HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-06-13, Page 1'Established 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, *PUNE 13 Lakeview Casino GRAND, BEND DANCING SATURDAYS the New :Bentley - Gardiner Orchestra Featuring Trumpet and Obeo Dalt Walpole on • the Ham- mond Organ • Agricultural Office News • Clinton, Ont. June '8. 'Effective June 24th, Miss Helen .Wilsoni Brussels, will assume the re- eponsibility of Secretary in. the Ont. Dept. of Agriculture. Mr. Douglas .Keys, R.R. 1, Seaforth, has been ap- pointed.: Fieldman to help with the teeteeet restreszee eeti!ow. Reception Mr, and Mrs. Edward Steidle, Dashwood, request the pleasure of your company at their Golden Wed- ding Anniversary. Open House at the Evangelical Church, in Dashwood from 2 to 4:30 and from 7.30 to 10.80 P.m, on Saturday, June 116th, 1957. All •friends; relative's and neighbours please accept this as your invitation. Junior - Junior Extension Program if and when required. CROP REPORT — A large per- eentage of the corn and beans have been planted this week and tliere is Still a considerable acreage to he put, in. There is the odd field of hay that has been • cut and baled, altho- ugh hay is hardly mature enough as yet. Swine prices tontinue strong with demand for young Pigs. .Z=14*S'ESP.raRSEXCAPE0a4aMnakgra ANOTHER GREAT CLINIC — ONE DAY ONLY . N- 'W- -.m -•., ,:„.. m .-, ee Fee N DRIVE-IN THEATRE -: AT THE MILT OESCH SHOE STORE • ZURICH, ONT. &V. .G. R. HARDMAN MONDAY. JUNE 17th. Will Attend Barn Dance Monday Night, June 1 7tR. At the Barn of Arthur Winlayson, 134 miles north and 21/2 miles east of Kippen. DANCING TO Don Robertson And his QKNX—TV Ranch Bois. r &tun. Jneat GRAND BEND Friday, Saturday June 14715 Run For The Sun Technicolour ,Superscope Richard W. Drnark • Jane Greer Trevor Howard, Shorts and Comic Strip. One Show each night starting 8.30. 0.41aveawurummegoon,em ...romrso avraor...r.oneuu,...* ' ELE,CTION DAY7 Mofiday was Federal election day for Canada...end. the silent and secret ballott has agal,n epeken, and what we thought was a solid Liberal block and unbeatable, just seemea co. melt. away as the returns kept coming th. Nine cabinet ministers went down to defeat and from New Foundland on to British Columbia the Progressive Conservative and. other parties were making gain, and now that it is all over neither party has a substantial majority to form: a government. The P.C.'s have the lead in the house ov- er the Liberals by about ten votes, but for a working majority they sho- uld have ,aver half of the 265 seats. It looks as if there will have to be another election in the near future, Here in the Huron riding, like in . : most other places Cardiff, the P.C. TAKE THE FAMILY TO candidate soon forged ahead over his • Liberal opponent Andy tAicLea,n, and •6 ® , new when the returns were in Cardiff had a majority of over 3600, a t 6 high for Huron which was always considered a Liberal. stronghold. Hay, Neilsen and Hibbert all gave McLean majorities. The figures for Hay are: McLean 631 and Cardiff 533. The village of Blyth gave the , Saturday 7 Liberals 97 and the P.C. 261, and so Friday June 14:1, h 5anotherlstoryFedral election has made .. Rock Around the Clock !' j STARRING-- OBITUARY BILL HALEY, 1 Late Harry G. Hess . JOHNNY JOHNSON•, I HarrY G. kless, 59, Manager of . ,Zurich PUC for many years, and V..0: prominent business man, who spent This Theatre will be open every day and Saturday evening until . all his lifetime in Zurich, died in St. further notice. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Sunday June 9th, 1957, after an illness of tv,--oyears or so. He .was the elder 1 son of the late William Hass and R OWN ES i.Mrs. Heees of Zurich. Like most of - _ -, :his ,relatives he was a born geniue,and dad a lot of reading and was well A DffilifELPIPI r" , posted,on the latest inventions of the ///e:' e..,day. But that was not all Harry had ERFATRE4 Iii, .JA,,„,,vst wonderful ambition for the Vill Ialwe'df his ,-bietth. tO'rulva,a,..-zoo,4 • OtWZiralle water system, well drained and well b oked after with Hvdro servrce, and CLINTON — ONTARIO besides he was also manager of the [ Hay Municipal Telephone System, Thursday, Friday June 13-14 which is no small thing. But With • his fine ,personallity everybody just 'Value for Money Comedy -(Colour) !liked to work for him, and his place in Public Utilities will be hard to Diana Dors . John Gregson 'fill. And the village and community • (Two Cartoons) sustains a great loss.. — 1 Surviving are his wife, the former Saturday, Monday June 15-17 Beatrice Heist; his mother, Mrs. C. Hess; one son, Gorden, at home, one Bring Your Smile Along daughter,. Mrs., Eldred SimmonsE (Colour) . eter; one brother, Albert Hess, of ., x - Frankie Lane Keith Brasselle (Stooge and Two Cartoons) Oriurch Service, -Sunday June 16th. 8.00 p.m.—Rev. H. C. Wilson. ..„1 5 Miles East of Grand Bend 8.5 Miles West of No. 4 Highway on. Crediton Road • CLINiC HOURS 10 a,.m. to 3 p.m. el-ION2 82 or 130. We invite our 4urich and District Friends to Take Advantage of this 1 -Day Clinic. It is arranged especially for "You" who suffer foot ills or body E ills caused by foot condition. °health brings the correction of, the other "sympathetic ills" in M- Y .:the„bedy'w.heie ,taley,ffere,caus.id 4,y• bad. fgptkiViiracie(- results -7-- ,are truly wonderful. Free Consultation - There is no ObligationI ARTHRITIC AND RHEUHATIC ILLS •Arthritic and rheumatic ills due to foot ailments have yielded in scores of cases where Miracle has been 'allowed to correct the foot condition. Miracle is the sure way to foot health. Foot • CLINICS. Zurich, Listowel, London, Hamiltorn Brantford. Over 25 Years Experience *****44*******0* 17' • HOFFMAN'S .,e'''-.\-s,D 4, t 0, 4 'o. Arrange Funeral Service .t •• • To Or From te • iO ut-Of-Town-Points . t .1> i MEMBEI i 111. Wherever funeral service is required, to or from any place in Can- f..* • ada, the United States ,or other points of the globe, Hoffman'.., as : moMbers of local and national funeral director's associations, can 0 • handle all the arrangements. You are always assured the quiet effi- . rer, 4. ciency of Hoffman's service. t.l. 4* 0 -•• T, HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME 4 Funeral and Ambularice Service • 24 -Hour Service DASHWOOD Telephone 70-W 4 ks 14 .1.4 r. 4,."4-r,4 4A44.t41,44.),*4.4 • Thiel's Superior Food Market Thursday, Friday, Saturday Specials Ellmar Peanut Butter, 16 -oz. jar • 29c Doles Fruit Cocktail, 20 -oz. Jar •...... 2 9 c Special K Cerial, 2 pkgs 53c Krest Brand Coffee, 1-1b. only ......... ........... 79c Golden Dew Margene, 2 -lbs. for • 53c FROZEN FOODS, MEATS, FRUITS, •VEGETABLES • Check Our Advt. in the London Free Press every Thursday for Specials on Fruits and Vegetables Phone 140 - C. H. THIEL. Zurich .4"Stalwo ;.7 ••••••••". Chester L. Sraith, Publisbor. Subscription in Canada, $2.04 a TOR Subscription U.S.A., Tear $2.511. NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223 Zurich 14 RMA STEINBAC.H Prole, .1A14.32=721110.WAYCZWIMVOINVRIMIXIIAITIMArairliS4.,,o1,-W6:17.2.,WArr. RAGS, RUGS and CARPETM .....0•1•••••*•••••••••••1•Fan. On a New Modern Loom, 11; e Order — SETH 0. AMENS, Zurielie Ont. Phone 128, SPECIA FREE OFFER INTERNATIONAL STERLING SILVER 5 PIECE PLACE SETTINGS BUY 3, GET ONE FREE PRELUDE ENCHANTRESS, ETC. PATTERNS DON'T MISS THIS SETTINGS OFFER OF FREE $29.50 PLACE LIMITED TIME ONLY SPECIAL A. G.- H ESS CERTIFIED WATCHMAKER and JEWELLEL !LOCKER SERVICE - ROE FEED2 ZURICH - ONT. Phone 10 join ur Many Hosts For Dependable Heat Winter Long, Call: LORNE a HAY Tuesday, Wednesday June 18-19 -- Double Feature – High Noon Gary _CooperGrate (Adult) ' ve- William Holden David Nivea Two Shows Nightly, Rain or Clear. The Moon Is Blue. Box Office Open at 8 -p.m. First Show at Dusk.Children under 12 in Cars FREE Sunset DRIVE-IN — GODERICH 1M miles east of Goderich on No. 8 Highway Thursday, Friday June 13-14 Rumble On The Docks James Daren Laurre Carroll Cartoon Comedy Saturday, Monday June 15-17 My Darling Clementine' Henry Fonda Lynda Darnell Comedy Cartoon Tuesday, Wednesday June 18-19 NO HIGHWAY IN THE SKY James 'Stewart Marlene Dietrich Cartoon °needy Wed. June 19th Free Gift for Every Lady PLAY IN -A -CAR •BINGO EVERY WED. NIGHT WITH THE GODER- ICH. JAY CEES AT THE SUN- SET. Zurich; and one sister, Mrs. Rose Trevibhick, Brinsley. The funeral which was largely attended was held on. Tuesday afternoon. from the West- lake Funeral Home, Zurich, With in- terment in St. Peter's Lutheran cem- etery, with Rev. 0. Winter officiat- ing. The floral tributes were very beautiful and numerous. MENNONITE HOUR GROUP AT • LOCAL CHURCH Norman Deretine, Associate Pastor of the Memecnite Hour broadcast,and the dale Quartette, will present a program Thursday evening, June 20, at the. Zurich Mennonite Church, To- caied in Zurich. The ;public is invit- ed to .the program beginning at 8.00 p.m. EDT. This group is heard each wee t on the international program, THE ME- NNONITE HOUR. Many stations throught much a the United States and Canada, in addition to a numfeer of powerful shortwave stations, carry tehic, seprogram to a world-wide audi- nBefore serving full time with THE MENNONITE HOUR, Norman Der - stein served on the Bible faculty of Eastern Mennonite College, Harris- onburg, Va. Besides serving as As- sociate Pastor, he .is also Program Director. and Announcer. Singing in The iMennonite Hour Quartette are John Horet, jr; John Hostetter, Earl Maust and Robert Hostetler Earl 1Maust is Music Director of THE -MENNONITE HOUR and serves on the =sit fac- ulty of Eastern Mennonite College. Meenonite Broadcasts, Inc., of Har- risonburg, -Virginia, produced of THE MENNONITE HOUR, also pp -neon Programs in the Spanish, Navaho, Japanese and French lee -game -es. The production of these language broad. csts is done largely by nationals in foreign countries. Locally ME MENNONITE ITOrefie can he heard each Sunday on CT,IML aOf*The*e Zurich Che relic extend.; a co dial invitation to the rl1i to anond this spacial lervico. Two Shows Nightly. First Show at Dusk. Children undo." - 12in care FREE. PleAYGROUND e •RE11ESIlieltr,T6 HENSALL 02668000emodog.imisseewoo0,00006.6t3-1§004543t tA-E 1 10117. re • ia4$4 4 TUVAt 1 _A . Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Re FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service TELEPHONE: RES. B9W - 89.3r, kr-6 vektetiteap'oetaiWaierat5enet,dototaaCkfigs600406154110nolialootrfie06.N406664ii Lu •weeese eeee la SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK -END P. E. I. Potatoes 1 0 -lb. bag Quaker Muffets, 2 for . ,.333.3957ce : Treesweet orangs Juice, 48 -oz can Stafford's Strawberry Jam, 2 -lbs. for 37c salad Bowl, salad dressing 16 -oz lienno eseh w Zurich PROLIUC,E imsztemsete eissalEtscseemeameemeQesmeemeawavelemeratiMeavreousre Ellook 165, This Week's Speofa,s Ti' A few Kist Peas, 20 -oz. tins, 2 for • 29c Libby's Spagatti, 29,oz. tins at Frankfords,, 2Q -oz. tins, 2 for 1 9c 25c A: FULL LIN OF MEN'S WORK CLOTHES ALSO SOME WOMEN'S WEAR VIFIT OUR STORE OFTEN– / YOU WILL LIKE ITT :?7 FRESH GROCERIES IN STOCK I1E IA Schwartzentruher, Prop., Phone 11.17 • 4 tOelliClioltiotereeeekvelegsetteiteetveeseVeatieevenareleerenneteme*ee J.1