HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-04-25, Page 1• L• Established 1900 I ZURICH,, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNONG., Card of Thanks We wish to express our sincere .hanks to our relatives, friends and neighbours for the many beautiful ,cards and tokens of sympathy that has been extended to us in the Doss ,o a. dear "brother. Ma and Mrs E. B. Horner. ase 4 4 NOTICE Bazaar of. the L. A. of the Guides and Brownies will be 'held at the Town Hall, May 11.th. Donations and and assistance from anyone 'would be appreciated, Information may be obtained from the Committee. s� Mrs. Douglas Rioibinson Mrs. Allan Gaseho Mrs. Len. Prang WILL BE HELD IN THE COMMUNITY CENTRE - ZURICH ON• WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 8th. 1957 Sponsored by the Zurich Lions Club IBRESENTATIONiS TO .MINOR HOCKEY TEAMS GUEST 'SPEAKER - JOHN t:VIacINTYRE of is. Chicago, Black Hawks of the National Leage, formerly born Listowell, Ontario; and other Speakers Tickets $2.00 - Available .from Lion uMembers at 4, 4. APRIL '7:15 i 957 Chester L. Smith, Publisher. Subscription in Canada, X12.00 a T694 Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.5 TAKE THE FAMILY TO Stiriite. DRIVE -LN THEATRE 5 Miles East of Grand Bend 8.5 Miles West of No. 4 Highw on Crediton Road Friday, Saturday April 20-.291 Duel on the Mississipi sltarrring- LEX iRATIKER PATRICIA 1 tEDLNA This Theatre will be open every" FNi day and Saturday evening until further notice. Zurich Mennonite Chw c h t.+ Pastor- Albert Martin ;TTNDAY SERVICES: iI0:00 a.m. --- Sunday School 11 00 a.nr: Worship Service ' 00 p.m. -•-- Bible Meeting . Wednesday, 8.00 p.m. Prayer Fellow- ship in the homes. YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP • WITH US You'll Enjoy Listening to - "THE MENNONITE HOUR"He was (born June 1„9, 1892, the Gospels Preaching - Inspirationa'lSon of the late Moses Geiger and Singing. Catherine Eckstein. Sundays-CHML-900 k.c. 7.30 a.m. WRVA - 1140 ls.e.•• 10.30 'p m REV. ROY M. GEIGER At Douglas Memorial Hospital, Fort Erie, Ont., ,Saturday, April 6th 1957 there passed away suddenly, Rev. :Roy M. Geiger, ,B.A., after a ` short illness. He accepted the call to the min- istry early in life, but his college ,,,course was interrupted by the First ''The Living Christ for . World War. He entered the armed World." 1 forces in 1915, serving in the Signal •:Division, and 'was wounded in. France )being- hospitalrzed for a ;year wIth an u r, Injurythet:'- as teanl7forarily.par- :SERVING YOU SETTER OpeniY ,Afters o 0 II TILL 6 P.M. Week -end Specials of April SERVING. On has ,`return from overseas,1,viiile YOU MOR; . ! Gtall atten'ang college, he sc^ved as +t' ei in 1,be• }'tethodist:.Ghurcl Tuotis ' 1; EIe Was Grrclannec%'`. he's e oai June 6, 1925..His other charges where he served were Rockwood !1Ir•- tho:dist; St. John's United Church at Chesley St. Paul's United Churr.'} ,. Freston ^ Central United, Welland ;St. .Pau]'s United, Paris, tinct for the last ken years at Fort Erie. I' Up no the time of his lar4 illness I 1 'he had completed forty years of d j„ ' ''christ:an ministry less three months, having missed only four Sundays, jtwo of which were lost in the final illness. Friday w° EVENINGS TILL 10 P.M. 25 '57 SALADA TEA BAGS 60's 73c. Pkg. ORANGE JUICE Tree Sweetuns. 48 -oz. Tin For 33c. CHEERY MORN. Instant Coffee Large 6 -oz. Jar Look' $1.19 HEINZ. Tomato Ket.sup Large .15 -oz. Bottle Only .29c SHED'S Salad Dressing - 16 -oz. Jar 39 Cents MARGENE Blue Bonnet Quick Bag 35c. Lb. A Y L M E R Vegetable Soup 9 Tins For $1.00 BON AMI JET SPRAY WINDOW CLEANER '14 -oz. for ...... 62c CHOCOLATE - Marshmallow Cookies 3 Lbs. For $1.00 JELLO POWDERS All Flavors 12 Pkgs. For 1.00 FRUITS - VEGETABLES Pine Apple 12's 3 for . ...... 89c 'Florida Juice Oranges, 2 Doz. .Dutch Setts Onions, 2;lbs.......,........,..>.2c Bananas, 3 -lbs. for 30c MEATS Maple Leaf Wexner s, 2 Lbs............79c Bologna per Lb. 29c Summer Sausage per Lb...., ...:c ,IP‘c Sliced, Lb. BREAD FRESH DAILY - 15c A LOAF ZURICH DAIRY MILK ON HAND AT ALL TIMES Thiel In 1947 he was elected President o:f the Hamilton Conference. On sev- eral occasions he was elected deleg- ate to the General Council of the'1n- ited Church of Canada, anu rico chairman >f the Presbytery. He took a great interest in Young People's ,camps, where he acted as counsellor. :on many occasions. In each place he lived he was a valued member of the -Horticulture Srx. iety. He loved to plant rowers where none had ever grown before, and distribute them among the sick !and shut-ins. In Welland he was a- warded a Horticultural service dip- loma. The memorial service which was very impressive was held i"canis Cen- tral Avenue Church, Port Erie on Tuesday, April ' 9th., and interment was :from E,U.1B..Chur.ch, Zurich on April 10th. Rev. H. Stevenson, eha- irinan of the Niagara Presbytery, wa, in charge 'of the memorial service. Dr. Harold Vaughan, president of the HamiltonConference, preached the sermon; Rev. Harold Watts of Queen .St. United Church and Rev. Ridgeway assisted. Honorary pallbea- rers were members of the official Board of IMr. Geiger's church; active pallbearers were -members of the session, of the church, and scores of ministers formed a grand honour. Rev. Geiger was a man witch clean Christian principles, with a very ple- asant personality and always had a friendly greeting for every one he met, He was very sympathetic to- wards the poor and will be greatlsr missed by'all, and remembered by the cheery smile and wave or hi, hand. Hee has joined the saints in the Hen - The Tlhe departed is survived by his wife, the former Evelyn VJildfang, one Pnl, Rev. Gordon of Din;bwok, two daughters, Miss. Godfrey (Mary) Beresford, Toronto; and Mrs. John ( Ruth) Larinor, Galt; one brother, To,4ial., Zurich, and two sisters, Rd. 121r.Murchy, Semans, Sasic., and Mrs. Blake Illarner, Zurich, (the lat- ter i'^eina' a twin to departed) and, many friends. Three brothers have PHONE 140 ptedecea�ed1 him, Rev. Alfrrtjvarz�--'" ZURICH, ONT. nel and. 1 Qlt ttd. NORMA'5 BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOlNTM`l`TS Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH . Prep. RAGS, RUGS and CARPET On a New Modern Loom, Made Order - ,SETH O. AMENS, ZuricliT Ont. Phone 128. LF PRICE Ladies' and Gents' Bulova, Elco., Rolex, Certina HERE'S AN OPPORTUNITY - WATCH SALE WE ARE OVERSTOCKED OVER 25 WATCHES TO CHOOSE FROM . EVERY WATCH GUARANTEED AND BOXED SEE OUR WINDOW �1. VfsmY A `I2 CERTIFIED WATCHMAKER and 3EWELLEL For o� i. Our Maes Hosts Dependable Heat Winter Long, Call LORNE E. HAY .Y LOCKER SERVICE . ROE FEE ZURICH - ONT. Phone 10 4. 0 sn 4. 9 ow 10000 4. 4. Licensed F bas aer and Funeral Dir for Private. Car 'Albs fence geroica Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Ren ' idENSALL '* s 4 4. ea 0 TELEPHONE: RES. 89W OR 89J. ZU ICti°$ i5fi✓'6`ti i'.':%ri:.:..,r?:,caw qtr" ra$?•znli c R, m eooeeos''belch^wGm�>5`+aE7t1C 30i OERS, FOR ALL; OCCASIONS Day nand Nighi Service Lucky Isar SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK -END Challenger Sockeye Salmon, half's each 39c Javex, 32 -oz. Bottle....................................,,a„ 1, Instant. Maxwell House Coffee, 6 -oz. far ..„„1.39 Bananas, per ib. 13 c Ajax Cleanser, giant size ...................... »,...:l8s., . Oesch PRODUCE, '!'ANTED. noraulammmaxammanar aane 16 4. 4. aitiVatUTEMIRREAMERia Ys MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS - A REAL BUY AT $3.98 A PAIR We have a Full Line of Men's and Boys' Booth and Shoes Men's and Boys' Work Clothes, Jeans, Overalls, Shirts, Etc. Give Us A Call! f7 FRESH GROCERIES IN STOCK T Schwartz LIKE ST RE truber, Prop. Phone 11