HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-05-09, Page 1• R ,tablished 1900 Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor- Albert Martin SUNDAY SERVICES: 161:00 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Worship Service 8:00 p.m. - Bible Meeting 'Wednesday, 8.00 p.m. Prayer Fellow- ship in the homes. • YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US •You'll Enjoy Listening to - "THE MENNONITE HOUR" laspell Preaching - Inspirationa Singing. ;"adays-CILML-900 k.c. 7.30 a.m.. -WRVA - 1140 k.c.•• 10.30 p.m. 'The Living Christ for a Dying World." • Having Fine Weather After the numerous cold and .rios- '`ty nights the past week, it has turn- ed more seasonable'this week, with -bright sunny days and nice warm-up •during the daytime to about 70 deg - tees, Things are growing nicely for 'this time of year, seeding is about 'done, the land working up beautiful. In fact it looks again like last year 'the early seeding was not so good,as "the heavy rain flattened the land and 'gill make it hard unless rreq,eent rains visit us, then what was up is nipped by the heavy frosts when ice froze on standing water. Those cold winds from the north last week real- ly are eomeithing to remember. ZURICH., ONTA 0, THURSDAY MgRNING. MAY 9 957 Card of Thanks The family of the late Mr. Theo- dore C, }laborer wish to thane their relatives and friends for the many acts of kindness an& sympathy shown them in their recent bereave- mennt. MIDNIGHT DANCE AT Community Centre, Zurich MAY .119th, 12.05 a.m. DANCING TO Disjardirte's Orchestra Proceeds for the Baseball Club Admission 75c. Come and Support Your Ball Club ,1V Ir and :Mrs. Lawrence Hartman, and baby Joey,- of London, were vis- itors at the home of the rorxner's mother, aVlrs. Therese Hartman on Monday. Progressing Nicely The new Gingerich ,block Xhich is being erected is making nice *:rogress. They are about ready now to put up the upper story, and we hope t';cy will soon get this under wee, esu the family are LOW 1iv::1: i.r kir trailer, aed rn tat hevs b:en not x..^o warm especial];; at r sgzt., Cie, - -rest week. 4 4a BY POPULAR DEMAND Henson rena Auditorium. €8 0 a e a 0 FRIDAY, MAY 20th. Dancing 10-1 t :DESJARDINE'S ORCHESTRA - 75c. $1.25 per Couple I 4 r.� THE ARENA NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT 0 1 0; 'SPONSORED BY ARENA BOARD 0 I e+3+Dfdo�+pfi{s•d24&&��44bQG�+�tJ4b0 •'t,2 HOFFMAN'S M� To Or From 3 Out -Of -Town -Points Arrange Funeral Service M.esse Wherever funeral service is required, to or from any in Can- ada, the United States or other points of the globe, Hoffman', as members of local and national funeral director's associations, can handle all the arrangements. You are always assured the quiet effi- ciency of Hoffman's service. T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME Funeral and Ambulance Service 24 -Hour Service DASHWOOD Telephone 70-W ya.:. - - .,....,a.,,r ,.. .. -......,e0.00.Ai+®•0.6rcw..r.o4+66A4•44'..41). a 4. 4,4 4. m a 0 4 • A 4' 0 • p 4+ 4* • 0 • • • O 41 Foo Specials FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Maple Leaf Sockeye Salmon, 7% -oz. tin ..43c Orange - Grape Fruit Marmalade, 24 -oz. jar... 30c. Mazola Oil with free French Dressing 32-oz....75c Heinz Ketsup, 11 -oz. Bottle 2 5. c MEATS FRUITS - VEGETABLES Bacon Sliced -• 69c. lb. 'At all Times Bologna * 29c. lb. See Our Weiners 2 -lbs. for 7'9c. Display Phone 140 C. H. THIEL - Zurich Bazaar OF THE L.A. OF TffE MT IS ' '" AND BROWNIES Town Hall " Zurak Saturday, May 1 1 th. CUB and SCOUT WORK 2-4 'Pan' and, 7.30 9 pn?; Parents and friends interested in Cub and Scout work are invited to HOME MADE APRONS, CHILDR- attend the meeting at the home of Mass. Otto Winter en Thursday ev- EN'S CLOTHES, ETC.., ening, May 16th at 8.15 p.m. - Mrs. Good Variety of Baking; and 'Candy. Vera Thiel, Secy. White Elephant Table. Nearly New Clothing Many Ideal Gifts for Mother Bazaar Canvenor, Mrs. Len Prang. Sold Building Lot • Mr Sol. Baechler has sold a build- ing Lot adjoining his home lot to Mr. William -Smith, who intends to erect a dwelling house thereon in the near future. A Correction ..Sorry in the Bazaar Adv. of *the L. A., the Guides and Brownies in last week's edition was dated for LADIES' AID MEETING . liay 4th, this ,should have been May Twenty seven members Ona Pastor 11th.. Just another publisher's slip. were present at the monthly meeting So show your good will by conning of St. Peters'Lutheran Ladies' 'Aid, to the bazaar this Saturday whereZurich, held in the basement of the there is a good opportunity to purch- churcellutch on Tuesday evening .Maj? 7. Iase ideal gifts for someone • you like Mrs. Aubert Hess opened the '' pro.• very much. Mother's Day will fol- h 1 , the singing of a hymn, "I, low ,on Sunday. So don't forget her. .Teed Thee ever; Hour." The restoring !And remember the date, .Saturday, 1 of Psalm 23, Prayer by the Pastor. May 11th. afternoon. Another hymn "Sweet Hour of Pray - Miscellaneous Shower er" was sung followed by several umbering some 50 relatives and selections by the Deichert Trio. Mise friends gathered at the Zurich town Virginia, Mr. Lloyd and Peter • ?ei- hall on Tuesday evening, May 7th. chert on their violins. A piano;;solo in honor of bliss Martha Denomme, by Dorothy Wagner. These nun0ers bride elect, to surprize her with a were very much enjoyed. miscellaneous shower. Miss Joyce The president, Mrs. I+inkteh anr, ; Fisher led the bride -elect to a well took charge of the business paten. decorated chair of pink and white ','he Secretary read the mmotps of under several streamers and baieons the last meeting. The Treastti er's;whicih were broken to give every one report was given. a thought of what was going on. The visiting committee reported Joyce read an address and presented making 21 calls. The Secy. received the gifts. Also assisted along with several Thank You' cards from rat- help in opening the parcels. .They ins who have enjoyed the visitsfand were beautiful and useful. Martha treats from the Organization. • , replied with many thanks. A contest IMrs. Winter thanked Mrs. E rna' and a humorous letter was read; re- Schilbe and her grandchiildren fe 1.he freshrnents were served; and a deli - lovely white paraments whichOey ghtful social " evening was enjoyed. e+l:ts t.he ohz,o,1X1m ^ s iring 11artha all. the "Best Wtch- ny tl�Tata�e'.,i r.y' -4ee.Iftor• A motion was made and carried L. L. CONVENTION that the Ladies' Aid would serve. Zion Lutheran Church, Stratford, cookie:: and '")everage to the children v r the centre of the Stratford Dist - at the Vaettion Church Schoor to' be rice Luther League Convention on I held in July. Sunday, April 28th., to which the St. 'rhe meeting closed with the Lord's I Peter', Luther League, Zurich, at- I Chester L. Smith, Publisher, �. Subscription in Canada, $2.00 a ion Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.5E. NORMA'S ?E. UTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMEIgNTS Tel. 223. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH A Progw• Omw 9919__ .._- 9991_ > 0°°90 191992196 RAGS, RUGS and CARPE On a New Modern. Loom, Made is Order - SETH O. AMENS, Zuzia1 SPECIAL FREE OFFER INTERNATIONAL STERLING SILVER 5 PIECE PLACE SETTINGS BUY 3, GET ONE FREE PRELUDE ENCHANTRESS, ETC.1 PATTERNS DON'T MISS THIS SPECIAL SETTINGS OFFER OF FREE $29.50 PLACE LIMITED TIME ONLY For Ont. Phone 128. An G. HESS CERTIFIED WATCHMAKER and JEWELLEL ZURICH - ONT. 5 4 0 fn 0 0 0 4 4 4 0 01 Our I Hosts Dependable Heat. all Winter Long, Call LORNE E. HAY LOCKER, SERVICE - ROE FEED* Phone 11t -- .. N BALL �tra411tyeee09moeem ieeee+tee 06004i B9+Rt3eg4a''X3mamommemeeeoct immure, 19 los t Licensed Embalmer and Funera ? Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS '04'9 ii,16/frTr, '. ja AJ •�Mice (•. TELEPHONE: RES. 89W OR 89J, ZURICH oe-as 859ri£meoo:04 CacerDe -+wr.mmM •� 9.a fray=er. ? tasty lunch wee served by tended. The theme of our conven- the committee in charge. tion, "Christ First", was introduced to us by Rev. Stockma.nn, of :Milver- ton, Dr. Jacobi, •president of Synod, wng ; rreminded us of our varrou4 "Reap - comeeeetle litiee," after a very \ream wel- come front the president of Stratford Luther League. Following the business, consisting of election of new officers, various TAKE THE FAMILY TO Sthrt DRIVE-IN THEATRE 5 Miles East of Grand Bend 8.5 Miles West of No. 4 Highway on Crediton Road Friday, Saturday May 10-11 New York Confidential (Adult) STARRING--- BROD'ERICK ,CRAWFORD MARILYN MAXWELL This Theatre 'will be open every Fri- day and• Saturday evening until further notice. Sunset DRIVE-IN -- GODERICH 134 miles east of Goderich on No.8 Highway Thursday, Friday :slay 9-19 Night and The City, Richard Widmark 2 Cartoons Saturday, Monday Reprisal Guy Madison s 2 Cartoons ,Tuesday, Wednesday Gone Tierney Comedy. May 11-13 Felicia Far Comedy May 14-15 Flame of the Island Howard Duff Yvonne DeCarle (Adult Entertainment) Comedy Cartoon Box Offtee 'opens 7 p.m. First Sh:nwtw at dusk. Children under 12 in cars Free :i'ri,,A.Y(ROUN?l-'MIM'IS:R t'I.'I'`1'7F reports, etc., a very tasty .banquet was served by the Ladies of the church. A candle -light installation of the new officers was included in the ev- ening service conducted by Rev. Stocknnann. Rev. N. A. Keffer, of Ellis'Township, as guest' speaker, spoke to us of our theme- "Christ. First." A very informative and in- spiring• day was enjoyed by the 125 District Luther LeagueMembers pre- sent. ']''he newly -elected officers of the Stratlorcl District L.L. Conference were as follows: -- President, Wilf- red' Epp, of Tavistock; Vice -Pre=., Ronald Schmidt, Secretary - Ann Scowby, of Stratford; Treasurer, Au- 1 e tin Linder, Gadshill; Pastor Advisor - Rev. Donald Stewart of Philippsbrnrg. JURY RECOMMENDS CHECK ON CAR DOORS A coroner's jury recommended at Hensel' .on Tuesday last that the Attorney General's office prevent any car •manufactut'er from building four -door cars with back doors hing- ed at the rear without adequatessaf- ety locks. "By adequate safety locks we mean rear doors of this type be prevented. from opening while the car is in motion," the jury said. • It further recommended that rear door locks and rear doors themselves on this type of tour -door autunktile be checked for soundness wig reliab- ility ail c'on,junetio•n with safety checks being made on highways today 'l''he jury was inquiring .into the death a week ago of three-year-old Afiena Rooselbocm, who opened the back door of her father's car and fell fr.cnt the vehicle into the path of another car driven by il'atrick Flan- nery of MR. 5, Mt. Brydges. The jury attached no Mame •' to any principals involved." The aceident occurred nn No. 4 ,1 Highway about a mile south of Hors,, call. Jury members were John Pe.zetaoi, Zurich, foreman; Emerson Kv 4e, Kip • pen; Bill .Micklo, Iiensall ; Stewart 'io11, }leneaell; Harry I+'`a'bj', It,R, 1 Hensel, ] 1 u 00040 400 O r" SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK -END Sally's orange and. grapefruit Marmalade, 2 -Ib Jar Rose sweet ,Wised. Pickles, 16 -oz. Jar "9c -)9c' Treesweet grapefruit Juice 40 -oz can -, 4.9c Aylmer Pineapple tid bits,. 15 -oz. cans, 2 for..,...39c Aylmer fancy Cream. Corn 15 -oz. cans, 2 for..?9c { onto SOS PRODUCE WANTED„ El 17 5.1,Mte fgen= .pick eh Ane+ p 6 T.'w:' •v�M!-i',i,' .i. M.4 N', h'If499,i'Uif!r.'h 1.7iJ:1 ;.yw(t:.;. his Week's Specials A few Kist. Peas, 20 -oz. tins, 2 f:>r '"9e Libby's Spagatti, 20 -oz. tins at 1 9c Frankfo.rds,. 20 -oz. tins, 2 for 25c A FULL LINE OF MEN'S WORK CLOTHES ALSO SOME WOMEN'S WEAR VISIT OUR STORE OFTEN -- 1 YOU WILL LIKE IT!" X FRESH GROCERIES IN STOCK THE MAW STORI G. Schwart en lzher, Prop, Phone 11-07