HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-03-28, Page 4ZURICH ONTARIO ZURI H • 4,0***16..• .,..,Goderich -Stores OPEN EVERY FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. CLOSED EVERY SATURDAY AT 6 P.M - EFFECTIVE FROM FRIDAY, APRIL 5 • • 4 9 • 9 • 4 • • 0 • • 4 4 • 4 4. 4. +4,4-14-4÷1, . 4. + Henn!' Store Hours Beginning April OPEN FRIDAY 1sL EVE. UNTIL 9.00 OPEN SATURDAY EVE. UNTIL OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY Tieman's Fur Ren rvating :t 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 • 10:00 4 4 4 4 4- 4. 4. 4. 4. - iture 1 severe." Young Wien, he said Do you think you should be taking, my daughter out tonight? "Indeed Not", the boy answered; Then added, hopefully; "Let's try to. reason With her. AT DASHWOOD IS STILL ON! • Ea • a • • a Chesterfields Bedroom Suites - Chrome:, -4 - • Kitchen Sets - 'Hassbcks - Studio C'ouches 9 Lamps, Etc., Etc. All at Reduced Prices. . Mirrors at $1.50 ....Floor Mats at $1.00 D ASHW 000 Mr and Mrs Wesley Filkins ani Janice of Howeill, Mich .spent the' week -end with the . latter's mother, Mrs. WM. Nadiger. Miss Sue Ann Walker of Zurich, pent Friday afternoon with Miss Marian Rader, Dr, and aVirs Fred ;Morlock and son Scott, of Waterloo are visiting with friends and relatives here. Mrs. Ervin Latta, Mr and Mrs. Garnet Weiberg and family and Howard Weiberg of Watenolo, were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs. Fred Weiberg. Misses Anna Messner and Eunice Fredertek pent the week -end. With Mr and Mrs Fred Weiberg. Miss Annie Taylor of London, spent the week -end ,with Mrs. Hobbs Taylor. Mr. Her') Geiser of Dearborn, Michesis visiting with his brother, Chester Geiser, Pyjama Party— The Dainty Doers and their lead- ers held a •pyjania party at the home of Joan Guenther. The evening was spent playing Bunco; winneri were: Koehler high; and Krietifie Geiser, low. Lunch was followed. Sunday visitors with Mr. john Bender were: Mr and Mrs Allan Fat- haufer, Kitchener; 'Mr and Mrs. Roy Bender, Toronto; Me and Mrs. Gordon Bender and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bender. Mr and Mrs. Garnet Weiberg and fa,nily of Waterloo were Sunday e'eitors .with Mr and Mrs. L. B. Rader. 4 4 2 111 SHUR-GAIN FEEDS We Offer a Complete Line of Shur -Gain Farm Proven Feeds and Concentrates for Poultry, Hogs and Cattle Try Our.. New.. 22%.. Chick.. Starter.. Medicated. Inquire About The Low.. Grain Load Lots. M. DEITZ & Son Prices in Truck Zurich 4 t f LOCAL NEWS 44,701,111111•11g, Sorry to report that Mrs. T. Hart - Man is ,confined to her room for a couple of weeks. • Mr and Mrs Fred Durcharme and son, Avila called on Mrs. Therese Hartman en Sunday. , Mr and Mrs Tom White- of Kitch- ener; Mr and Mrs Ed. Hartman. of 'Waterloo; Mr and MN Tony Hart - Man of Godericih; Mr and Mrs Philip Hartman, and boys and Mr and Mrs Victor Hartman annd family were Sunday visitors with .1Virs. Therese Hartman and boys, Goshen south. Was Guest Speaker Rev. Strome, the Evangelical. U.S. pastor at 'Crediton spoke to the Men"e Organization in the local Evangeiie- al UB. Church last Thursday even- ing where there was a 'big turnout. Rev. Strome also was in charge of the evening service in the Zurich Church on Sunday evening. Plan Hobby Show Hensall Recreation Council made plans for a hobby show in the town as on April 24. Hobbies of both young and old ,citizens will be feat- ured. Council also discussed the noel- bility of utilizing the new room in 'the upstairs of the arena for bad- minton and ,hasketball. Many at Hockey Game Many Villagers and of the com- munity attended the interesting Ban- tam Hockey game at Hensall Arena ou Saturday evening, where the Zurich boys played the team from :Sala, winning 6-4. The return tereme Ned, be played this Wednesday eve. at Graverhurst, and will decide the :final Provincial championship in that rlasg. Here' hoping! FARiMS will be offered separatelY, with no reserve. Definitely will be sold to the highest bidder. —Leaned - late possession. TERMS -10% on day of sale, bal- ance in 30 days, Mrs, Enema Dietrich, Lorne Dietrich, ,Milford Dietrich, executors of the Estate of late John Dietrich. #11!vin Whiner, Auctioneer. ee Extensive Auction Sale St. Joseph Sr Blue Water Area Mr and Mrs. Melvin Bedard of Detroit were week -end visitors with Mr and Mrs. Leon Bedard. Also the former's mother, who is in residence at the Bedard home; others who call- ed to visit Mrs. Joseph Bedard were, Mrs. Denis Bedard, Sr., Dennis Be- dard Jr. of Zurich, and Mr. Theefile Bedard of the 14th Concessiion. Mr and Mrs. Napoleon Cantin of Detroit spent Sunday in St. Jos- eph, visiting the former's mother, Mrs. N. A. Cantin. Messrs. Leonard Sararas, Pete Jeffrey and Isadore Ducharme mot- ored to Port Hunon on Friday last on a business trip. Mr. Avila Duchaeme while in the act of trimming a tree on Saturday last niet with e rather painful acci- dent. The limb that had been half cut through suddenly split and kno- eking him down off the ladder, a height of fifteen feet. There were 'no bones broken but it will take 'some time before the hand will be normal again, Mr and Mrs Raymond Denomme of this Blue Water north were call- • ed to London on Monday last to vis- it MTF. Denomme., Mr. La Roadie who went through an operation, and at time of writing !is dangerously ill. The weather Man has pulled an- other little winter stunt, germg us another smear of snow. Perhaps as the older people. would Some tineay, no last. drippings. However, it is yet eerier Pring and with a few sunny days. farmers will again be on their land, --Tied Out -- The father with a tene voee "'v' ,qf Johan Durham and Herefoed ettle, Tractor, Farm Implements, , ay, Grain and Household Effete. 'On the premises, Lot in, ,Con. • 15, Hay Twp. nee miles west of Dash - *pod and 2 miles north, or 2% igilles west of Zurich., and 2% miles Sbuth. The undersigned Auctioneer is in- structed .to sell by public Auction, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1.0th. At 12:80 pen. Sharp. High Quality Cattle — Red Dur- ham cow, carrying 4th calf, due first Week in May; 2 red Durham cows with calve at foot; part Durham and Angus -cow with calf at foot; red Durham cow fresh ' 3 weeks, with calf at foot. roan Durham cow car- rying .3rd calf. due before day of Sale; blue roan cow, carrying 5th. calf due before sale date; roanDer barn cow, carrying 4th calf, due. in June; roan Durham cow, carrying Second calf ,due in May; part Dur- ham and Hereford heifer, Milking,: red Durham heifer, rising 2 yrs. old Hereford Cattle — Hereford cow, carrying 2nd calf, due before day of sale; Hereford cow with -calf at foot; Hereford cow, fresh ;one week with calf at foot; Hereford heifer, with calf at foot; Hereford heifer due in June; Registered Hereford Bull, Jayibee Baldwin tStanwey, of outstanding quality and blood line; 9 Durham and Hereford Steers, aver- aging '750 lbs. each; 3 Dnrham and Hereford heifers, averaging 600 'Ms each; Thia is an extra choice herd of tattle. Cows have all been hand Tractor and Farm Implesnents — Case Standard Tractor in guaran- teed condition; Case 2 -furrow Trac- tor Plow; McDeering binder 8 -ft. cut on rubber, used 12 seasons; M -H. 1,3 -run fertilizer and grain drill, like new; McDeering hay loader, McDeer- ing 3-bar side delivery rake, like new; 7 -ft. McDeering spring tooth cultivator; McDeering tractor man- ure spreader; McDeering mower 6 -ft. Mr and Mrs. V. L. Becker and, family spent Sunday at New Dundee with Mr and !Mrs. Albert Becket. Mr. Ronald Ten Eyck of Kitchener spent Sunday at the battle of V. L. Becker. • AUCTION SAL?'" Of Live Stock, Grain and Seed. On the Premises, Lot 4, Concessioe 11, Hay Township. Four miles south of Zurich, or 114 miles east of Dashwood and one mile north. The undersigned Auctioneer is ine structed to sell by re'llic Auction TUESDAY, APRIL 9th. • At 1.30 p.rn. Sharp LIVE •STOCK. — Hereford Cow, 'r yrs. old, due at time of Sale; part Jersey Corw,d ue at sale tine; cow, due in May; white heifer in May; part Jersey coweernie ' roan caw, wifh. calf ;.' white cow; due in September;Spott cow with calf; roan ,cow with caiti. red cow with calif; Hereford heifeie' with calf; 2 roa heifers due in Aug- ust; 5, 2 -yr. old heifers; 4 yearling steers, 5 grass calves; 6 winter cal- ves. GRAIN I& .SEED —111300 Ibuelteis mixed grain; 70 bushels wheat; 40 -lbs Red Clover Seed. NO REbSERVE, Everything will be sold. Proprietress giving up farmbng Terms — Cash Mrs. Therese Hartman, Proprietreee, R. F'. Stade, .Clerk. Hector McNeil, Auctioneer. • Thursday, !Mercb 3141 01111110NDS REMOUNTED inreot yin b eoldau tyringsin"/ 31\71 %161 new settings by * Come in and ask about 001' money -saving 'remount' service . . . Have diamonds from outtmoded jewellery mounted in a lovely new ring. Choose from our wide selection of smart styles by Bridal Bell. You'll be pleasantly surprised at the liteiti Viten we will quote you! ALBERT G. HESS ZURICH cut; 3-drom steel roller, 2 M-1-1. team scufflers ; Let e grin der and eagge I rubber tire wagon; grain box, with I sides; 16 -ft. flat rack; 167 -ft. sliding rack, combination Beaty elec- tric grinder, like new; 5 -section dia- mond harrows; steel tire wagon, gravel box, set of sleighs, extension ladder, 'cuttee, new electric cattle clipper; fanning mill; single scutrier; wheelbarrow, electric fencer, crose- eut- saw; scythe, emery, galv. pip- ing snow fence; quantity. lumber, 50 -ft.- rubber hoe; .200-1b. cap. plat- formscales; circular saw, brooder stove,shovels, forks, chains, barrels, doubletrees and many articles too numerous to mention. HAY and GRAIN — 8 ton. mice quality shredded hay; 500 bushels at mixed Grain. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Phitter. electric Radio, studio Couch, eiettii$ lamps, centre tables, kitchen ata dining room chairs, rocking chairs% beds, dressers, kitchen cupboard,. itoilet set, new -comfortersand quilts, mats, large assortm.ent dishes mkt glassware, sealers, crocks,etc., ett„. No reserve, as the farm is sold. Owing to extra large sale,. .sellin will start sharp on time. Plan to attend this outstanding -7 sale. Terms — Cash William.Hatigh, Proprietor. Glen Weibb, Milford Merner, Alvin Walper, Auctioneer Real Estate Auction Sale Of Valu.alble 100 Acre Farm, Lot 1)',; Cori. 7, Usborne, Township .County of Huron ; 3 miles south of Elinivilles The undersigned .Auctioneer is Tile! strutted to sell by public :Auction, on TUESDAY, APRIL 2nd. At 2 o'clock, pen. Sharp • FARM—Consists of Lot D, Con. 7, Usbarne Twp. 100 acres of choice clay loam on which is .situated a well built brick --dwelling. •Also good sized barn and driveshed. Ample water supply, fruit trees and small hush. Farm is in good state of ,culti- vation. inspection ! invited before day of sale. Terms -1.0,% on day of sale, balance in -30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid. Immediate Possession. Herbert Anderson, Joseph Whelihan, Executors of the Estate of the late Edward .Hicks. Alvin Walp.er, Auctioneer. Real Estate Auction ale , Consisting of 100 aere fin, being. Lot 18. Con. 17: and 75 acre fame. south % Lot 17, Con. 17; Stephen Township. Half mile north of Ship ka, or IVA miles west of Dashwood and 3 miles south. The undersigned Auctioneer is in- structed to sell by reahlic Auction, on FRIDAY, APRIL 5th. At 2 o'dock, pen., sharp REAL ESTATE — FARM Consists of 100 acres being Lot 1,3, ,Concession 17, Steph- en Township, on which is situated a good sized bank barn, drive shed and hen house. Large 2 -storey- white brick. dwelling. All in fair state of repairs. Hydro throughout, An ample water supply. (35 acre e till- able land, remainder in pasture and mixed ibuele Farni is nicely sitnat- ed, close to store and School. FARM — Consisting of 75 urge, Neith no buildings, .55 acres tillable ;land; remainder is pasture and bush, never fail.ino -(x70-61. Insper!t-% :!.n in -"-1' • P Z. • • 11 A T, NIIII011 CANADIANS I/ ;II—the fixer ... his full name is Farm Improvement Loan. Give him a chance to help fix tip your farm . . he's eco- nomical, convenient, versatile. He can do almost anything in making your farm a better farm. eeweeeektMlegeee„,, V19-11 NL()tY,1 Checky oitr needs, then talk to "My Bank". Your nearest Pit for the Co=Ahead Farmer Farm Machines: - Binder Churn Combine Cream Separator Cultivator Drill Forage Harvester Harrow Hay Baler • Incubator Manure Spreader Milking Machine Mo -able Granary Mowing Machine Plow Reaper Seeder Spraying Apparatus Swather Thresher Tractor Truck Equipment: - Farm Tools Generators Pasteurization Plant Pumps Refrigeration Buildings: - Barn Dwelling Garage Greenhouse Granary House for Farm Help Ice -house Kiln Machine Shed Milk House Repair and Renovation of Farm Buildings Poultry House Silo Tourist Cabins Land Improvement: Clearing Ditching Drainage Farm Pond Irrigation Pumping and Diking Installations Purchase and Planting or, Fruit Trees Reclamation and Soil Conservation, Sewage Disposal Systent Tiling Well -sinking Home Appliances:. Deep-freeze Unit Refrigerator Sewing Machine Stove Washing Machine Light, Heat and Water Systems:. Boiler Built-in Sinks or Tubs Furnace Installatiop.of Lighting,, Heating or Water Oil Burner Piping Repair or Modernizationt, of Present System Water Heater vt:ikuiv„:0,0B of M manager will gladly tell you how to put FIL to work on your farm. Follow the example of thousands of other Canadian farmers. Increase your profits with a B of M Farm Improvement Loan, BANK OF MONTREAL ea,Kezda/4 9z/4a &auk. Zurich Branch: JOHN BANNISTER, Manager Hensall Branch: KENNETH CHRISTIAN, Manager , Crediton Branch : CLARE IRWIN, Manager (Open Tuesday and Thursday) Dashwood (Sub -Agency): Open Mon, Wed. & Fri. WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WAIR Of LIFE SINCE 1817