HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-03-14, Page 5ZURICH HERALD Authorized as second class mail, ALVIN ..WALPE'R Borst Office Department, Ottawa, PROVINCIAL Licensed Auctioneer Tor your Sale, large or small.; 'Court - OM and '"Efficient Service +tet 'all Ones. Phone 57 r 2. DASHWOOD CONTRACTING MOBILE DISPOSAL RONALD G. McCANN PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Tones: 561 Office Royal Bank B. 455 Res. Ratenbu'ry S.t i .INTON - ONTARIO G. 13. CLANCY Optometrist — Optician - (Successor to the late A. L. Cole, optometrist) For appointments phone 33, Godericb - Ont. ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER /OFFICE - Corner Ann, William Sts. Phone Exeter 504 Ideptilc Tank Cleaning , Repairs on Drains, Watermains, Etc. New Instalation's ton Cement Septic Irauks, Drainage Tile and Drains Ph, 2105 Grand Bend Th. 205 To meet Your Requirement Drs. COXON & LEITCH VETERINARY SURGEONS Mies with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store Pbione 96 z-.- ZURICH Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association For artificial insemination infor- Iraation or service from all breeds of tAttle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at, Clinton En 2-3441 between 7:30 and 9:30 A.M. We have all breeds available - bop quality at low cost. N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street — Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ' ELMER D, BELL'. EXk TER = PHONE 4 C. V. LAUGHTON, L.L.B. . 'Tuesday, 2 to 5 p.m. at Zurich, At Township Clerk's Office - MEAT NIARNET WITH MEATS of the BETTER KIND For Over 50 Years YUNGBLUT BROS. ZURICH Phone 57 SERVING THE COMMUNITY O'Brien -'s Produce Highest Cash Prices Paid for CREAM- EGGS - and POULTRY LeRoy O'Brien. Proprietor PHONE 101 — ZURICH Zurich Creamery LOCAL NEWS Mr and Mrs, Chris Erb spent a day at London recently. Mr and 'Mrs C. L. Smith Balled on relatives in Seaforth last Thurs- day. • (Mas 0, Winter and her another, Mrs. Juttner have returned from a several days visit at Toronto. Mrs, George Farwell nr �i,ending a few weeks with relatives .at Kiteh- ener. Mr and Mrs Roy Oliver or. St. Marysa spent Sunday visiting' at the home of Miss. 'Charles Weber, also cat1ed on other relatives and friends. Miss Pearl Wurtz has returned home ,after spending several -days at the home of her. sister, Dr. and Mrs, 11.:F1. Cowen, Exeter. :Mrs, Lee W. 'Hoffman was a Sun- day visitor at the home of her diili- gh'ter, Mr and .Mrs. Harvey Pfaff' at ,St ,1larys. .li' . Shelia .Sc�hilbe, .a.cconrpanieu by i1'lr. John Teevin of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs. 11i3tfred Schilbe. .Ma:s..'Daniel Weber of lias;nwoocl, and 1d•aughter. Thelma sof Lono,on, were week -end visitors at the name tof the former's daughter, lVIr and Mrs.. 'Clarence Schade, 14th Con. FREE 5 piece place setting of Sterling 'Silver value $29.50. Any of the popular Intern.ational. Silver Patterns "Prelude" Royal. Danish. Joan of Arc." Buy 3, get one free; this is a special offer, don't miss it. You can have a complete place set- ing at Hess, the Jeweller, Zurich. Mr. LeRoy O'Brien motored to Gait on .Sunday to visit at the Home sof iMr and Mrs Clarence Hoffman. Mrs. O'Brien returning home after spending several days in Galt. They also called on Miss Ida Brill at the Eventide 'Home, Galt; and Mrs J. W. Horner at •the hone of her grandson; at Kitchener. Both ladies were for- mer residents of Zurich and are get- ting along nicely. Mr. Gerald ,Sreenan who spent the winter months at Kirkton Lake; Mr. Charles Sreenan and sister, who spent the winter in London, have all returned to their nice farm home near Blake for the summer months. Gerald advises as that while ne did enjoy the winter in Northern Ontario but with the mercury drop,pingas low as 60 below, that seerned a bit chilly for us in these parts, but there was no wind when it did dip down• Farm Forum Parr Line Forum— Feb. 25, Parr Line Forum met at the home of Mr and Mrs Stewart Blackwell with 15 members present. The topic for discussion was for the second time "The Gordon Commission." Af- ter listening to the broadcast, the for - urn discussed the question in the nam- phlet. 1. The Gordon ComrniPS i on. forecast a prtigraSsive industrializat- ion of agriculture; large farms, few- er farmers,greater mechanszai ori; and so>on� (a.) Whit'e's •the mast bnportant problems that .you rase in making these changes?. (b). How should these problems be met? Answers (a) In our own district we do' not think that there will be any drastic change in farming. The Ontario farmer cannot get enough capital to expand any more. We have no crystal ball, and so therefore we cannot 'predict .What problems we will be facing 25 years from now. After the discussion pro;•. euchre was play- ed Winners: ladies, Mrs.• Gordon. Coleman and Mr. Eldon Jarrott ; Gents, Jack 'Solran and Howard Ad- kins. The next meeting will be held at the horse of Mr dnd 'Mrs. Eldon Jarrottwhen the topic will be "And Never The TwainZ Sh.,all Meet? to Farmers, Workers Have Common Interest." FOR SALE A quantity of good table stock Potatoes. Apply to Fred Ref ler, Phone 121, Zurich 4~t" Your Home Market for Cream, Eggs • and Poultry HIGHEST CASH PRICES .PAID PLUS A PREMIUM . FOR DELIVEED CREAM. WE ARE EQUIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT ACCURATE SERVICE.EGG AND POULTRY DEPT. IN CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS Chas. Minshall, Proprietor FOR SALE A pure bred .Durham. Shorthorn Dull, 14 months old. -- Ted d-Taberer 2aar1ch. 2t* NOTICE Faris Land to Rent or on Shares for '195'l. --Phone 94 r 1.13, Zurich c FOR QUICK SALE A small sized Refrigerator, used only a few months,. Apply to Tolly Warm, 'Zurich. fir. Appointment, Dashwood 27 r 13 J. NORMAN GOWAN Bookkeeping and Income Tax Service arepta' Hay P. 0. "Andy's" Lunch FISH & CHIPS .and LIGHT LUNCHES 'Try Delicious York Ice Cream for Picnics and Parties, in ATTENTION Bricks, Half Gallons and 2% Call ,at Rader & Mittleholtz Gallons Hardware Store and they will li:elp you solve your problem cutting wood. - See the TENDERS WANTED New Pioneer Chain Saws, CALL FOR TENDERS -- The undersignti.d will accept tenders up (I,E,L.) to be offered I -until 6 p.m., March 213rd, for in stallation of an oil heating system in. Dashwood 'Zion Lutheran Church:. Prices wanted, on broth 'warm air and hot swatter systems. For further in- formation contact V. L. BECKER, Dashwood, ,Ontario., 2te FOR SALE A number .of 'Weaner Pigs. Also Buick Car 1940 modal,. cheap. Ap- ply Charles S. Bedor, :Ph. 78 r 15, Zurich. 1t 4' NOTICE Will.•tlre person who borrowed a set of booster battery cables please return same to Prang's Garage, Zur- ich, Ont. 2t" FOR SALE „Sprayed Apples For Sale ,Crreenings, Baldwin, Peewalkee arid Salome, $i.50 a bushel and up. —Fred MaClymont, 1 mile south of Varna: 2tc FQR. SALE 0 Acres pasture land with runn- ine Wates, E. P. Lot 15, Conc. 8, HO Township. Apply evenings -- Mrs. Therese Hartan R.R. 3, Zurich, (Ph. - Dashwood 26r12. 3t1` Seed Grain For Sale OATS ---Commercial Rodney seed Oats. for sale ,Phone 93 r 10,Zurich Seed Grain For Sale Seed Oats, Rodney variety, from. 2 'Shorthorn Cows 7 yrs. old. Al- certified seed. $1.00 from bier, or. so •one Shorthorn Bull 1 years old. $1.10 cleaned. —Leon Bedard, Ph. Phone Clinton Hunter 2-3233. 2t" 87 r 2, Zurich. 8t: t • • 1 • • a • • BE PREPARED FOR SPRING! • Seed and Fertilizer prices are at their Iowest now. • Order • • • 1 a • • FARMER S! your ..Seed Oats while supplies are good 1 1 1 6 0 a C. ANDERSEN B.A. Station - Dashwood OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Brady Cfeaners on. the table the meal is ready Be Your Menu Maker! YOUR BAKER not only suppPiee Laundeteria Ltd. -Exeter delicious wholesome bread for your table—bread for your recipes. Out Complete Sanitone Cleaning of his fragrant ovens come all man - Laundry and Storage Service Her of mouth-watering goodies to Pick up Mon., back on Thurs. crown the menu of every meal! Frag- Pick up Thurs., back on Monday. fmon Buns ors Coffee Cake b'eakf st.. lusciousn fruit -filled (Local Agent) EARL OESCI-I Barber Shop Zurich treats for luncheon..piping hot Par ker House Rolls for dinner. Bread in variety, too, for snacks any timd of day or night. So don't get wrink. les worrying about variety in meals -- let your baker be your menu maker, See what's on his tray today! G. A. WEBB, D.C. *Doctor of Chiropractic 438 MAIN STREET, EXETER X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open Each Weekday Except Wed. Tues. & Thurs. Evenings 7-9 For Appointments - Phone 606maamisgesseau.szeraPHONE loo — ZURICH essaammessionsav - .s®tee tY Your Hthdwaie tore • WE SUGGEST— ; Have a look at our Paints, and select your color • and kind suitable for your need. ••• We carry the usual full line of Shelf and Heavy • ▪ See Us for your Heating Equipment or New 4, Bathroom. 4 4 We Specialize in:— Tasty -Nu Bakery Hardware f 4 • •'4 and prices reasonable. Garry, Rodney, Simcoe, Ajax and Beaver seed Oats in stock BARLEY CONTRACTS Are now available with FERTILIZER SUPPLIED. Plan Your Acr,t;age Early! 1-HENSAU. The Wold's Day of Prayer will be observed in ''.e 1J"ted Church, Fri- day, March a `. . p.m. Carmel and Bt.. Paul's Anglican churches will unite with them. Mr and Mrs Murray Mccreery, Sharon and Donna, left on Friday of last week for London, where tht.y will take up residence. Mr. Ed. Little of Hensall, had the misfortune• to suffer a fall Saturday night and fracture a bone in his foot Mrs. 'George Hess of Hensall is spending a week with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs. J. L. McCloy and family of Toronto. Wester Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK owl LARGEST RESERVE BAT, .NCL OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- PAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS 061111 THIS RIND IN ONTARIO .. -RATES ON APPLICATION E. F. KLOPP - ZURICH :AGEN.T ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING RODS AND ALL -KINDS OF FIRE INSURAN'V FOR SALE A number of Registered Ayrshire Cows and Heifers, due to fresnen in March and April. Apply to Hilton Truemner, Phone 85 r 11, Zurich c Salesman Wanted Rawleigh business now open in Huron County. Trade well establish- ed. Excellent opportunity. Full time Write at .once. Rawleigh's Dept. C- 458-189, 'Montreal, P. Q. Phone 24 Ltd. HENSALL • 0 • • • • • • s t 1 • 1 s Salesman Wanted Enter the selling field! Join a PROGRE$$IVE COMPANY - Full or part-time agents .make LARGE E A R- NINGS selling household necessities, toiletries and farm specialities Open- ings available in your surroundings. \Vh� •ret er you may live ask for de- ailand free catalogue. 1600 Da- ' 'i. :der Dept. ,-ill Station 0. Montr- i Brand New... PTO driven with clutch for easy cleanout 95 bu. The . N! IF.._ spreader farmers have been asking for Easy and safe to handle. Quick latch PTO connection —PTO shaft permanently shielded—adjustable parking stand—throw-out clutch for easy cleanout. Spreads it best. U-shaped triple staggered teeth —10 individually replaceable paddles designed for wider spreading—slanted arch—five unloading rates for each tractor gear. Lasts longest. Guaranteed a year --pine box water re- pellent Penta -treated ---full length steel flares—steel end- gate—greater value at trade-in time. Come in and see it TODAY YOUR m■:a IPA", DEALER Farmers use more New Idea spreaders than any other make ANNOUNCEMENT I wish to announce that Hensall District Co -Op has taken over the 0taco sales and service which we have had the Pleasure of supplying our custoirers arid:friends for -a number of years. 'We are holding the full plowshare line including Cast and Ductalloy shares but only this. The change has been brought about by the ever-increasing lines of New Idea and we have lacked both implement space and bin space for part.. It is our sincere hope that this new arrangement may give more efficient service for those concerned. We have a good stock of New Idea parts son hand and intend to build this stock up to meet the needs of the -community and grow with the new lines which are coming soon. Sincerely --- JAS. BEN'GOUGit .JIM'S MACHINE • SHOP Phone 9-V,I - Hensall, Ont. 4 0 1 } 1 'PLUMBING - HEATING - TINSMITH? NC Rader & Mittieheltz ® Hardware Phone Zurich - 63. 1 3 • 4 • • • • a • • ta• Winter Footwear liedu Caps WE ARE OFFERING THE FOLLOWING AT THE PORSIBLE LOWEST PRICES: Men's Thermo Boot, Reg. $11.95 for $9.95 Men's Thermo Boot, 4 -buckle reg. 8.95 for 7.95 Men's Hi Losh, reg. 5.95 for 5.25 Women's and Children's Shoes from 10 to 15% off SEE OUR LUGGAGE WE STILL DO SKATE SHARPENING Oesch Shoe Stot e Phone, Res. 130. Store 82 • • • • • • i • • 1 • 1 • 10 • a 6A • • • • • • • • • 1I • 0 order Your SEED GRAIN AND GRASS SEED EARLY SUBSTANTIAL DISCOUNTS ON FERTILIZER FOR EARLY DELIVERY TRY OUR NEW HOG WARMER FOR RESULTS Hogs Shipped Tuesday and Thursday Cattle on Saturday Hensall District Co' Phone Hensall 115. • • • • • O • • • • z 1 1 w 00 • • • • 1p Zurich 220