HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-04-18, Page 1.---- ielstaMished 1900 r ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MO j. "TOM" RAWLINGS Accountant Income Tax Returns Rhone 33 Zurich Card of Thanks 1. wish to thank the -Luther Ladies Aids the Luther League and all these 'Who kindly remembered me with igads, treats, flowers and visits While a was a 'patient at Clinton •Hospital. -Judy Willert. Card of Thanks 'The family of the late 'IVIrs. John P. Rau wish to express their heart- felt .thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy, and many spiritual bou- quets extended Iby our wonderful friends', and neighbours. Also: the League of Catholic Women and the Altar Society. All of the, wonderful Ladies who gave so freely their time and energy in participating at. the residence after the funeral services. Special thanks to the Rev. Fr. M. D. Monaghan and his two assistants. -The Rau Family. Itc ENJOY PERFECT FOOT COMFORT VISIT -* '4 G. R. HARDMAN At the MILT OESCH SHOE STORE ZURICH -- Phone 82 or 130 MONDAY, APRIL 22nd. 10 A. M. - 8 P. 1VI. Perrnit yourself fullifreedom from foot ills. Mir - :Ade Foot Aid, exercises mildly, supports gently. 'Miracle" will provide the proper foundation for :your release from pain and discomfort. Create a fuller life tor yourself, free from foot pain. You can, with Miracle Foot Aid. See M. Hardrnan oi MthidT fdr --Complete. Explanation! 'CLINICS Zurich, Peterborough, Brantford, London, St_ 4. 4, 4. 4, 4: 4. 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4 41, 4. Catharines, Listowel. 4- 0.4040411,.....41.4b0.434411004040 4. APRIL IS 1 957 Chester L. Smith, Publisher. Subscription in Canada, $2.011 s Tesi: subscription U.S.A., Year $2.6t. Card of Thanks wish to greatly. thank InY friends for cardsOreats, good wi " etc., while a patient at St, Jos Hospital, London. - ;MILLER - In. loving memo 1VIrs. 'William Miller, wlio passe way two years ago, April 1-k)ii- Loving and kind in all her *'.# Upright and just to the encl:', days; Sincere ;, M,E1VIORLA heart A .7 . , I Sincere and true, in ther:.1,ee:' Beautiful memories's-he letk.:14'' --Lovingly reinembers4:;,ior Overholt 1-laznilti''''.;....-:' St. Peter's L-uthe ran ':: ,( I HOFFMAN'S Arrange Funeral Service $ To Or From ** Out -Of -Town -Points • • • Good Friday, 1-0 :0 0 A.M.:-GOOD VICE With ll'ort .001(1044'4 Easter •SindaylApril. )2.; 10:00 A.M. - EAST*' With Holy •Conuiii4Inej;: 11:15 A.lVI.--SulldaY" Bible Class. Has 80th Birthday ,Mrs. Sylvanus Witmer of town oh - eyed her 80th . birthday when she d her husbandieWere hosts at a fam- . .cloner attended by their '.*our e tgihters and three sons and their k. nrikiee. Mrs. Witmer is the former .„,arionlIVIiller and wa.s born in 1877 hi:Stephen Township, near Dashwood Lions Meet- -A real rousing meeting was held 4 . the regular meeting of Zurich 't'ioYii Club on Monday eve at the ,-Idon Hotel. District Club me - were present 6 from. Bayfield, frenn Lucknow and one from Ild- 'Mon, .., These were heartily welcom- ed .and. a good social time was en- yed.•., , - : . Attend. Funeral in and Mrs. Harold Horner; Mr. iid l -Mrs. Harrison, ;Schoch_ and Mr. Win :Schoch attended the funeral 0-tlieir aunt, the late Mrs. Lydia 1.4.11bfieisch in Detroit last Saturday. They were accompanied bac ee to Zur- lch by their aunt Mrs. George xafb- •'inetscli- of 'Tampa, Florida who, event '. the week -end visiting in and around 1. eliril4 . 6 Wherever funeral service is required, to or from any place in Can- * .10* ,* ;Ada, the United States or other points of the globe, Hoffman's, as .4. members of local nnd national funeral director's associations, can I 4 handle all the arrangements. You are always assured the quiet effi- ; •01 ciency of Hoffman's service. . • / : T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME .0 • .4 Funeral and Ambulance Service • •4.4.,..........4.,........44.......<0..........,0•46,••.......,,,•,.....01........) • • 24 -Hour Service DASHWOOD Telephone 70-W s 7:30 Pe.VI.---EASIIER • • sponsored by the Luther1. F'eier And The NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH Preis. Oillinamtimmarriftermlowl...miummorsoco, DA "Zurleh. Had Demonstration ..-.Color on Parade presented in the .. .. Community Centre, Zurich on Tues - ..e (lay evening under the salesmanship IN THE (,". of Mr. Gerald Gingerich for the Can- ' adian Pittsburg Paint Industries was well attended. Several demonstrati- ons were given on the variety of dif- Community Centre. Zuric, On EASTER MONDAY, APRIL 22n1.ferent color in 'paints. A quartette Dancing to, the Music af 4,11, of :girls favoured the audience with MELODY MASTERS song. Mr. Leonard Bowman gave Modern and Old Time Darice rxn several selections on his piano accor- 10 p.m. to ? dian. These were well receiveu. Two Admission film strips were given on paints, Mr. Proceeds for the 1-104.ek Kenneth Gingerich receivecr the door .„ • . prize, a gallon of paint. Souvenioes were given by the. •Company. • Confirmation Service -44+-1Peter's Lutheran church on (intimation service was observed ,,Siandagorning, this ibeing Palm TAKE:THE..P.4t .e.Siiinday,''";tne, pastor ^: Rev.' O:w`vfireter •'.daMbasized the signifisence of the occasion and the names of the young people who renewed their baptismal vows and were confirmed are: ,S-harert DRIVE-IN THEATRE' Jean Bloch; Marion Laura Deters, 5 Miles East of Grand Bend 1Ronald Albert Deichert, Katherine 8,5 Miles West of No. 4 Highway !Ann Gackstette4, Richard. William on Crediton Road . 1Klopp, 'Donald Julian .Mantey, Mar- ' -lion Irene Elizabeth Pepper, Eleanor 4 You're Never too Young Marguerite Prang, Glen William Rei- Ichert, Allen T.JaeodoTe Thiel, Eunice 'Helen Thiel, William Harry Wagner, Paul Earl Weido, Wayne Ivan Wil - lea., Jack Frederick YungbIut. Hold Interesting Meeting A meeting was held in Zurich on April 10th last of the followtme or- ganizations: The Lions Club, the Chamber of Commerce, the Village Trustees; the Athletic Associatioii, and several other interesting citizens: in conjunction with the Directors of the Zurich Agricultural Society. Mr. Albert Kalbfleisch was appointed as chairman. The purpose of the meet- ing is to seek ways and means to im- prove our Fall Fair, which leas some difficulty during the last rew years to make ends meet. During the dis- 'iwommor Thiel's Superior Food Market Specials FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Giant Niblets corn 2, 14 -oz. tins 3.5c Libby's Choice quality sliced Pineapple, 20 -oz. tin 31c Campbells Tomato Soup, 2 tins 23c French Prepared Mustard 2, 6 -oz, jars 25c STORE HOURS -Open Wednesday Afternoons, Friday and Saturday Evenings. RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS powortrokapa On a New Modern Loom, Made Svo Order - SETH O. AIMENS, 7mrldilt Ont, Rhone 128, HALF PRICE Ladies' and Gents' Bulova, Rolex, Certina HERE'S AN OPPORTUNITY - WATCH SALE WE ARE OVERSTOCKED" OVER 25 WATCHES TO CHOOSE FROM EVERY WATCH GUARANTEED • AND -BOXED SEE OUR WINDOW Starving - DEAN MARTIN JERRY DAVIS A. G. HESS CERTIFIED WATCHMAKER and JEWELLEL ZURICH - ONT. This Theatre will be open every Fri- day and Saturday evening until further netice. Sunset DRIVE-IN GODERIO, H 114 miles east of Goderich Highway Fri., Sat., .londay April 1040-82 i - - erent organizations and in terested JAMES ST'EWART .citizen.,.:," e:).:, . '• lc.ertain lines. A membership drive expressed their views along JUNE ALLYSON. C - , iis to be made to obtain more mem- Cartoon ariOon ----- :. Join Our Many Hosts, For Dependable Heat Winter Long, Caih LORNE E. MY r" LOCKER SERVICE ROE FEEDS Phone 11 • - RENSALL AssaamIGNMPIEICI Strategic An Commant .cussion several members of the diff- "bers. The canvassers to be appoint- :AprilHM.24 ed by the Society, and are to ;be mem- Tues., Wed. •, .'. including. the Directors, of the Fair Adventures Of Sadie Board. This meeting was formal. . A great deal of enthusiasm prevail - GO JOAN COLLINS . . . . . ed. There are to be inure of the get- • ..,carE11,COLE coiri'l,edy itegether meetings to be held in the Box Office opens 7 Jp.m. Fir. Show bers of the different organization, • i.iear future. Free . Zurich, April 10th, 1957. A well at dusk. Children under 12 in cars Mrs. John P. Rau Passes ;PLAYGROUND -.REFRESHAPNTS ,known, and one :of the oldest resid- pital in her 89th year. Mrs. Rau born in Stanley Townehip on the Zurich Mennonite I was OBITUARY eaeseeeseetkeeteaesseeeeeseieteettegiosseeeees•••••••emen 4 1 • • 1 *4a1* Mttttal km* Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car 'Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service SSW SALZRk Inte *alb OtAG IPC*6 11; OIDSO Obeli 01140010 61995)800 64*(0004 Lucky ollar Food Store SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK -END Nescafe, large 6 -oz: jar, each $1 .39. Treesweet Blended juice 40 -oz. can • 33c Heinz Tomato Ketsup 11 -oz. bottle Salad Dressing, Sunspun, 16 -oz. jar 37c Broken. Salad. Olives, 12 -oz jar .,......29. Mono Oesch Zurich PRODUCE :WANTED.Phone 1.65 eettemeemisit==========minmenamerimummousenua opts of Zurich died in London Hos- Phone 140 - C. H. THIEL Zurich VOIIIMOMPOISIOANNISMIXONINISPIiiimmumeisfINNIMORIMMOmmaliiisremraces*SallIIMIMPAPPerateil WW Blue Water Highway October 20th, Pastor- Albert Met:, :1808. She was a resident of Zurich and. Niein ity -practically all her life. "WIN DAY SERVICES z She was the oldest living parish- ' 0.00 a.m. - qundav sebo.0 'fl ani Wrhifl so,icc ,oner of St. Boniface Cathane Church Surviving her are the following: Wednesday',PVIreaeytierter.Fellowe,Morris J., Lawrence W., (3oreon A., (Murky) Mrs. Calvin Cutler ail of Detroit, and Leonard J. of Zurich. Mrs, Doretta Rau (wife or ilee late Earl J., deceased). There are nine grand children and nineteen great grandthildren,and one sister Mrs. Jane Rau, of Drysdale. The children and their companions were all pres- ent at the funeral, including 'Mrs, tar] Rou. -11.1neral services were held at Zurich • from the Westlake Funeral Home. Burial teem St, Ron- i.fac(! (letthelle Church., illOMMAIRIMilIOSEMENNIRMIMMINEWIN• ship in the homes. YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US You'll Enjoy Listening to - "THE MENNONITEL.IGUR" Gospell Preaching - nspirationa Singing. Sundays-CTIML-900 Ic.c. 1480 -WRVA - 1140 Ic.c.- 1:30 p.m, "The Livipg Christ for a Dyfog Wotid." EC' MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS A REAL BUY AT *3.98 A PAIR We have a Full Line of Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoes Men's and Boys' Work Clothes, jeans, Overalls, Shirts, Etc. Give Us A Call! FRESH GROCERIES IN STOCK TIff BLAIilgi STORE Schwtrtzentruber, Prop. Phone 1147 uswassegogosersosterassowasismmumrseassemmer