HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-03-21, Page 4ZIJRICII ONTARIO
_. a ��. a .
Renovating •SA LE
Chesterfields Bedroom Suites - Chrome
Kitchen Sets - Hassocks - Studio Conches
Lamps, Etc., Etc. All at Reduced Prices.
Mirrors at $1.50 .. ....Floor Mats at $1.00
We Offer a Complete Line of Shur -Gain Farin
Proven Feeds and Concentrates for Poultry, Hogs
and Cattle
Try Our.. New.. 22%.. Chick.. Starter.. Medicated.
Inquire About The Low.. Grain Prices in Truck
Load Lots.
M. DEITZ . & Son
.811•D GRAIN — Gary and Rodney
Oats; Gary grown from Registered
Seed. — John Robinson, Phone ,Hen-
. stall 699 r 41 tf?
Salesman Wanted
MAN WANTED forRawleigh 'busin-
Mss. Real opportunity. No experi-
ence needed to start. Write Rawl-
eigh's Dept. C-458-0, Montreal, P.Q.
A tax rate of seven mills, the
came as 1956 was set by the South
'Ewen District High School Board.
Teachers were given an increase of
$400, and with the annual increment
irf $300, they will receive a total of
Viking ,cream separator,. 600-1b. cap-
acity, like new; rubber tire wagon,
hay rack, set 'of sleighs; Letz. grind-
er, used one season; 50 -ft. belt; fair
ning ait.ill; M -H. 'grain grinder; emery
stone; electric fencer, extension lad-
der; .circular saw; pea harvester,.
chicken shelters, snow fence, hay
fork, 2, 30 -gal. drums, efectrrc clip-
per; anvil, forge, gas lanternffi log-
ging ,chains, brooder stove, set new
tractor chains; 20 -rods woven wire;
pig trough, sap pan, 1.00 sap page;
spiles,; 4, 8 -gal. .milk cans; drill, vice,
large assortment ,carpenter tools;
colony House, forks, shovels, and
many articles too nraanerous to men-
Feed -•-- 200'bales s hoi•ee quality
hay; 300 bales oat straw.
tHousehold Effecis 7�x> er
y electric was
table; chairs, Beats shing
machine; churn, A seal-
ers; crocks and of ins.
everything will be
No reserve, ever, sold
TEETERMSMrs. Emma Rowla ess,
Glen Webb, Clerk.
Alvin Walper, Auctioneer.
Mrs. Emma Rowla es,
Glen Webb, Clerk
Alvin Waiper, Auctioneer
Miss Shirley Haugh spent the we-
ek -end in Stratford with Mr and
Mrs. Carl Eokmeier.
Miss E11eleGilbert of Stratford,
spent the week -end with Mr and :airs
Courtney Burmeister.
Mr and Mrs Roy Bender and fam-
ily of Toronto, spent the week -end
with Mr. John Bender.
St. Joseph &. 131ue Water Area
Mr and avlrs Fred Ducharrne of the
Blue Water Highway in company
with Mr. Richard Hartman of the
Goshen line south, motored to Wind-
sor and other points of interest ore
Thursday last. Also visiting in De-
troit, returning to their Jerome on
S:undaywith Mr. Raymond Hartman
who had spent the week -end in De-
Mr and Mrs. Joseph Cantin of St.
4700 a year. A minimum of $4.000 Jioseph motored to Montreal a few
a: year was requested by the stair, weeks ago, the object of their visit,
nd $3,800 was granted by the board g '
.being a business trip of interest,
Chamber Grantt Rink $50. They returned. back to their home on
At a dinner meeting of the Hen- Tuesday last.
salt Chan -her of Commerce held at • dab.- and Mrs. Anthony Laporte,
the New Commercial Hotel, $50 was ate'. were residents of St. Joseph
voted toward the defrayment of the for the past, years, have now moved
artificial ice debenture. A :committee in the Drysdale district.
Was appointed to look after the an- On Sat.-D.1day last the citizens of
-real Ontario '',chamipion.sbyp tiddlers' this ..parish were greeted With a
!artest, date set later. rather disagreeable wind !and snow
I5 GRAND CHAMPION ;storm, in the southernpart of the
Province they anissed out on the
Robert P. Allan. Brucerleld, a: snow but tornado warnings were is -
'young farmer who has taken great sited to the public for safety. All
Interest in many of the organizations of that is not unusual for the close
'nf armers within Huron County, was ing days of the whiter months, but
lecently acclaimed Grand Champion .it is not welcomed.
of the Tenth Annual Huron County. Already sorneresorters are en regi
Seed Fair. Mr. Allan is first tic- dsnce in some of the cottages at Du -
president of the Huron County Soil ,char•nte's Beech, and already evening
and Crop Improvement A'sociation, lights are flickering, as a reminder
which sponsors the fair.. He racked of camping days. Altho the tiveath-
up a t,tal of 55 5 points at the seed' er Ss breezy and somewhat disagree -
/air. able, it will be a .change for those
MANY AT PARTY who have been confined to inside
work during the winter months.
About 500 friends from all overHow To—
Huron County paid tribute to Gerry!How to torture your Husband
Montgomery, former Huron County Said . a Handsome Wife;
Agricultural Representative, and his I -don't need that replied the other,
av:,fe, on the eve of their departure I have a system of any own.
for their new hone in T onorrto where - Clearing Auction Sale
he has accepted a position as Agric: ; Of Live Stock, Tractor, Farm ihrti-
uitural Agent in Ontario with the lements, Feed and Household Effects,
'CNR. His office is in Union Station:On the premises Lot. fart 26, 27, Con
'Toronto. He has served as Agric- +North Boundry, McGillivray Twp., 1
ultural Representative in Huron sine mile west. of Mt. Carmel on town litre
ikeig. • 1, 1915'1. The farewell party,' The undersigned Auctioneer Is in -
headed by a committee representing strutted to sell by public auction on
agricultural organizations was held WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27th
tet the Seaforth District High School. Commencing at 1 p.rn.
Livestock — Red Durham cow,
Wm. Jewitt, reeve of linnet an'l ;carrying third calf, due April 3rd;
Chairman of the agricultural comma -
Holstein r
tee of. Huron County was master of Heifer, tarrying first calf,
due in Aprit ; red Durham cow,
ceremonies. carrying fourth calf, due in April;
DASHWOOD . ;part Durham and Hereford farrow
• cow; Durham cow, carrying third
call, due in April; Hereford ,cow with
jcaif at foot, fresh six weeks; Ayr -
•The Detroit Tiger^ baseball team ,,hire cow, carrying second calf, due
signed Bob Tanner to report to their in June; part Durham and Jersey
'training camp in Florida.. He is a 2i c tr due in April; Ayrshire cow, clue
year old righ hand pitcher from Dew- in May; Holstein cow, carrying see-
dney, B.C. and had a tryout wish and calf, due in May; Holstein cow,
London Majors in 1055 ane last, carrying fourth calf, due in April; 4
year played for the Dashwood 'i tic r !Durham heifers, rising 2 yrs. old;
±n5' the lnt:ermediete D WOAA. 'part Durham and Jersey cow with
Miss Nancy Tiernan and Robert calf at foot; 2 Hereford baby beefs,
'Staines of .St, Thomas spent the ready for market. Purebred Here-
'week=end with 111,1r and Mrs. Mervyn ford Bull, rising 3 years old. This
is a very choice herd of cattle, -
Hbgs — Yorkshire sow, carrying
third litter, due first week in May.
Tractor and Farm Implements
M -H. Mustang Standard tractor in
guaranteed condition; M -H. binder,
7 -ft. cut, like new; ;M -IH. No. 112
tractor spreader in brand new cond-
ition; 'M -IH, 2 -furrow tractor plow„
like new; M -H. grain and fertilizer
Mr.•. Gordon Kraft of Sarnia spent
the week -end with iMr and bfrs. F.
C. Kraft.
Miss Joan Weber is vacationing
in Florida.
Mr and 'Mrs. Gordon Weiberg of
Waterloo spent the .week -end wit;h
#Mr and Mrs. Vied Weiberg.
Mr and Firs. Glen Waiper and
children of ,London spent the weep- drill, 15 -run, equipped withanarkers,
end with relatives in town. power lift, used one season; Fleury
Men's Club. Entertain Wives Bissell 28 -plate tractor diso; 'Case 4 -
The Men's Club of Zion Lutheran bar side delivery rake; 3 -drum steel
lChureh entertained their wives at roller; 9 -ft. spring 'booth lcultivater
bowling at Grand Bend Friday even- on rubber; McDeering hay Ioader;
ing. Winners were. High - Howard :MIH, side rake; dump rake; 2 -horse
a'Datars and lvirs. Earl Deters-; Low, scu#filer; 3 -section diamond harrows;
Andrew Anderson and tMrs. Edgar Frost and Wood mower, 5 -ft. cut;
Clearing Auction Sale
2.7;5 bushels IMoncalm seed barley;
100 bushels Carvell wheat; 5 bushels
timothy seed.
Household,Effects Winghamkite
Chen range like ne,w; extension table,
dining room chairs, buffet, chester-
Of Tractor, Farm, Implements, Live
Stock, and Misc. Items, on the prem-
ises, Lot 1212, Con. 12,Stephen Twp;
half mile south of Dashwood.
The undersigned Auctioneer is in-. -
structed to sell (by public auction on
At 11t o'clock, p.m. sharp
Tractor — Massey -Harris No. 102
Junior now crop tractor with adjust-
able front axle, in good condition,
equipped with 4 -row beet or bean
Farm Imrpleanents: — Cockshutt No
11, 15 -run grain and fertilized drill
c'empletely equipped with power lift
grass seed attachment and markers,
like new! 1UIcDeering 3 -furrow tract;
for plow on rubber, in good ,condition;
M -H. 81a -ft. spring tooth cultivator;
Fleury Bisset 8 -ft. ,cultipaeker; M -H.
side delivery rake; leloDeering tract-
or manure spreader; i1VI-H. bean pill=
ler for tractor; ciecular• sage, s !ounted
on tractor; Bradley roller bearing
wagon; International 32 --plate trade
or disc; M -;1T. single seuffler; rubbea
tired warm; 4 -section diamond. ?ter,
rows, and other an'isc. items.
Cattle --Hereford eow, due May
hth; 2 Holstein heifers, with calf' at
foot; Durham cow, carrying second
calf, due leiter part of March; Dur-
ham cow, carrying -third calf, due,
first weak in April; 3 summer calves;;
6 yearling Durham and Herefords::
No Reserve, everything will be sold.
Earl Dietrich, Proprietor.
Glen Webb, .Clerk.
Alvin 'Walper, Auctioneer.
Extensive Auction Sale
Of High Quality Shorthorns, T-l.orsect"
Tractors, Threshing Machine, Farm';
Implements, Grain and avlisc. Iteerea
On the premises, Lot 11, Con. Nol.th Il
Bloundry, Hay Twp. • First farm
south of iHillsgreen _3i . miles 'west
of Kippen or 2 miles east of 7ur
ich and 2' miles northr.:
The undersigned Auctioneer is ire,
strutted to sell by public auction on
At 12.30 p.m. sharp.
High Quality Shorthorns — Dar-:
ham cow, 8 yrs. old due June 17t3-;
red cow, 7 yrs old, due April 19th.;
roan cow, .freshene week, with 3rd
calf at foot; red cow 7 -yrs. old bred
July 28; red cow carrying second
calf, due middle of April; red cow'
8 yrs. old tivith .calf" at foot; roan
cow, carrying 3rd calf, dile April15,
roan cow, with calf at foot; dark
roan cow 6 -yrs old due April 11;
dark roan. cow carrying second calf
due middle of April; 'tart Durham
and Hereford cow, 7 -yrs. old with
-calf at foot; part Durham and Here-
ford cow 6 yrs. old, withcalf at
foot; 5 yearling heifers; 3 yearling
steers, 4 heifers rising 2 yrs. old; 2
steers rising 2 yrs. old; 3 fall calves.
Registered Durham Bull, born Oct.
15, 1952. of choice quality and blood
lines. This is an extra choice herd
of cattle, all in market condition.
Horses — Good work team, true
and reliable in every way.
Tr<aetor and Threshing Machine ---
international Super W6, like 'neyv.;'
Intern. W 4, in new condition, equ-
ipped with G. H. manure loader,
nearly new; Waterloo 28x42 thresh-
ing' machine on steelcompletely equ-
ipped with cutter•, grain •elevator, in
guaranteed condition.
Farm Inrpliments — International
binder on rubber 8 -ft. cut; Inter.
28 -plate tractor disc like new; Inteea,
16 -run fertilizer grain drill on r' -t'-
berlike new; Intent. po}ver 5'r7 ^• -o fl
mower, 7 -ft. cut; Inter. 81e—fa stiff
tooth cultivator; 3 -drum ste-1 roller,.
4 -sec. chairs link harrows; Intern. 3-
furnoar plow, ,$-sec. diamond harrows
4 sec. ;diamond harrows; 10 -ft. dump
rake; 3 -horse cultivator, Gehl 10 -in
hammer mill, used one season;M-II.
1014 -inch grain •grinder, tuber tired•
wagon steel tire wagon; 16^ft. hay
rack; 1V1 -H. 4 -sec. spring tooth har-
rows; 120 -ft, rubber endless drive
belt; 140 -ft. drive belt; walking plow
circular saw, electric feed cooker;
Viking &50 cap. ,cream separator;
Universal 2 -unit milker; .2, iron ret
ties; Stewart electric clippes; 26 -it
grain elevator; 32 -ft, extension Tad.'
der; Clinton fanning mill, bagtruck;
electric fencer; 2 colony houses 10x
12; 2,000-1b. esalese half -ton drain
hoist, "Set of sling rapes; block and
tackle, Hansen weed sprayer; 'wagon
box, 4 logging chains, quantity of
tiles, fence posts (steel and cedar);
20 rods woven fence; 2 -row potato
duster; set of tap dies; 2 oak bar-
rels, steel drums, cutter, emery, sho-
vels. finks, Etc., Etc.
'(Casts 1200 bushels Cartier seed
Oats, 800 beehels Rodney seed orae
field suite, small tables, Singer Bow-
ing machine, hall rack, stands, dres-
secs, churn, butter bowl; sausage
•g1•inder and lard press, and many
articles too numerous to mention.
No reserve, as the farm is solei. Ow -
Thursday, 11\larch 2iat,
ing to extra large sale, Belling w11t
start sharp on time
Terris --Cash
Gordon Love, Proprietor, y
Ross Love, R, F. Stade, Clarks.
Alvin Waiper, Auetioneer,'
STEEL is the foundation of the material well-being
of every nation. Without steel there could not have
been much progress. For steel is in almost every-
thing. There is steel in the modern church, school,
hospital and college, and in the making and pre-
paring of all building materials. There lasted, too,
in the weapons of defence, without which the
peoples who desire to maintain peace soon would
lose their freedom.
Stelco as the largest Canadian steel -maker is proud
of the part its products have played in the develop-
ment of Canada.
s \I
V\.\\2a\•,`\ivl^till;.'... a ..:.
That's where you can get the "necessary" to buy.
seed ... if you can repay out of farm .income.
Farmers from wast to c.utrst finaucc their seed -buying
ar the Bank of Montreal. Melly find tin l;,c•nng ,t. bit,
hard at this rime of year, whiir with logs of money
going out and little coaxing in . , . and they look Ne -
s. B.of ivi seed luau cis an aid essential to Sut.•cess,
They like its low cot, too!
See your Batt):' of .Montreal tnana,gcr today for a,
ct.,trii=lrrrcial t1wt.
e4.uicda ib P'eza,t' Saic4
Zurich Branch: JOHN BANNISTER, Manager
l:iensall Branch: KENNETH CHRISTIAN, Manager
CreditonI.ARE IRWIN, Manager
Branch': C
(Open Tuesday and Thursday)
Dashwood (Sub -Agency): Opee Mon., Wed, sr Irri.
SC)-:14 5