HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-05-16, Page 1•prae...•••*• 3,etablished 1900 Tr, ZURICH, ONTARIO. THURS .04FA.P:Pi4S,IEDRAN CAVICE SOCgErrif eo......—......... '•:, •4' e • .".'. ,,... , . ,,,,x:q..... ,:••••,,,i•mt.,,,„.:„,„0......,..„,, .,...e -....g ... ..; / . ' - ' • ._1„-- ..,'"-Ai.,!4.4'0,:: ,t..• • N. ..,,,, . 449 an,T,irma,oa„.„,11,4$ v',,;- e,2?!..„‘,..4.....(7.-0-,,,,,,,,-vb-". .. • •••,,....4..• , ......,„." • ..::,..v,z1,,,,••••••"••••...:4.mvu- . ...------ ..., i.... .. „. . '' ....,.. ,.',.:::::,1,,,,,,,,,,....,,,,,,,,.,„.. ,.,......,....„...„...,/ BLiTz CANVASS In the V i ilage of Zurich, on WEDNESDAY EVE.MAY 22nd. Have your Donation ready for this very Much • Worthy Cause. (Sponsored by Zurich Lions Club) ' :omr2rmmtv..mx.Far.mma. .,w,====srmomnn= .,aaa-Ammeauzasmommurzuszawnsbammost • tal2 • e G. R. HARDMAN 'Will Attend .BE FREE OF PAIN! eee;eeeeFeere:,e:•One=e,elee'iePe4; ›IiI*00:eelee You can wit]i the atelp of Miracle Foot Aid. Many of your friends and neighbours have found Miracle Foot Aid, with its exercise plus support, the complete answer to foot trouble. See Mr. Hardman on Tuesday. Youll find he has the experience, the know- ledge, the ability to help you! At the MILT OESCH SHOE STORE TUES.PAY, MAY 21st.. ZURICH -- Phone 82 .or 130 10 A. M. — 8 P. M. 11 g Don't Suffer Further. Don't Neglect Your Feet! You, Who Have Foot Tro- uble Come to This Clinic. hiers a r FLL Specials Delmonte Fruit Cocktail 2, 20 -oz. tins 9c Delthonte Pineapple Grapefruit drink, 48 -oz Tin for ......... 33c Rose Fresh Pickle Slices, 16 -oz. jar 27c Hereford Corned Beef, 12 -oz. tins SPECIALS ON FRUITS AND VEGETABLES EVERY WEEK - END Phone 140 C. H. THIEL - Zurich v19.-AgG4T Community MAY1.0ttleil ;••,, e.e • • )ANOP7K42. Disjarcline"S'-':".,Orcheetra Proceeds .for•''the134.1eball Club Adinission Come and Suppoef 'neer Ball Club ORNING, MAY 1(3 957 4 • AICE011 eatre Chester L mith, Publisher. Subscription in Canada, $2.0.11 a Y Subscription U.S.A., Year MOIL • ,,f4/ef •"18. .612,011.441.40.3,XINISCRWISIA 04011.1.V.V ••• ZURICH HAS MINOR HOCKEY NIGHT Last Wednesday evening, May 8th was another big night in the Zurich Community Centre when over two hundred hockey fans sat down to a, ,suniptuow turkey banquet served by the Ladies of the Evangelical U. B. Church. Hockey enthusiasts were e 'eeee present, from as far away as Chicago GRAND "BOD The Zurich Minor Hockey teams sp- onsored by the Zurich Lions Club were present in mass, and they receiv- ed due recognition, as they marched to their table being introduced by Lion Earl Yungblut, President of the Club. Lion Leroy O'Brien led the singing and Mrs. Lenora Turkheim (Jungle IPielere) !presided at the . plane. Lion Past VICTOR MATTI' : ,• JANET LEIGHe.,":,' , . . Strip :,:,, _g,. i: ,,,,, sthieatkand a comic Inealties at the head table, and spe- 1 1President Vic Dmnin introduced the Plus Two Short ,7 . iakers were Val. Becker, reeve of Hay id Township; Mr. Nels, Hill of Goderich One Show Only each.rti n VVestern Ont. AthletiAssn; J. W. o'.cloele.,. I Oakes, St:cal:Jiro y, Vice -Pres. Ontario 1c We intend to give"the Best in ':lino; Hockey, Assn. who presented Motion Pictures, so esti, fc''.;. '"urIthe OJ -IMA Cup and introduced the Imam Guest Speaker :Nile jack Mac- , , Intyre of the Chicage Black Hawks, who gave an outstandingaddress m Ithe life of hockey and urged the boys plot to neglect. their school studies fur i the sake of hockey- If you are a good I student you can also be a good hoe - key player, he said. A goodly num- : her of questions were asked by the boys which was interostinP Air !Don O'Brien thanked the speaker, al - v Opening;for thelSeaSon Friday and Saturday May 17th and 1 8th. SAFARI . Patronage. .-- Thank You! , TAKE THE FAMILY TO Starr DRIVE-IN ±THATRE 8.55 Miles ss wEeasstt of r'id gein.:Ly teriest\orohkicipl place, ais'eemeronitiatai,„onthoofptri-oosie)Ini-- 174 g tThhoe sai;1igofoutstandingo -Cation of the fine new sweater coats. 'do.closed with on Crediton.'7O. Road jay ; Friday, eitteurday aCtaranial Tall 'Man Riging Starring,•• RANDOLPH .A.N1,..E ee 4.44-ta, This Theatre ii1ee day and Saturday further notice. g until Sunset DRIVE-IN — GODERICH 134 miles east of Goderich on No. 8 Highway Thurs., Friday May 10-17 The Fast and the Furious John Ireland Dorothy Malone Cartoon Comedy Saturday, Monday May 18-20 • The Way of a Gaucho Richard Boone Gene Tierney Comedy Cartoon Midnight Show SUNDAY MAY 10th. Box Office Opens 13.01. Goldtown Ghost Riders GENE AUTRY also The Creature with the Atom Brain Richard Denning Michael Geanger Tuesday, Wednesday May 21-22 WITH A SONG IN MY HEART Susan Hayward • .Ery Calhoun Comedy - ••Cartbon Box Office opens 7 p.m. First Shaw at dusk. Children par 12 in cars Free -PLAYGROUND - REFRESHMENTS • Zurich Mennonite, Church Pastor— Albert Mirtiu SUNDAY SERVICES! t000 a.m. — Sunday Sehool 11;00 a.m, ViTorAin Service 00 p.m. — Bible Meeting Wednesday; 8.00 p.m. Prayer Fellow- ship M the homes. YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US YoU'll Enjoy Listening to— "fl'fl MENNONITE HOUR" Gospel) Preaching -- inspwatIona Singing. Sundays—CHML-000 lt,e. 7.80 •ELM. - 1140 kc.. 10.80 p.m, 'The Living Christ for a Dyirtg World." The Scout's Corner Boy Scout Camping Trip, April 26, 27, 28th. •Chapter L Saturday,, April- 27, 195'.7 ft*,4*.',.00wtiigzi.i=T'7zc.e% year for cur Troop. 14'S:cents and 3 elcoe,... .,eft ....,...e -eh for the Pinery at ;I:e0 p.m. aed arrived at camp 4 p.m. As soon as eveinehing was 1 n - loaded from Thiel's truck we looked for a spot for Um...campsite. We then set up 4 tents; the -firet.!.eing Troep • Headquarters and then the three i'at- •rol tents. After all the tents- were set up, we -found a good spot for our flag pole, 'campfire and fireprace for cooking and gathered firewood. By now it was after six, time for supper; so everyone took their lunch and wept fishing, a few remained in camp. When all the Scouts returned to camp they lined up in their Patrols to get ready for a hiks. It was al- most dark by the time they left on their hike. They went on a hike dowe to Hattie's Place, a little distance from camp singing our 'rroop Song. On returning. each Patrol returned to their tent to get eeme skits ready for emnpfire. A few mmutes later, everyone was summoned to the Camp- fire. 'rite Troop encircled -themselves around the etunpfire with &teeter Hess and Scouter Surerus in the mid- dle. Scouter Surerus lit the camp- fire. There were four skits. First the Eagle Patrol. '— Sick Patients -- Nar- rator Allan Thiel, Bystander - Bob Johnston; patient - Bill Dinnin, Doc- tor - Nen Weido. The patient was lying in the grass when found by the bystander, quickly he went to get the doctor. The doctor came and ex- amined the patient, then ordered some penicilin, measured his temper- ature, and again ordered some more penicilin. The doctor then listened to the patient's heart beat, but found out that the patient was dead. The Idoctor gave him a push with hie footTlel and he rolled down the hill. second skit •of the Owl Patrol- -Father IPani Weide; "What did you learn in school today, son?' "Whack", fathor got punched in the neck by his :Ion. The rest of the Patrol dragged 'nha out. The next two skits were by Wolf Patrol. The hrst was an oner- -aim.; Surgeon - Pat O'Brien; victim - Paul. Yungblut. This was done by shadowe, two members •of the Patrol holding a white sheet in front, and someone behind the sheet holding a light on the sheet so all that could be seen were shadows. First Paul was -given tome ether, then Dr. Pat took a knife and cut open Paul's side. "Ouch," was Paul's answer. Give him more other, he felt the knife cut him open, his skin ibetner kind of hard, an axe was needed to cut lem en. After be was tut open 'Dr Pat %0 I,n o , ,; pt h o a illii ,,7 ils ‘yf it dk etm. a sohnotttenticiTitued iges e'-x...t.'4;ki,t was also by tlii! allThfoemli, *(cj 1101111 (.1 on lost page) N 0 rvi A BEAUTY STITOPPE FOR A.PPOINTIAZNTS Tel. 223 Zurich No.,,tah oTEINBACH a Prem. V411.14= c1=171.'1,,,V" SPECIA: FREE OFFER. INTERNATIONAL STERLING SILVER 5 PIECE PLACE SETTINGS BUY 3, GET ONE FREE PRELUDE ENCHANTRESS, ETC. PATTERNS DON'T MISS THIS SPECIAL SETTINGS OFFER OF FREE $29.50 PLACE LIMITED TIME ONLY Ain a G HESS • CERTIFIED WATCHMAKER and JEWELLEL ZURICH - ONT. RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS. On a New Modern Loom, Made fet Order — SETH 0. AMENS, Zuzialtt Ont. Phone 128, • Join Our Many Host$ For Dependable Heat ,kti Winter Long, Call: LORNE E. HAY LOCKER SERVICE - .ROE FEED; Phone 10 FMNSALL ammerm,ar..aormatc,mwmfirm.'..-1=cra=z2=7••=rsalogrA'''''Frr.- OtOtAZiegiGetag-00.4'{bte,CIAKA:V00.0.0t,,,DeCiCED*(3e).000WitteiVezFnlet-Meen 3 421 e 2 me, 1 eit14** Licensed 'Embal.o.er and• Fimeral Direr..s.or Private Car 'Ambulance Service kzi13eci and ki Rent! il.i.)‘NVZR.F:••• FOR ALL • • • Vay nua Seirtic5 TELEPHONE: EtES. 89W OR S9.1, EI.1111101 eky • SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK -END Sunspun Salad Dressing 16 -oz. Jar tc Garden Patch Peas, 15 -oz. cans, 2 for 47c Hunt's Catsup, 11 -oz, Bottle, 2 for Head Lettuce, 2 for Super Suds, large box henna eseh PRODUCE WANTED, 3.3c. 29c beir ii411I10EE Pima at:A leemeneeenneelge=""e'......====i-eatetweelaitteMSOIRCIWORM /1111•111111981EMUMKan,f,====131 1 AAA*, . • ex,Vp, This Week's Specials A few Kist Peas, 20 -oz. tins, 2 for 29c Libby's Spagatti, 20 -oz. tins at 19c Frankfords, 20 -oz. tins„, 2 for 25c A FULL LINE OF MEN'S WORK CLOTHES ALSO SOME WOMEN'S WEAR VISIT OUR STORE OFTEN -- YOU WILL LIKE IT! FRESH GROCERIES IN STOCK THE Ei Schwartzentruher, Prop. STORE Phone U-? oitatekaillelereelleserVearferniereverreatertreereeteret reeeeeceeeesseetooffivernatekeeeeregstreree