Today the farmer
sits behind the wheel of a tractor
whichieempletes the farm. work for
yer:'from spring .cultivatron no the
btiantinV41egrain is blown in the grain
ee a stroll in a farming dis-
trict e the farmers are eusy and
se: self; on a real hot day
to ell ithe hot
:.:aafaxed on then litgraestuotir
ray.% hilo the farmer perhaps is
puffing away ?tea ,cigarette. •Oh well,
Attended Graduation_
iMr and ivlrs Fred Ducharme, -after
T A g
for the whole family
litvww.,,Witia Sex&
MI MI POI 111. rno a me on ns no no to «an fl. alt,an tn. is in nu
738 Parllan2ent Skies, Toronto
Send FAE,E literature to
Post Mice-- _
Ontorio Deportment of Travel & Publicity
Hen, Bryan L Cathcart, Minister
Ithuraday ;runi .2ioth
things has •changed, so has the far-
ming situation; as we see It there is
nothing, wrong with ilt; ,for 1± the
farmer does not take ,care of himself,.
there is little ,chanee for Atm to te-
eeive It from some one else. n)e-
allty he Is Ile backbone of Oat rrme,t,
perous country, and me he is wore.
thy ,of some comfort while he is 011,4
ing to feed his fellow friends; mut
besides he is not less then aits come
petitor. Let him follow the crowd,
'....."' 11
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Oil 7S.Y.',EIVZ,A.
.. IT,S Diltlikittol'a5
.. . ,...."'
Stock Tr..,ug:ts
Colvet,13, Hog Troughs
41,U. q,lta*
5131"2itel ese ele.Me
ROOF h "d
For longer lasting, baiter :looking
farm buildings cover thent.
with Westeel Galvanized or,
Aluminum Roofing and Siding,
Economical to use, Quickly,,
easily put on. Guards against
fire, weather, verve lightning;
and decay. Cuts building main-.
tenance costs to the bone. FREE
ESTIMATES gladly given.
Ventilators, Roof Lights, Ridgek
Valleys, Flashing, Nails.
Ask for prices.
Poofing Sheets where you can always get
a,;.„.tf,..-•;.1 sheets that match— vv: -..on yaii 'int them
Representatives for Zurich and District
as new- as your telephone
RAYE B. PATERSON, Trust Officer
Henson, Ontario., Phone 51
For t
• Estate Planning and Wills
• Real Estate Services
• Investment Management and Advisory
4% % Guaranteed Ineestenents3
'11 Ye on savings—deposits may he mailed
Or Contact Any. Office Of
lantana • Montreal • Ottawa • 'Windsor
Niagara Falls • Sudbury • Sault Ste. Maria
Calsarp-• Vancouver
e •
409 Huron Street Toronto
•Write for a complete set of
Mane Fraser's
Summer Dairy Food
recipe booklets. Free!!
11150? 01511 -CANAIN.TRUS1
Viteette:,:eex.esseeeteeem.estietetseteetetteletesseetteiseete•ST:tesseeeesee.Aveiu‘,4„,4e. -
Head Office
District Representative
, . .
London, Ont,
• J. W. Haberer, Atricb