HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-04-04, Page 5s'. • ZURICH ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD ZURICH HERALD authorized as second class mail, •ALVIN WALPER Foot Office Department, Ottawa. PROVINCIAL _ Licensed Auctioneer Tgror.your Sale large or small; 'Omni- «bous and 'Efficient Servile.* at _sal Mutes. , Phone 57 r DAS4IWOOD CONTRACTING MOBILE 'DISPOSAL RONALDG. McCANN PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT incases: 5,61 Office2oyal Bank Slag. 455 ;Res. Ratessbery £t CLINTON - ONTARIO G. B. fCLANCY Optomeltriat 1 -Successor to the ile0 A. L. (Ole • goptornetrilt) ' Ror appointments pe 33, Goderich - Ont. ARTHUR FRASER. income. Tax Reports- . 1Bookkeping Stroke, )Etc. • EXETER orncE —Corner Anna Phoes.e, Exeter i504 sentis Tank Cleaning , Repairs on • Drains, Watermains, Etc.. New Instalatione on Cement Septic Tanks, Drainage Tile and. Drains Ph. 205 Grand Bend Th. •20-.5 To meet Your Requirement Drs. COXON & LEITCH YETERINARY !SURGEONS Dace with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store Phone 06 — ZURICH Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association For artificial insemination infer - elution or service from all breeds .of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at, Clinton Rn 2-3441 between 7:30. and 9:30 A.M. We have all breeds availible - top quality at low cost. N. L. MARTIN- _ OrrOmtrRIs'n. Main Street EN0•Ple Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday • tELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC • ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. *EXETER PHONE 4 C. V. LAUGHTON, L,L,B, Tuesday, 2 to 5 p.m. at Zurich, At Township Cleek's Office MEAT MARKET WITH MEATS of the BETTER KIND For Over 50 Years 400AL Mr, George Deidhert =toren to Toronte and spent several day e there Mr Harold Stade 'spent a "few day, in _Ste Joseph's Hozpital, 'London, in the 'interest of his health. Mr and Mrs Roy Lamont motored to London one day "laet eves, is Mary Fisher ,ser ICitchener, was a sweek-end guest 'with ter sisie ers here. Mr. Wi11iam O'Brien self London, anent the week -end with his parents, Mr and Mrs LeRoy 'O'Brien, Miss Judy Wiliest daughter A qaaCMountea Mr a‘rid "Mrs. Leeland Willert is A patierit•at Clinton Public Hospital. eentity of ledice'd Barl°37un.s'61°' Ph"e 84 Z Mr and *],?)Irs Herb Desjardine mot- urich.—Jab Gingerich. FOR SALE A quantity of good table .etisek Potatoes. Apply te Fred Regirr, For Appointment, Dashwood 27 r 13 J. NORMAN COWAN Phone 121, Zureele Bookkeeping and Income Tax OR RENT --- 1f5'0eacre arm, ti 7111.14 FARM FOR SALE • north of Grand Bend, on Blue *ate? Sareptaf Service f Highway. Lange bank barn, r41.31-'11, Hay P.. 0. type houset100 .acres under etiltivat= ion. Tel. E,D.1-6120; OD. write 14t$. ATTENTION .••., Cyril Masse, 4211.1. Lakeview, Detroli Mich. Call at Rader & Mittleholtz "Andy's" Lunch FISH & CHIPS and LIGHT LUNCHES 'Try Delicious York Ice Cream 'for Picnics and Parties, in Bricks, Half Gallons and 2% Gallons Seed Grain For Sale Hardware Store and they will C, ANDERSEN •ored to ',Strattord one day-heet week. Vielting with relatives. :Mr. Buehler and sister airs Vele da of 'St. •Jaeelbs 'spent the wk -end at':the haine of their brother, tSir. and M.rs. Floyd Buehler of towm. -Me and 'Mile Alvin Gingeelea nd 'dill -them Were -dinner gu&sts at the htseonee.a,010. xat5hr :and Mrs Lewl$1398burt, Mr and Mrs. Alwin Gingeeieh era deseghter '.Elizaleeth and aStre. 'sea Onsgerich event a tlay in Kiwbener last lweelc, allir and Mrs. Heresy Devine and' Mr. Thesjardineeif Grand Zend were Sunday visitor with Mr and Mrs. jam Albrecht Miss Mary Army Bedatel of Detroit was a fweele-end .'visitor -terosva mots oring over with her •uncle Mr. Law- rence Bedard Who 'le employ4d in that -• kelp you solve your problem B.A. Station - Dashwood f cutting wood. See the! OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK lew Pioneer Chain Saws, (1..E.L.) They are Offering. , Brady C'eatiers FOR SALE .1950 Ford Custtrtn, Tudor, Boeight new, 5800 miles. In good cO 'dition, $600 or bast sifter.— W McBride, Varna R.R., 1. ?home He 0.11(07 r 21. , FOR SALE FOR SALE' Sr Laundeteria Ltd. - Exeter 50 ;Acres pasture land with runn-1 g elates, E. P. Lot 15, , ay Township. Apply ev Mrs ThErese Hartman R.R. Chick -Brooder, 500 capacity,s7erY 1Ph. - Dashwood 26n2. •good .condition. Also Montealiie seed Barley. Apply to Filoyd Arrit-1.,'' Seed Grain For S R -x. 1 Zurich. tt°? Conc. 8,r enings ompleteSanitone Cleaning Laundryand Storage Service Pick lip Mon., ,back on Thurs. • FOR SALE ale Pi k c up Thurs., back on Monday. „ Seed Oats, Rodney variety, from c'ertified seed. $1.00 from bin or I (l_ocal A ent) EARL OESC Th,ursday, April 4th, 1957 AD 011 the table • • s es.; •• '"''. Th the meal is ready! Be Your Menu Maker! YOUR BAKER not only suppties delicious wholesome bread for your table—bread for your recipes. Out of his fragrant ovens come all man- ner of mouth-watering goodies to crown the menu of every meal! Frag- rant Coffee Cake and Cinnamon Buns for b 'wildest.. luscious fruit -filled treats for luncheon -piping hot Par ker House Rolls for dinner. Brea in variety, too, for snacks any tira4 of day Or night. So don't get wrink, les worrying about variety in meals -- let your baker be your menu maker, See what's on his tray today! g 'Yellow Sweet Clover, Timothy 'and r 2, Zurich. 3t'" $1.10 cleaned. —Leon Bedard, Ph. $ , • Barber Shop - Zurich fasty-Ntl vakery PONE 100 — ZURICH FOR SALE weraszrAstnarvizsreaffazaranurearlortmerzerrearzesquaim 5 Red Clover Seed. Good quality 244 •!!,' attrattive prices, — David Blacliolveill' Parr I.kne, Hay. ;Phone 88 r 8 Xur4 t: y. •sti Mre. Matilda Tetreau wao spent - • s';'; sone time in Florida, returned home with her siF R SALE sister 'M.. and :Mrs Roy Park of . Grand Bend, who spent _ SEED RAM the G -- winter' months in the south. Oats; Gary grown 'Toronto Miss Gloria Gingerieh nuseed. — John Robin rse; Rev. And 'Mrs. Cyril. 'Ginger -Sell .of Gary and Rodney, from Registersa son, P_Iisone Hene- tff: lei training at the K -W. Hospireal, 690111 r 41 choler were week -end visitors at the home of their parents, Mr and Mrs. Jacob Gingerich, Goshen south. Mr and Mrs Ted Foster and the latter's mother, Mrs. Carrie Weber of Detroit motored to the home or Mrs Welber in town on Sunday. After person to Mrs. Mary Fejkl,.Z • in cn, spending. the winter months in .Ue- 2t WANTED Willing to take in dressmaking or& ers chi ort home. If interested Phone 96 r 10, Zurich, or 4,1..pply in troit, Mrs. Weber will remain at her home in Zurich for the 'summer. Are At Hospital Mr. Leonard Prang of town is taking treatments at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. And Mrs. -Sidney Ramer is also a patient at the same Hospital. We wish them speedy re- coveries. Mrs. Newell Geiger and iMg..s. Leon- ard Erb attended the executive meet- ine, of the Womens' Institute held at Hensall on Tuesday evening,. and gave splendid repOrth' at the &nal W. I. meeting held in the town hall ori Tuesday :eve. . • JvIr and Mrs Remy ,,Q19,1441$ aid Mr and 11137; Eil'ne'r Thiel motored to Tavistock on Saturday visiting with relatives, and while there attended a real old time auction sale. 'They were accompanied back to Zurich by Miss Amelia Clausius who has since went to London. Had Annual Meeting The E.Y.F. of Emmanuel E.U.B. Church held the annual meeting on Thursday, March 28th. The follow- ing were elected as officers: ePreeid- ent, Miss Donna Oesch; First Vice President, Miss Janet • Gascho; S'ec- ond Vice -Pres., Patrick O'Brien-See- YUNGBLUT BROS, retaiw •MiSes ;Mar' Geiger • Asst., end .) • armers. SAVE OVER 15 % ON SPECIAL PACKAGE DEAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Complete Automobile Coverage For First -Class Farm -Owner Risks Farmers' Comprehensive Liability Protection Covei'age for accidents ising out of.the C7.1Rtenct -of your farm property, faemeoperag' ,enimele and unlieensed. Highways. In addition to your own esersonal activities, and iSiiee of your faseilY.., Premium as low as 6.50 Ann. For Full Particulars apply to number of Registered Ayrshire Ws and Heifers, due to Pressler iii etch and April. Apply to Mien liner, Phone 85 r 11, Zurich c HOUSE FOR SALE Haes•ati — 5 -room ,Cottage with ,1,* briek siding; 3 -piece bath and ' sement. Also a barn - Apply to e limn Allan, Phone 5, Hensall. Stc. • Clover hay for sale is in Bales. agile 84 "r 3, Zurich, ' 4 SEED FOR SALE A qustetity of Yellow Sweet Clover and Timothy seed at $8,00 !per bushel 4 At ply to ,Ciayton Smith, R.R. 2 Zane ,1 14.4 Hay For Sale FOR SALE Wo young Hereford Bulls, about ,e ,.ear old, -fecal good stock., Apply !" ercy Willett, Phone 94 r 10, 4,1 FOP SALE. 1 ,-run hoe drill, fertilizer and 3n new condition. Apply • to e, 'se and: R.R. 12, . Zurich, J. W. HABERER General Insurance Phone 161 Phone 57 ZURICH Press P&posier, Lennis Leacher: tr- THE • COMMUNITY easurer, Bob Johnston, O'Briet's Produce Highest Cash Prices Paid for CREAM- EGGS - and POULTRY LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor PHONE 101 — ZURICH Zurich Creamery Your Home Market for . Cream, Eggs and Poultry HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID PLUS A PREMIUM FOR ,DELIVEED ' CREAM. WE ARE , EQUIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT ACCURATE SERVICE. EGG AND POULTRY DEPT. IN CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS Chas. Minshall, Proprietor Western Farmers' WW1 Weather insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK Inn LARGEST RESERVE BAL- Lvor, OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- AL COMPANY WiNG 13VSTNESS • 08ITUA RY Late Edward Beaver Edward Beaver, retired carpseter, who par -d away n Victoria Hose: ital, London, Ont.. on Slaturday, March 21rd, 1i957, in his 75th yeay. He "'RS tl!e youngest on ref the letElisabeth (nee Mast) and Phil- ip Beaver.. Born in ?.',Iorriston, Ont. 13/1ay 4th, MI?. TIe was 0. member of St. Peter's Lutheran Church. Surviving 'besides his wife, t!1. former •:`.1ary Gellman, are two dau- ghters, (Eileen) 'Mrs. Murray Bruns - kill, Mossley, Ont., (Alice) Mrs. Wal- ter Johnston, Bayfield, Ont; and two grandaughters and two grandsons. The remains rested at the West- lake Funeral Home, Zurich, were public services were conduoted on Tuesday, 1March 26th by the .Rev. 0. Winter. Interment was in St.:' Pet- er's Lutheran ,Cemetery, Zurich. LUTH. LADIES' AU). The Ladies' Aid of St. Peter's Lutheran 'Church held their April meeting on Tuesday evening in the basement of the church with thirty members present. Pastor, and two visitors present. Mrs. Lewis Thiel presiding for the program amr or' ened.the meeting by the singing of n heeem: readine of the Easter mess- age. Prayer by the Pastor. Miss Donna Fisher favoured with a piano solo. After which Rev. Winter snow- ed an Easter Film-, President, Mrs. 4. Finkbeiner tock charge of the business. ,callirig on the secretary, Ed. Haberer to read theininu- tes of the last meeting. Treasurer frs. A. Terkbeim gave her teport, The visiting committee reported -reek- s • OP THIS KIND IN ONTARIO . ing 14 'calls, A motion was 'made RATES ON APPLICATION and 'curried to nurchasse a coal! and F. KLOPP ZURICH hat raids for the basemen! of the AGENT '• !church. Discussions were held on several 'mutters to be dealt with nt ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING later date. A tastV Eader Lune.h, RODS AND ALL KINDS OF FIRr dcne. with 'colored eggs were served INSURANCE '-y the. con-!nittee 311 chansee, Zurieh, Ont ' . FOR SALE Your .141. Xt. '..44.44, ut ware, EOre WE SUGGEST— Have a look at our Paints, and select your color and kind suitable for your need. We carry the usual full line of Shelf and Heavy Hardware See Us for your Heating Equipment or New Bathroom, We' Specialize in: PLUMBING HEATING - TINSMITHINC Rader .4,11tiebolt7 Hartivine Phone Zurich 63. ;ottsusomaixotammmttmze, rawarir4..te.isais24stentimoanir.rzramamM antity of Baley Hay for sale. 1 ' ,thtind'Becker, 2t* ;c61 , • 1-• OR SA 1,.F 1 .,,qaaetity of Beaver Date anti 1 1VI,4ntalni Barley reed for sale, Ap- plY to, Roy Gingerich, R.R. 2 Zur- ich, Phone 95-4, .••••••,, • Guaranteed Life Inconie WITH ASSURANCE MEANS THIS 1 TO YOU —It 4reates an immediate cash estate —It guarantees a monthly life income t —It provides freedom from invest. silent worries. 4 —It itarantees the privilege of re - tines when you want to. Nor1:0'Americen Life's Pension Plan : 1 , gaarOtees the largest possible secure i inconideat the time it is needed, ow- ( 1 ing kloss o f health, disability, pre- 1 matt4e, death or oldd age. : 1 i T. Rally lloffman , NORTH AMERICAN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY A Mutual Company — All:Profits for Policyholders Phone 70-W Dashwood, Ont. t t ( as near as yoOr telephone A COMPLETE TRUST SERVICE IN WESTERN ONTARIO Coll RYE B.AIATERSON, Trust °Peer Hensall, .ruatio, Phone 51 For • Estate Planning and Willa • Real Estatii Services • Investment Management and Advisory S e r v uitc ne 6 i4 Geinteed Investments' :31.1 Se on savinge—aepoesits reay be nailed Or Contac i Any ()Ace 0/ GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Toronto • Montreal • Ottawa • Windsor Niagara Falls 6 Sudbury 6 Sault Ste. ,Mario Caigary-s Vancouver BEFOREYOUBUY—SEE The various Spring Lines which have arrived recently for Men, Women and Children Shoes of Style, Comfort and Quality— As we are unable to quote them all in this Advt. Here are a Men's black side lace. with vamp guard. Boys' Black plain rid-- lace. Misses and Children Black pat. and white bals. We also carry Men's Work Shoes to fit any foot, Wide or Narrow SEE OUR LUGGAGE Oesch Shoe t Phone, Res. 130. Store 82 11: ra CM a 2 r SOW; g =4==MM SaStrag WaSSSSE-4.15=Z51` 4 4 4 4 4 5 0 8 4 4 0 4 4 0 0 a 4 4 ! 11 8 4 5) •1 , , .V.1.11,4319 , • '1, 'A /IAR Order Your SEED GRAIN AND GRASS, SEED EARLY SUBSTANTIAL DISCOUNTS ON FERTILIZER FOR EARLY DELIVERY TRY OUR NEW HOG WARMER FOR RESULTS Hogs Shipped Tuesday and Thursday Cattle on Saturday Hensall District CoC Phone Hensall 115. TIttIMPSIMMOVVINMIIMPIONAllitcrirragaiii • 4 a 4,1144:1113.4451. Zurich 220 4 4.4 0 48 44 4 4 15) 8 8 a 9 0 4 a 00 0 4 8 8 74.ontemeamouseremetasZ