Zurich Herald, 1957-02-28, Page 1'Established 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORI` ING, I1i3 h 1,1A 1,, 28 1957 T. J. "TOM" RAWLING•S Accountant Income Tax Returns• Phone33 - Zurich ANNOUNCEMENT 'EDUCATION WEEK PROGRAM with - with 01.00L MUSIC AND PUBLIC .SPEAKING 'Community Centre, Zurich 1+`R.ID4 t, aVIAfbCH' 8th. 8 p.m. Admission—Adults 85c, Hugh School Students 25e. - ATTENTION The C. W. L. are sponsoring a pre4'lenten DANCE on Saturday, -March. 2nd at St.' Peter's Parish Hall, :St. Joseph's. The .3Vlelody Masters Will provide music for your dancing "pleasure. Everybody cordially In- vited. Door Prize for the one with. "fie lucky number. Ban'uet Hensall District Cc, -Operative Incorporated fOT TURKEY BANQUET AND ANNUAL MEETING IN THE i 'Community Centre, Zurich -'Thursday, February 28tb. ri• liest:;: pP1 f ., juliaarkSnxAl l U.C.O. Service Division Time -7 p.m. Tickets $ .1.50 Ladies Welcome, Hance to follow Robert McGregor,, Bert Klopp, President Secy-Treas. HOFFMA.N'S Arrange Funeral Service To• Or Front Out -O f -Town-Points St. Joseph & Blue Water Area Birthday Thoughts Daily we read of birthdays and birthday parties in the columns of the Kress and also flashed over the air. Birthdays have a great signifi- cen•ce to each of us for they come. but route a year to all without exeep= tion, Ali of those passing ;birthdays are like a, dream or like one awak- ening from a trance, and no one as yet has been given the power to change it. Pause for a moment and then look back at yesteryears and sum up your actions; your deeds, and your every day doings. Where were your thoughts; your mind; your ambition, were " they all fur yourself; did you share them with. your fellow 'citizens; that is the qu- estion, for us to answer; w•riether we are in the prime of life or in ad- vaarcing years,. Have you gamed much of the earthly goods; have you .prospered well; have. you creates[ for yourself great honors among your fellow men, and at times have you been given praise: Look back in those many years gone by and see if you Were worthy of all that applause Are you c;onsc.iou; today of some 111 dead you have ssiran::t•:d-Le , ,ert these passing ;rirthcl:i,, , that it ,;:a serve for you to cf-:•..`s -ca- pc.it-- ion in lite; ail f that will Le..': acles that »rill. ? a hard to shake o7. Between birth -k -s and your"'; tie: cining years. Let us delve .7n' our past — Let us say, have We been generous to our neighbours; have we hurt them in words or actions; have we at tines imposed on their good nature, or their financial standing; that we might have made special gain by it have we robbed then or their honest character by using corrupt words against them, that they may be deserted by their friends; have we offered them alms in times of need or a handout to satisfy their hunger; consoling words in time ,of despair. Much more could be•salt between birthdays and not a, vetoed of it can ,be redeemed, for all of it 11»5 passed in oalivion. 'Prem:—One ibiri;liday 'to a zothe tris find ourselves one year Older; from one birthday to another we »add ,to our way lof living, and from one birthday to another we multiply oar actions one way or another, to those '.ba`40W'Cr4L"`�%.4'* .t':� = C• Gd, trW �SY ' .4 *Mani) fy • 4, Wherever funeral service is required, to or from any place in Can- a ado, the United States or other points of the globe, Hoffrean'6, as o ,0 members of Local and national funeral director's associations, can 0• •14' handle all the arrangements. You are always assured the quiet. ef{i- •0 ciency of HoRnnaan's service. T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME • Funeral and Ambulance Service 24 -Hoer Service DASHWOOD Telephone 70-W al,.ta ds a9 c2 Rr604.,l4.-•0- w, d®47,AL,ta4.4,,,p .bbd 40-44.17 E?6••4^R . tr w• • 44,44,0• , w a Thief's thr Food Specials k at FOR. 'Ta-IURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Crown Brand Cain Syrup, 2-1b. tin .. 79c .Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix, reg pkg 1 oc Domestic Shortening (recipe deal) 2 -lb. pkgs 65c Blue Bonnet Margeiie -quick bag, 1-1b. pkg 33c Cherry Morn Coffee, la, bag 99c Meats 2 lbs. ill einers for 75r. 2 -lbs, Bologna, for 59c., Fruits Vegetables Sunk'st Oranges 200 79c Lemons, 6 for . 19c Tomatoes, 2 pkgs '3, 9c Phone 140 C, .Irk. THIEL - Zurich of us who have practiced the act Qf live and let live, can expect on •"a future birthday a recompense a Iiu. r- dred fold; fir the part in good deeds and actions. For those who leave been selfish and- uneonsiderate they cannot eaepeet the • same -- For al- ready by their- last grasp they have received their fair share. Since yotr Chester L. Smith, Publisher. + Subscription in Canada, ;2.00 a Yea Subscription U.S.A., Year $2,1511. •`•°��6.-�.�"��'.._._... moi Mrs. Alfrgd Moritz last birthday, turn :,}lack the pages" of iVIrs. Alfred Moritz, 79, passed a - time and make a full review of the way at the Guelph General Hospital past year,, and your` (past actions, you on Monday, February 18th. Funeral will thein be able to determine for services were eonductdd on Wednes- yourself what you should expect, day, Interment was in Woodland Cemetery Guelph, IMrs, Moritz, the former Laura Kibler, ,was the' dau- g+hter of the late Mr and Mrs. Pied Farm Forum Unique Forum— •Kibler of Zurich. After her mar - The Unique Farm Forum, melt at ri•age she, resided in Montreal, faster the home of ,IVlr and Mrs Haror i Ilor- moving to Guelph. Besides .her nus- ner to discuss the topic' What s neat band, she is survived by a son and two daughters. Reginald, Guelph; :Mrs. John McVey, St. Thomas; Mrs Kenneth Acheson, Toronto; a sister, Mrs, Sam Oliver, Kitchener, and a brother, George Kibler, Norwich,and eight grandchildren. The iMoritz in Co -Ops"? Mr. Bert Klopp,'see& 0o -op branch manager, was chairr-lan for the evening and after listening to the broadcast the groups answered the questions: No. 1. What new ser- vice should the Ca -op: -in your com- munity undertake next? Our Forum family some years ago were frequent thought teat cream, eggs and ,poultry visitors at the home of the C. Fritz should be • marketed thrpugfh Co-ops. family. Also establish Cxedi�tcTJnion. Gener- Celebrates 87th Birthday ally speaking, the fields which appear Friends on Tuesday, Feb. 26th.most fruitful for expansion are pet- were congratulating Mr: William 0'- ro]eum products, and the marketing Brien of town on the occasion of of l:,roc.ess:ng and retailing of .farm pt`o ducts. With reference to question his 87th birthday which fellon that L•o xidone EIS day. Few people get to be that age, nancing should be `1' and Mr. O'Brien is not alone physic- VeS. past, is the should bees iredf r ally smart for his age, but intellecc- l- eac. Etiprts undertaking.. .hiredforually as bright as most people much plea,special ve arforme . er were younger. A real interest in spurts, pleased to have a former member of our Forum, Mr. Mervyn Stel'ck pre_ attending every hockey match with - sent at our meeting.in reach. Dresses warm ...and there T+he•''next meeting will be held 'at he is from start to finish. If Mr. the hone of Mr and Mrs. Thos. O'Brien were to sit down and tel] Meyers, .with Mr. Carl Oestreiener one all that he remembers that took to lead the discussion on the toliic place in these yoars in this commun- "What', Ahead." . Mrs. •Horner seer ity, it. would indeed fii1 a "good siz- ved a delicious lunch and. the niae4-, ed book, 'However he has rept up ing .closed with "The Careen."i with the ,.times, and that is what is i.' keeping hini. young. His many friends ÷ wish him many more birthdays with La 'WILL BE GREATLY 'MISSE33a },ti:,od health . ' fiATAL.;CRASHr NEAR EXETER N O R M A' S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACI•I - Prop, SPECIALPOONOMONMOMMoillidieNieAtgaiWraff ,451,060=20,1S0021113111111%= FREE OFFER INTERNATIONAL STERLING SILVER 5 PIECE PLACE SETTINGS BUY 3, - GET ONE FREE PRELUDE ENCHANTRESS, ETC. PATTERNS DON'T MISS THIS - SPECIAL, SETTINGS OFFER OF FREE $29.50 PLACE LIMIITED TIME ONLY Alvin 14eBrlde, 59, of Exeter, wa.sf f�.t+ai1 4 injured in a t�ko-car ,�collisieii. isvo res,north of Exeter on rues drat 1'J1kigoa 2 6th w t �;�,���m�•'.',�•.���;,;:.'<••Q••c.•;;>.c.K;:.s �'c��.s• R.R. 4;.5eafortl% tr"avel`[ing north on ,j ::,rL>cx;;,: :#�i?'�•:_. t ,, <;t�'Cs No. stS Iiig;hwasa old police he callitt- ed with .a soul:Wool 'car dei n_n" by i jp1, <4ri+�°',k> ``'ti.',?Y,�9 • *...., v :,i deride, who! was brought toj h.:�outll. Huron Hospital where he died shortly o. _ ..k•'} }•`NQ`s ;, �> r,, }�� v after admitted to hospital. A passenger'in his vehicle,, Alvin Nich- olson, 70, cif Anerold!Mask., is in the hospital with facial and leg injuries. Tota] damage was estimated at 61.200 Mr. ,McBride is a 'member of the well known Robt..Mcl3ride's who was rais- ed on the homestead Goshen north, 'Stanley. We knew Alliin as a boy land young Man, and was of the very finest types of citizens. Was a re,;i- I dent .o;f the. Iiippen district until last �p2inG when he moved to Exeter. Ne is a former Reeve of Stanley, and L. , H. '.ADE'R Ex -Reeve and Warden ,besides his mother, at Kipper, i.er In the recent publication of the leaves to mourn his loss his wife, the Hay fio\vil::liip T raugural Council former Rena ,McBeth, a son and a .Meeting we notice the name of a! daghter, besides his brothers and very fin, 1 ar pers°nell in the per: o±if'ietez•s. Funeral arrangements h sses of Mr. L. 11. Rader is missing. blr:.lnot been announced. Rader has retired from serving the i Women's Institute co:nmianity in tha council is their regret, as with his many years of On Tuesday evening, February 19, experience he was always in posit- 1957,, eonnnetiiorating the 60th an- ion to give the lir:st of advi_e, and niversary of the W. I. Organization always ;gave tri:•- :be•t of consideration and honoring the founder of the W.1, :a o` any subject under cliscu::sion, A. l ith a :-penial historical program, very aarairel)le record he has n`ade members, husbands and guests pros - with 31 years in municipal l;fe. 10 e•nt; a hot chicken dinner was ser - years 4ervire; on the clay Township ved at the Dominion House, Zurich. Council. Dining which time in 1)I]2 President, L3Irs. L. Rose opened the he was .-:..ior!d with the Huron Co- meeting with a toast to the Queen unty Wardens'hip. And during the by all. Cticnrmunity singing was led same year was noiu'nated an ear- -by Mr. Delbert Geiger, accompanecri vied the convention for the Conscr- by his wife, Mrs. Geiger at the piano. -ative party at a Doninion fly -EI- Entertainment was provided by Thies ection, being deflated by the now Dian Thiel' and Mr. Ronald Klapp, Senator Wm. Go;dnmg• of Seaforth.,who in their lovoIy way and high He was for 12 years a member on ,quality -contributed music, with piano the Provincial. Agricultural C:nm:cell r solos, duetts, songs, tap dancing, etc. in Toronto, Was a successful faint -1 A11 these were well given and recei- er for 83 years and tor.:i:• an interest t 1 vest with interest. in rail -rig fine horses, and for 25 Mrs. Leonard Erb read when W. years showed same winning 27-4 1. was founded at Stoney Creek, Ont. Firsts,, 6 ,Seconds and 7 Silver Cups. by Mrs. Adelaide Hondlecs in .181)7 Showing at London, Guelph and at ! on February 19th. It was organized local fairs around home, lin Zurich, in 1.914 at the home of In 1930 Mn.. Rader started truck Mrs. Minnie Fritz. Mrs. Newel'l ing live stock to Stratford, Kitchen -f Geiger introduced the guest spealtev, er and 'Toronto for 21 years, andl.Mrs. E. Desjardine of Grand Dead,. many customers - trrayed with him } District Pvesident of South klriron through ail these years. In 1 140 r who addresa.id the meeting and stees- he sold the farm tos sore Elgin, std the aims of organization that and moved to t as')u od He also stan(1; for ",Home and Coratltry". Al - owned a thrnhirg machine ,which lie so br-,up;11t words of encouragement, sold to his .son; Irvin of Dashwnol \Ire. Erb expressed thanks to both The truc@sin btsiness was ,:cid to tact speaker and this entertainer', another .son Lloyd, . Another ,ort, who Fittingly replied. President tinier and Mini -1y a1 the in Dash firs. L. Roe took charge or the tiii_- wood, lie ,being assistant. in the Hoff- ines;,, Reports were read by 'Mrs, L. Man Fattieral. Houle.. s .1rmstt•ong Secy., Mrs. Newell Geig•- Mr. Rader thatRh still very act- tr,;Treas., and adoptee. Other burirf- Ive, says he spends a lot of his spare ea's was transacted and the meeting time. watching television, avid his D diow'nrr1.- All saavessed the lovely many friends wish -hien and' -Virg.meeting and get-together,. not tor - 1 ader mashy weirs -.of 11 alt:h, tii;d ift•rttims tin: splendid dinner tlwt fiu'- happliine$s; k nik,Iigd the inner body. i. A. G. HESS CERTIFIED WATCHMAKER and JEWELLEL ZURICH - ONT. RAGS; -RUGS and CA `EB On a New Modern Loom., Made iktir Order — SETH 0. AMENS, Zwick Ont, Phone 128, Join Our Many Hosts Dependable Heat For Winter Long, Call LORNE E. HAY LOCKER SERVICE - ROE FES:& 4 Phone 10 FNSALE.. 0000 040 04 e 4. 4 0 0 ei .4 0 1,0147401111$ 014/4411rA674460.96 17i )6$02096raf,41 k7 ': t IA tot 9tittera, Licensed Embalmer caul Funeral Director Private Car 'Ambulance Service Ho fpital Bed and Wlhealchai for Re FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASiONS • TELEPHONE: RES. 89W OR 89J, ZURICH MallEUEl. NW's.; a ore SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK -END Lynn Valley Green Peas,. 1.5 --oz. cans, 8 tor $ 1..00 Johnstons Paste Wax (1,-3. extra 1-1b. can ..-..,.,c Robin Hood Family size cafe mix, choc or wht 35a Head Lettuce, 24's 2. for „-„,,25c, Stafford's. Instant Chocolate 11;', -,ib, can - 65c fkaii se i-.RutUUCE WANTED, E ri buie MEN'S RUBBER, BOOTS A REAL BUY AT $3.98 A PAIR We have a Full Line of Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoes Men's, ,and Boys' Work Clothes, Jeans, Overalls, Shirts, Etc. Give Us A Call! FRESH GROCERIES IN STOCK TIE TOR ,i”. •Schwartzent:ruber, Prop. Phone 11 ;r ih.iIAIAAk<.