HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1957-03-14, Page 1UR Established 1900 Mixed Card Party AND FREE LUNCH AT Town Hall - Zurich ON MONDAY EVE. MARCH 13 At 9 o'clock pm. ADMISSION — onsored by Zurich, ;C.W.L. • Everybody Welcome NOTICE - ,FARM UNION MEETING Will be held in Town Hall - Zurich On THURSDAY MARCH 14th, 11: I' • riled on to facilitate efficient pxQ ion. — Federal and Prov. niar oards should be set up to efficient marketing.—All pt sold on the domestic market be protected by a parity Price port. program set one year „ vance.—All 'produce sold on tb:,;/. s anestie market would be sold at ket prices and anarket, than the agreed- parity prise, he difference 'would be paid by the 4. direct to the producer in the of a defeciency 'payment. —Parity should be Main-omen<on only an agreed maxi -nun of aeh Zurich Bantams gained the final farmer's production. All iprodueW above the agreed anaxivan woui -he sold in the normal manner al-Myron:1d not be elegible for deficiendy,'3iay- ments. The Council also made recomMinid- ations on grain marketing, soil servation and land use, The . Cr, Nest Pass Agreement, Nationalization of the Can. Pacific Railway, Equitable Place of Activity parity on imports St. Lawrence T- way Project, Federal aid te edue.t-. With this nice favourable weather ion; appointment of a transport thn- Mr. Gerald •Gingerich as losing no troller, unemployment insurance; in time in excavating for his new place come tax, and a national heath n- ;of 'business and dwelling, 'which he surance plan. The delegation-. ats"o intends erecting as soon as he can.. urged that a floor price ,of ?Np Earl Thiel with his powerful mach - per cwt. be established for all rirlOc. anize'd shovels and tractors is doing; ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY M Card of Thanks - My sincere thanks to neighbours and friends who so kindly remember- ed me with 'cards, treats and flowers during, my stay in Victoria Hospital. —Allan Gascho. Card of Thanks I wish to thank my neighbours and friends and especially Mr. Menno Oesch of Zurich and Dr. Goddard of Hensall for cards, treats, etc., for kindness given me while I was a patient, at South Huron Hospital at Exeter and at home. Mrs. Albert Bedour. NOTICE Any accounts owing the Zurich Hockey Club mustlbe handed in by March -30th,. 1957, After that date the Club will not be responsible for any outstanding accounts. — Club Management. Ferd. Haberer, Treas- urer. Emmanuel Evangelical 4:k.i.so at Greenway on Monday March. UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH 1.1th. Interesting Speakers will be Rev. A. M. Amacher, B.A., B.D, :present at both of these meetings. , Minister Mrs. Milton •Oesch, Organist. TENDERS \XI ANTED March 14th, 8 p.m. --Ladies' n FOR THE SUPPLY OF CEMENT .S. TOWNSHIP OFHAY Sealed Tenders will be received by gV.S.1,1 Annual Meetmg unday March 17th 10 the undersigned for the supply of eer Day .Service. ' 100 lAgs of cement laid down in theTheme:—"An Interview With an oldl tIay Township shed near Zurich. Pioneer." • 'Cement to be delivered during the 11 a.m—Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—Lenten •.Service in charge . of the Ladies' Aid and 4V.S.W.S. Rev. Albert C.Vlartin wi1l be the,gvest speaker on Sunday evening. All are ;welcome. 'weeks .froan. IMay lst, to 15th. 1957. Tenders to be in the hands of the "Clerk by ,March 30th, 1957. Lowest 'or any- tender not necessarily accept, H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk, Treas., Township of Hay • Zurich, Ontario. , Farmers "Union' The Annul Brief Ion general:AV:4' edict 4 -144,444*,40,0*49v.sr",,IA 7 • ' thetInterprovincial ,Parm Union .t39- I wish to express my sincere thanksiuncil to the Federal Gov't: Feb. 19, -to my neighbours and Memos for and- 20th. The Council, supported by tzards and visits. Special thanks for a delegation of 90 Union members prayers. Thanks to the Catholic from B. C., Alberta, Sask., Man., and Womens' League for their cards , Ont:, met the members of the Cabin - and lovely basket of fruit. Atso the et, the Conservative Party, C.C.F. Parr Line Farm Forum for their Party, Social Credit Party and the lovely box of treats and cards. Per- Prices Support Board. Gordon Hill, conal thanks to my friends for flow- Varna, director for Huron and Perth' ers, while I was a patient in Clinton attended. The following recommend -I Hospital. --Margaret Mousseau, Hen- ations were incl-uded in the Brief: —Continued research should be car - 1, a. s•••••••••••••••••••••• • 0* H FFIVIAN'S Arrange Funeral Service To Or From Out -Of -Town -Points • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • 04..4 o 4.-0.4 a +41 4, .44 • ...Ir.** • • Wank Wherever funeral service is required, to or from any place in Can- ada, the United States or other points of the globe, Hoffman', as members of local and national funeral director's associations, can handle all the arrangements. You are always assured the quiet effi- ciency of Hoffman's service. T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME • • 4.• • 4. • • 4. • • • • • • • • • • • Funeral and Ambulance Service • • 24 -Hour Service DASHWOOD Telephone 70-W • •••••••••••••••••• *********** • • ••• 40.* s.,••• *4. •• 4, ••• Thiel's Superior Food Market Specials FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Heinz Tomato Ketsup 1 I -oz. Bottle 24c Quaker Oats 3 -lbs. Box Ellmarr Peanut Butter I -6 -oz Jar • 36c Para Dog Food with gravy 2, I 5 -oz. tins 25c Maple Leaf Weners 2 -lbs. for 75c Maple Leaf Bologna, unsliced lb. FOR THE BALANCE OF OUR SPECIALS SEE THE LONDON FREE PRESS EVERY THURSDAY! 29c Phone 140 - C. H. THIEL - Zurich R G, MARCH .14 L957 '•;.ss Forum Postpones Meeting— Parr Line Farm Forum meeting scheduled for .Monday 1.1th, was postponed owing -to the death of the late Rev. N. D. McLeod of Kippen. ZURICH SIX WIN 11.1 round in the oavmA Bantam "D" playoffs last Thursday 7th, when they ousted PlattsVille by a 3-2 score, taking their best of three ser- ies two straight. Bobbie Johnston scored all three goals for Zurich, and these boys deserve a world a credit for their fine showing. other than -that used in the fluid niar- the work, and with these modern ket. Hon. James Gardner, ,Mger. methods how easily it is to this Rind of Agriculture, commented that of work and how quickly it, is done. cause of continued representatren:ilic We were just thinking the -other day I.F.U.C. was influencing our 'think-. witching-thisequipment, if the labor ing and wearing us down. Hon. anrily -tiht built the pyramids in aer Harris, Minister of finarke Egypt could 'come to life and see ated "No one has nore right to elaiintherw things are done in. this modern on the Federal TreasuryAhan fan -,age, what a surprise they would get. ers." About 20 Union menillYers.;#' fury Blames Motorist presented Ontario. ClaraAS JHacoWbe,911V11.9'.al; Laird Jacob - an&" 'faniiiVs Mrs. Oscar Greb and . 44P.givet" 10,4; A boys sperit;'StridayW4th''iiiir Urban Pfile. Walther League— The Walther League of Zion Lu- theran Church held their regularme- eting. last Tuesday evening with Miss Dorothy and Wallace*.Woltegram of Seebach's Hill, the former a membei of the District Executive as guests. She addressed the group en "Service' Games and lunch .followed. Mr. Siegfried iMiller of Waterlon, and Mrs. Charlotte Biesenthal of RC. AF., Clinton, spent the week -end with Mr and 'Mrs Rudolph Miller. Mr and Mrs Fred Weiberg and Howard returned from vacationing in Florida. Mr and Mrs Ervin Latta of Waterloo. and Miss Kay' Webber of Kitchener were week -end visitors with them. Mrs. Garnet Wieberg of Waterloo spent the week -end with Mr and Mrs Victor Tyler. Mr and Mrs Glen Brown of Kitch- ener spent Sunday with .Mr. Wein. The 16 Dainty Doers and their leaders Mrs. Sid Baker and. Mrs. Chas. -Snell and a number of mothers at- tended 4H Achievement Day held at Seaforth District -High School on Saturday. They presented a demon- stration "How to prepare fabric for Cutting." Each girl received a 4-H. sterling silver teaspoon. W.S.W.S. Meeting— The WSWS of the Evang. U. B. church held their annual meeting on Friday, ;March 8th. Mrs. C. Snell was chairlady for the program; Ly- nda Tiernan, Mary Jane Hoffman*and Shirley Bender sang a trio; Mrs, Kipfer favoured -with an accordian, solo. Mrs. George Link it/trod:06d • the guest speaker, Miss Audrey rink- beiner, :Missionary from St. Luc:ia, British West indias, NVho neon her work and also showed slides. Offi-cers elected were: President, Mrs. Carl °est:reicher; Vice pi'es.- Letta Taylor, Mrs. J. M. Tieman and ;Mrs. C. Snell; secretary, Mrs. Stew- art Wolfe; Corres. secy., Mrs. Lloyd Eagleson. Knechtel at Petersburg. Dashwood W.I.— (Intended for last week) Mrs. Letta Taylor, Vice -pre. pre- sided for the meeting Which was in charge of the community activities group. Roll -call was answered by greeting the lady to your right. Mrs •Syd Baker was appointed a deTegat4 to the- Officers' Conference at Guelph New curtains on , the Club windows purchased by the W.I. were noted. Mrs. Ken ,McCrae was appointed con- 'ener of the next meeting in the ab- sence of Mrs. Allemand. A bus will take the Dainty Doers and their mothers to Seaforth en Saturday for Achievement Day. The norninatin committee was appointed to bring, in a slate of officers for the new year. Mrs. Harold Kellerman, Mrs. Rud. Miller and Mrs Milfred .Merner make up the Committee. All reports mtvt, be given next ineetings Mn. ,}laiole Kellerman presided, ; 4 •*,t, "..Death of a 60 -Year-old Exeter man ..!;4141..n S. 'McBride, in a highway crash Feb.;*was attributed to negligence art of ;Glen Nixon .2X„,. of Chester L. Smith, Publisher. Subscription in Canada, $241 a Yea* Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.51. NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH • Prop. SPECIAL FREE OFFER INTERNATIONAL STERLING SILVER 5 PIECE PLACE SETTINGS BUY 3, GET ONE FREE PRELUDE ENCHANTRESS, ETC. PATTERNS DON'T MISS THIS SPECIAL SETTINGS OFFER OF FREE $29.50 PLACE LIMITED TIME ONLY A. G. HESS .r CERTIFIED WATCHMAKER and JEWELLEL ZURICH - ONT, RAGS, RUGS and CARPET, On a New Modern Loom, Made Order — SETH 0. AMENS, ZuricAl Ont. Phone 128, 'blue cam* Join Our Ma y Hosts For Dependable Heat sit Winter LOW, Call: LORNE E HAY LOCKER SERVICE ROE FEEDE Phone HENSALL 44110ZIENIIIk raeeesee••••••9•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••ait • • ,tExter.. on Tuesday. the Jury .found that Nixon was driving too close to a transport truck he was following before pulling out to as - ford himself to view the highwayla}, his left and also it was dangerous to - attempt to pass under encumst- • ..an.ces..of road and weather condit- ions with limited visability. The - transport was travelling at 45 miles per hr...Which was fast enough for. any traffic under those conditions. Coroner Dr. J. C. Goddard of Hensall presided with Crown Attorney Glen Hayes of Goderich, also offictat.mg. Had Fine Concert t Education week Program with School Music, and public speaking' held in the •Community Centre, Zur- ich, on Friday evening, was a decid- ed success; with the large hall pack- ed to the doors. The concert by the' teachers and pupils along with their music instructors need to be congr- atulated for their splendid work a- mong the students who- so ably took their parts with a smile and cheer.. William Sytsna held first prize for - public speaking contest from S. S. No. 12, 14th Con Hay; Donald. 0' - Brien teacher Miss Patsy Brisson of' Zurich School won second prize. There were several other good slic- kers, all received a donation. William. and Patsy took the prize gifts. They' all did -their best and we are glad' for such a group of fine speakers„ who are -willing to give of their Went in their younger days, with thi's op- portunity. We wish them well. This being one of the finest school' con- certs held in the community.. Want to thank all of them for the splendid evenineas performance'. Mr. Victor Dinnin being- chairman for the evening, Women's institute - The regular meeting of the Zurich Womens' Institute was ited in the Zurich Town Hall on TuesdaY,- even- ing, March 5th. "Mrs. E. Hey took 'Charge of the program; Miss Grace Erb played the opening. on the piano. Praying the Lord's Prayer - The In- stitute 0 -de, along with .community songs was enjoyed. 1Mrs., W. ".A. Sie- bert gave an interesting reading. A Motion sank by iMiss Helen Grainger and Mr. Roy McAdams was well given. Mrs. Menno Oesch gave' a reading and ;poem, this brought fond memories of years gone by. Mrs. Harold Stade rendered it sprendid piano solo. rMiss Phylis Grainger gave tap dancing in a lovely manner. Rev. Father D. Monaghan, -guest speaker, spoke on -Education and Citizenship,Parent Student and Teacher. Ali should work together and to realise the value of Education. Many good points were expressed and .beneficial A vote of thanks to all -who 'helped to make the meeting a success. 'Bus - bless WAS' in charge of the prosident Mrs. L. nose- Reportwere read and adopted, Refreshmenttvere ser- 1 •ved, Comm: 'Mrs. H. r;t17 .Mrs. pin,)1i$, MeAdainA, Mrs, Regier, Private Car 'Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service TELEPHONE: RES. 89W • OR 89J, ZURICH .110011100~1111011114/11111111111111000•00i /00.4111011100.11111111061001011,1119811( Lucky Dollar Food Store SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK -END Premium Sockeye Salmon, half's per cam— ***** Culverhouse Peaches, .20 -oz. cans .)5c York Tomato Juice 48 -oz. cans 33c Potatoes, P.E.I. 50 -lb.. bag . • .69 Quaker Tomato soup. LO -oz. cans, 2 for- 9c Menno Oesch Zurielt PRODUCE WANTED, Phone 145 SPECIALS MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS — A REAL BUY AT $3.98 A PAIR We have a Full Line of Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoes rxcl Boys' Work Clothes, Jeans, Overall • Shirts, Etc. Give Us A Call! M en's FRESH GROCERIES IN STOCK TOE BLAKE srropE Schwastzentruber, Prop., Phone 1147