HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-06-06, Page 1. p • 'Established 1901 ,r? •,0 100111104t/t.11414e1, T'ixv: ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MOPLNING, JUNE 6 957 Chester L. Smith, Publisher. Subscription in Canada, *2.01I Tatelt Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND ANCING SATURDAYS the New lientley - Gardiner Orchestra 'Featuring Trumpet and Obeo belt Walpole on the Ham- mond Organ .111 of reading, thinking, planning. May we, dear Lord, ever show our thank- fulness, iby using our bodies in Thy service, to do Thy will for Jesus Christ's sake — Amen". The Scouts then dosed the service with the singing of the hymn "'Sav- iour Again to Thy Dear Name." After the service that I had just fin- ished, both Scouter Hess and Scout- er Surerus said that I would make a good minister, because I had a good minister's voice. By now it was almost 12:30. Chapter IV— Ab the Troop left tamp The Scouts Corner , a hike without dinner and it las My 'Troop Leader Louis Willett. for 31/2 hours. Scouter Surerus 'Camping trip in Pinery. Chap. M. 'Scouter Allan Thiel remained ;April 28, 195.7. (Continued from last week) I camp because he couldn't walk t the hike on his crutches. They r "Wherewithal shall a young man mained behind because someone h 'cleanse his way? by taking heed to be there when the Girl Guides thereto according to Thy word. rived. 'With any whole heart have I sought, Vhee: 0 let ane not wonder from ' First the troop got into the t :Thy commandments. - 0 worship the back of Scouter Hesstruce: a Lord in the Beauty of Holiness: Let drove down the highway two mil the whole earth stand in awe of Him. towards Grand Bend where ere sto 'Our help is in the name of the Lord ped at a sandy roadh The Scou 'Who made heaven and earth. Broth then walked two miles west ion th young men and [maidens, old men road, and about lialf way we had ,and children, let them praise the cross a small stream, across whit name of the Lord. They that wait were a 'couple logs. .Scouter ere upon the Lord shall reaaew their said that if .anyone fell off ti strength; they shall mount up with log or got a Wet fent, .woul [wings as eagles; they shall run and be thrown into the river. • T3ut even, :en ort be weary, they shall walk and one managed to get safely across ot faint. when ,everyone was across we trud The Scouts then rose and bowed ,ged westward on until we came t their heads in this prayer, which was the lake. 1:he • Scouts then walke ;followed by the Lord's Prayer. south down the 'beach a snort dis "We thank Thee, heavenly Father ance and turned to walk east int :for Jesus Christ our Saviour, our we mane to the old London ,Camp Tflero, our Pattern, and ow,King. which now belongs to the Zurich an We thank Thee for our homes and Centralia Boy Scout Trocene. the feiends, for work and play, for all old Zurich Camp isn't too far from good .companionship and clean /augh- this spot. ter and for this great international I (Continued Next Week) movement. For the health giving life' .in the open air, for the sunshine and: :clouds, for the mists of early Triorn-1 eing, the noontide heat an d shadows 1 Siernon — The family or the late :at night, for the hills and valleys, the Mrs: Conrad .Siernon of Zurich, wish *woode and strearas, for grass and to express their sincere thanks and ;porade, .for .trees to climb, for Thy deepest appreciation to their 'nittily 4beautiful world and all the joys of !friends and neighbours for floral tri - life. We thank Thee heavenly Father butes, cards of sympathy, acts of for our bodies, for strong healthy kindness and expressions of sympathy limbs, for .our eyes which see such extended to them during their recent -things of ,beatuty, for our ears which:sad bereavement in the loss of a clear 'hear such jolly sound.% for hands mother. Special thanks to Rev. W. and feet which find absorbing things F. Krotz of Dashwood and Rev. 0 for ,. ted1 andla in I f: he e - Card of Thanks ,. I would like to take this opportua- ity to express any appreciation.. and . thanks to everyone who showed so much kindness to me and any family for the beautiful flowers, ,gifts e' and cards, while I was ill the past Several weeks. — Ross Johnston. c 6,•4•10.........01.1414.1••••••••••••••alaasay••••••••••.......M....6.....•••••••••••••••••01.01......011.••••••••••02.••••••••••••••••••14,1•14•18.1.0.......••••••••.• bscril% ti U S Card of Thanks I wish to thank all my relatives, and friends, who so, kindly rememb- ered me with: cards, treats, flowers and visits, while a patient in St. 'jos- turn out and vote. ELECTION MONDAY Monday is the day of .our Dom- inion Federal Election and all citi- zens are urged to honor their fran- chi eph's Hospital, London and otoo,3 many places of the world people have returning home. Thanks to telling you how to vote or who to R Fr.not got this privilege. We are not M. D. Monaghan and the people St. Boniface Parish for the prayers!Leaguelatiendianvso' tebuathd of vote for, we leave this to our poll- nd the iCatholic Woanen's if Caanaadlia ee —Mrs. 'William Dashwood. or the treats. Again, Thank You! * better place to Jive in. allgothe t ad A Fine Team ar- Messrs. Bert McBride and Carl Decker were very happy Friday ev- he ening having NV011 two firsts and one nd es p- ts is to 1-1 ss -_ One Show each night starting 8.31t); 0 d til- Aldon Theatre GRAND BEND Friday, Saturday June. 7 8 Running The Tsrget,. Color by De -Luxe Doris Dowling Arthur Franz Rich Reeves Short .Subjects and Comic Strip Card of Thanks tod -+- a the Hensel]. Spring Fair i with the team of Wagon horses they showed. They also won first at the competition of five. This class of Clinton show. At Hensall there was horseflesh is becoming quite scarce at present. LADIES' AID MEET The Ladies' Aid of St. Peter's Lutheran Church met in the basem- ent oT the church on Tuese-ay even - „..4444... ing, June 4th. The meeting opened .• 1with the singing of. a hymn and op- ening versicleis for Pentecost. 'Prayer TAKE THE FAMILY; TO . y Pastor W nter who also spoke on e "e Lutheran World Federation. A saxa- tarlite .phone solo by Dianne Thiel, accom- :'' panied by Ronald Klonp at the piano President Mrs. Finkbeiner took eh - DRIVE -IN THEATRE arge of the.business. :Several matters . have been discussed and to be dealt 5 Miles East of Grand Bend If. with at a later date. Preparations 8.5 Miles West of No. 4 — on Crediton Road Highway', ober. Friday, made for the Ladies' Aid q 'Rally to be held in Zurich in Oct- , Friday, Saturday June 7-8; Vacation Church •School is to he s'.. - held from July 2nd to July 10th. The Baule Stations ..: ' Ladies' Aid will ibeTogeelyingT.. snack STARRING— ' .. - - ,., To7- Vile ,chifar.- The Visiting Coin- inittee reported making twenty-three PAT O'BRIEN calls. The business closed with the WILLIAM BENDIX Lord's Prayer after which lunch. was served by convener, Mrs. Wes. Hu- ' This Theatre will -----------. ri- F ill and her committee. 1day and Saturday evening further notice. until GOOD NEWS — CONTRACT LET or our mends, and alt Joys Winter of Zurich. HOFFMAN'S Arrange Funeral Service Ss To Or From e Out -Of -Town -Points meats Wherever funeral service is required, to or from any lilace in Can- • `0 ado, the United States or other points of the globe, Hoffman's., as 41 members of local mind national funeral director's a.ssociations, can .4) handle all the a.rrangements. You are always assured the quiet effi- cioncy of Hoffman's service. OFFMAN FUNERAL HOME 4 Funeral and Ambulance Service • 4.0 T. HARRY• 1 24 -Hour Service DASHWOOD Telephone 70-W4. C; 04,,04,,,a-tsoob.oeso.“.. assamense Nenssoms elOinlateneeMataatantelleallneatat, Thiel's Superior F r4 ark Tharsday, Friday, Saturday Specials Red Seal Cohoe Salmon, 2 tins for Jello -o -jelly Powders Asst. 3 pkgs for Heinz Tomato Ketsup, 11 -oz. bottle 69c 26c 23c Ballet Toilet Tissue, modern colors, 4 rolls ......45c Krest Brand.Coffee, new low price, only per lb 79c MEATS — MEATS Sliced Bacon, per Ib. 69c Strome's Surniner Sausage lb. .59c Check Our Advt. in the London Free Press every Thursday for Specials on Fruits and Vegetables, Phone 140 - C. H. THIEL - Zurich Sunset IThe people of Zurich and vicinity will greatly welcome, the good news ,that the paving of the 84 Highway, !from Hensall to St. Joseph Inas been ilet to the Brennan Paving Co., of 'Hamilton, ,at approximately a cost of DRIVE-IN — GODERICH ;378.000. 0,perations are scrieduled 1 3 miles east of Goderich on No. 8 to start Highway Thursday, Friday June 6 - Cheaper By The Dozen Clifton Webb Myrna Loy Two Cartoons Comedy FREE COMIC BOOKS FOR ALL CHILDREN ON FRIDAY NIGHT r y July 1st. this year and the !job .completer by July 15th, 1958. 1So rVIr. Tom Pryde, M.L.A. advised 7 us by phone this Wednesday morn- ing. Mr. 1 ryde has put a lot of eff- ort into this project to have this piece of work done. It 'will include widening of culverts, straightening of the road at the jog near St..Joseph, and a granular base be put in before the finished black top. Shoul- ders of 'five foot width will be made eUtside the pavement.. It will start just outside Hensel' and will be a 22 foot pavement and the full 100 -ft. right of way. Mr. Pryde also advis- ed us that prospects are good for one of the two new hospitals corning' to this district, ,built the Provin- cial Gov't for the under rivil egcd children, -which will be a big boon to this locality. Here's Hoping! Women''s InsticueF. The regular monthly meeting of the Zurich, branch of the ,Yromens' IflSt'itute was held in the Zurich town hall on Tuesday evening, June 4th with 'Mrs. Wen. Hay ,cnairlady The meeting opened, in the usual manner, IlVliss Grace Erb rendered a piarici solo; !Misses Mary Lou Erb, -Mary and Emma Finley rang. These numbers were very much appreciat- ed. Mrs. Menno Oesch gave an in- teresting paper on Canadian Poets. Mrs: Newell Geiger read several po- ems written by the Authors, Mrs. Len. Erb,• president, took charge of the business. Reports were read by &Ire. Newell Geiger, Trees; Mrs. Bryce Mack, Secretary, carried. Mr and Mrs Ed, ,Stelek of Dashwood were then called to sit in front:chairs. This being a great surprize to thein, while Mrs. Newell Geiger road a fit- ting presentation address, Mrs. Leon- ard Erb :presented them with a gift from the Zurich Institute in senor of their 50th wedding- anniversary whieh they will celebrate in the near future Both replied with many thanks and invited all to attend their "At Home ili Dashwood. All wishing thein In'arlY more Happy Birthday occasions with :health. Refreshments were Served by the committee: Mrs. N. Koehler, Mrs. Lawrence Regier, Mrs Wm, Hay, MTS. pitrad Finlay. A fine soeitti evening was enjoyed by all Saturday, Monday June S-10 Fighting Chance Rod Cameron Judy London and on the saane prograan California Outpost Bill Elliott John Carrell Tuesday, Wednesday June 11-12 The Master Plan Wayne Morris Norman Wooland Cartoon ' Comedy DON'T FORGET TO PLAY BINGO EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT AT THE SUNSET DRIVE-IN Two Shows Nightly. First Show at Dusk. 1Children under 12 in cars FREE. PLAYGROUND - REFRESHMENTS Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor-- Albert Martin iLTNDAY SERVICES: 0.00 a.m. — Sunday Soho& 11.00 a,m. — Worship Service fl:00 — Bible Meeting Wednesday, 8,00 pan. Prayer Fellow- ship in the homes. YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US You'll Enjoy Listening to -- "THE MENNONITE HOUR" Cospell Preaching Inspirationa Singing. Sundays—CHML-900 k.e. 7.80 a.m. --WRVA - 1140 le.” 10.80 p.m The Living Christ for a Dyink World." NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINDECNTS Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Frey. SPECIAL FREE OFFER INTERNATIONAL STERLING SILVER 5 PIECE PLACE SETTINGS BUY 3, GET ONE FREE PRELUDE ENCHANTRESS, ETC. PATTERNS DON'T MISS THIS SPECIAL SETTINGS OFFER OF FREE $29.50 PLACE LIMITED TIME ONLY A. a HESS CERTIFIED WATCHMAKER and JEWELLEL ZURICH - ONT. es t esosece ts 09499 :" 1311e on . Year $2.151, RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loom, Made he Order — SETH 0. AMENS, Zwick Ont. Phone 128. Joi,, Our Many For Hosts Dependable Heat Winter Long, Call: j LORNE E. HAY LOCKER SERVICE - ROE FEEDg Phone BENSALL @at e 4 e MUMMA Licensed Embaler and Funeral Director Priyate Car 'Ambulance Service .,Hospital Bed and Wheelchafr for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL, OCCASIONS Day and N. ht Service TELEPHONE: RES. 89W WO.* tkaGkfOZ41 CO& OR 58J, ZURICH 44 trMS000 • ..47w44iitte.ettlittatraVky. 4 11 or SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK -END Nabob Instant Coffee, 5 -oz, Jar .......... .05 Peanut Butter (Gold Medal) 16 -oz. jar ......... ..... 2.5c Sockeye Salmon, challenger, Half's ....„ c Catsup (Aylmer 11 -oz. bottle, 2 for New Potatoes 10 -lbs. e o Oesc PRODUCE WANTED. 40111111MIMINIIMIRMIMPS This 44 444 4 . rich Rhona ,L6.5 54 qmtipo,rt; MFAMPPMEREESNIFINUOMIN Week's ‘!,!i Att e.gr. 5`;474 1440!21, Specialls A few Kist Peas, 20 -oz. tins, 2 for Libby's Spagatti, 20 -oz. tin at Frankfords, 20 -oz. tins, 2 for 29c 190 A FULL LINE OF MEN'S WORK CLOTHES ALSO SOME WOMEN'S WEAR VISIT OUR STORE OFTEN-- , / YOU WILL .LIKE IT/ • FRESH GROCERIES IN STOCK THE BLAKE ST A. Schwartzeutruber, Prop. A Phone n 4o7 mimmeoximr.