HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-04-25, Page 4ZURICH ONtAlti ZURICH HERALD Annual Meeting HURON COUNTY TB ASSOCIATION Town Hall MONDAY, Speaker Executive Secretary Everyone is GORDON KNIGHT President, — Clinton APRIL 29th. 8 00 p.m. E. J. O'Brien Ontario TB. Association invited to attend MRS. J. B. RUSSELL, Executive Secretary CBC -TV's FRIDAY NIGHT HIT SHOW & DANCE LP tr 111 Starring KING GANAM • —Lorraine Foreman h.—Tommy Hunter Hames Sisters —Tommy Common —Cousin Clem —Sons of the West WEDNESDAY, MAY 8th. Exeter Community Centre Show Starts 9 p.m. — Dance 10:30 to 1 Reserved Seats may be secured at Lloyd Ford's Mens' and Boys' Wear, $2.00 each. Regular admission is $11.50 Sponsored by Exeter Kinsmen 0, 0 0 FOR SALE A '9x12' Rug like new; Gerard Heintzman Piano in good ,condition; upright deepfreeze 12 -cu. ft, Amena; 'bed with springs and .mattress, Apply Archie Mustard, Brueerfleld. St. JOS'eph & BlueWater Area I Lowrealss:—A v ida Duoharnie and daughter Alice and son ,Freddie :motored ' fo Detroit on Sunday, accompanied by Mr and 'IVIrs. Roy Aldrus and family who had spent Easter at the Duch!, arme home. Mr and Mrs, Morley Fournier and family spent Baster day 'Mtn the lat- ter's parents. Mr and Mrs Bob Mernervidge of Detroit and Mr. Gerard Cr`eoffroi of Walkerton were home visitors over the Easter holidays. Mr and Mrs Napoleon Candor of Detroit were St. Joseph visitors on Sunday last with the foriners'moth- er. Mr. Victor Hartman and Miss Ce- cil Lavin of Windsor were callers on Friday, last with the Manner's grand parents, on the Blue Water 0 ghway. ., i DASHWOOD • I Mrs. Dan Weber is visiting with 0 0 .her daughter and family, Rev. and ri IMrs, C. B. Carr .at Arnprior Ont. t Mr and Mrs. Ralph Weber and fain - a • ily took her as far as Uxbridge.wnere : they visited Mr and .111rs Keith Web - o er and family. 43 0 • Dr. K. B. .Cabt of Edmonton, Alb., 0 is -visiting. with Mr and. Mrs. Philip Fassold. (0 Dashwood changes to Daylight .. 0 Saving Time 12.05 am. April 28. Easter Visitors—. Q lfiss.eq Pauline and Brenda Becker 0 are vacationing with their grandpar- ents Mr and iMrs Alex. Peariso at • 0• 0 • 0 0 0 • 0• 41, a 111 rgtgratgilEMSW=1:4637CIMES2Maril=1211WintalEINSECI=LIMMMEI ?Grand Bend. IE 4 arc R STLIE SEAFORTH ARENA SATURDAY, APRIL 27th ..-.. 9 p.m. Featuring Famed TV Stars of Texas and Hollywood Exhibition of Strength and Science Double Main Events — Extra Special Four Men in the Ring — Tag Team Match Team of Killer Cristy (Detroit) and Geno Marconie (Naples) vs, Team of Cam Motto and Roger Huttler (Germany) By Public Demand, a return battle to a finish MIGHTY MIDGETS --Fussy Cassidy vs 'Hill Billy' farmer Pete Extra Attraction ! DON COOK (Seaforth) CHALLENGES LEO MULICE(Hamil'n Admission --Ringside $1.50; Gen. $1; Children under 12, 50c. SPONSORED BY SEAFORTH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION lrivq`.57t.t.t • . • A reader dropped in and told us that dogs and school children runn-J. ing across lawns and gardens are a Inisiance and should try and stay off ropople's property, who are trying to c have things nice. I. . 3/Irs.• Emma Gerber of Pennsylv- ania has returned to her home after spending some time at the home of her brother, Mr and 'Mrs Aaron Gin- gerich, helping to nurse her mother, who is staying: at the latteriS resid ence and is improving nicely after her recent illness. IN OTA© wise folk get most fun KtitorNiatzio • dta ttatl1 al at ma otto ;pm ma att km et *a tro mt otx to Mt no to txtnt ONTARIO TRAVEL. 735 Parliament ElIdgs. Toreinto Send FOE literature to Name Address Post wt. co yel ottl Onforia Dept:I:twilit of Travel & Publicity Hon, ?ryok Minisfor 4. Mr and Mrs '..klelton ,Walper and girls of Ingersoll with Mr and Mrs, Philip Fassold. ;Mr and Mrs Ervin Latta, Mr and + Mrs. Gordon Weiberg and Howard Weiberg of Waterloo with Mr and Mrs Fred Weiberg. 4. Mr. Siegfried iMiller of Waterloo, 4' with Mr and Mrs. Rudolph Miller, al - 4, so -Mr and Mrs. Stan Scherrer of Kit- t chener. Mr and Mrs Glen Wolper and fam- ily ocf London with relatives. 4. 1 Mr and Mrs Lloyd Wiedo and family of Detroit with Mrs. Fred &Mundt and Mr and Mrs. Vyrne Weido. Mr and Mrs Ivan Taylor and boys of Waterloo with Mr and Mrs. L. H. Rader. Mr and Mrs Helanuth Messner e and daughter, Miss Anna Messner, 4. of London with Mr and :Mrs t(Yed Messner. - • tit 5. 4 401 11111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111 —11111111111 1111 1111 11 1111 11 1 11 111111111111111111 11.11111111111111111111111111111 11111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11111 11111 Thursday, Awn 25th, 105T 113111111111 111111111 11111111M11111111 AT estlake FurnIture Second SATURDAY, APRIL 27 TO MAY 4th. rj FREE! aza FREE! THREE DOOR PRIZES TO HOLDER OF LUCKY TICKETS DRAW MADE MAY 4th-, 10. p.m. EVERY ARTICLE IN THE STO RE REDUCED DURING SALE ,IF YOU WERE IMPRESSED BY OUR BARGAINS A YEAR AGO COME AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR Terrific ar5 ainql REMEMBER THE DATES — APRIL 27th. TO MAY 4th. Store Open Every Zurich Day 9 A.M. — 10 P.M. Also Wednesday Afternoon Mil • Phone 89J 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M11111111111111101 liminiuminimmommoillommonommummumnimuffiumiummumnimmuniummounimom mimmummommumuutuomminu mmoq :tt :M.:. • 1 Take the wha.. push a buffo HASH Alla I 0 0 t."!,'.::::i„..,—*:::5:13:fir ........................... .................. t ii - 7.fi,,,.!loft•tt.7.:.7:-.;.:?.::tr.srv.,,:xt...,, _ . .........,..F., you, Put a new De Soto through its paces and you discover this car was built to do all the things that make driving.a pleasure instead of a chore! For instance . • . thein pnsh-buttort Torque-Flite auto- matic drive frees you from old-fashioned gearshifting. Just press. a button and you surge ahead with all the 'authority that up to 295 horsepower gives. New Torsion -Aire. Ride is incredibly smooth and quiet. You'll like the way E ALWAYS A STEP AHEAD IN CAPS OF THE FORWARD LOOK 06 HENSALL APO Ot SALES Telephone 31 rti De Soto Fireflite 2 -door hardtop Torsion -Aire wrings the bounce out of bumps, keeps you level on the turns and level when you. stop. . New control and safety is another phis youget in a De Soto—you can have effortless uh-Time power steering on any model you choose. Brakes are the new Total -Contact type that take hold fast and shorten stopping distances. Come in and see us about guest -driv- ing a De Soto this N,veek. The pleasure's ours—and yours! Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited Thos. Coats - Proprietor Len MeNig,ht - Sales Rept. HENSALL, ONTARIO