HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-03-21, Page 1MIIIIINNISSINISMIaleent0110110 ataistayeataig mmaceze=lina,la,mertstanct • • • es% R 1 CH HER • 'Established 1900 . .4 ) 0.: TENDERS WANTED SIMI 'nu SUPPLY OF CEMENT TOWNSHIP OFHAY • WW1 Sealed Tenders will be received by : • the undersigned for the supply of (ROO bags of .eement laid dawn in the yes Hay Township shed near Zurich, . • cement to be delivered during the .7" • reeks from May lst, to 15th. 1957. Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk ;by March 30th, 1957. Lowest ear azy tender not necessarily accept - Ji. W. Brokensbire, !Clerk, Treas., Township of Hay Zurich, Ontario. NOTICE Ally accounts owing the Zurich 'Hockey Club must be handed in by March 130th, 1957, After that date 'the Club will not be responsible for 'any outstanding accounts. — Cub Management. Ferd. Haberer, Treese - G. R. HARDMAN Will Attend ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORN1NC4 M4RCH 21 957 Emmanuel Evangelical UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH Rev. A. M. Amacher, B.A., B.D, Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist. Thursday, March 21st, 8 p.m. F.U. 13. Men. 'Speaker, Rev. G. R. Strome, Crediton. - Sunday, AVIareb. 24th. 1O — Mor- ning Worship 11 a.m. —Sunday School. 7.30 p.m. — Lenten Servtce, fn charge of the E.Y.F. Guest Speaker, Rev. G. R. Strome Sentence Sermon— "Think often on the Deeper Issues of Life." Farm Forum Unique Forum— The Unique Farm Forum met at the home of Mr and Mrs Bert Klopp • COME TO THIS pira "''',C7111t7-tr-77— 0 FOOT CLINIC Share the magic of Foot Comfort with the many hundreds who use Miracle . Foot Aid. At the MILT OESCH, SHOE STORE ZURICH, --Phone 82 or 130 MONDAY;' MARCH 25th. 10 A.41: — 8 P. al. For Foot Ills and Resulting Rheumatic and Arthritici Symptoms Walk 'better! Feel !better! Get relief from tired' feet. Mr. Hardman will ;conduct this foot clinic, gasbag Tan his personal attention and the -experience of anany years •of successful work. CLINICS Zurich, Peterborough, Brantford, London, St. Catharines, Listowel. 1 1 4,4.4 +•••••••••••••••• • • HOFFMAN'S • • Arrange Funeral Service 4 To Or From • ..1 Out -Of -Town -Points Cr • do ilk • Wherever funeral service is required, to or from any place in Can- E '• 4 side, the United States or other points of the globe, 1-loffxrian'*, as • 40, 4, members of local and national funeral director's associations, can . '. handle all the arrangements. You are always assured the quiet effi- • * • • ciency of Hoffman's service. A '1. • ••• T. HARRY HOFFM.AN FUNERAL HOME • 4 • • • 1 Funeral and Ambulance Service * 24 -Hour Service DASHWOOD Telephone 70-W j • *••••••••••••••••••••••••••te••••••••••••••4 •+••••••• tionsilissiesemunaise. Thiel's Superior Food Market Specials FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY 'Rice Krispies Large Pkg. Gold Seal Sockeye Salmon , , •45c jewel Shortening, 1,113 tin '31 c Dr. Ballard's Dog Food, 3 tins 3 5 c E A i" S Sliced Side Bacon per lb. ,,,,,, Weiners, 3 lbs. For, $1.00 69c FRESH PORK SAUSAGES ON HAND AT ALL `TIMES Phone 140 C. H. THIEL - Zurich 1, with an average attendance. Mr. Leonard Merner introduced the topic "A Man and His Neighbour." We felt that Farm Forum was the most important activity in our community. We also felt that friendly neighb. .-ht., -"':iT----71,711,=:,C., --------.7:-.--'\ orliness 'would improrve the ;coiniannie ..., ity. The next meeting will be held ,,,_ ------e.---------aese_ese.„,„'' 't.:'•`Fr-:.4' at Delbert Geigers. This will be 'a 1...1•••0•MO. recreational evening to tonclude eta - Returned from Florida fame Form activities for the season.: GeMoirgeanDdeleMhZtEhdaveDarteatarisrrrdahot:e. The 'evening closed wih the mosteas serving a delicious luncheon and the arterridaywishirreg thdifferent loaerrts mil. singing of "The Queen." Deters' uncle, Mr. and Mrs. George . Kalbfleasch, and taking' in all the 1Walper, who passeds away March, 2 . In loving. memory of Lloydonet ' 1953. In Memoriam .„ , '1' beauties of nature along the way e' they had a safe return home back .a is reported and we are pleased that ' for a few weeks. A real good time .i'..,', , • -,, to Zurich.. A day of remembrance, sad to redlit Women's institute Without farewell you left us all,.....h! W. I. To Meet Precious memories treasured evere;,a •. 'The Zurich Women's' Institute will - e 1. Of days when we were altogetheia; I hold their meeting in the town hall, —Always remembered and sadly welis Zurich on Tuesday evening, April sed by his Sister Fern and family i .2nd at 8 o'clock. All yearly reports ---- .7 will be read. Will .the officers be IN MEMORIAM ,,, prepared to bring them along. Pres- ident Mrs. Le_Rose in charge of the business meeting. Program in charge In Loving' .Memory of LIoyelot: of airs. Chester Senith, Mrs. Delbert Ivan Walper, who died March 2t,1 Geiger, Mrs. Doug. Robinson and Mrs 1953, ' Wm. Siebert. • Election of officers Chester L. Smith, Subseziption in canada, $2.00 a 'tau Subscription U.S.A., Year • aomon.....••••••......aberpois*pwaraga '• will follow. Ibis day we do remember, 'e A loving thought we give, TAKE PUCK HONORS,. 'ro one no longee with as, Hensall Legionnaires were adeadg- But in our heart still lives. ed the best team in the Shamrock ee Alvin. Vera artil PonSaturdayW by eeTourannand etehnetirhecladptaatinLiican —Ever RememberedEarl st;t •- Wagner of Zurich, was named the outstanding individual player. The Pigs Die In Fire tourney consisted of three games and was watched by 600 fans. Judges Brucefield -and ,Seaforth rural fire were Tory Gregg, past president of brigades received a eall Wednesday0HA., George Dickinson and 'Ken morning last -to the farm of Wallace'Ellis of ,CIPPL Radice Earlie scored Haugh. & Sons, Bruceffeht wen fire three goals for Hensall to earn the caused about $2,000 damage ro a pig:" outstanding player award. He is to building on the farm purchased 144 .be congratulated for his fine mewing year about a mile east of tcisvp.a. sows and 711i pigs .5 weeks old, re to wean were choked by sanoka. Ian Hategh discovered tlbe blate*: he went out to see haw a soveW getting along about to farreirw.e;a,'' Fire At- Seafciair -•,tt4 FINAL PLAYOFFS Word has been received by the erica. 13antam Hockey boys that the fflrsrgame' in the playoffs will be in. e • ensall Arena. this Saturday ev- at..tep'eaa and. the opposing ea.m will be Bala, winch is in the In the worst 'fire in SeafOrth 'Muskoka district. We wish the boys more than a decade the .Ball-Maceaa'/e may aea .a lot of luck in these playaffs and. ay -mill and lumber plant was the best 'team. win. The Zurich tely destroyed by fire _lastas.wc°Lintb,ays have had.a big season having day morning, March 13, and sela 46'. On practically all of their games. time the entire ,block was tbreatene.4 .these -can get around Bala they The combined efforts of local firemen, Will be Ontario Champions in thea, 'of OFIVIHA. assisted by tracks from Clinton, thee liass RCAF. Clinton and Mitchell and theU. L. C. W. Meeting constant viligence :of. citizens, lcept of the fire from spreading further. The• The regular monthly meeting the Lutheran Church Women,. hiss is estimated at $65,000, and will United be rebuilt. The building was was held in St. Peter's Church, Zia - old skating rink. on Tuesday evening. Rev. 0. Winter -conducted a Mission Study :clan on Missions in. South America.. Colored slides were shown. Business was conducted .by the president, Mrs, 0- Winter. The next Missionary Stilly Class will be held on Monday evening, March 26th at 8 p.m. The mission field to be studied wiTi be North America with a film strip to be shown. The mission Study Classes are very interesting and we heartily invite all ladies to attend. TO ASSIST IN AGRIC. WORK • Tom Easton, 23, of Exeter, has. .begun duties as an Ontario Depart - Farm Forum Parr Line Forum—. Met at the home of Mr and Mrs Eddon Jarrett with 14 members present. The topic "A Man ana His Neighbours" is the last topic for the 1956-57 season. Question 1— What is the most important activity in the life of your community new,. .Ans.-We think the Mullah is the most important activity in our c muam- nity, the Farm Forum'/cede-rate ion of Agriculture and Wotnene • stitutes are also very active. Ques. 2a --What is needed to -make in.qn't of Agriculture 'Fieldman for an ideal community today. ans.--- Aaron County on a part-time basis.. We think that some kind of organize 1 -Ie will assist Arthur Boltoa, aseiets ation is very essential forth e comm- ant Agricultural Representative,: in. unity today, where neighbours :an • organizing 32 4-H Clubs.....The appo- meet and discuss their prohlenis 'intment was made when provincial in a friendly way. • officials learned the county would be After the diecussion, progressive teinporaryily without the sersaces of euchre was played. The winners an Agric. Rep-, following resignation were: Ladies, Mrs, Ross Love ended G. W. !Montgomery. Mr. Mont - Mrs, Alf. Reichert; Gents, Charles ,goenery's successor, Douglas:H.. Milea Robinson and Jim McAllister. who served as Frontenac County Ag. ANNUAL REPORT Rep, assumes duties April ist. Beth 111r 'Bolton and !Mr. Easton,, header- of Ont. Agric. College two-year comae diploma, are natives ;of Huron, Offi'e 1956.ciala say this is t the fleet time tha00tibeedir . ••natives of an .Ontario county have Receipts— 1oiacfoteuenttvl.ie tigrieeltural need Balance from .1055 ......... 03. c e Police Village Grant 50.00 County Grant 40.00 HEADS H -P. BASEBALL Township Grant , . ... . . -IA 00 Provincial Grant OF ZURICH PUBLIC LIBRARY e 7.37 Coll. at Annual Meeting .... n,33 Meraliership Fees .... .... . 34.00 Fines 6.00 The annual meeting of the Huron Perth Baseball League was held Dashwood and LeRoy 0'13rien of Zurich was elected president for the coming season. Mr. O'Brien succe- 4;320.A0 eds !Wally Wein of Dashwood. Bob Sadler and Joe Walthers, both a Expenditures-- Mitchell, accepted the viceepresident Books purchased , $11.28 posts while John Livermore will once Insurance premiumVi again net as eecretary-treaeurer. Librarian, salary and rent . ;200.00 There. is a strong poseibility of a Postage, money order .r,K six tenni netron-Perth League this Rent, Twp. Hall 1.40 year as riensall, Meter, Zurieh, Mit- Huron Co. Library rent for 2110 obeli, Dashwood and Clinton all have, books — • . . MOO mtne,ited they would enter toamses Balance in B. of Montreal 48,68 Leroy O'Brien, Wally Wein, 4elni ---- Livermore and Don Bell of 1.4nmall $$20.30 attended the 0113A. .convetillon held Circulation 191i6 2.820 h00k$. in Clinton !March AA and ve. A 4-Bruee Klapp, Trosuter big ,yor 4n baseball is ;'tooked for. NORMA' S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMIOTTS' Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH Pro". 4.4•11•11111111M011.0111VIBIMIZIMMIS1211.41(241•32411. SPECIAL FREE OFFER INTERNATIONAL STERLING SILVER 5 PIECE PLACE SETTINGS BUY 3, GET ONE FREE PRELUDE ENCHANTRESS, ETC. PATTERNS MISS THIS SPECIAL SETTINGS OFFER OF 'FREE $29.50 PLACE LIMITED TIME ONLY DON'T A. G. HESS CERTIFIED WATCHMAKER and JEWELLEL ZURICH - ONT. RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern. Loom, Made to, Order — SETH 0. AMENS, Zurich*. Ont. Phone 128, eblue cool Join Our Many Hosts For Dependable Heat Winter Long, Call:, .4 vaaeep.4.41.=.4.1112Per•sgemsesp,••••••••••••••, LORNE E. HAY LOCKER SERVICE ROE FEEDS Phone 10 HENSALL OM. moo osseasasoseseesseseaaa saasreeaseesoaaastee foweestat • • • • 1 1 1 0 * • TELEPHONE: • • r4; arsttral *Mt Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Hospital Bed and Wheelchail for Res -FLOWERS FOR ALL , OCCASICNS Day and Night Service RES. 89W - OR 89•3, ZURICH Private Car Ambulance Service 1111146111111106A.04114•40641409011110041.1441404•11•4114004.11118414B1049060463011t421 Lucky Dollar •Food Store SPECIALS FOR THLS WEEK -END Southern Cross, Tuna Flakes per 5c 1\4uffets, 2 Pkgs. .. .1. • 35c Kraft Dinner, 2 Pkgs . . , 27c Tomatoes, Cello Pkg . A e V • a • ,T.• 0, .21c Cohoe Salmon (Paramount), 1's 790 Menno Oeseh Zurich PRODUCE _WANTED. Fb.ana 165 SPECIALS MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS A REAL. BUY AT $3.98 A PAIR We have a Fill Line of Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoes Men's au. Boys' Work Clothes, Shirts, Etc. Give Us A Calll 1 Jeans, Overalls, FRESH GROCERIES IN STOCK rr BLAKE I STORE g., 4m.n thwartlentruber, Prop. Ph -one 11 -V oasaumsessarsomasaustemumeastawarteaseasurssimossmemsamatassmst.,], A 44 1 4 4 1 •