HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-05-23, Page 1R C Established 1900 'Card of Thanks I wish to express my sincere thanks :for those who remmezUbered me with. yards, treats, and visits while a pat- ient at St. Joseph's 'Hospital, Lon - 'don, Ont. 'Mr, George J, Thiel. Card of Thanks T wish to say Many Thanks to '!friends .for ,cards, 'good wishes, also :for treats and •flowers sent to me eturing my illness. Sincerely, Mrs. .E'dna Johnston. Clinton Orator Wias Oanlest • Mr. William Elliott, R. R. 1, Zur- ich, only s.on of iMr and Mrs. Melvin :Elliott, Zurich, was one of the win- ners selected •in the Zone C. L fin- -als of the Canadian Legion. Public 'speaking finals held in the Legion Mall at Clinton -over the :week -end. He- as a ,grade 12 student at the Dia- - trict Collegiate Iristitute in the Sen- . ler pupil school class. We congratu- late Bill and wish him every success future 'ii e. ZURICH., ONTARIO, THURSDAY M Property Sold Mr. Maurice Weber sold his prop- erty in the westerly part off town, on Louise Street to Mrs. Therese Hart- man of the Goshen Line south. Pos- session will be given in August Had Anniversary A very happy and joyous event was celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Deichert, Zurich, on the toccasion of their fortieth wedd- ing anniversary. Dinner was serv- ed at 5.30 by the immediate family to about 50 guests, including the bridesmaid, Mrs. Elmore Deters, the .former Laura Schumacher, ,cousin of the (bride and best man, George Dei - Chert, ;brother of the groom, and sisters and brothers of the .celebrants from London, Kitchener, ,New Ham- burg, Stratford, Walton, Dashwood and surrounding district The home was lovely with arrange- ments of lilacs, tulips and narcissus. The table was centred with a three- tier ;wedding eake, flanked by tall tapers. After a delicious meal a few fitting remarks were given by Mr. A. J. Kallbfleisoh, Zurich, and the -DANCE- COMMUNITY CENTRE - ZURICH On SATURDAY, MAY 25th. 112aTS CALYPSO STANDARDS OLD TIME MLSICy BY TZE 4` JAYS" OF LONDON • e • • • 0 • • 0 • • • • • • • • • 1 9•••.a••••••••••••.•••••_••••••••••••••••••••••••A,, HOFFMAN'S •• • Arrange Funeral Service - • oaxE 6EIIVICE i • •• To Or From (,' '•` I • •�. •• Out -Of -Town -Points • • a Wherever funeral service is required, to or from an place in Can- r hoda, the United States or odber points of the globe, Hoffman's, as • • c members of Local and national fugeral director's associations, can • tlo handle all the arrangements. You are always assured the quiet effi- • es•iency of Hoffman's service. • T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME • .* Funeral and Ambulance Service • to e 24 -Hour Service DASHWOOD Telephone 70-W '► ani•luew.a.ivoc- ,mss,-.soc"A Doesoo ..r••••••••••••eN••••••••• Thiel's Superior Food Market Thursday, Friday, Saturday Specials 1111111111 Sunbright Margarine 4-4bs. for $1.00 Green Gant Corm Niblets, 2, 14 -oz. tins 33c s1 Nabob Coffee, 10c. off, 14b. bag S7c Fishermeark Sockeye Salmon 1, 734 -oz. tins 45c Simonize Paste. Wax, 1 -tin 79c SPECIALS ON FRUITS AND VEGETABLES EVERY WEEK - END Summer Sausage by Stromes per lb. 59c Phone 140 C. H. THIEL - Zurich MAY 23 1957 groom made a fitfing 'reMpl°3' The couple were the recipients o'fl?any ,beautiful and useful gifts,:eio4'latu lary messages and 'a telegi'arin•-of good wishes from.' A. Y. t11'l1 h , Seafortle The corsages were sem ted Iby the grandchildren. ' The bride is the former Josef ine Kalbfleisch, daugter of °the rp.f Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kalbfleisch la `>*. of Hay Township, and the groom aeon iof the late Mr and Mrs. Peteri'De'i- eehert, Sr., Zurich. 4 ' This union was Ibbessed, w> a family of four daughters and three sons: ;Mrs. Harvey Hohner, (Ed'ith) Bayfield ; Mr. Clifford. Pepper (,;ora) Dashwood; Earl of Zurich, Mr's;: Ed- gar Elligson, (Dorothy) Walton; Clair on the Deicliert homestead, Blind Line, Zurich; ¶Margaret,' Kiteh: ener (dental assistant) and Edward on the staff of the Bank .of Montreal Zurich, and also nine grandchildren. In connection with this occasion, several birthdays 'were also acknowl- edged. Albert Deichert, brother of the groom and John •Elligsen those birthdays fall on the anniversary date, May 16th. and Joan Pepper with birthday on May 19th. A cake: in their honour was baked by'. Mrs. Alfred Pfaff, Zurich., Udon Theatre GRAND BEND Friday, Saturday May '21-25 Ambassador's Daughter Synamascope and Techlhic'dr STARRING— OLIVA DeHAVELA,N4: JOHN FO'RSYTH,E • _VIYRNA LOY -, Comic Strip One Show each night starting8.30. TAKE, (THE,,. 14044Starilte DRIVE-IN THEATRE 5 Miles East of Grand Bend 8.5 Miles West of No. 4 Highway on Crediton Road Friday, Saturday The Spoilers STARRING— CHEF'F CHANDLER ANNE BAXTER To Hold Dance The "J A Y S" Orchestra of Lon- don are holding a dance in the Com- mnznityCentre, Zurich this Saturday evening, May 25th, to which the pub- lic, are invited. Crediton Resident Passes Fred Kerr, 80, lifelong resident of Crediton, brick and tile manufactur- er and well known district trap shoot- er. Surviving are his wife, one da- ughter and a sister at ;Crediton.' Fun- eral services were held -on Tuesday, May 21st at Exeter. ARE INVESTIGATING Police are making a thorough in- vestigation into ibreakins which occ- urred in Zurich •Garages bust week, when they picked up $215 worth of tires from Pearson's ;Motor Sales and cigarettes, money, tires and articles from Howard Klopp's garage valued at $125. Entry in the Klopp garage was made by tearing a hole through a light ;bathroom wall. The Scout's Corner By Troop Leader Louis Willert Camping Trip April 27, '57. Chap. II This morning the Scouts were up bright and early before 7 a.m. The Owl Patrol was in charge of getting breakfast ready this morning. We had bacon and eggs, bread, butter, jam, and coffee. Before (breakfast the Scouts aired out their bedding, after a good night's rest. After breakfast each Patrol had to make fences and gateways around each of their tents and other projects to snake the camp -site look better. Scouter Hess, and Scouter Surerus did the same !thing around Troop Headquarters and they also found a longer po3e on Ivehieh to put the flag. After work around the camp rwas finished some D Chester L. Smith, Pulblieher. ----- S,ubscription in Canada, $2.02 a UN Subscription U.S.A., Year ;LEL NORMA'S . BEAUTY SHOPP•D FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH Prep. RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loom, Made W Order -- SETH 0. AILED o , Uzbek Ont. Phone 128. SPECIAL FREE OFFER INTERNATIONAL STERLING SILVER 5 PIECE PLACE SETTINGS BUY 3, GET ONE FREE PRELUDE ENCHANTRESS, ETC. PATTERNS DON'T MISS THIS SPECIAL SETTINGS OFFER OF FREE $29.50 PLACE LIMITED TIME ONLY A. G. HESS CERTIFIED WATCHMAKER and JEWELLEL ZURICH - ONT. , ht alLeeS01- e:Wgn;tw: 0 .ge. 7.11 e. others went swimming. ..By now' • it was almost Ill p.m., as we looked at the sky to the north, it was almost black. We then knew that a storm was coming. The Scouts that were in swimming dashed from the rteer ( back to ;camp, as it started getting very windy; but dinner was ready Iby the • time all Scouts were back in May 24-25 camp; as soon as everyone was hack in camp 'it started to rain. As the Eagle (Patrol was in charge of getting dinner ready, they tools all the food into their tent and ev- eryone went there to eat. During the storm the tent iof the Wolf Pat- rol collapsed on top of them; quick- ly they ran from their tent to put it back up and then ducked roack into their tent; again a few minutes lat- er down came the tent and this time it stayed down, till it had stepped to rain. But inn the meantime the tent !off the Owl Patrol was leaking in on them making them kind of wet, so they piled all their belongings on the ° ground in the middle of the tent and put their ground sheets over them and dashed into the next tent. This morning it .was fairly hot, but the fog that moved in this afternoon brought very cool air with it. After the. fog passed through camp the Scouts put on their jackets. The Scouts were going to go on a hike this afternoon, but it kept raining so This Theatre will be open every Fri- day and Saturday evening until further notice. Sunset DRIVE-IN -- GODERICH 154 miles east of Goderich on No. 8 Highway Thursday, Friday "DREAM Ginger Rogers,;, Cartoon May 23-24 BOAT" Clifton. Webb Comedy Saturday, Monday "KENTUCKY Chill Willis Cartoon Teesday,'!Wednesday, May 25-27 RIFLE" Darcy Darena Comedy May 2,8-2 we rested up in our tents for the rest of the afternoon. By supper time it was still raining a little. The Wolf Patrol was in charge of getting stopper ready,they tried starting the fire, but the wood WE'RE NO ANGELS" was too wet, so we had to have sup - Humphrey Bogart Joan Bennett per in Hess' cottage. We had coffee, CComedy • pork and beans and weiners for sup- per. After supper all the Scouts went to Forest to see a show, ;once went in the .back of Scouter Hess' truck and others in Pat O'Brien's car. The name of the show was the "Sear- chers". After the show we went to a restaurant in Forest to get some- thing to eat; then we headed back to our :camp in the Pinery. We ar- rived ;back in camp at 11.30, By 9UNLIAY SERVICES: School 111415 pen., all lights were out and 10:00 a.m. — S o It all ,Scouts sleeping. But when the 11:00 a.m. — Wibie p aerv3c�e Scouter looked out he saw that the R:00 p.m, 8.00 Bible Meeting lights of Pat's car on,but Thott 'ht Wednesday, p.m. Prayer Fellow- he was fixing something in hi, • tent. ship in the homes. Box Office opens 7 p.m. First Show at dusk. Children under 12 in cars Free PLAYGROUND - REFRESH°MENTS Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor-- Albert Martin %Imes". Join Our Many Hosts For Dependable Heat ail Winter Long, Call: LORNE E. HAY LOCKER SERVICE - ROE FAD* Phone la N& LL 190111•40.4011•6•1101184111100000114101/0011000119410049•11000,0900041441119/ • •eoll • ' *%tbat* Ettaltrat , Rs**• • -0 • YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH Us You'll Enjoy Listening to— "THE MENNONITE HOUR" Gospel! Preaching — lnspirationa Singing. Sundays•---CHML-900 k. c. 7.30 a.m. —WRVA - 1140 k,c: `30 , 10. p•m At 12 ,midnight they were still on and at 112:15 they were still en, eo- Scouter Hess went ever to investigate He poked his he -ad into the Wolf P'atrol's tent and hollered Pat, but got no answer, again he ;hollered "Pat", do you want your ear lights :n" Pat replies, "Huh -n -n -n I" "Do you want your lights on?" "I guess nee" And Scouter Hess The Living Christ for' a Dying turned the, lights off, and tante back Warid." to whr'1" h0 way sleeping. (Contie taed nest. week) Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for RentF LOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service TELEPHONE: RES. 89W - OR 89J, ZURICH • ee••••••••••• eels 414.000•fi••••••••••••••••• ••••�c Lucky Dollar Food Store SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK END King's Choice Canned Tomatoes 28 -oz.. can 3c Weston's Sodas, salted or plain 1 -lb.. pkg 29c Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs..,......... .........:...,..._.......... ,55c Chocolate !Cake Mix, (Ogilvie) per pkg. 211 Lifebuoy Soap, 2 Bathsize 2c Menno Oesch - Zurich. PRODUCE WANTED. ?hone 16x5 • This Week's specials A few Kist Peas, 20 -oz. tins, 2 for 29c. Libby's Spagattti, 20 -oz. tins at , 1 9c Frankfords, 2Q -oz. tins,, 2 for 25c A FULL LINE OF MEN'S WORK CLOTHES ALSO SOME WOMEN'S WEAR VISIT OUR STORE OFTEN- 467 YOU WILL LIKE IT! FRESH GROCERIES IN STOCK 4. THE BLAKESTIIE Schwartzentruber, Prop. Phone I t i