HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-03-28, Page 1R R 4W.I.11./441}5µ11f,,,114 Established 1900 ZURICH, .ONTARIO, THURSDAY MO Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor-- Albert Martin tOUNDAY SERVICES: ilt1:00 a.m. - Sunday School a 1:00 aan. - Worship Service 8:00 p.m. - Bible Meeting -Wednesday, 8.00 p.m. Prayer Fellow- ship in the homes. 'YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US :are'll Enjoy Listening to - "THE MENNONITE HOUR" ((Deepen Preaching - Inspirationa Singing. • -'$1,711days--CHUL-900 k.c. 7.30 a.m. -WRVA - 1140 k.c... 10.30 p.m. °(The Living Christ for a Dying World." NOTICE Any accounts owing the Zurich 1Hockey !Club -must be handed in by 1March. 130th, 1957, After that date 'the Club will not be responsible for ny outstanding accounts. - club TENDERS WANTED FOR THE SUPPLY OF CEMENT TOWNSHIP OFHAY Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the supply of 800 bags of cement laid down in the Hay Township shed near Zurich. Cement to ibe delivered during the weeks from Maylst, to 15th. 1957. Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk by March 30th, 1957. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accept- ed. H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk, Treas., Township of Hay Zurich, Ontario. Card of Thanks • ,i1,1: .., I wish to thank all those who kindly remembered me with car4 ' treats flowers and visits whil 'it f patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, L don, and since returning home.' Bill Yungblut. G, MARCH 23 )957 Card of Thanks Sincere Thanks to my many friends and relatives who, remembered me with cards, letters, treats, flowers, visits and basket of treats, also St. Peter's Lutheran Ladies' Aid, of Zurich, while a patient in South Hur- on 'Hospital, Exeter. Mrs. A. C. • Meidinger, Hensel'. PETERS RELASES SEALSALES tJP Huron County T.B, [raised a taAal of $11,640 from its 19!56 ,sale of Christmas Seals, a substantial. 1"le0;. ase over the previous year. Ttg; date of the annual meeting hiasheet for Aprijia29 at the town hall, Glintes ' -NEW RECTOR ' The Rev. E. J. B. Harrison, a Woodstock will be moving to Hayfield on May ist; to take charge of the three-point parish of Bayfield, At&i, dleton and Varna on that date. Mr. Harrison entered the ministry '4e years ago after a career with.1.0.4'h erial Oil Ltd., he attended Hu".m, College and was appointed to his first ,charge at St. David's, Windser, in 1952. One year later he moved to. his present ,position as rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd,4.'hi* Woodstoek. ZURICEI BANTAMS WON Zurich carries a two -goal advant- age into the final game of the OIVIHA Bantam D finals at Gravenhurst this Wednesday eve. as a result or a 6-4 triumph over Bala, at Hensel!. Arena Saturday night. Girrard Overholt pad the Zurich crew with three igoals while Bob Johnston added a Paiand Earl iWragner one, Mann and Gammen eachiCounted twice for Bala. It was -a good game. Wornen's Institute W. I. To Meet The Zurich Women's Institute will hold their meting in the town hall, Zurich on Tuesday evening, April 2nd at 8 o'clock. All yearly reports will be read. Will the . 'officers be prepared to bring them along.Pres- ident Mrs. L. Rose in charge of the business meeting. Program in charge of Mrs. Chester ,Smith, Mrs. Delbert 'Geiger, Mrs. Doug. Robinson and Mrs Wm. Siebert. Election of .officers will follow. CLOSING HOURS Some 40 businessmen, representing Exeter, Lucan, Dashwood, .Crediton, St. Marys, Zurich, .Clinton, Agricultural Office News h Seaforth and Hensall, met in Exeter Clinton; hile.rc couple of weeknearly all of CROP REPORT - During *e Prit Tuesday of last week to get the fee .01e ing of those prese.nt. A vote taken disclosed that 41 voted for stores to ZURICH ONT Phone 10 (piaaes, ite remain open Friday evenings, and 10 102141leteLL s' snow which cevered the ;ground lies Chester L, Smith, Publisher. Subscriptien in Canada, 82.00 a Teta Subscription U.S.A. Year $2.6111. NORMA'S , BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH Prop. Peenneeemer' RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loom, Made I Order - SETH 0. AMENS, Zarb*. Ont. Rhone 128, HALF PRICE Ladies' and Gents' Bulova, Elco., Rolex, Cfrtina HERE'S AN OPPORTUNITY - WATCH SALE WE ARE OVERSTOCKED OVER 25 WATCHES TO CHOOSE FROM EVERY WATCH GUARANTEED AND BOXED SEE OUR WINDOW A. G. ESS CERTIFIED WATCHMAKER and JEWELLEL - . ib 1 • u SJ Join •ur Many Hosts For Dependable He 70, Winter Long, Calk LOCK LORNE E. HAY ER SERVICE - ROE FEEDS disappeared. In many .firaweassorracausunannellle 4.or 'Saturday evenings. It wa:s decided small ainount of frost which was, the ground has started to .come,,,, pert, eatee_ own store hours. Here in Zurich, leaving roads and fields in an tottalto ennly muddy condition. with no definite schedule has been set as le tsattal unusual mild seeding, faemeri the next arean yet, this will likely be decided at 15'; co - !meeting of the local Chem- ticipating an early : qu- Many farmers have 'found hat -.e seed which they harvested last yeaear' plants haveber of Coirenerce. watIrs. WAS GUEST SPE-AKER guest. Ms.PeakAier achater the ZauLiteila-il, ently the seed cleaning been very busy during the past"ncteithi, is not fit to sow and we fintlatkat birthday party. of the Won -tens' Miss,- Gary Oats and Brant Ba,alea' &0 ionary Society of the Hensall United very much in demand. Brant H : ah urle-.10 hueh r'Friday evening March 22nd. 6 - r i. * air for tee' Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance- Service is now extremely scarce and p tvbe affair attended hY some 160 aara", eu°14,4° - : cets a‘e . that Gary. °ate suit FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day tend Night Service Memory relusic Hal, eirjoying that traditional Englishspcat tose i l ' n "- a see ing startS. Because of the sn '" ersa:Pla„,,,da:g,..leastiiSh.was ,11.0in • tr 2, eli anon aa. aa• aa u.91 A ' 7181..t.P.1.10-NE:. RES, B9W - CR-, BSA 7:URIC:I* eaahae. •Vgav V , ..-, Mere is Gerald Peters, rwho -is on -. hisaLondon• "Stagee;evegeh•Aerc .,eri...th. 6,4d..,,i;aitTeke4:aaa, ahe,..r0, 4;4" '.1 h'for her theme sp'cke on "Home flfli darts. Memory 'Musk Hall is in its sixth year on CBC .radio, preeentirng age of labour only a songs and entertainment by the cont inent's top artists. of farmers in the County sulnumber Home Life" and stated that home is 'aii I aaae*,empooseuesattimeto646,0400.04400000**60,049.0000easeecese, are mak" theing Maple Syrup this year. A fairly God given gift and ' al lahssin• gI Nothing can take the place of Chi. good run of sap was end of the week. reported atthu' dtran home training, and it ie a W011- derful privilege to train cliihrren in a christian life, reap God' 's richest HENSALI. blessing and much happiness is derie- 4 444,4 • 4, 4.* ••• *4 ***********40 oo t i• 4 • * 444 4144. 4- 4", • 444444044* HOFFMAN'S • • Arrange Funeral Service • SEIflts • To Or From • * • :1 Out -Of -Town -Points * • edl from living a ,chrietien• Life and Hensall Changes Store Proem having God. the head of• the home. At a meeting of the Hensel]. Chant- 'The' speaker was introducedby Mrs. ME7023 • ber of Commerce, today, Tuesday. Bert Peck and thanked by Miss M. 4- Wherever funeral service is required, to or from anyrplace in Can- 41 26th, it was unanimously decided Ms.. Guests included' ladies from * ada, the United States or other points of the globe, Hoffrriart', as : that the stores in Hensall will he surrounding ,Societies. Taking ea • open on Friday evening unlit 9) on- !part in the program were Mrs. Ken. tnembers of local mad national funeral director's associations, can * 'handle all the arrangements. You are always assured the quiet effi- : clock and Saturday evening until' 10'i Breaky and Mrs. Harold" Rader of .1, cienter of Hoffman's service. • e''clock (beginning April' lat. Mos- 'Zurich with vocal abate; a cornet ,t 17 HARRY HOFFIVIA.N F1JNERAL H OME day will be closed all day and Wed- solo by Mrs. Claire 1M -dB -ride of the • Goshen, 'Stanley. Suitable decorations * Funeral and Ambulance Service • nesday open all day. Due to some • • dissatisfaction on Saturday alight were in order, and the meeting was '24 -Hour Service DASHWOOD Telephone 70-W . closing, the inerchants of Hensall brought to a dose with refrestments ee ea e .rhhatIThe lovely -birthday cake eeas cut . 44•••••• .40 ..".....4 .4).4 4 4 4 t 4 414 4 44 4 4.4 • kir 4), 4. 40 . . 4+ 4...41.. 4p. decided these hours would be eon" by Mrs Daniel of Hensall. 7 suitable to. the shoppers of our munity • and surrounding. district. Mrs. Edgar Broderick Passes--' Late Edward' Beaver ' Private funeral' services for the 1 1late Mrs. Edgar Broderick of•Exeter, Edward Beaver 74, who spent the most of his lifetinne in this commun. the- former Winnie Rennie,. who pass- ay, t, a resident of' Zurich for over ed away in St.. Joseph's Flosintal, lforty years, retired' carpenter and a London, Wednesday March 20th, former mercantile clerk, died oe Sat- her !SOth year, were held from- -he urday in Victoria Hospital London, Disney Funeral .Hc.me, Exeter, . on after an illness for some time. Mr. Saturday, 23rd, with interinent in Beaver had many -friends and acgua- Exeter cemetery. Surviving are Icer Set - husband of Exeter, and two sons, aintances in the community. Surei- Garfield and Russell of Hensan. - ving is his wife the former Mary Eli- Hensalt Minettes are sponsoreng I zaibeth Gellman; two daughters, Mrs rummage ale in the town aall a alu.rray Brunskill, 'Mosley; Mrs. Wal- urday March 30th at 2 p.m. t I S . , mrs el. Johnston,. Hayfield.. The, remains Ross Jinks is convener of this pro - rested at the Westlake Funeral Home i . ject. until Tuesday where a public fun - Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Passmore and eral service was held at 2 pan. with ,z I Mary Francis -of Delhi, Mrs. Pearl burial in ,St (Peter's Lutheran ,Cemet- , Passmore and Norma of HeneryGoshen line. The Pastor, Rev. ent Sunday with MrJiohnsmort?' sel!, .sp- O. "911inter, Officiated. ,. lks, tielr and Mee George Heng til at l' . week -end their sithemer .CeteageMISS McCANN PASSES aiii. the Pinery. • h; h There passed away in Zurich, at .. • - IMr and Mrs Hugh Mcalwan,". Sr. the home of her brother, on Friday,. spent the week -end in Ddtre,it. -- • .March 22nd, 1957,.Mary ' Christens Mr. and Mrs Clarence Reid, Jerry McCann. in her 81.st year; dear sis- and Allen, visited on Sunday.. with ter of Benjamin of Zurich and Al. relatives in Tiverton. . I onza of !Mount 'Carmel. She came Mrs. E. Geiger of London„ was a to live With herbrother three >Tan gueet this week with Mrs. We S.lago, and has Suffered considerably the , Cross, and attended the birthday 'lad while. We a ine.mber of the , party of the WINS. of the . United Church of Our Lady, Meant Carml_ e ,Member of the following societiee. Catholic Women's League, League of the 'Seared; Heart, The propagation of the Faith. Her father's name was William 'McCann, enol mother was Areeeption for Mr and 'ales 1111: Mary Metachran. '1711c. remains tested Thiel's Sliperior Food Market Specials FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY OBITUARY a *Kleenex, Large Size, 3 for .1.00 Del Mon Fruit Cocktail 2, 20 -oz. Tins q c Stokley Peas 2, 15 -oz: Tins 31 c Stokley Tomato juice 2,, 20 -oz. Tins 31 c Lucky D 4ellar Food Store SPECIALS FOR THIS WEELEND Apricots, Lynn Valley 15 -oz. cans, Z.for 15c Tomato Soup Heinz 1 0 -oz carve; . 3 for 34c. Baby Cereal Heinz per pkg ..1 9c Velvetta. aleese, Half -lb. pkg.:. Rose 14 -amarine 2 lbs. for -„, , 31c Menu° Oeseh gw; Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 O11111111111MINIMMIMINIIM=119111MINNIIIIIIIININIIIIIIIIMESNIIMMINEMOMINfr, MEATS Bologna by the piece only Bacon Sliced per :lb 25c1h. 1444 4 g 69c Church, held Friday evening 212ael. Mrs. Hugh McEwen Sr., who has ;been a patient at South Huron Roap- ital, Exeter, for the past few Weeks, hae returned home. Prik, was held in the town hall, oe Friday 22nd; with a large erowd tending. A purse of m o ney Was Presented to the .cauple 'with Roa Prock, reading tho presentatielt; hd- Phone 140 C. H. THIEL - Zurich. dress, and makieg the preseeitatioe. Desjardine'e Orcheetre. fine) 1 sai the VEMEIMIuMMElianiummirernmerillumingloistr0OommisevamommenamoMemeitiol for• t at the home of her brother a Zurich until Monday March 25th, Requiem Nigh. Masa at 10 a.m. in St. 'Bouifeee Zerl^h, Zurich. Interment in tee ad- joining cemetery. The oiliciattrra, Clergymen were; Rev, Father D. Monaghan Rev. Fr. Po issori in Rev. Reny, SPECIALS MEN'S., ROBBER BOOTS A REAL BUY AT $3.98 A PAIR We have a Fa Line of Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoes Men's ar Days Work Clothes, Jeans, Overalls, Shirts, Etc. Give Us A Call! FRESH GROCERIES 1N STOCK TUE [IL A_KIE STOit E E. Schwartzentruber, Prop. Phone 11 -27 traMmignii