HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-05-16, Page 8ki> r• r • 0.1? 06. ot, of r fr , Th., „T th4',' 4:try ff.) You. itl'ears;, told 1:4 iit, ex.e bel pre r 'ny 117., ,oualpk armer Wit'R wry ear. 1 and ends renw and ton horn, A. Mat Con- 18th Eve' 1, 14 sngp EIai. of IA) The' at S: ZURICH ONTARIO 9 THE vaillen.doliaraudonaidaesuleMIT.1.1 STORE WITH THEY STOCK See the new Samples o made -to -measure Suits and Top Coats by House of Si:one,.. Tc,,ronto. Hund. reds of Samples to choose fon, in newest cloths, loomed in England and Scotland at very attractive prices. SEE TI-LEP.A. SPECIAL — Men's Suits at $49.95. Made to Measure. NEW SIP:R.ING .1:vi'TIAL15 AND GOODS ARRIVING DAILY Print and Cotton Dresses in sizes 14 to .52., and 14'., to 24 Prices from $2.98 to $5.98 Girl's White Cotton Sanforized Blouses - Short Sleeve - The ideal Blouse for school wear - Sizes. 7 to 14, at only 98c. Girl's Khaki Slim-jims - Sizes 3 to 6x at 1.98 3 to 14 at :41.65 Girl's .ed cotton -rib Stockings, sizes 5 to •':9c. pr. to clear at pr. 29c We carry a complete range of sizes in girdles, Corsets and Coiselettes, pantie girdles and bras. in- cluding the popular Sarong line, ranging from $5 to $10.95; NuBack girdles and front lined corsets; and the new Gothic 3-R. line in short and long -line bras, pricing from $1 up. Come in and let us help you choose the .c.,,arment best suited to your figure before purchasing that important New Spring Outfit! TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH HERALD LOCAL NEWS Mr. William O'Brien, Jr. Of 'Lon- don spent the week -end With il1F, parents, Mr and :Mrs Leeroy Mr. Gordon Rau of Greater Detroit was a :winess visitor in town fe.,v days early in thetweek.'' Yrs. Calvin Cuttler :Detroit is spending a few days at .A•er late mother's home, the Rau resd�-:i 1'1 town, P -...,.11, George 'Wilson, Mi'S:: g johns '. o n and the latter's mother, Mrs. Ed, Beaver from the •ElayileI4 area, or raLt n Winter of ,Waterloo !Huron & Erie bEEENTURES Canada Trust CERTIFICATES Now Paying; 491% FOR 1, 2, 3 YEARS f. W. HABERER 0 lege is spending a few akv„ at General Insurance Phone 161 th home of his parents, at fli'e Lu- - T pr: .1. Parsonage. PrUce BossetrberrY ..,,ii..-,::Grat'ai \IVI,' — •? Iv -4 in town early in the .1) ,,• liose snberry will 'he openitv: lt's ,n Theatre this week-enA,:ittul ,, e. :. present \\till operate saive on ''P ,lliss ',kfary 1. 1j-0 Fritz ofs''.12e,rtilto y.,.„,... UluSaturday evenii*.of ,-..,.. k. is vacationing at ber parenti;,:1.a.e•,e. -s. John Elite of the ,R1'e 17tlater ..hiway, 101 't and ,who sPenZ 'he, 1r r.,:ter months w!th her childre.., in T'elroit, hos retrrned to 1*.t,:..r.tr-,11 8 ho,•11e for the summer. ;mr. Ethel In oupht over by her di -1' fel', Mr and fMrs. A. Q. P-erkins,',',W-:•:o on vacatfc,a trip to the .S01:".hern I State of .:" laharna. And we ;Iwo they, rt.v:I1 have an enjoyable holiday. g P..:.tended Meeting Ci Alori.i; 26 women from the two ,70 -en - 0 , e C11111 Cies motored to :Kitchener gp. on 'Tuesday by :charter :bus- to at - 1 .1 tt . I t.'"i- onn"al meeting of the Worn- --„' Mission and Service ' AftlYiF al'V (1 . of Lite. Yenn,-.nite conference as Ont - 0 ' ario. All had an enjoyable time and )— the mee tin e” tt T ' a von., in:,piiing on r. . \ ,.1 '' I THANK YOU! iti el'he 'Bantam 11,-.ekey Club 0 f Z114, 4 ' l',.! i'.A.'kll to O'41,1-1(.1 A 1114001 11 eFlity 1 v:, O of than' to their MalVr`er, Mr. ... , ‘r1 Yunghlut, each: iYr, Pon 0'- '.. t len, Trainer; Mr. Leroy '1':hi-.t1; altto I, 1-, t110 Lop S Clab for !l,Vo.ning ,1'.....,11; for the jacl:pt, •givrn -I..) itl,,,,in d Icr the delicious tawralt- served .their honour; to the b.l.tit:,--;-,..en '11 donated the crests end the Ivo - VP 1,1-..ies, and to all the fans no Inlp- P'.ett to make the season a success, To Have Sport Day Da:fuwood will have a big Snorts il V Ina'', on Monday, ,May 20th,' Victoria fc/ ; Day when the ball season rwill he oo- , tined ,vith a soft ,b -all game., folTh,w- - ed hy P. baseball game of the If:iren Perth League, Exeter Mowhaks ‘vill e, meet the Dashwood Tiger'S,Jn all it will be a big afternootn.".slprograin. to attend this first ou4sport fb clay ,ef the season. .:.-.....";k. '1 C -:- 0 THE SCOUT CQ 'a •.-- . ; (contiri4d-.11,tiiYi'.04$ h:. - Art was • put back 1,1 .. • ,:..1,,,. cho.1.24r0S. ZURICH 'YE!. a 4, a 4, a 9 4, „;r a Ice ON ELECTRICAL INSTALATiONS AND APPLIANCES SEE WUERTH'S FIRST AND SAVE ViLTERTH ELEG1 RI 4;ti SEESEgana Phone 84 Zurich 22=.;43214;221:22MISZSZa. dde '—l'ed shut. This skit was ST, PETER'S Ev. Lutheran Church, Zurich Rev. 0. Winter, Pastor. Mrs. J, Tuerkheirn, ATCM., Organist Wer.,hip Services: 0 A,M. and 7:30 P.M. Sunday school (an ages) 7.11.15 A.M. In the name of our Master we bid you a cordial welcome to this house of God, its worship, its comfort and its peace. Emmanuel Evangelical UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH Rev. A. M. Amacher, B.A., B.D, Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist. Sunday, May llith. 10 a..n1.—Worship Service in charge • of Mr. Gordon 'Yenning, of Clin- ton. 11 a.m.—Sunday :School. A cordial welcome awaits you. Wolf Patrol, 'but this time it was a Love .Scene" by Pat 07:1.7.n, Paul 'Yurghlut. T1i SC( - ne!e, land smoochie. It WaS done tb,, ;eine way at the ope: 'A • -S.t his scene was done theea— e way two lovers in real life ..dd go at it. For the rest of the ,campfire we sang songs with music by Paul Yung - }tint and Paul Vleido playing ukuleles and . Scouter Hess playing his gitar and iiiouth organ. Campfire :closed at 10:30 with the Lord's Prayer. All. the Scents were then told to turn in for the. nip.,itt. About 1.0.50 it started to ram, but hy this time all the Scouts were bed- ded down for the night. There was no running around tonight. :So it was a good thing it started raining, De - cause there wasn't any noise from lff 3. 4. 4, 4. 4. 4. 4. 4' 43 4 Thursday, May 16th, 1957 tanesaummmatanrarIneglisarteasai***4411.110. A PROMISE UNFAILING Gool's Covenant And God said,— "I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth ....and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh." . Gen. 9, 12, 13, 15o Being, Fulfilled While the earth rernaineth, seedtime and harvest, and winter and day and night shall not cease.. Gen. 8: 22, By Nature ....for, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the tune of the singing of birds is come. Song of Sol. 2: 11, 12. Zurich Mennonite Evangelism Committee 413 45 ,01k.aia,0Mnffin muscannVelomumvomoterzureonsertmr....c....o..............."asorA.vstnivoxeireertmtwattuesosottacramicammenattrea=en. Noseramomaniaintat.rag....ara.ossmatnstsaviarcumonwavatherovatexwouit 4, a 4, 4, 4, 4, 4. 4. 4. 4, 4. 4, 4, 4, 4, 0 9 4, 4. 4. as a a 4, 4, 4, I. e i:e 4.a 4. 4, 4, so 33 4, Any of the Scouts for. the -rest of the evening. )3Y 1111 p.m. all the lights were out. —(Continued next week. 1—By Troop Leader, Louis Willett. ‘.1.1 , , FEE,ISMEntra01=W0ZRESSI rss'P 6 wljp 4, - 8 Offer a ConcOete Line of Shur -Gain Faro IP 19, tit° 'eS * • -• 0 1; • Vieeletlq.N.XiXOTAM:V44Sii",t:44..1::4$4,Q ' • HARDWARE – SEEDS antr..1 FURNITURit Your Fuel Needs Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange for your supply. YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove need attention; or prob- ably you need a New One. Let us look these over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best IAdvantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always instock. 1 5 4' 4' 4 4 0 4 STADE & WEIDO 'ZURICH - ONT. ret QUALITY — PRICE SERVICE 4 111111141041414060400/0410061011100111411111100010§ 5401111M101100110$4.1.009**001001.0000 Proven Feeds and Co. ncentrates for Poultry, Hogs and Cattle 6 Try Our.. New... -!:22 % .. Chick.. Starter.. Medicated. Inquire About The Low.. Grain Prices in Truck Load Lots. M. DEITZ & Son Zurich ••:,..A:sr....,,....,=.11.0rsemmattmarostsomstarcoarr.ruenasitrava.r.nowomMtr • 111111111111111111111111111111ii' u REG. & JIM'S Mens and Boys' Wear Stock will be sold out by Auction, in Zurich. on SATURDAY, MAY 18th. Beginning at , 8 p.m. Sharp Here is your chance to get your Father's Day Gifts early and those necessary items all at your price. If time permits the entire remaining Stock will be sold without reserve. Lots of white Shirts, Sport Shirts, Underwear Jackets, Trousers, Hats, Etc. DON'T MISS ITI1 Saturday May 18th, at 8 p.m., Zurich. In the TOWN HALL ZURICH PAARKIN8 BLACK Men's and Boy's Wear - Zurich 8' 4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 14. 45. - 4. 4. 4. 4. 0111111-1(4111)11.1.)Iiinili.1f11.141101.04.01110,(Ipioi.1Mi11.11.111RIC.1l11 5' 5' e,--1'-,it fa, e „, I r I 1 1 al Corne in and see our COMPLETE LINE OF HOME FURNISHING'S We Have a Good 'Supply of Floor Coverings Good variety of Blinds, Track and Accessories SPRINGS and MATTRESSES Variety and Sizes of Simmons, Sealy, Marshall, Restonic, Pillofoam, Etc., Etc. Now is the time to Buy your gt„C SUMMER FURNITURE ZURICP Pne 89J el 11 1 1111M11111111111111111111111111 111 111111 111111 1111111 111111111101111111111111 mmomumm num 113110,10 Zargains hri Floor- Cover 3 25% OFF ON -ALL MERCHANDISE . Here area few Examples: INLAID LINOLEUM - Reg. 4.95 running Yard for $3.70 running Yard 3 yds. wide Congoleum - Reg. 2.85 running yard, for $2.28 running yard REMNANTS and Odd lots of Tile - All at only HALF PRICE Shop Early While The Selection Is Good, T. and T. FLOORING Your Decorating Headquarters SHOW ROOM IN BAKERY BLOCK. PHONF 133 ZURICH 7311:314 1' 5. 4, 5. 5. 1. 5. 5. 3' 4. 4. We also carry a complete line of Aluminum Comb- * Give us a call and we will be glad to come and take measurements and give you a free estimate. 13. ;11,eittonegislifittli;.,:'sauftersoniskt, Winter pproachos Once Moro So ACT FAST and securing your Storm be prepared for Winter by Sash and Combination Doors Early! • ination Doors and Windows A good supply of Canadian Cement is on hand for fr , immediate sale. LET US SERVE YOU! -FRED e.KALBnEISCHAft. zuct.lem LUPI =45 •