HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-05-23, Page 4MUCHONTARIO .._ ZURICH HERALDorgamogromomemmoomoraurailll MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Huron County Council will meet in the Court House, Goderich, on Wednesday, June 126, 1957, at 20.00 a.m. All accounts and notices of deputations should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, June 8th, 1957. A. H. Erskine, Clerk. County of Huron. 7I. • • • • • • • 4 + 4 4 4 • • • 4 4 - Hear Elston Cardiff AND OTHERS PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE RADIO AND TV BROADCASTS • CKNX-TV CHANNEL.. 8 4, •r 4. Tuesday, June 4 -- 6.20 to 6.30 p.m_ CKNX RADIO DIAL 920 Tuesday, May 28 - 1.20 to 1.30 p.m. Tuesday, June 4 - 12.15 to 12.20 p.m. Published By Authority Of Progressive Conservative Association, Federal Constituency Of Huron akeview Casino GRAND BEND DANCING SATURDAYS the New entley - Gardiner Orchestra Featuring Trumpet and Obeo '.Dalt Walpole on the Ham- mond Organ LOCAL NEWS Mr and Mrs Seth Anvenns have re - /turned home after spending two 'weeks at the home of their son m "Urbana, Ills. HMIs. Wm. Hay of Zurich, and sd.aughter Kathleen of Exeter, visited with the former's daughter in Win- ais'or. Mr and Mrs J. Regier and children of Windsor are visiting at the home clef the former's parents, Mr and Mrs ) awrence Regier and other relatives. Mr and 'Mrs. P. J. iCunnmghaar' and daughter Helen Clare of Willow - dale, have returned to their home after visiting at the home of their aarents, 'Mr and Mrs. C. L. Smith. ,Mrs. Gertrude Deters is a patient n St. Joseph's Hospital, London.Her many friends wish her a speedy re- vcovery. summer visitors z favour Ontario Know 't Ovarl i o Ekten ONTARIO TRAVEL 739 Parliament Bldgs. Toronto Send FREE literature to Mama Post Office .. enirolvirworaionierrtimeonti moor .o• i.e. Ai Ontario Department of Travel & Publicity Hon, Bryan L. Cathcart, Minister Motoring to Canada West Rev. k. M. Amacher has been elec- ted as Fraternal Delegate from the Canada 'Conference to the North West CanadaConference of the Ev- angelical U. B. Church. This Cont- erence meets at (Medicine Hat, Alb. frown May 29th until June 2nd. Bishop 2. H. Mueller will be the presiding Bishop. Rev and Mrs. A.M. .Amacher, Lorne and Dennis are mot- oring to British Columbia. They will also visit at Didsbury, Alta and New- dorf, Sash. Leaving here in Zuri,h, this Wednesday morning, the going trip will be mostly in the States. St. Joseph & Nue Water Area Oldest Resident Passes— On Sunday, May ileth, 1957 there passed away in this parish one of the oldest and most ;highly respected cit- izens in the person of Mrs. Joseph Bedard, Sr., in her 94th year. Mrs. Bedard was a direct descendant of the early settlers of this parish from the family of Pierre and Olive Masse. Mrs. Bedard passed peacefully a- way after being bed ridden for over two years, and during all that time she was fully resigned and bore her illness with, full resignation. After her husband's death her desire was to live with her son Leon, and his family, and during those long years this grand old lady lived a life of comfort and ease, due to the con- tinual care given her and at no time was she ill .continually until the de- parted was of an amiable disposition, cheerful, but preferred a quiet home life and quiet surroundings. But was always generous and ready to give a helping hand to those in need. Mrs. BBedard's late husband pre- deceased her 14 years ago. Way back in the year 1882 Mrs. Bedard known then as Sarephine Masse in her teen yeears was married to Jo5- eph Bedard, he too a native of this parish and from this union 17 child- ren were horn After their mart•i- age the young couple settled lir this parish, and after much. ;nara work, became prosenous farmers, and on Wcanesday morning last the re- imains of Mrs. Bedard were taken to the parish church where High Mass was celebrated (by the parish priest, Father Q'oissin, assisted by Father 'Monaghan, Zurich, Frs. Spencer and Sullivan, London. 6 elderly women of the C.W.L. of the parish were chos- en as honorary pall bearers, heading the funeral 10 session in church, and after the Mass to the parish cemet- ery; all was impressive and showed high respect for the deceased. The honorary pall (bearers were as follows: Mrs. Fred Ducriarme, Mrs. Remmie 'Geoffnoi, Mrs. Frank Denomme, Mrs: Joseph Rau, Mrs. John Etue and Mrs. Theifile Ayotte. The pall hearers 'were Benedict and Roseau Bedard, Wrn. Bedard, Francis Bedard, Rowland and ilVielvin Bedard. The family of deceased who mourn her loss are: Sister M. Eugenie; An- nie, Mrs. Frank Denomne and Jos- eph of Chatham; Rachael, Mrs. Gil- bert Jeffrey; Beatrice, IMrs. Lawrence Jeffrey, Simon and August of Win- dsor; Melvin iof Detroit; Charlie of Courtright; Theofile and Leon of this vicinity; also the families o1 the late Dennis Bedard of Zurich, of Lawrence and I`dn]lip of 'I'illbury; Jeremiah -of Courtright and Gertie of Windsor. There are 8.1i grandchild- ren; 162 Great Grandchildren, and 9 (3r. Gr. Grancl'hildren, '.]'he coir.. orrr., their cic?• Beet smy;l athv 'o the .ret ''vtrl goes. NOTICE LAKEFRONT DANCING BAYFIELD PAVILION, EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT KEN WILBE'E'S 'ORCHESTRA Miss Gloria Dietz of London, spent the week -end at her home here, The nice and waren spring rains the past week has brought up a most wonderful growth. Grass and mead- ows, as well as wheat fields seem to be a few weeks ahead sof the average in growth. The spring crops are do- ling nicely. Although we had several days of .nice easy rains, but not too much at once .which usually bakes the land, and hinders growth. Let's look for a bumper crop, and we will likely have it. Attend Convention Rev. 0. Winter, Mr. Bruce Klopp, Miss Mary Klopp, Virginia, Detchert; Mrs. Ernie Laidlaw, Mrs. Ray Fisher, Mrs. Earl Flaxibard, lVIrs. Norman Fleischauer attended the Sunday Sch- ool Teachers' ,Convention at the Lutheran Ohurch in New Hamburg, on Sunday. Mr and Mrs Lloyd O'Brein spent several days at London last week; at the home of their daughter, Mr and Mrs. Arthur McLean. C. W. L. Meet The (Sub -Division of the C.W.L. of St. Peter's Parish, St. Joseph, held its meeting in the school with the president, Mils. Lawrence Regier pre- siding. Father Poisson opened the Canada TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE FEDERAL BUILDINGS PROVINCE OF ONTARIO SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned' and endorsed as a- -have, will be received until "3.00 p.:m. (E.D.S.T.), TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1957, for the supply of coal and coke for the Federal Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario. Forms of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be ob- tained from the Chief of Purchasing and Stores, Department of Public Works, Garland Building, Ottawa, the District Architect, 385 Yong St., Toronto, Ontario. Tenders will not be considered un- less made on the printed forms, sup- plied by the Department and in accor- dance with conditions set forth there- in. The Department reserves the right to deunand from any successful ten- derer, before awarding the order, a security deposit in the form of a CERTIFIED cheque drawn on a bank. incorporated under the Bank Act or the Quebec Savings Bank Act pay- able to the order of the RECEIVER GENERAL OF ]CANADA, equal to ten per cent coif the amount of tender, in accordance with the Govern¢nent Contracts Regulations now in force, :or Bearer Bonds, with unmatured coupons attached, of the Government of Canada or of the;Canadian Nation- al Railway Company and its constit- uent .companies, unconditionally guar- anteed as to principal—and rnterest by the Government of Canada. The lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. ROBERT FORTIER, Chief of Administrative Services and Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, May 7th, 1957. - See! - Hear! ANDY McL E A N Liberal Candidate in Huron CKNX - TV WEDNESDAY, MAY 28th, 11.20 TO 11.25 pian. CKNX RADIO THURSDAY, MAY 23, 6.25 TO 6.30 p.rn. THURSDAY, MAY 30th, 6.25 TO 6.30 pint. (Published by the .:Fluxtoru Liberal .c� sedation'' meeting with sprayer. The financial report shoed on increase, due to thecard parties held in the (home. These parties will disclos tine for the suuener months, but will resume in the fall. Plans are being made for a picnic to be held on the Church grounds Aug. 4th., Tickets are on sale for the various prizes, includ- ing $50.00 incash. The drawing will take place at the close of the picnic. Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association For artificial insemination infor- nation or service from all breeds of tittle, phone the Waterloo Cattle sreeding Association at. Clinton lu 2-3441 between 7:30 and 9:30 &.M. We have all breeds available - up quality at low cost. DASHWOOD i\Irs. Wan. Haugh, ill7rs. Urban Pfile, Shirley Haugh, Mrs. Elsner Rader and boys spent a few days last week with Mrs. Wmi..Schumack- er at Pigeon, Mich. . 1VIr and Mrs Garnet lWeiiberg• and family, Mr and IMrs Ervin Latta, and Mr :and IMrs Gordon Weiberg, all of Waterloo were week -end visit- ors with Mr and Mrs Fred Weiberg. Mr and Mrs Colin Hindley and family of London were visitors with Mr and Mrs. Reinhold Miller, Mr and Mrs Garnet 'Weiberg and family visited with Mr and Mrs. L. H. Rader. Mr and Mrs 'Clarence Kirepel of of Kitchener spent the week -end with Mrs.lMary Becker. Thursday, May 23rd',. 19u"T r ---r- W.,*.. lvh' Mind Mrs, 'George Gilbert, hire, Carman Eiekmeier and Poul' and trtis.•; Ellen Gilbert of Stratford spent the, week -end with Mr and M're. Ceitertner Burmeister. Mr. Don 'Gasser is visiting att int. Pelee. Mr and Mrs. Melton Wraiver' ands' girls of Ingersoll spent the 'week -end Mr and Mrs Wim. Haugh and Shire with Mr and Mrs. Philp Fassold". ley, Mr and Mrs, Courtney Burmeis- Mr and Mrs Wmr. Zinkhann, of ter attended graduation of the nur- Kitchener visited friends in town . see from Stratford General Hospital during the week -end. when Miss Ellen Jean Gilbert of Mr and Mars. Allan Faulhafer of Dashwood graduated, also receiving Kitchener spent the week -end with.. several awards. Mr. John Bender. .11 • • • • • • • • • a • • s • • • • • • • • Mid -Town Cleaners AGENT — Reg. R. BLACK, Zurich. Our Dry Cleaning and Laundry Service will be continued as usual at the same location. Goes out Monday - back on Thursday; ouf Thurs- day - back Saturday; out Saturday - back Monday. Fast Efficient.. Service MID TOWN CLEANERS Exeter Ontario. • • UNDER Liberal Government Canadian Trade In 1956 Amounted to $660.00 Per Person — The Highest Per Capita in The World. Here are Examples of What this Meant to Farmers in 1956: Products Exports DAIRY CATTLE $15,321,000 BEECF Imports Favourable Balance, .... ...... $10,731,000 PORK ... ... ... —.$45,355,755 $7,795,448 . $37,560,307 DON'T TRADE PROMISES FOR PROGRESS ON JUNE 10th V{ T E Andy McLean AND WIN WITH THE LIBERALS! . (Published by the Huron Liberal 'Association ) MADE BY PEOPLE A COUNTRY is not made by its Re sources but by its people. Natural resources were here before there: were any people. It is the people of Canada who have made thi's,. country by their courage, industry, intelligence, and thrift. Canada can maintain its position in the world only through the continued work and devotion of its citizens. Possession of the most abundant natural resour- ces is not enough to ensure national greatness. THE STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA LIMlITED MONTREAL GANANOQUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO 1